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contacting angels..

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:21 pm
by kshitij
hello all.. i just needed some advice on this..
i've been getting prompts regularly (more often when i need them :)), on phone.. timers.. etc... angels even switched off a street light as a prompt..

so i started invoking them.. i had them in dreams (though i am not able to retain most part of them).. ive had lucid dreams as well..

the problem is how do i contact them... can they talk to me via email.. or sms... or just turn up physically... i realized i'd be a little freaked out to see someone enter from the window.. but would get used to it in some time...
i just wanted to explore other options other than dreams....

and one more thing.. how can i (safely) talk to a spirit if i want to.. he's like been coming in my dreams... but againi dont remember much....
waiting for the replies..

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:32 pm
by blue nova
Hello kshitij,

when i began walking on my spiritual path again...i started noticing small lights at night...ones that of course, could not be explained physically.

i have always been sensitive and believe in life after death.

so i then discovered meditation. stilling the mind in order to concentrate on Spirit. the more i meditate and learn more about it, the more i hear "them". i kept 'getting'..."go to Him..." meaning our Creator.

contacting teachers...guides...that's great ! we should get to know them.....but....we should get to know the One that's behind the teachers and the guides and the angels & midwayers... :wink:

dont rely on physical contacts...rely on mind to mind contact with them. i had to learn to clear my mind...declutter...the more i do the stronger my intuition...

so, i guess...that i would recommend intuition.....this is the best way for communing...the way to find your intuition is through meditation....


Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:51 pm
by kshitij
ok.. i shall continue to try.. thanks..

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:09 pm
by Petra Wilson
Dear kshitij, I agree with Anne! Not many folk are fortunate enough to have frequent contact, probably because we don't try hard enough on a daily basis? We want the contact, want the answers, yet seldom put in the tremendous effort to meet Them half way. I'm not having a go, I'm talking personally here, hehe!

Persevere kshitij, I'm sure you'll be successful!

Love, Petra xxx

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:19 pm
by kshitij
thanks for the encouragement Petra....

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:56 pm
by blue nova
sometimes, at night, i will kick back in my recliner chair and enter into stillness and call to "them"....and see what comes. if i am sincere in my seeking, they will come.

sometimes, i have asked them to touch me...they will. you can see their lights least i can. sometimes, they are small pinpoints of light..white, white-blue, gray, orange, sometimes red.

tis neat ! :D :wink:

my avatars...a lot of them are "ones" that i have the current one posted right now....


Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:24 pm
by kshitij
ooo thats nice.. ill try to.. tell me is it possible for me to do stillness exercise while lying down.. i think thats more relaxing!!??

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 5:27 pm
by blue nova
i like my recliner...its very comfy sitting upright. one thing that helps is no background noise...try and keep things as quiet as possible. if you happen to have noise that cannot be helped, it will eventually 'melt' into the background of your consciousness.

just like do not want fall asleep. if sleep happens it happens, but that time for meditation is gone.


Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 5:51 pm
by kshitij
see the thing is that there is one spirit that i know.. (good one).. he is trying to contact me and i am trying to do the same.. now he does come in my dreams.. but i do not remember what he says.. that is the basic problem... what do i do?? i am not strong enough to call him otherwise.. as in spiritually matured enough..

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 12:03 am
by blue nova
but i do not remember what he says.. that is the basic problem...
this happens to me often too. our souls will retain it and it will eventually come to our consciousness.
i am not strong enough to call him otherwise.. as in spiritually matured enough..
sure you can call are spiritually matured, you just may not realize it.

it just takes determination and sincerity on your part. if you want it, you will make it happen.


Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:38 am
by kshitij
thanks for the encouragement anne...

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:45 am
by blue nova
Good morning kshitij,

you are most welcome :D i have all the confidence in the world that you will obtain what it is that you desire.....

i never realized until just recently, just how much determination i have... :shock:

i have memories of "them" from my childhood...and i wanted "them" back in my life again, fiercly so... after realizing who and what "they" are.

we are souls that have incarnated into physical beings, for whatever reasons, every individual has their own reasons for being here.....we live in a physical world and sometimes, we forget about the 'other' life we have as souls....

to be able to talk freely about it not wonderful :?: :D :D


Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:50 am
by kshitij
yes its great to be able to find a group where u can easily discuss such issues.. even more great is the fun associated with it.. ok i know i am a college going guy.. so i dont take take spirituality as a boring lecture.. ""its the most fun filled scientific experiment i have ever been associated!!!""

thanks once again for the encouragement and help....

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 12:02 am
by ChildofGod
(link now gone)

I did a post on invoking your angel...I hope this can help you.


Child Of God

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 8:35 am
by kshitij
thank you liz...

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:37 am
by ChildofGod
You're welcome.


Child Of God

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 4:20 pm
by kshitij
hello.. here is some update...
i tried yesterday night to contact the angels and a spirit..
here is what i felt... i could feel the presence of the spirit.. but we couldnt communicate...
i was stilling my mind while laying down... i didnt come to know when i fell asleep.. and here is what i remember in the morning..
i remember feeling his presence.. but we could not talk.. as if there was a very strong barrier between us... something was stopping us from communicating... and (while in sleep) i couldn't help when he was trying to communicate... I was not able to move!!!!! ok this has happened before in these lucid dreams andi used to be quite scared.. but ive let the fear go.. i am no more scared.. but how i wish i could communicate....

thanks for all the help...

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:23 pm
by blue nova
but how i wish i could communicate....
that was the very thought that kept me is a divine quality ! keep at will happen. you just have to keep working at it...try not to keep high expectations...just go with what comes. tell the 'universe' you are done with your fears, you are ready to put them behind you... :idea:

try and keep the mind still...focus within.


Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:28 pm
by kshitij
thank u anne.. i really appreciate ur encouragement.. i did go to the temple today to sit in peace.. but there was too much noise there also.. and u can imagine what it must be like in a boys hostel!! lol

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:13 pm
by blue nova
and u can imagine what it must be like in a boys hostel!! lol

the only place i have is my house or the woods to meditate and pray.
i never realized how quiet it is here, i am thankful. i took it for granted, i will not anymore. it is of lately, that i crave peace and stillness...much easier to connect with God and Guru. :D
I was not able to move!!!!!
if it were me, i would not try to move...just relax and let happen, happen :wink: remember, Who is with you...all the time !! :D

'they' want us to hear them probably more so than we want to hear them, so, i believe, the only one stopping it from happening is us.

i have a slight fear of the dark, stemming from childhood, i am finding more and more (now) that i crave the dark.

i started sitting in a room by myself at night....i sat and faced my fear. when i felt comfortable, i went into stillness and called for my Teacher. had a wonderful experience...

i was determined....and it is working for me.... i am thankful for this.

fear is a block...i took a hold of my block/fear, looked it in the face and said to 'it'..." i am tired of you ! i dont want any part of you anymore :!: "

tonite, i will sit again in that dark room all by myself in the dark....i will keep doing this until there are no more bricks left in that block wall :wink:


Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:19 pm
by kshitij
thats a nice idea. ill do it too.. i dont fear the dark though.. ive been like interested in astronomy for the last 6 years.. so i really love darkness.. especially if u have a night sky over it!!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 1:58 am
by blue nova
something was stopping us from communicating
my apologies, i thought it may be fear that was stopping you, that's why i rambled on about mine , i read too fast sometimes :mrgreen: but, it is a good point :wink:

i wonder what was stopping you from communicating with them ? :scratch:
so i really love darkness.. especially if u have a night sky over it!!!!
that is lovely...especially with a sky full of stars :D


Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 6:31 am
by minkastar
blue nova wrote:sometimes, at night, i will kick back in my recliner chair and enter into stillness and call to "them"....and see what comes. if i am sincere in my seeking, they will come.

sometimes, i have asked them to touch me...they will. you can see their lights least i can. sometimes, they are small pinpoints of light..white, white-blue, gray, orange, sometimes red.

tis neat ! :D :wink:

my avatars...a lot of them are "ones" that i have the current one posted right now....

I see the same thing when I experience Angelic beings:)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 3:49 pm
by jfarris
Hi Guys :hithere

You know I frequently see those pinpoints of light too. But I never thought that they were associated with angelic types....WOW! :bom: (that is supposed to be head blowing up)

So, I'll remember this and see where it takes me :thumright:

I am thinking that these points of light are the same thing that John was speaking of in his recent post.

Anyhow, bye for now.

Much Love,


Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 4:27 pm
by Twinstars
Hi All,

Speaking of those pinpoints of light. I see those too, a lot lately, tiny luminous while lights. You're right Jody, I did write something about them a couple of days ago. I tried to fucus on one and it 'popped' like a tiny flashbulb. Made me laugh out loud. :shock: :lol: But I can't say I ever thought of them as angel types, until now. Who knows, maybe they are orbs that have decided to focus harder on Us... :idea: Shoot, just remembered I have an appointment!

Love to All, John :loves