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Ready to begin

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 12:26 am
by 1forlife
Hi my fellow friends. I'm new and have been looking around the forum for a few days, looking to see what it is that makes it seem like i was supposed to be here. I think i have my answer..
Just today i saw another 555 sign, and just seem to be guided to this site. I intend on using the Akashic Contruct Cd to get into contact with the spirit world, as I have read some pretty great reviews about this. I cant wait to be begin yet another exploration into the spiritual world. It almost seems like it never ends, and I do know that it doesnt.

Alot of what is talked about here, are things I have been learning about myself and would like to expand on. For example The higher worlds and are connection to them, the next steps one takes after this life and how to move easily into a higher plane. How to achieve my mission on earth is a big one for me, since we are all one, and all love, and thereby all GOD, i intend to use these tools Iam uncovering everyday, to find my particular puzzle piece and mission here. Its not just enough for me to have just one job or one field of expertise if it doesnt mean something. I need substance, and something that makes a difference in the world. Iam hoping my spirit guides can help me with this. As the ascended masters are also.

Lots of love to all you lovely people here, and as always, I Am forever learning with an open mind :)

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 2:27 pm
by Petra Wilson
1ForLife wrote:
Its not just enough for me to have just one job or one field of expertise if it doesnt mean something. I need substance, and something that makes a difference in the world.
Well, that is amazing, I had just been thinking such thoughts this morning on awakening.
I do believe I am contributing though, which makes me content!
The AC CD is indeed a good tool for communicating with one's Guides, Angels, Midwayer's, God! I usually experience communication with Divine Mother in my visulized garden. I learned it thanks to the CD.
Initially I was full of fear about all of this, but excited too. Once all the excitement passed and I learned Stillness, I found it got easier the more I practiced. I now have frequent OBE's, lucid dreams every night, and guided healings (if I'm lucky!!) I had an unexpected one 2 mornings ago. When I woke up I felt so alive, and in the NOW! I mean, I'm doing the distant healing, guided by a Guide, but I usually don't see Them, just shimmer, and we 'fly' to the patient together. Used to get there straight away, but I once thought: "Oh, I'd love to fly there!" and so it is now! hehe!

God bless Yourself, Petra xxx