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From Gall Stones to Wheelie Bins

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 12:47 pm
by Tox Laximus
A few months back one Sunday I was eating tea, which does mean I was chewing tea bags lol, 'tea-time' in the UK is the 5pm meal which for us is usually sandwiches, that should clear up any misunderstandings about English people wandering around with tea bags in their mouths...hehe

Anyway about 20 minutes after eating tea I got a really bad crippling pain in my stomach, so my dad rang an ambulance, the ambulance came and a paramedic gave me morphine which took the pain off instantly, then one of the ambulance crew said to me 'you don't recognize me do you, its me Gary', I then looked and said 'Oh, yeah, I remember', Gary was my brothers best friend from school some 15 years ago, most of his hair had gone so it was hard to tell, also at this point I decided to stop smoking.

So off we went in the ambulance to the city hospital which is about 12 miles from my town, to pass the time the Gary and his buddy were blaring rock music the whole time, Gary said to me 'is playing this music ok', I said 'Yeah, but the speakers are not very good, too tinny'

They dropped me off at the Leicester Infirmary to wait in a cubicle for a doctor, doctor came and they made arrangements for another ambulance to take me to the Leicester General Hospital, after a while the new crew came with a wheelchair and while I was getting into it managed to pull the cubicle curtains down from the ceiling straight onto the crew mans and mine heads, it was really funny, people came running from the desk to see what happened, I couldn't talk I was laughing so much.

During the ride for the Infirmary to the General Hospital a crew women asked me which crew picked me up, I told her Gary and his buddy, and she turned out to be the girlfriend of Gary's buddy, whoa another weird occurrence lol.

After the nurses set me up with a bed and a new Doc came to check me I settle down for the night only being woke for and x-ray and blood tests.

The next morning I decide to start smoking again, but disaster struck because I'd left my smokes at home because I had decided to quit, so off to the shops I went leaving the Hospital grounds, found a shop about a mile or so away, got some cigs and made my way back to the Hospital and noticed a short cut, and then walked past 4 wheelie bins in a row and on the front of each bin was a big '11' written in white paint, which made '11111111'

Not long after getting back to the ward the doctors decided to discharge if I had no problems eating at dinner time, which I didn't and went home.

I had been diagnosed with gall stones some months earlier to this, but the doctors did not know what caused the pain this time.


Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 2:03 pm
by lilly
Hi Tox,
That was a funny story. Some prompts are in the strangest places aren't they. :D
Love lilly xx

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 6:04 pm
by SheraX
Owe, from what I heard gallstone are very painful when they get caught in the ducts...

Funny bout the curtian. :lol:

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 6:58 pm
by nasra1996
Hello Tox, i don't think myself and Pet have welcomed you yet, with being fellow Brits, there aren't much of us on this board... Enjoy your humour too, ours is the best, ofcourse.... :wink:

So Welcome.....

Love Sarah

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 8:11 pm
by Tox Laximus
It true, our english humour is very stange to other cultures, wow can you see the length of my post :o

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:00 pm
by Petra Wilson
Funny! But I thought I had yesterday. In fact, I often wonder where my posts have gone and think: "Oh dear, was it offensive and another moderator deleted it?" I know it happened once :oops: but I was having some kinda breakdown at the time. ALL IS GOOD!

So hey hello and welcome Tox, have a good read of the FAQ to see what it's all about.

Love, petra xxx

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 4:02 am
by memawlaura
:D Hi Tox,

I just loved your story and than ending with the bins have 11 on them :lol: I say the prompts are very apparent and you need to know why. I'm not sure hat your poll question meant :?