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Post by Sandy »

Hi PP,
We darn near posted at the same time just a bit ago. You are quite welcomed. :D That is a good site that I found quite by accident while looking for a Lorikeet picture. The Lorikeet was the first Australian bird I saw on the way home from the airport when I first arived in this country. It blew me away with it's brilliant and even colors.


PP It was me who suggested copying this thread, but WOW would it take a lot of paper and ink! :shock:
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Here it is, have a look see. Apparently the 'Rejuvenation Center' does not have bedrooms. But there are lodgings just a short distance away, along with RV pads, 2.5 acres of grass, hot springs mineral pool, labyrinth etc.

I'll start a thread, let's see how things evolve.

I agree, anywhere would be good! I'm just thinking that we have plenty of time to think it all through. It sounds like we are all on the same page with this so far :wink:

Thanks for clearing up the 2012 date thing. I keep thinking I should read more about it, but I just don't have the spare time that I used to.

We have started the 'production' of the play. I think I've told you all that it is called "House Where the Fairies Dance". I just read the script last night, Nell Heller, wrote it and will be directing and producing it. She is a very talented and vivacious woman I am soo excited to be working with her and all of the writers, actors etc. They call it a 'writers theatre' because they write and produce the plays themselves. There is so much creativity and spontaneity the script continues to evolve... until the opening night and probably beyond that LOL! I now know what 'on book' means. I will be feeding the actors thier lines when they forget them, assisting with props etc.

I'll have to check out this bird site you are talking about!

Isn't Life Exciting!

Big Luvin's to All!!!
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Post by gypsie »

Dear God I have just logged on and again I need 2 hours to catch up :lol: I love this thread!!!!

Thankyou for explaining 2012 had no idea :oops: thank goodness you flow with words....

Just back from the wonderland of the 3 sisters in Katoomba (wish I knew how to do a URL link :roll: would love you all to see it.)

Collene read her thread in the healing forum when we returned (it was a clousure on chemo) she said "how do I thank all of these people?" then she cried I will log in there to say thanks tonight.

You know there really is something magical about this thread :idea: Arazona here I come 2012 in November at 11:11am surely we can bring this together?????
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Post by November »

peacockplume wrote: so I think us getting together on 11/11 which is Nov. 11th, is perfect for us 11 11ers.....and there are other vortex sites we could chose too....
You can all help me celebrate my birthday! :D Anyway, it sounds like a great time!

Sandy, I just got back from vacation at Cape May, NJ. Did Boyd fly away??? You don't have to tell the whole story again if you don't want to, but maybe you can point me to the link. I'm so sorry! BIRDS!!
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Post by gypsie »

Hi Nov
there is a thread obout boyd in healing requests I think or one very close to that..
Love Gypsie
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Post by Sandy »

Hello November,
You can all help me celebrate my birthday! Anyway, it sounds like a great time!
Oh We'll have the best celebration, birthday girl! :sunflower:
Sandy, I just got back from vacation at Cape May, NJ. Did Boyd fly away??? You don't have to tell the whole story again if you don't want to, but maybe you can point me to the link. I'm so sorry! BIRDS!!
How was your vacation? Cape May...I've heard of that somewhere before. ... :scratch: Is it a popular vacation destination?
Thanks for your sympathy. :( Since she is native to this country and so quickly found her own kind, I have great hope that she will have a happy life as a wild rosella. :finger:

Mo thanks for posting that link! It looks great doesn't it? :)

Sounds like you ladies had a great time Gypsy! That Collene sounds like a real gem. :happy

Love to all of you, :kiss:
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Post by November »

Sandy wrote: How was your vacation? Cape May...I've heard of that somewhere before. ... :scratch: Is it a popular vacation destination?
Thanks for your sympathy. :( Since she is native to this country and so quickly found her own kind, I have great hope that she will have a happy life as a wild rosella. :finger:
I read about Boyd on the other thread. I believe strongly that she will be fine. It's amazing to me how here in the U.S., we have flock of quakers and other parrots which adapted to their environments. Boyd is native to where she lives, so it will be much easier for her. She may have been living on her own for awhile before she came into your lives. Of course I feel for you because she became such a strong part of your family. I got a little teary myself, but I feel that she will make out ok.

Cape May is on the southern tip of New Jersey. It's a popular destination, but the thing that stands out to me is the architecture - it is still strong from it's victorian history,
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Post by peacockplume »

oh sometimes, this computer is not worth the hassel,

I just typed up a letter here, and my screen changed to say the web address wasn't available that I wasn't connected....

so I'm not attempting it again, right now,,,,,too tired....

love you all
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Post by Sandy »

Oh PP, I am so sorry! That has happened to me before too. It can be so frustrating! :( I now copy everything, just in case, before I submit it.

November, I love the photos! What gorgeous buildings! I always thought it would be fun to live in a house with those wonderful towers and odd shaped rooms. My parents stayed in this gorgeous old Victorian Bed and Breakfast once when they came for my youngest's wedding a few years back. It was decorated to the hilt with victorian furnishings and period memorabilia. Their room, as lovely as it was, I am sure I would have had a hard time staying in, though. They had a headless manikin with a period wedding dress in one corner. Can you imagine your surprise if you woke up in the middle of the night, disoriented and wondering where you were and getting a good look at that thing a shining back at you! :shock: No thank you! Not for me! Give me the plain room with no scary decorations Please! :lol:

How interesting that some of the escaped parrots in the U.S are able to survive the somewhat harsher conditions and even find each other. I know Boyd had a piercing call she would use when she wanted to know where George and I were. It echoed and reverberated and we could hear it even if we were out in the yard. Of course, we couldn't really answer her back, poor thing. We would just yell back we're okay we're here! The neighbors probably wondered about us from time to time. :oops: I hear that same call now sometimes in the distance and instantly freeze wondering if it is her. Thanks November, you made me feel better, and I agree with you. I think she is okay too where ever she is at.

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Post by aqualeaf »

Hello All of You!

Wow, it's been about a month and a half, and five pages of this thread have gone by, since I last wrote in, although I've been checking in and reading it whenever I get the chance. We seem to have gotten hugely busy lately, but I'm finally deliberately sitting down and making the time to write in! Despite not posting in a while, I think of you all frequently, and I greatly value being a part of this wonderful group!

As others have noted, it's pretty difficult to catch up on this thread after not posting for a while, so I won't attempt to do so this time around. I see that it might be an adaptive response on my part to start writing shorter posts, instead of my usual mini-novels, in order to stay a bit more connected and caught up on this thread! For me, that's possibly easier said than done, though!

My latest news is that, quite synchronistically, a couple of weeks after Ron and I were inspired to take a silk-painting class and practice the techniques we'd learned, we found out that a new co-op art gallery will soon be opening just down the road a bit from us, and that they were looking for local artisans to join. Ron's shown his stone sculptures in galleries before, so he wasn't intimidated by the idea like I was (I've always been an artist at heart, but, I'll admit, spent many years in hiding).

However, with Ron's encouragement, I joined Ron in showing them both of our work, (including our recent silk hoops and scarves, plus older art we'd each done and had sitting around -- my hand-bound books and handmade paper, Ron's stone clocks and beaded earrings, as well as some small abstract acrylic paintings we both regularly sat down together and made in the evenings for therapeutic purposes for a phase) -- and they accepted all of our stuff! Hurray! So we've really stepped up our art creation in the past month or so in order to have a backlog ready for when the place opens (though I'm not sure how much will sell or how fast). So far, the site of the gallery is being completely remodeled, but hopefully it'll open soon! And perhaps if we gain momentum and produce a lot, we can submit stuff to other galleries in the area too. I'd never dared consider it before, but if it were possible to eventually create art full-time and for a living, now that would be a dream job!

I've also continued experimenting with the henna, and for now, I've settled back upon a little darker coppery auburn as my favorite shade for the time being (as my latest avatar reflects).

Speaking of birds (Sandy, I'm sorry to hear about Boyd -- who I'll bet probably still remains connected to you mind-to-mind and heart-to-heart even from the nearby trees outside --, plus those rainbow lorikeet pictures were great; and PP, that's a pretty amazing story you had about the eagle in the road) just yesterday, we had our own really interesting encounter with a large bird: a large turkey vulture landed in a tree overlooking our back-porch deck and proceeded to spread its wings out full length and remain perched in that position for at least two full minutes, looking down at us! We hurriedly took pictures through the window with our digital camera, got a bad picture the first time and had to try again. As if waiting until we'd adequately captured the photo, s/he lowered its wings right after we'd snapped the last picture, then flew away shortly thereafter! It really seemed like a positive omen! Here's the photo we got:


I looked up the turkey vulture on line, and it turns out that several species of birds, such as cormorants, pelicans, storks, herons, and hawks, in addition to vultures, do these "spread-wing postures" in order to regulate their body temperature, dry their wings, and such. Interesting!

Plus, the turkey vulture is apparaently a very powerful Native American power totem. One website I found said, of this bird: "It glides effortlessly on the winds, soaring to extraordinary heights while using little or no energy ... The scientific name for the Turkey Vulture is CATHARTES AURA which means GOLDEN PURIFIER because as it goes about it's lifetime business it purifies the landscape and environment in its own natural way, ensuring the continued health and life of other living things. The Vulture is a promise that all hardship was temporary and necessary for a higher purpose ... Vultures live and work together, both in cooperation and friendliness. They communicate with friends and neighbors when they find something to eat. They let the others know where the food is. And when there is a big feast they communicate with neighboring flocks in distant roosts. Also, Turkey Vultures that range within California Condor habitat areas, when they find food they will go to the Condors and lead them to it ... Unlike the needs of nearly all other living creatures, vultures do not kill. Their prey either dies or something else kills it." Wow, despite the negative connotation of the world, "vulture" in our mainstream culture, the symbolism of this seemingly-unfairly-scapegoated bird is actually very positive!

Have any of you bird-lovers seen the documentary, the Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill? If not, I'd highly recommend it. It's a great story of this homeless street musician that befriended a flock of wild parrots living in San Francisco -- the birds (cherry-headed conures) apparently at one time escaped from a pet shop or some such thing, but the flock stuck together and inhabited a region of San Francisco called Telegraph Hill -- it's a great story, with a great surprise ending too, which I won't give away. Here are a couple of YouTube links to the trailer and an excerpt:


Another cool little occurrence worth mentioning is that as we were driving by the site of the under-construction art gallery the other day, a pick-up truck pulled in front of us with the license plate 4U77777! How cool a prompt is that!

This idea of all us 11'ers getting together on 11/11/2012 sounds awesome! I've never been to Sedona or that part of Arizona, but I've heard that it's really cool, and an energy vortex, as others of you have noted. Just to throw in a little more info on the area, I've also heard that the road between Sedona and Flagstaff is rather twisty and mountainous in areas (must be beautiful, I'll bet!), and at high altitude, so it's possible there could be snow and some potential adverse driving conditions there that time of the year. I know this doesn't phase lots of people, but it's just another piece of data to add to the pot (and one that I always consider when traveling, being a bit of a wimp about driving in the snow, I'll admit! That's one of several reasons I was so glad to move from Colorado to California!)

I also keep synchronistically learning about cool events, businesses, etc., lately that all turn out to be in Ashland, Oregon, also on the west coast of the U.S., and just recently, I also read that it is yet another energy-vortex area, like Sedona, and Mt. Shasta as has also been mentioned. Most likely it'd be pretty rainy on the Oregon coast in the winter, though. But it is certainly fun for us all to keep brainstorming about! I love the idea of saving up dimes and pennies in a can in advance for the event -- that really works; even after just a few months, I've sometimes taken in a jar of coins that I've been accumulating to the bank to cash them in, and it'll turn out they've already added up to like $100 worth!

Well, I gotta get going and get some more stuff done before its time to make lunch! Guess I didn't do too great at keeping this short, eh?! Oh well!

Much Love and Blessings to All of You,

AquaDeb LUV2

P.S. - I was trying to add emoticons into this post, but for some reason it's only letting me put them at the end this time! Probably the Universe's way of getting me used to writing these posts a bit more quickly! :lol: :roll:
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Post by gypsie »

HELLO AQUA DEB :hithere so cool to see you and I love your new aviator you look great and the gallery opening it's all happening!
You poor woman I had that happen and OUCH :bomb it hurts... I agree with Sandy's original idea this thread needs to be saved and printed, hey PP you and me would have so much fun just saving our post :lol: :lol:

Now here is another idea, what about meeting in Australia in 2012, I will be really old and I hate flying (only kidding) but in Northern NSW in beautiful Mount Warning we have a sacred space. It's a thought and I know an amazing retreat with a sweat lodge if required. Mo said Arizona wouldn't be boiling in November so would it be freezing?

I am really happy to join a convention committee, I have done stuff like that before, it is alot to get together but when everyone meets it is so worth it all. So my next question is does it have to be 2012?
Is there another year before then which holds such spritual importance? I am really serious about this and would love to be involved this end on the Auzzie side :salut: totally..
Now I am trying to work out how to post my pictures from the weekend I know Nicola posted a resize site and I saved it so I will have a go.

This morning I watched in horror what is happening in Burma, the people there are so beautiful (I loved visiting that country 16 years ago) and I feel such concern for the missing Monks, has anyone heard if they are ok?
I had a big cry in the car this morning over it such suffering is beyond belief and it reminds me how blessed I am to live where I do knowing my family can speak their thoughts. It is so special watching Jack on his debate team sharing his views, in a safe enviroment. Billy has the part of tashi's Dad in a play I sometimes take it for granted but we are so blessed.

Loving thoughts to all Gypsie :kiss:
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Post by Sandy »

AquaDeb! :D Well hello there!!!!

We have missed you, lady! You look just as gorgeous as always, and I have to tell you what you wrote is very syncronistic (sp?) for me. Earlier in the week I was trying to catch up and read some posts in other forums that I never seem to be able to make it to anymore...and I found a thread where thery were discussing animal totems. Someone, I believe it was motherhealer, posted a condensed list of animal totems. I looked but saw nothing on the list about vultures and I was disappointed because I have or had a strange affinity to vultures while I was living in the U.S. My eyes were always drawn to the sky (I'm a bit of a cloud watcher) and inevitably I would also see those wonderful and majestic birds. Quite often they took notice of me too and several times circled my deck for a time to get a good look at me. I used to try to reach out to them with my mind, but have to admit I never felt anything really other than a deep sense of awe and wonder as I watched them fly so effortlessly in the sky. So you see your information is very timely for me! Thank you for that! I loved the picture and the event you were treated to! It is a blessing to be taken into their world and feel their trust for a time isn't it?

Thanks for the URLs and I will definitely look for The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill when I am in the U.S. soon. (Very soon, next week to be precise. :shock: ) Gosh it is coming up quick!
I am so happy for you and Ron! Aren't you glad you didn't let fear ruin this amazing opportunity for you with the artist co-op. I can't think of anything more fun then pouring your creative juices into objects that will bring a smile to someone elses's face. You have a marvelous opportunity here I think to influence others and inbibe a little of your love and special qualities that are so endearing into the objects you create. Do you think we can pass these things on through objects that are so much a part of us? :scratch: (Not sure?) Can you tell I am in a rather philoshophical and peaceful place this morning. :lol:

Oh Gypsy it is very sad what is happening in Burma. I am praying for a loving solution for all those wonderful people. It really makes you think doesn't it? I'm afraid I too often take for granted the many blessing I enjoy. When you really take stock of yourself and your situation there is so much in life to be thankful for isn't there? :sunny:

Love you all, :kiss:
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Post by Morning Light »

Holy Gee Whiz!
Lot's to catch up on... can't do it properly right now though. :wink:

Gypsy, Aqua,
It is true the weather will not be the best for traveling in November! Lots to think about, I'm sure not everyone will be flying either. P'raps it would be better in the summer... did a thread ever get started on this subject... I know, I know... I was supposed to start one and forgot :mrgreen:

Sorry to hear about Boyd! I always feel better to see birds flying free, I know that if I could fly, that's where I'd be happiest, even if it cut my life short... what a life eh?

Aqua and All,
Yeah, Vultures are all about death and rebirth.... transformation... it is such a beautiful thing... for such an unpopular bird. They have so many wonderful qualities though!

Those victorian homes are beautiful. We stayed in a beautiful Bed and Breakfast while vacationing with Bruce... I'll have to learn how to post pictures on this site... I've never done a serious job of trying.. but I'll try to find the time.

These computers can be a real beepety beep at times LOL!

Lots of Love all Around!
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Post by ChildofGod »

:D People of the angel forum.....I rented it and I saw it TODAY........THE SECRET!! I'm just can't describe what I'm feeling..there are no words to describe what I heard with my own two ears. I must say that my eyes are so opened so's like I'm awaken all over again.

I just wanted to say also at the top of my lungs "I Feel Good About Myself and I Want the Whole World to know that!!!"

My goodness.......I have found the key to my life.......and I am putting it to good use.

Liz :D

I'm not sorry at all for saying anything in this post that's how ethusiastic I am.

Love you all to pieces.
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Post by MichelleP »

Hi Liz,


That is awesome and your new picture is great. You are just cute as a button.

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Post by ChildofGod »

Michelle Petkus wrote: You are just cute as a button. will not believe this but what you just said about me it's exactly what I think of myself....this is too much!! makes me happy.


Liz :D
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Post by Morning Light »

Hello Child of God!
I agree, it is a euphoric feeling to know that we can create a beautiful life for ourselves!

For me, it is an ever-evolving process!

As you seem to have figured out, it all starts with Self Love and that Love emanates out to everyone and everything!

I am enspired by your enthusiasm :D

Warm Hugs and Sweet Rays of Sunshine !
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Post by ChildofGod »

Morning Light wrote:I am enspired by your enthusiasm :D
Thank you my dear friend...I feel inspired by my ownself.

I want to develop a friendship with a male friend...I have two friends who are so worried that I will be hurt because "they say all men are the same". I'm not one to jugde maybe men on the outside but it's the inside that's more important to me.

I love my friends and their words bounce right off of me. If I have a certain experience then it can be a learning one or a wonderful being to the wonderful life I deserve.

Lots of love

Liz :D
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Post by Morning Light »

You go girl :wink: And no, not all men are the same.. anymore than all women are the same... and you know that's not true :albino:
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Post by gypsie »

Hi To all my beautiful friends

I sorry i don't have time to catch up but I have been busy in the healing forum. Sandy is on the plane and strangly I miss her already being in Australia.

Now this is a special request as I know loads of us read this thread, it's kind of like the coffee shop really.

Wings is in alot of pain and I am putting it out to everyone because I know how much we all love her. She is so sweet and has given my family so much in our time of need. This just came in on my computer via a private PM, Wings needs as much love and healing as we can give.

Darling Wings if you see this thread please know you are loved beyond words and we have lit a candle to send you a loving blanket to cover you with healing.

I ove you dearly Gypsie Deb
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Post by Morning Light »

You've got it Gypsie Deb!

Here's a Big Group Hug, Full of Love, Healing Vibes'n Good Wishes!

(((((((((((Sweet Wingsey)))))))))))
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Post by gypsie »

Last night i had a dream we met at a retreat in Hawaii, was that youwho suggested there PP?
The good thing about it is the cost of getting there is much cheaper and it is a very special place. One of the organisations I am involved with had a world convention there last year and it was fantastic they say.

I also love the idea of Arizona.

Mo the retreat you sent a link for looks great is it connected to Aura soma therapy? I realy enjoyed her book and found it amazing a blind woman created healing oils with amazing colour for each bottle. Starting a thread just for the retreat is a great idea. It is really exciting thinking I will get to meet everyone in person it's just so far away in time :bike: I want to go now!!!

OK gotta run it's weird knowing you are in the US Sandy, I hope George isn't pining too much :(

Love to all Gypsie
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Post by ChildofGod »

:D Hey...speaking about the "Secret" ...I have a profile on "FACEBOOK" and there you can search for anybody who is from you past or present.

Well out of the childhood friend found me...she told me she was going through a box of old pictures and she found a pic of me when I was a child. Our parents played in a band together whenever there was band pratice...we would play together. Last time we saw each other was when we were both 13 and 14 years old. I think that it's the law of attraction working for me.
I have to say that if it wasn't for my angel and this change in my life...I probably wouldn't even think about my friend from the past.

I must say..we have rekindled our friendship...and she thinks I'm!!

I just love it!!

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Post by Morning Light »

Hi Gypsie,
They sell the aura soma there at the little store that is across from the retreat center. I posted this link because it is not too far from my house. It has everything we need too, I basically posted it to give an idea of what we are looking for :wink:

Thanks again for posting that link on the meetup thread! It gives us lots to look at.

Child of God,
Sounds like you've got the ol' law of attraction goin' gang busters!

Hugs All Around!
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Post by gypsie »

Hi all

MO is Arizona a massive state? Everytime I google for retreats there seem to be hundreds of them :shock: I become very drawn to it the land is just stunning Harry said he's even come say hi then take the boys off on an adventure. I said "that would cost a fortune!" he said "really Miss Secret" very funny I thought :lol: :lol:

much love Gypsie
Love is an action and not a word...
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