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Post by Morning Light »

Okay Bruce,
I'll do the same! By the way, my phone made it back in perfect condition :wink:

Oh and speaking of trips, Lowell and I will be in San Francisco Oct. 8th thru the 13th. I can't wait to see the Red Woods! If anyone would like to meet up with us while we are on that trip, just let us know!

Warm Hugs to You!
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Post by nasra1996 »

Heya Sarah!....40 years old sounds like spring chicken to me....I will be 59....oh well, hopefully I will still feel as good as I do now. Anyhoo it would be a blast!....See ya in Arizona in 2012!....Love Bruce
I doubt i will look like a spring chicken in another five years... :? :) Brucey, 59 aint so bad.... :) We will all be wrinklies by that date.... :wink: It should be amazing can you imagine the love in a room full of 11ers, who needs drinks with all that love goin on.... :D

Good ideas MO, maybe we could all donate some money towards the event, anyways its a long way off... Mo, who's is that gorgeous baby in your avvie, your grandchild perhaps....?

Take care all....

Love Sarah xxx
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Post by Morning Light »

Heya Sarah,
I am thinking the same thing! If we pool our resources, we can cut down on the costs. Most importantly, I think we need to nail down a date. It's going to take some serious planning, me thinks.

Yeah, there will be soo much Love, Good Vibes and Lots of Laughs.. to be sure!

This is our grandson Sunny Murphy, he's sleeping on the bed her as I type. They named him right... he's a total ray of sunshine to my heart!

Love You Sis!
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Post by gypsie »

Oh this is so exciting the boys will be 16 or 17 so I am freeish :lol: we have retreats here in OZ that you can hire for the weekends ect, or even ashrams are not to $$$$$. This is when the Secret can manifest into not just a cyber hug but a real group hug :cheers: If we all do Bruce's tin plan then we could do it. What is Arizona like? We could start researching retreats with camping sites :drunken: Can anyone come? Mo 2011 at 11:11 sounds perfect, but then George what is 2012 about? i love the idea Petra how loud would we be together? :lol: I just burst with joy because of the friendships i am making here with my family of choice :kiss:
I'm in if thats ok? :bike: Yep, on my way and the diet starts today!!
The money will come I just know it! :alien: we will be looked after.

Gai and Morninglight the babies are Angels I love the name Gabriel
:baby awwwwwwwwww

Much love to all Gypsy :loves
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Post by Morning Light »

Hello Gypsie Deb!
I was thinking the same thing, renting a place for retreats or something, will have to shop about.

Sedona is known for it's vortex's of energy, beautiful red rock country, ET's and loads of Spiritually minded people.

A camp site's a thought too.... yeah I was talking about 2012 also.

Absolutely, Positively, Every 11'er is Welcome!

I've noticed that we've lost George in this conversation, I'm sure there is lots to think about and consider before a definite decision is made.

On the other hand, I live one state away from Arizona, so I'm all up for it whenever we all decide.

I would Love to Meet You Deb! And all 11'ers!

Hugs all Around :cheers:
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Post by Brewster7111 »

Heya all....Well the good thing is we have five years to plan. I don't think it will be that hard to do if we just start this as an idea, start saving a few pennies, keep it in focus as something, and somewhere you would like to be at 11:11 on the 11th of Nov. 2012, with the folks that you have met here and have come to love!.....It can happen!....Love Bruce
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Post by gypsie »

I put in a new thread about a meteorite which landed in Peru and boiling water is gushing out of it. also the villagers who live in the area are getting sick. The one post I had feedback (so sorry I forgot your name) talked about golbl disasters and mentioned 2012.

George please can you explain to me what is it about 2012? these furture dates are always around like when 2000 arrived, nothing happened!

can someone fill me in on what I'm missing about 2012..
Much love to all gypsy
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Post by George »

Monjoronson isn't concerned about 2012, and neither is Machiventa Melchizedek, Bzutu, Sharmon, or Michael.

The Mayan culture owes it's rise to the Andites that left Japan some 13,000 years ago, island hopping the pacific. They were great astrologers who produced a huge calendar that started at a recognizable point in history and will end at a recognizable point in the future -- a solstice. They could have used a bigger stone and gone further into the future.

It isn't just perfect, it is bl**dy brilliant, but it is a calendar, no more. The Andites were the best of astrologers with a genetic connection to the brilliant early Egyptians.

For anyone wanting (needing) to be fearful there are dozens of other things to be fearful about.

"The end of the world" has come and gone umpteenth times. We're still here. :lol:

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Post by Petra Wilson »

Some people were going on about 2012 at work today and I couldn't join in the conversation. As usual that date was associated with armegeddon! I just wanted to bellow: "No it isn't!"

I'd love to go to Australia and see the Aussie 11'er's in 2012 too! Maybe if I tossed silver coins and notes in my kettle I could afford to visit both countries!!!
Camping sounds like a lot of fun...bring it on!!!

Love Petra XXX
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Post by GavinJones »

I came to this weird conclusion that the date 12/21/2012 = 11
Just thought that was cool i guess and wanted to show some people.
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Post by 11Prizms »

just wanted to post on the 29th page of this fabu thread...George, thanks for the commentary on 2012...

That felt more sensible than I've read in quite awhile....:finger:
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Post by justylonging1111 »

Wow, its been sooo long, my Dear Family!

I am just so happy to be here once again, look down to see 11:10. I would simply love to meet up with all the 11ers. That would be a trip of a lifetime for sure!!! I want to send out to you all some positive thoughts and a whole bunch of Love. I think about you All Everyday, and miss talking to you very much. Always You are with me and I thank you!

:sunny: Bless You Dear People!!

Love Tannis
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Post by gypsie »

Hi all
Bing was telling me Arizona is a very spritual place to visit, heat may be an issue :) but then I'm from OZ....

I had no idea 2012 was about the end of the world I thought we went through that years ago :scratch:

George I am facinated to read more on this calender is there anything available? So 2012 is for us here a meeting time YES sounds perfect but after Bings weather report should it happen in winter?
Why is it always the end of the world on some date? I don't get it who are we to make these decisions? Live for the moment and Arizona come on lets do it!!!!
Love you all Gypsie
PS: Sandy hope your doing ok without Boyd I had Rainbow Lorikeets in the tree out front today they were so beautiful :loves
I wish I could win the lottery so we could all just go, I will keep smudging away... :sword:
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Post by Sandy »

Hi all you wonderful people! :hithere

There has been so much activity on this thread and I didn't have a clue! :scratch: I think I must have missed one of those topic reply notifications somewhere along the way!

Hello Tannis. :sunny: I was so happy to see you on the board! We sure have missed you in these parts!
I was also so excited to see Gai and Bruce on board as well, and Gai with a photie of her new grandbaby in tow! :sunflower: Gai, Gabriel is so precious at one day old, bet she has changed a bunch since that picture was taken though. And Mo, your Sunny Murphy is a little cutie too! Oh I just love babies! They smell so good! ...well, most of the time. :wink:
It made my night to hear that you three, have been able to get together. I love the idea of all 11ners who wish to meet getting together in five years.
Well, somehow George and I will do our best to be there. Like the rest of you, I will save coins and 'whatnots" where I can and we'll see how things progress. It get bigger and interest in attending may grow as the time nears with more and more people wanting in on it so we may want to leave actual accomadations aside for a few years to see what the interest is. The idea of actual seeing you all in the flesh has "me feet a dancing!" (and I don''t dance!)

I am okay now with Boyd and her flight to freedom, Deb. (The little ungrateful monster! :( naw just kidding.) If I were a bird I would probably want to be free too and she looked so happy the last time I saw her, a little ackward as she tried to side step the male Rosella's affections but happy. We have Rainbow Lorikeets in the tree in the front yard frequently. They are a noisy but beautiful lot! For all of you unfamilar with these gorgeous birds here's a URL

Well, it is late and time for this girl to go to bed.
Love to all of you,
Sandy :kiss:
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Post by peacockplume »

hello everyone, I've just spent the last 3 weeks, with a weird flu, and my thanks go out again to all you lovely healers who sent me Reiki, and my two sessions in the AC, where I called on Dr. Mendoza....
these last 3 days have done a turn around, and although it's going to take a bit still to get strength back, I'm feeling great....

I somehow got onto the current event threat, where 2012 was brought up, so I'm going to just quote myself...
2012 et all,,,,,

I look at it as a huge birthday celebration,,,,,

every year, we get a bit older, we learn, we experience, we grow, our personal evolution grows,,,,then we have a birthday, and on to the next..

well, so does our planetary and universal evolution grow,

we have entered the photon field, as we get closer and closer to our galactic birthday,,,,,,

things are changing with us personally and planetarily, on a daily basis,,,we're already experiencing, great floods, great fires, great earthquakes,,,,,the earth is shifting,,,,,and so are we...

12 21 2012, just happens to be the celebration day......the day, all these different cycles have completed a rotation......

meanwhile, we keep growing and learning and evolving

it's also winter solstice,,,,,,the ending, the beginning of a new cycle, and it's happening on all levels,,,,,,so I'm looking forward to it, as a special time in the history of mankind.....and feel incredibly honored that I'm around, alive, to experience it.....

don't know where I was 26,000 years ago......

hope I haven't simplified this too much,,,,,,it is a huge event, and will be just what ever we want it to be......

love pp
heres a good link to the Mayan prophecies, it explains alot also...
and also a link re photon belt info:

I've heard so much about 2012 being the end of the world from all the doomsayers, mostly deluded religous groups,

(please I don't mean to offend anybody, so bear with me)....

the people who call themselves the rapturists, say that 2012, is when that's supposed to happen......only they will be lifted up into Gods arms when the planet is destroyed.....

(bull hooey),

so there's all kinds of stuff 'out there', however, it is a lining up of celestial bodies,,,

the Solara group, say it's a time when the 'gates' are open, (actually the gate they talk about opens sometime in sep - dec of 2011, and is open until the dec date, then it closes, and if you haven't ascended you've missed the boat) and a true physical ascension will happen (sounds like the rapturists to me), and truly, I shouldn't sound so cynical.....

but evolution on any level, isn't 'selective', not only for a certain group, or certain believers.....

we all evolve, at our own Divine pace.....and we do it on a daily basis, even know those Ah Ha! moments??, now there's a good example of a raise in consciousness, growth, evolution, ascension...

Oh Mo
How's about 11/11th 2012 at 11:11 in Sedona Arizona?
I had to go back a couple of pages to find out what was going on.....

Sedona, whooooeeeee, I would love to be there,,,,,,,

then I notice we start worrying about $$$$$, hey!!!! where's our 'action' in the "Law of Attraction",,,,

Some of us are manifesting already, which means (those who are), have discovered the secret, and are able to utilize it.....

Honest I'll get back to the Ask thread this does take time to change your way of thinking, but once you start doing it, it's 'quick'

see how fast I 'allowed' a sickness which kept me down, until I got my head and emotions cleared on a few issues....

there's a good example of not walking my talk, and quick manifestation...

Oh I'm so excited.......Sedona in 2012,,,,,,lets give ourselves a year, to make the verbal committment, at least not past that time.....

or we won't find any available space, except for tents out in the desert,,,,

good grief, I just can't shut up......

I just went back and found a quote of Geoff's from Mar, which was quite informative.
The orbits that all the various planets follow reach an interesting point at this time. Some folks believe that we might be affected by a somewhat closer interaction of these celestial bodies. I personally doubt all that. I think the Mayans used this point in time as a date stamp, and predicted that about this time mankind would finally start on the journey to spirituality. In fact as far as I can see, that spiritual journey is well underway, so that was, in my opinion an excellent prediction. Since this point is the apex of the convergence, one would logically expect things to happen AROUND this time, not just at this time. And, as I have mentioned before, I do not subscribe to the avalanche theory of spiritual evolution. I believe in the drip system. So I cannot see how on one day things will change beyond recognition. Excepting only, that on one day we are expecting Monjoronson to arrive, and that will change things discernably. But thats not the action of planets, it's a very spiritually stong guy turning up here to help us. Clearly he will affect the spiritual balance. To the best of my understanding we are 1000 years from Light and Life. But the journey began in earnest in 1985.

love, Geoff
I concur with Geoff's 'drip system', it is a slow process to evolve our consciousness, to change from what's called 3D thinking up into the higher dimensions, but the change does change, just look back to see how long it's taken us to 'evolve', and we're still a world at war,,,,,there's lots more that has to change yet,,,,,,it was just a bit disconcerting to think that we're still 1,000 years away from Light and Life.....

I think secretly, I was hoping for the appearance of our Planetary Prince and it would be 'instant' 'presto',,,,,,you'd either change, or you wouldn't be here.....

well, however long, our time will come, we are headed back into a period of another Golden Age.......what a relief....

and I think I'll give you all a relief, and say goodnight,,,,

in love and light
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Post by Morning Light »

Hey All,

Heat will definitely not be an issue in Arizona in November, so no worries there :wink: If we start now, we can definitely make it happen!

Yeah, I just love those little babies! I wouldn't be in too big of a hurry for them though.... I'd prefer stable and settled kids/parents first... mine are a bit un-settled right now... and these little angels are soo dear and precious.. just want to see their lives go as smooth as possible... I'm sounding like a granny.. I know :albino:

It is good to hear you sound like your true self again!

I agree Sedona would be the bomb~diggety we WILL make it happen! There is a place, not to far from here, called Lava Hot Springs, Idaho. There they have a sort of 'retreat house' house that can be rented out. It is quite a large home and there are hot springs on the premises, a huge labyrinth to walk for meditation/contemplation and a very large grassy lot where you can park rv's pitch tents etc. some could stay in the house, some tents, trailers etc. not to mention inexpensive motels less than a block away. There is also a river running along the back of the property that is nice to watch and fun to go tubing down..... Since we have discussed Arizona... I am thinking something along these lines would be good to find there... nothing wrong with asking questions and scouting things out.

Thanks for the info. on 2012, I really have no 'formed opinion' on the subject, just livin' in the moment. I Love that moon site, I've looked at it before and it is very interesting to me.

Well, lots of Love and Dreams made Manifest!
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Post by mnspirit »

Wow, I would love to go also. It would be such a great experience for everyone. Especially at 11:11 :D

:bike: I will be on my way.

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Post by peacockplume »

Good morning MO,
Hot diggity too,,,,,,the type of place your talking about sounds like just the ticket.
I am thinking something along these lines would be good to find there... nothing wrong with asking questions and scouting things out.
Unfortunately, all of you, who live anywheres near Arizona, are the one who are going to have to do the scouting....

perhaps as information comes in....polls could go up.....for guidelines anyway......all of us too far away, will just TRUST, that the right place will be the right time....and we'll have a grand reunion.....

As far as the November in Arizona,,,,,day times will be great, but one needs to remember that the winter nights in the desert, do get there's alot to research.....

We should probably start a separate thread for 11:11's Sedona, 2012, just so we have a place to compile information.....keep our chatty chats on the secret threat, but copy paste any info we find anywhere on the sedona thread.

hey, well at least the brain's starting to work again.....

I still feel a bit of backlash wipe out, I went to town yesterday, only away for two hrs, but I had been up since 6 by supper time, I was pretty washed out....but the healing while you sleep mode is over, I just have to force myself, not to go full tilt.... I was awake at 5:30 this am, took echo out, talked to a friend in nova scotia for an hr, (they're 4 hrs ahead of me so I thought it was good timing),,,,next thing I know Allans pulling into the yard, so I didn't get back to bed till 9:30 and slept another 4 hrs, but weird dreams...not the manifesting kind for sure...
...that's when I realized the healing sleep was now I'm going to prepare Allan's supper, put it in casseroles, so it can be heated up.....and if I'm feeling like it. I just may go play cards with the girls, but only if I have the energy.... I think it's hot tub time, every muscle in my body feels like it's been through the wringer...

I am so grateful I was able to take an early retirement......just the thoughts of .......welll, lets not even go there, done deal.....

thank you again for the healing you sent, it was noticeable during the next 24 hrs, but I hope I wrote you about it. (brain wasn't functioning too well.....good excuse hey, but true),,,,,,I could dream things and think I'd done something, which will float to the surface during the day,,,,and I'd think,,,,,was that here????? or one of those dream states....
and these little angels are soo dear and precious.. just want to see their lives go as smooth as possible... I'm sounding like a granny..
Your sounding like a WISE granny,,,,,and that's why they make granny's, cuz the young ones don't have the wisdom yet.....let's hope their wise enough to listen....

I just love tiny babies too, from birth to about the 1st birthday, I'd take them all, after that, the parents better be surrogate granddaughter just turned 19, so maybe my turn isn't too far away.....

well, I better get on to answering a few more mails....

talk soon,,,

love and hugs too,
pp do you like the eagle, it's not the 'one' I saw, but how'd you like to go around a corner on a country road, and one's sitting in the middle of the road.....mature, full grown bald eagle.....
I think I wrote about this somewhere, but since I found the bird pic,,,,it reminds me of that incredible time.....
I hit the brakes, I could have had eagle stew for slowly turned, and loped a few feet down the road, flapping wings slowly, had a very slow take off, and flew directly in front of my tracker, while I slowly followed, it was sooooo cool.....this birds wing span, likely a good 7 feet across,......almost reached both sides of the road, remember two laner country road... and a body length of at least 3 ft.......that's one BIG BIRD......I'm sure my mouth was in my lap as I slowly followed him, probably at least 75 feet, then it made a gracious turn into the Cooks' was probably the same one that steals fish out of our pond.....we're going to have to re-stock it soon, there's probably only a dozen left out of 200.....

I truly wish I had been around the day Allan watched an eagle take a fish out of our pond, get it over to the park bench, and eat it......he was nice, he left me a feather....

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Post by Morning Light »

mnsppirit, would love to see you there :hithere

Peacock Plume!
I agree, if anyone is from Arizona and knows a good place to meet or better yet has a good place to meet.... well, we are all ears :albino:

You are able to get some much needed sleep for transcending and healing 8)

The eagle is absolutely gorgeous! What an amazing experience :shock: and soo close up too. I've seen them up close also and the wing span is unbelievable. When we were driving into Jackson Hole Wyoming, we stopped to watch the rafters go over the gnarly rapids called Lunch Counter... or was it Big Kahuna... anyhoo... as we were watching... an enormous bald eagle flew by, he was hunting for fish above the Snake River. With each wing beat you could hear a whoosh, soo powerful and magestic, gives me chills to think about it gliding through the air.

You may very well get to experience the 'whole granny thing' it really is a beautiful experience :wink: So did you have enough pep to play a few hands of cards? I bet your friends have missed your company.

I'm not up to speed on the 2012 thing... is it slated for 11/11/2012? I just came up with that date on the fly after the year 2012 was mentioned. I don't want the meeting of 11:11ers, on this site, to be in conflict with other things going on at that time. I personally have no problem with whatever people think in regards to 2012 but I know that George has repeatedly stated that this site is about 11:11 Midwayers. While 2012 may well be very real and valid, a meeting with people on thisboard would be primarily about Midwayers/Spirit Guardians and learning to receive divine guidance through our Thought Adjuster/Divine Self. I thought I'd better say something since it seems to be creating some strife... p'raps we should change the date.... if this is a pre-determined 2012 date.

Lots of Love to All LUV2
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Post by Morning Light »

Hello All!
Just want to say that this is Bruce'n me in this avatar. We are posing for a picture that Bruce is going to give to his friend. Sparks are supposed to be flying out of our fingers... 11-ers meeting up ya know :wink:

We will have to do this again and next time... we will position the sun to be between our fingers in the photie... it'll work... I've done it before!

Hugs all Around :cheers:
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Post by Brewster7111 »

Heya Mo!...ya we will have to work on the sparks a bit ...but it is a nice photo anyhoo!!!!...what a great day that was.....Bruce
Man..I don't know...But I'm fixin to find out!
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Post by Morning Light »

I feel very happy when I look at that picture Bruce!

We will get a CD off to you, with all of the pictures from the trip 8)

Lots of Love!
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Mo and Bruce too,
Lovely to see a pic of you both,,,will wait to see the 'sparky' one.

well it was funny about missing cards, because the first week, was because the local town/county fair was on, and the other players had decided to go to it,,,,,,didn't bother me.....then the following weekend, there was a 50th birthday party that most of them went they didn't play cards either weekend.....

I sort of enjoyed it, was cold, as they keep their doors open for their animals,,,,,so I wrapped up in a blanket.....I don't mind doing what's necessary, and after 3 weeks going by, the weather has changed and gotten damper, coastal dampness you know, just great for the poor folk with now I know weather's changed, I'll dress accordingly...

I don't think there's any conflict about 2012, - in one way it's just another date,,,,,,,I call it a good excuse for a big universal birthday party.....

and the actual date is Dec 21, 2012,,,,,,is when all these alignments are supposed to take place, and according the those calendars, we just start another 26,000 yr cycle again...

so I think us getting together on 11/11 which is Nov. 11th, is perfect for us 11 11ers.....and there are other vortex sites we could chose too....

Like over on the Hawaiian Islands for instance......but you gotta admit, the US, sort of makes it central.....

there are other really incredible sites, like Mt. Shasta California

and sorry, my limited knowledge ends there...

it is a great idea, although you're right,,,,,,another good idea for a poll...

how do you start one........just ask how people feel about that date???
start another on a preference for areas.......then there'd be something to go by....

I don't think many of us, could get it together to make it a sooner date...

and yes I agree about our re-union being strictly for our Midwayer/Spirit's not the 2012 we'd be celebrating, but our coming together, as family.........what an awesome concept.....maybe our guardians would.......come and talk.......

Lets just see how the talk goes for awhile.....

love pp
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Post by Sandy »

Oh Mo and Bruce, I just love the picture of you guys! It's great, sparks or no sparks, and I can see many more pictures just like that as we all meet on some future date! This place you speak of in Idaho sounds perfect, Mo, with something for all who may attend. Being able to accomodate every one who wishes to come is what is probably most important and it sounds like this site, or one similar, with a house, hotels and camping, and group meeting area would be ideal! Lets face it, it isn't so much the site or date that will make it special, as we will bring our own love and spirit to where ever and whenever we meet. We could all meet in a giganic outhouse and it would probably be an uplifting if not smelly experience! :shock: :lol:

Oh PP, I am glad you are on the mend again... And I was thrilled listening to your alls bald eagle stories. I have never been blessed with the sight of one of these magestic creatures in the wild, but have seen the great Sea Eagles over the Lake here in Australia and they have filled me with awe and deep respect. I always have to smile because these great birds are always flanked by several diving and spiraling smallish "songbirds' who brave life, limb and feather to keep tabs on thier whereabouts and warn others of the threat in the vicinity. Gotta admire the bravery they exhibit.

Mo, I had a chuckle at this...
Yeah, I just love those little babies! I wouldn't be in too big of a hurry for them though.... I'd prefer stable and settled kids/parents first...
Yeah I do tend to let my "Grannie gene" get the better of me at times. :lol: Luckily my daughter in law is sensible and wants to get her masters degree behind her before beginning the family. I laugh because my son who has always been more interested in animals rather than people, is chomping at the bit to have children of their own. So fun to see him with the "parent bug." :lol: They do eventually grow up don't they? :D Has everybody checked out our newest 11ner in the current events forum? There you will see pics of one of the sweetest little blessings on her very first day of life. :baby Congradulations to our dear brother AJ and his wife Steph!

Well have a great day, afternoon, or evening everybody!
Love to you all,
Last edited by Sandy on Sun Sep 23, 2007 6:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by peacockplume »


Thank you for that incredible link on the Rainbow Lorikeets, are they ever beautiful....I put the link in my favourites so I can go back and have a good look around.....awesome way to discover the birds of your area,,,,really beautiful site....thanks so much....

was it you or Mo that mentioned we should be saving the early pages of some of these threads to make a book????, or at least be able to archive it somehow??? (now that would be a job)

Daily Affirmation:
I am alive to beauty, to laughter, to wonders within and without.
I am free to live and to enjoy life.
I accept divine presence as the fulfillment of my needs.
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