Little Yellow Flowers

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Re: Little Yellow Flowers

Post by happyrain »

Hi Jon!

Thanks for a great video call this evening. And, I really enjoyed what you shared with me about the yellow flowers. "It was a religious experience." That's what you said and, I felt that from you. So you see... they are more than just yellow flowers. They are a personal prompt delivered from Most High, *direct communication.

...How incredible?

You already know my favorite quote about sin, it's not necessary to place it here because I don't wish to pull you away from what you're feeling and expressing. I just had the thought. My boss shared it with me, "two things can be true at the same time."

Instead I'll share this-
Our call ended at :22 and what do you know- your post here was at :22. And it seems we shared some amazing synchronicities as well.

We are blessed.

Have a great sleep Brother. See you again soon.
Last edited by happyrain on Sat May 25, 2024 1:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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Re: Little Yellow Flowers

Post by happyrain »

Starwalker wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 11:22 pm Last weekend, I visited family in my hometown. While there we went fishing. We took an old dirt road to get to a small pond where I used to catch trout when I was younger. On the way, I noticed a patch of yellow bushes on the side of the road. Where I’m from, the leaves don’t come out on the trees until June, so these bushes really stood out against the grey leafless trees around them. I had never seen bushes like these before, but my research suggests that this bush is the called the Northern Gold Forsythia. They bloom with yellow flowers in the spring for a short time, then maintain green leaves throughout the summer. I was lucky to have caught them in bloom!

Later that evening, we went for a drive around town. You wouldn’t believe how many of those bushes I saw planted in people’s yards. My eyes were seemed to be drawn to the brilliant yellow hue each time. I’m trying not to read too much into these experiences. They are, after all, just yellow flowers. But time after time they capture my attention.

I am remembering the first experience with posting the picture of the yellow flower with the Urantia Book quote about the triumph of faith. When I went for that walk the next day and saw all those yellow buttercups had just bloomed, I knew it was a confirmation. It confirmed to me that faith really does triumph over evil, sin, and iniquity. But what is faith? True faith isn’t about believing a certain way. It is about living a life of truth, beauty, and goodness. Faith is more than mere belief. It is acting on those beliefs, and striving for the ideal.

You don’t have to look very hard to see sin in this world. But we are an abnormality in the universe. I’ve heard it said that evil is necessary to highlight the good. Much goodness does arise from evil since all evil will eventually be overcome by goodness. But it is not a necessity. And while it may seem that the evil doer often gets the upper hand in this world, he truly gains nothing.

Making mistakes is part of growing up. And the consequences of these errors are meant to lead us into a better way of living. These are the natural evils that beset any evolving species. But the deliberate choosing to do evil to others is more than error, this is called sin. Sin need not be a part of our earthly experience. It was brought here by a group of rebellious celestials. And now we are seeing the fruits of such unwise actions.

However, much goodness will come from the darkness of this evil. The sorry state of affairs on Urantia must have played into Christ Michael’s decision to incarnate here. His life of faith was like a brilliant yellow flower standing out against the dark background, shining bright to show us the way home.
Oops- sorry. It always seems, whether here or on other forums- I unintentionally am the one to create a new page. I'm placing your post here so others might have the opportunity to see.

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Re: Little Yellow Flowers

Post by Starwalker »

My 42nd birthday was last weekend. In the days leading up to that day, I was reminded of something that happened on my last birthday. It had been beautiful and sunny all that day, but as I was sitting down to enjoy my birthday dinner and cake, a few dark clouds moved over my house. The clouds broke into a downpour of rain, but the sun was still shining nearby. This created one of the brightest and fullest rainbows I've ever seen. Every colour was visible and you could see both ends touching the earth. It was truly beautiful.

Days later, when I told my step mother about this experience, she remarked that God must have given me a rainbow for my birthday. This lead me to wonder if something similar would happen this year. The answer came in the birthday card that my son gave me. Here is what it said:
Each Day Is a Gift from God

He has given us morning,
brightness, and sun,
Laughter to share,
and work to be done

He has given us rainbows,
flower and song,
And the hands of our dear ones
to help us along.

He has given us prayer,
with its wonderful power
To lighten our hearts
in a troublesome hour.

He has given us blessings
to brighten our way,
And always the gift
of another new day.

"This is the day which the Lord has made;
Let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24
The card was signed my my son. It was also signed with pictures of yellow tulips.

Yesterday the thought occurred to me that these yellow flower experiences may never end; little yellow flowers forever. Later that day, I visited a greenhouse to buy a few tomato transplants. While there a pot of bright yellow flowers caught my eye. They were one of the most intense shades of yellow I ever saw, so I went to investigate. The tag told me they were begonias. And the colour was called nonstop yellow. Little yellow flowers forever.
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” – William Shakespeare
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