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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Guys,

I have been missing a bit and all the threads have grown. It doesn't look like I will be able to catch up tonight as I keep falling asleep while I type. You know the kind where you then wake up with a start.

I am happy to know that the doctors found no cancer in your BFF's lymph nodes. Is she home yet? It is a little bit of an ordeal afterwards. My mom had a mastectomy many years ago...but maybe too the surgery has changed and improved creating fewer complications.

Kimmie, your fairy village is beyond anything I could have ever imagined...even though your description did a pretty good job of setting the imagination off on a flight of fancy. definitely please do start writing. You have such a gift for it...and a whole series of joyful stories about the fairy village is just what we all need in these hard times. Please tell Aleah thank you.

I hope you guys are all well. I 'm okay over here just extremely pushed.
Has there been any news about that adorable Weston?

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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Nice to see your sweet face Sandy!

You do sound exhausted. Try to be gentle with yourself...and that's all the advice I'm gonna give because I'm sure you're up to your eyeballs in advice. Just know we are here for you for whatever you need :kiss:

As for my BFF, I'm now sure where the miscommunication was, but it turns out they did find cancer in "a lymph node" (that's the way she phrased I'm choosing to believe it's only 1). Apparently there is some other test they are waiting on and should have results in 3 weeks which will determine if she needs chemo or not. I'm hoping she misunderstood that part, it seems like a long time to wait to get treatment started. At least her doggy is doing better :D They sold their house the week before her surgery and have found an apartment with the most amazing views, That will be a wonderful place for her recuperation!

Kim, Any new action in Pussy Willow Glen?

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Sammy,
Thanks for the update on both your friend and her adorable puppy. Let's hope that the cancer has not spread any further. We will just keep sending her love and prayers for her health and recovery. Seems she has had an awful lot of changes happening all at once.

Speaking of change... I've been getting the 555 prompt this past week. I know we are supposed to view it openly as change is change...not necessarily good or bad.. but I saw it frequently last year before G was diagnosed with cancer. I could certainly use a change that brings a smile to my face.... for a change. :roll: ;) :)

Love love love....
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Good Morning :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:

The sun is shining and the snow is melting!!! Spring is about to spring! CHANGE IS IN THE AIR!
Speaking of change... I've been getting the 555 prompt this past week. I know we are supposed to view it openly as change is change...not necessarily good or bad.. but I saw it frequently last year before G was diagnosed with cancer. I could certainly use a change that brings a smile to my face.... for a change. :roll: ;) :)
I remember just before dad passed I was having all kinds of prompts, I was seeing 8's for the first time in my life (LOTS of them) and I was certain Dr. Mendosa was was on the scene...I may have spoken to him about the lack of positive outcome :roll: ;) :lol: (positive from my perspective anyway). Lots of 555's and of course dad was in room 11. I was a little cross after dad passed because I thought they were telling me that the Dr's FINALLY figured out dad's issue and he was going to be healthy again. In retrospect I think the signs were there to let me know that there is support all around us.

I think change is scary for the vast majority of us, and certainly difficult to not view it as neither bad nor good. I have to believe your are top of this list, first in line to receive a change that puts a smile on that sweet, loving face! I will keep you in my prayers and continue to send you crazy positive vibes!

In other news, I thought I would share something for the ladies on the board that I heard on the news last night. They are recommending that you do your mammogram prior to getting vaccinated for Covid, or wait several weeks after the vaccination to do it. Apparently the vaccine is causing lymph nodes to appear as questionable spots and causing unnecessary cancer scares.

Jake finally got his car :bana: He is super happy, as am I because he has really been struggling the last few years and this seems to be a big step in righting the ship.

I hope you all have a beautiful day!!!!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Morning everyone!
It's a crisp sunny day outside the window. Spring is a fickle fellow here, at first tossing out a few warmer days of thawing then, "SLAM!' We suddenly have 12 more inches of snow. We've learned to not trust that trickster! It reminds me though to get a move on setting up my makeshift greenhouse in the kitchen.

I've been seeing an inordinate amount of triple 222's this past week. That's the number prompt for my brother, guess I'd better check in with his girls. Sandy, hope you can smoothly ride the river of change, as it's been your steady companion for so long now. :kiss: Ditto what Sammy said as I'm, "Sending all the loving healing vibes I can muster!" Along with courage, strength, support, and a few others!

Change is... inevitable, life may stagnate for a while, but that does not last. It's like life is the current of a swift flowing river, eventually you're going to be swept downstream. For those who cling to, "The way it used to be," I'm afraid are going to always be disappointed and set in a pattern of resistance.

Sammy, congratulations to Jake, and you! I'm not sure of his age. My daughter is 27( :shock: ), and has been reflecting lately on the struggles she faced as a teenager. Gosh! It just seems to be getting more and more difficult to get through those transition years! "Pant! Pant!"...(maybe every year is a transition year). I'm hoping for all the best for your son. :bana: :bana: :bana: Hopefully as our world transitions into light and life, "All will be well." For all age groups.

Yesterday we had a rare family dinner. Rare for us during COVID that is. Dave and Dan finally put the finishing touches on Mari's new bedroom by getting the flooring in. Lol! We bought her a new mattress for a Christmas present... the box has been sitting in our living room since the first of December! Good thing it's a memory foam and all squished up. Anyway, I made lasagna and all the fixin's.

When Tiny arrived she had free rein in The Fairy Village, no interruptions, extra hands, or ideas to fuss or muss with. I've been trying to convince her that we didn't need to have EVERYTHING on the board at the same time! We could store things under the table we weren't using at the time. Her response to that was, "Grandma! We just need a bigger board!"

My eyes popped open at that remark, accompanied with a skeptical look on my face, "Uh no, that's not happening."

So yesterday, while I cooked, she played. After dinner I looked at her rearrangement, and it was quite delightful! Only two structures remained(what a relief)! A river had been removed, the flower forest relocated. It goes without saying that the houses will end up in a different place. The more I looked, it became more and more apparent that every item, all the fairies, gnomes, every animal, flower, tree, and stone, had been carefully repositioned. It was as if I could see the progression of the story in her head! So wonderful! What was also apparent was, to get everything right where she wanted it, she must have been walking all over the board. But! With it being so cleared off, nothing was in danger of being trampled! I was exhausted from the business of the day. Seeing her imagination unfolded before me like that, weariness washed away, as my heart was brimful.

Love to all,
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Good Morning All,
Inspired by the fairy village I've begun writing again. This morning I was back at it when noticing it was 11:11. My hope is this day finds all of you on the back side of the problems plaguing you, and sunshine brightens the rest of your day. Nova and I made miniature chocolate/peanut butter no bake cookies yesterday. I'll leave a plate of them out in The Secret Café, along with chilled unsweetened mint tea.

You'll might notice new masterpieces lining the walls. We've been paining almost every day lately. I may have taken a few liberties placing them here, but after smiling broadly every time I walk by the refrigerator, decided I'd share the love. That's what children's paintings are made with you know, "Love for life!"

Love to all,
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Good morning to you in the "North" and good day and evening to the "" Southern hemis."

I am practically sitting in the dark...too lazy to get up move the laptop and walk the 10 steps to turn the overhead light on. LOL But I have no problem getting up and routing through the cabinet to satisfy my sweet tooth. :mrgreen:

Actually I had to get up, anyway, as the young man in the front flat brought me a bale of Lucene for my bunnies. :sunflower:
They will be so happy tomorrow. :D

Kim, I suspect your girls will never ever forget the fairy village and will be telling tales of the Fairy village, maybe even making their own some day way in the future when they have their own lovies. I am happy to hear your family was able to have one of your famous family dinners again. Save me a piece of that lasagna! (Haven't had supper yet. )

Hi Sammy,
You wrote:
I remember just before dad passed I was having all kinds of prompts, I was seeing 8's for the first time in my life (LOTS of them) and I was certain Dr. Mendosa was was on the scene...I may have spoken to him about the lack of positive outcome :roll: ;) :lol: (positive from my perspective anyway). Lots of 555's and of course dad was in room 11. I was a little cross after dad passed because I thought they were telling me that the Dr's FINALLY figured out dad's issue and he was going to be healthy again. In retrospect I think the signs were there to let me know that there is support all around us.
I remember. :( I think I spoke with you when you were on your way to the hospital that morning... I experienced something similar with George... I couldn't understand why Doctor Mendoza couldn't do something. But George is in no pain anymore and without a doubt knows how much he is loved. I hope he meets up with your Dad. :sunflower:
I just had a thought... I suppose he got that vacation he was wanting/needing too.

Thank you for the ladies health update. I think my doctor would pass out if he saw I actually had a mammogram done in his prescribed time frame. :shock: He's such a nice man I wouldn't want him to bump his head or something... ;) :)

Well as you can see I haven't a whole lot coming from my end... just boring tax stuff and the like... I would much rather spend my time as a miniature Sandy in Kim's fairy village.

Hey, you guys have a good week! :sunny:
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »


Much like Sandy was too lazy to turn the light on, I'm feeling too lazy to respond to all the other posts separately, so I will babble away on this one thread for today.

Group Mediation - I do find the group meditation to be extra nice. Like meeting up for a spiritual cup of coffee. Also I find it comforting when there are shared experiences. Much like Kim said in an earlier message, the reassurance that we're not crazy :lol: I suspect the group meditation shall continue, much like life, with people coming and going as their journey takes them.
I would much rather spend my time as a miniature Sandy in Kim's fairy village.
Oh! What a fun idea! I wonder what adventures the girls would set us on! I can picture theses two light filled angels directing our paths to beautiful places with love filled lessons and experiences! (I have to tackle taxes this week too...fairy land sounds like an exceptional distraction!) I rather dislike how life gets in the way of focus on the spiritual aspect. I can take my spiritual journey most places, but doing the taxes, not so much. Perhaps I will find myself a "tax man" to take care of it this year.

As I've already shared with Kim, I've been spending a lot of time reading through my old posts. I've found a few gems in there and I think I'm going to take time to go back through all of it and document the things that feel important. It could take a lot of time as I seem to babble about nothing quite a bit :lol:

This is one of the gems I came from one of those voices I hear on rare occasions, and was related to when Marvin Martian said "If we could all transmute God's love then" - (THEN WHAT? Mr. MARTIAN!!! THEN WHAT???)
"It is through clarity and understanding that, rather than releasing anger and therefore allowing it to go out into the universe, we transform anger into love"

I ran into another one that I would classify as synchronicity (I wish I had taken the time to write it down. For some reason when I search for a specific term I get "0" results, so for the moment we'll have to go with my feeble memory.) I haven't been getting/seeing much when I meditate, but I saw an eagle the other day. The same day, as I was reading through my old posts, I saw that I had seen an Eagle and George told me it was the symbol for someone (I THINK he said Christ Michael but I'm not certain). Anyway, kind of cool that I saw it and then almost immediately read about it.

Ok, off to take care of business :roll:

Sandy, I hope your bunnies enjoy their treat!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Hugs to all!
When talk about death, the sole reason for sharing my spiritual experiences is in hopes it may lessen the fear and pain of those going through a loss now. If we can support each other and shine a light in the shadows, maybe one day we'll no longer suffer.

I believe the numbers aren't necessarily a sign that someone will get well, more like a prompt that spirit is with them and you. There was no hope for my brother who had suffered a massive aneurism. I was really lucky as he was communicating through songs to me the whole time we waited. It was a weird position to be in, but also quite incredible the perspective I sat in. Even through three days of that I was so deeply saddened, more so for the family I guess as I knew he was telling me he was ok. He was worried about his girls also, not about himself. Asking me to pass on the message, "Be gentle with each other." We received a deluge of 2's when he passed away. It was 7/2 @ 2:22. Leaving the hospital practically every sign, license plate, house number, and billboard had a 222 on it! No doubt was left that spiritual helpers were present with us! That is my prompt number for him now. When I see twos I know he's trying to get my attention.

Some day, probably far into the future, death will be looked on as a natural progression of life. We'll learn to celebrate their life instead of suffering long through the days after their loss. Wouldn't that be wonderful to wrap our heads and hearts around? Until that day comes however, we continue on as best as we can, right?

On a lighter note, Aleah is going to start classes in the fall to earn an accounting certificate. She already does all the office work for their landscaping business, gives advice and help to all their friends on paperwork and taxes. On any given day she could be writing a song, cleaning a room, or sending out an invoice, all while singing of course.

The fairy village continues to bustle, just finished sending an order for colored sand and colored modeling clay. There are a few things I can't seem to find online, so figured I'd make my own! The colored sand is for the magical shell that dips in the river separating out the different colored magics into buckets. Going to make the buckets. You did know magic comes in all the colors of the rainbow didn't you? It takes a little work and a little waving of a wand, but then it's easy peasy. Tiny thinks we need to have a vegetable garden in the village and baskets for harvesting. I can see the little potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkins and cukes now! Which reminds me I'm going to set up the kitchen greenhouse this week... for growing real plants, not miniature clay ones. Although that would be pretty funny to have a few of them under the grow lights!

Don't let my descriptions of the girls fool you. They are equal parts fairy princesses and tricky pixies! You never know which one you'll get at any given moment in the day. Life is never boring! We could be invited to a tea party in the flower castle complete with a flower tea set and bling... or set on a abandoned path to be chased by raptors! Our ideas do not necessarily have to stick to one genre. Oh, and whenever our lives are in peril, we must wave both hands over our heads, while screaming loudly, "Run away! Run away! And my favorite expression while frightened and surprised is to loudly express, "Whaaaa!" Bet you're all glad I cleared that all up! ;)

Have a :sunny: day everyone,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Oh MY!!! Great idea, Sammy!... :idea:
Sandy said...
I would much rather spend my time as a miniature Sandy in Kim's fairy village.
Sammy said...
Oh! What a fun idea! I wonder what adventures the girls would set us on! I can picture theses two light filled angels directing our paths to beautiful places with love filled lessons and experiences!

Kim...a book series idea... :mrgreen: You could have us miniaturized into the Fairy village with your girls creating the adventures...a splash of reality and fantasy (which is also a form of reality in my opinion)
Sort of like the Magic School Bus books... or Jumanji, in a way...

I can't wait to see the new additions you all are creating in the Fairy village. It sounds like so much fun! all that artsy creating... :sunflower:
I actually need to start some plants myself for a kitchen garden. I have all these little tiny pots from a promotion at one of our big chain grocery stores. You know, something like for every 30 dollars you spend you get a little pot with a seed ready to grow by just adding water. You don't know what you have until it starts to grow. It could be a flower or a vegetable or herb.

Today I have to prepare for my train trip into Sydney tomorrow. (getting times, items etc...) I am wishing like heck that I had just done the video conference like she was preparing for...but no, I had to open my big mouth and say, "Is there a train station near your office building?" :roll: So now my tummy is already experiencing "butterflies." There had to be a reason that popped out of my it's so unlike me. I don't like traveling into the city, especially by myself! So maybe it will be good for me in the long run.
But I will remember this when it gets dangerous and I get scared...
Oh, and whenever our lives are in peril, we must wave both hands over our heads, while screaming loudly, "Run away! Run away! And my favorite expression while frightened and surprised is to loudly express, "Whaaaa!" Bet you're all glad I cleared that all up!
I may be going, "Whaaaaa!"a lot tomorrow. :lol:

Have a lovely night! :hithere
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

I can't guarantee which figurine you would be at any given time, like in the Christmas Village. It seems to be up to the whim of the storyteller. I mean you can't be a fairy riding a bird if you're reading a story to your dog, or in a cave looking for jewels... That doesn't make any sense.

I've realized that two songs and another story I've already written would fit right in with this series.

The flower pot idea is wonderful! You probably guessed I would shop there all the time.

Wow! You had me laughing and giggling with this one!
Sandy wrote: Tue Mar 09, 2021 1:47 amBut I will remember this when it gets dangerous and I get scared...

Oh, and whenever our lives are in peril, we must wave both hands over our heads, while screaming loudly, "Run away! Run away! And my favorite expression while frightened and surprised is to loudly express, "Whaaaa!" Bet you're all glad I cleared that all up!

I may be going, "Whaaaaa!"a lot tomorrow.
Trust me! Seeing you do that! All the dangerous people will move out of your way! How do I know this? Well,...because I've done it! :lol: :lol: :lol: Hmm, wonder why my kids won't go out in public with me anymore? A few months ago I told Dan and Rachel about a deer jumping out in front of me on the way there. Had to act it all out so they could get the full effect. You know with my hands on the steering wheel(the movements may have been a tad bit exaggerated). And repeated the, "WHAAA." I was expecting at least a little sympathy but no. Looking at me very calmly he said, "Mom that's what you really do driving the car huh?... When you go crazy... we'll just never know." And every time since then when I tell him a story, he shakes his head repeating, "We'll never know."

Thinking about your trek downtown reminds me of when you tell a person with stage fright to imagine everyone in the audience in their underwear. If you get nervous, just image you, me, Sammyjo, and how about Mr. Banana man, running down the sidewalk waving spaghetti arms over our heads, screaming, "WHAAAAAAA!" It'll be great!

Hope the trip goes smoothly!

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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

:lol: Wait...streaking and screaming waving our hands in the air??? That would make an interesting 1st trip to Sydney :shock:

Well, we are having a BEAUTIFUL day here. I pulled out a lounge chair and laid in the sun (fully clothed) to meditate. I didn't experience much, but it sure was easier to quiet my mind with the sun beating on my winterized body, and the sounds of the breeze through the trees with birds chirping away.

Speaking of birds, my husband thinks I'm a bit nutty. Almost every bird song sounds like words to me...we have the "Virginia" bird (virginia virginia virginia) he says it 3 times in a row every time. We have the "I'm very pleased to meet you meet you meet you" bird, the "cheater cheater cheater cheater" bird, and in California my friend has the "McGyver McGyver" bird. I swear, once I point out what they are saying you can't unhear it :lol: Maybe I'm a cuckoo bird :roll

Sandy, I hope you have a wonderful experience on you trip.

Off to prepare for Jake's 27th BD...he doesn't want cake, just cookie dough ice cream, and no special dinner, just my homemade oven roasted thick cut potato chips. He went to Burger King for breakfast and got himself a birthday crown :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hope everyone is having a great day!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Sydney would definitely see us coming!

Eric meditates outside all the time, I get too distracted. Lol! Your birds talking, sounds like when I see faces in everything. " McGyver? McGyver?" That's awesome! Wonder if Sandy hears their words? She's a bird lover if there ever was one!

The crown seems like the perfect 'topper' for his special dinner. Ya, gotta have a crown for you birthday! We always make a special trip to the Dollar Store to purchase a perfect one for the birthday person, except for Aleah. We bought her a sparkly rhinestone one years ago. She wears it all day on her birthday, no matter where she goes. I was starting to wonder if maybe our family might be a bit eccentric, but after hearing about Jake's crown, I can let that go!

How was the trip downtown?... Any spaghetti arms involved?

Love to all,
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi guys,

I'm sorry.... I am rolling on the floor with the image of all of us streaking waving our arms and saying Whaa whaa! Sidney would never be the same. LOL But despite the lack of having you guys physically by my side scaring the locals, things went swimmingly. ;) :lol: I did meditate the night before and even charged a little bag I made with protective crystals, herbs etc... The prayer of course was the real power but the little token in my purse was a reminder of the prayer and the peace I felt the night before and so fear seeped away. I also asked to encounter nice and friendly people to interact with and my goodness, I wasn't let down. On the way home I met a lovely lady from Melbourne, Gelong actually. (which is close to Melbourne.) It was a 2 hour trip home by train and we chatted happily the entire time. LOL She had come in that morning on a domestic flight and was on her way to visit family who lived a couple small towns away.

The cool thing is, I now know how easy it is to get to the wharf and the ferries where I can get to Taonga zoo and I also know where the Botanical gardens are, both reached for only $2.50 cents a day. :bana: :sunflower: So when I need a break from life... well, there you go... :D

So the trip was a success and I am a little better for it. Thank you guys for all your prayers and good and happy thoughts... :kiss:

I am smiling thinking about the crown and Rhinestone tiara thing... My family fits right in. At Christmas for years when the family would get together to exchange presents, the person opening the present would wear a crown or funny hat and they would then pick out a present and give it and the crown to the next recipient who repeated the process. :bana:

I am thinking you "becrowned" people guys would love Christmas dinners here because Christmas crackers are a must. You know, the kind that two people pull (sort of like the wishbone idea here) One person seems to wind up with just the end and the other with the little present such as a saying or a joke, a little present and a bright folded up tissue paper crown. I would love to bring some back with me but I don't think they are allowed on the plane. I bet they can be bought on Amazon though.
Yep, I was right! This is what I am talking about. ... oa-p_10_13

How was Jake's birthday, Sammy? Hope it was a great one...The potatoes he requested are making my mouth water. I haven't had potatoes in awhile. I don't cook much these days.

Okay it is getting dim and a little dark so I must settle the "children" for the night.
Love to all the "spaghetti arms" out there.
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Good Morning Family!

Sandy! I am SO happy to hear your trip was a success! :bana: :bana: :bana: (And glad we didn't actually have to go streaking :lol: )

I just googled Taonga Zoo...lots of pictures of giraffes. A few years ago Jack had a trip to San Diego and I tagged along. He played hooky one day and he thought going to the San Diego Zoo would be a good idea. Every animal we saw (except for the Giraffes) were either sleeping or pooping! The Giraffes were hysterical. They were chasing each other around, sort of wrestling each other with their long necks, and making a sound that was similar to a lion's roar. They would hear the tour bus approach and hide so those on the bus couldn't see them. As soon as the bus moved on they would come back out and start playing again! :lol:

Jake's BD was nice, although I burned the potatoes :roll: Which was fine for me because I LOVE burnt food :lol:

Crowns all around! I have a friend who I haven't seen since high school, but we keep in touch via facebook. She is a belly dancer, dance teacher and pilates/yoga teacher by trade. About 9 months ago I had a package arrive in the mail from was a TIARA!!!! I swear, EVERYBODY needs a tiara!
It made my month! Apparently she belongs to a group they call the Tiara Fairies...The just pick someone they think needs a pick me up and send them a tiara! Not sure if this link will work for you...let me know. ... ydJ4FmeScb
I'm wearing a mask in the pic because a dear friend made the mask for me and she wanted a pic of the mask for her FB page, so of course I put the tiara on! :D

We are SUPPOSED to have a beautiful day here today (70ish and sunny), but the grey clouds seem to have other plans. Hoping they bugger off as I would LOVE to meditate in the sun again today.

I hope you all have a BEAUTIFUL day!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi guys,
Might be me, but had problems connecting to both links. Was surprised when instead of viewing crackers, there was a dog pic and an apology they could not find the link. I've seen people with crackers at Christmas in movies. Pretty sure our whole family would love them. Sammyjo's link took me to a blank page on Facebook. :( no tiara.

Hmm, never thought of us streaking in Sydney. Boy oh boy, that WOULD leave and impression... I don't think the whole continent would ever be the same. :shock: :? :shock: Hmm, now I'm imagining all the running, don't think I'd ever be the same either!

I too am happy everything went so well on your sojourn downtown! :bana: :bana: :bana: Big sigh of relief. Bet you couldn't have imagined it better. Give yourself a pat on the back, although I do recall someone saying about your outings, "You can do this Sandy!" Both the zoo and botanical gardens sound lovely, the price does too! Just look how your world is expanding by risking to be brave.

Tiara Fairies? How amazing is that?!

Dave had to go into town yesterday. I asked if he would pick up supplies for starter soil as it was very expensive to order on line. I needed three things, going to mix my own. I may have mentioned once or twice, he's a pretty frugal fellow. The small bags were about $5.00 each, the much( much much much!) larger ones $20.00. I now have about 40 pounds of seed starting soil... I'm thinking it might last me about ten years or so. Guess I'd better get planting!

Have a great day everyone.

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Now you have me thinking about getting all these little grocery store seed bits started, Kim. Of course, we're going into winter so they may not be terribly happy outside unless I give them a bit of protection. But what am I thinking... we have at least a couple months of growing yet...
LOL I am thinking about your huge bag of seed starting soil. Maybe you are supposed to plant lots more flowers and veggies this year. ;)

I just heard on the US news today about the 2 feet of snow that Denver is supposed to be getting tonight or tomorrow. Wow! the US has certainly had more then its' fair share of winter storms this year. :shock: It is sunny and warm here today...I really should go outside and weed something... Mozzies are sort of bad, though...LOL Listen to my excuses... :roll: :oops:

I adore the idea of sending a tiara to someone who needs it...What a lovely idea. I too couldn't see the photo, just a blank Facebook page.

I'll try again with the images of Christmas crackers. ... 389&sr=8-1

Not sure what went wrong first time around. I just hope this one works. :finger:

I was just thinking about giraffes. I was shocked a year or so to know that Giraffes are being killed much like elephants and their numbers are dropping dramatically. I can't imagine a world without elephants, giraffes, rhino, zebras etc... :( There's a zoo...think it is called Western Plains zoo that has some rooms right next to the animals homes so that you can sit in your living room with Tigers or Giraffes etc... cool huh? well I guess it would be cool for us but I wonder how much the animals enjoy such a thing. I suspect they help fund food etc... for all the zoo animals.

Okay I'm gone... :hithere

Enjoy your week end!
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Happy Sunday!

I was looking through my memories on facebook and ran across this pic, I hope the link works! ... e=60733FBD

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

How many pots do you have ? If the plants are herbs, lots of people keep them on the windowsill in the winter time. Always have fresh herbs for cooking. Speaking of flowers, the chipmunks eat my tulip bulbs. Think a good project for Nova and I is to plant them in pots and put under the greenhouse grow lamp. Maybe then we'll have tulips for spring! Last year I had two 6ft tables, plus a bench of seedlings. Wasn't planning on planting that many this year, mainly because it was constant battle between me and the deer, chipmunks, and squirrels. Have purchased more fencing to keep the deer out, and hoping netting will work for the rodents. I wasn't able to can anything. Good thing none of them like basil!

The U.S, has had a lot of freaky snowstorms, but we've had an exceptionally mild winter. Only have little piles of snow here and there, and in the woods of course. Usually it takes us until May to have everything melted. That being said, Old Man Winter often has a trick or two up his sleeve, so I'll not be planting until Memorial Day to be safe. Can't tell you how many people loose everything from a surprise frost, and sometimes snow.

Those darn mozzies. I hear they grow them big down there! Did you go out and weed? Heard anything about a job placement?

The cracker pic was perfect, very festive! I have another fairy house pic and one of the clay veggies I made this weekend. Maybe some day soon I'll post the link.

I was unaware about the hunting of giraffes. Why?! I certainly would not care to be in a zoo if I was an animal forced to live there. That's really very sad.

Responding to the meditation thread I was going to add I wanted to see if I maybe pick up a big multifaceted crystal next year... wasn't thinking quite that big! Was also thinking about a nice amethyst church.

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Good somethin er other, :hithere

Wow Wow Wow! Now that is some BIG CRYSTALS Sammyjo! I remember a few years ago seeing some giant crystals in a cave somewhere. It was too hot to be there more then a few minutes but it was amazing and caused me to wonder what beautiful surprises lie inside the depths of our awesome planet.
I found this... ... tion=click ... tion=click

Hi Kim, I have several dozen little small peat pots and a disk containing the seed that I just need to add water too. I might put them in old meat trays in the window sill and add the water that hopefully will start them growing. Maybe just maybe they will grow and prosper. :finger:
I am sorry you have such a time with the wildlife eating your plants and food. Has it always been like this or is this something more recent?
You know, I had a thought yesterday. We had no wasps at all this year. In fact I don't remember seeing any all summer... no bees or anything. :shock: :cry:
That's a worry. :?

Well enough out of me...
stay safe and happy,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Good morning all!
Lost a post to this thread yesterday. Cracked my knuckles and am ready to try again!

All of the caves we've been in have been quite cool. I assumed they were all like that, but apparently not! Can you imagine visiting one of the caves pictured in your links? Like viewing the beginning of time, incredible. The other day Dave and I were pouring through our photos and I came across the ones from Arizona last year. There was an underground tunnel they bore through a hill. One section had display shelves of gorgeous stones and crystals behind glass windows. There was also a large room sized pocket of white crystal shafts in their natural state. It's like someone opened up a section in the wall and found this magical place! So glad they left it as is and protected it by putting a glass window in front for all to enjoy. Upon exiting the tunnel there was a mining area where you could look for your own treasures. That was enough for Tiny and I. We could have stayed there for the rest of the day. She became an expert at spying the tiniest stones of malachite and amethyst. Trying to be funny Dan said he found his rock and tried to lift one that was obviously a couple hundred pounds. It was a rough cut of Malachite.

Did you start your seeds yet? Nova and I were all set to plant tulip bulbs, opened the package and all of them had pretty much turned to dust. Let that be a lesson for you folks, plant your bulbs when you get them! Thought about ordering some online, but they were so expensive. Maybe we can find a few in the stores.

Living in the woods we always have had one or two deer believing my flowers are their salad bar, but last summer there was a herd of maybe eight female and fawns. The one very bold female their leader. There seemed to be a chipmunk explosion in our area last year! I used to think they were so adorable, wouldn't mind sharing the spoils. Obviously these critters never learned to share. Think there were so many at my door because of feeding the birds for the first time since moving back from the motel.

Think the lack of bees and wasps was a result of last years fires? Maybe they're still trying to recover their numbers. That is a worry, they're an essential part of pollination. Hope their absence was a fluke.

I can't believe it, almost lost another post. A black screen suddenly popped up saying I've gone incognito! How the heck did I do that! bBtter stop and submit while I can.

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim, :batman:
Sorry, I just loved the incognito word, for some reason (hence the batman above) even though it can't have been fun for you. That has never happened to me and of course, I haven't a clue how it happened or what it means. I always expect my computer to work as it should when I turn it on and when it doesn't... :shock: :roll shock and mayhem. George's computer is in the shop as I speak...I turned it on last week and an alarm went off again having to do with memory. Soooo every toe and finger is crossed hoping I soon get it back safe and healthier then it was before.

My parents have also seen an increase in the deer population and so they too can no longer have a nice big garden as they once could. In their area it has to do with loss of habitat due to new subdivisions. I feel for them and also all back yard gardeners. Sadly, I don't know what the solution is but it would be lovely if our wildlife communities could be considered before approval of large tracks of wilderness area to suburbia or industry. I know this is a very complicated issue...but I see losses on the horizons of that most of us hold dear if something doesn't change in some way.

If I remember correctly (It has been awhile since I've seen a chipmunk) they can fill their cheeks up with food for transport to their larder in their cheeks just like hamsters. George was fascinated with them when he visited the US in the early years of 2000. He used to feed them in the town park.

I still haven't started my seeds. I need to find a waterproof tray to put the small seed starter pot in before placing them in the window. There must b something suitable out in the garage. As I've mentioned before, it is sort of magical and you can always find anything needed there if you just ask. ;) :D

I have children's programming on quietly in the back ground. I have discovered it does much to gently lift my mood. I find myself distracted sometimes...wishing to get up and dance with Emma or sing along with the Wiggles. LOL :bana: :sunflower:

I hope all of you have a good week end. For me, it is one that will be spent indoors as we have we have tons of rain falling and more on the way. There could be flooding in some areas but we are generally safe here. :(
Take care everybody, :hithere
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Incognito is a great word,... except when it shows up on my computer. I hooked a keyboard up to the laptop in case I was inadvertently hitting something I shouldn't.

Heard anything on George's computer? Now days our whole lives are on our computers and/or phones. Very stressful when they freak out... or maybe it's us that freak out when something happens to them?! And your car isn't working again,... or still?

As for the incursion of nature in our yard, I know everything is a balance. There hasn't been many new construction sites right around us, but as everything is connected, something has changed. Obviously the more I grow the more appealing it is to the wildlife! I'll add more fences, netting and shred soap. Lol! Maybe word has gotten out that we're one of the few households that don't hunt! Also I think the animals just aren't as fearful of humans. I had a stare down almost nose to nose with the bold female deer last spring. She's a bossy thing! Who doesn't like chipmunks, they're generally very friendly, and apparently voracious!

I would be right there with you dancing and singing with the kid shows! Some people don't know what their missing! The girls came for a visit yesterday. Tiny really loves the new fruit and veggie additions. She was pretty sure the grape and squash vines needed to be hung on the birch bark house, instead of growing in the garden. It did look really good! During naptime Tiny wanted to try her hand at making something out of clay. She made teeny blueberries, one fairy fruit, a fairy pie. a potted flower, and a stack of pink pancakes(ran out of brown) complete with syrup dripping down the sides and a berry on top! It was so fun talking and laughing while we created. I made two fish, a fairy berry pie, a beehive, honey pot, and a pot to hang on a tripod to cook all our veggies in. We had to stop to play 2 rousing games of Go Fish.

I'm finally starting some seeds today, determined to keep it to only one table this year... and maybe a few window sills.

Hope the rain stopped short of flooding, that's pretty scary.

Time for me to try and be productive I guess. Hope your inside weekend was cozy and pleasant.

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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Hi All,

Sorry I haven't been chatty. It's been a busy weekend and my De Quervain's (kind of like carpal tunnel) is acting up so typing is a bit of a chore. I get a shot tomorrow, so I should be back to my chatty self in a few days.

I will see you tonight (HOPEFULLY)! At least I'll do my part, the rest is up to "them".

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Sorry to hear that, uh sounds painful. :sorry: Hope you're feeling better after your injection.

That reminds me. I get my first COVID vaccination on Tuesday afternoon!

Feel better!
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