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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Good evening ladies,,,
I'm here earlier tonight,,,so I might get something written. Yes, I love Yogananda too,,I remember when you guys were reading his bio, it was so empowering. Sandy, I wouldn't really cook with lavender, but as a fragrent oil it would be nice for massage.....or dry the leaves and make little smelly cushions to put under pillows for a nice sleep, or to scent undies drawers. I'd suggest cutting off the flowering head and just use the leaves below if the flowers have all gone brown. Rosemary now, since I love it, I know a bit more about it, like it's good for bruises,,,another good massage oil,,it rejuvenates tired also helps to grow hair...I kid you not!! I've always heard it makes a great hair rinse but I've never tried it.

Kim, I think you and Sandy are right, that we should talk meditation stuff elsewhere, and the Akashic Construct Thread would be the place...I just don't think I can.
Do you remember when I went up into the Canadian Rockies for a meditation? and we all had a huge experience being in Archangel Michael's etheric temple area. Well my path has kept me with AAM and some wonderful adventures, but I won't share those on an open board either. I'm sure there are some things I can share, on the spur of the moment, and that's how they'll come out. But WOW,,, er... yrs have passed since I first joined the board!!!...O.....M.....G!!!!! I can't believe it!!

Well,,,I think we've weathered that passage of time quite well!!

I think we should stay on the light side here (pardon the pun).

well it's now 11 pm...I've got some new guided meditations,,,maybe I'll remember some things...

love to you both,,,and all xoxoxo

Blessings,,,pp :flower:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hey PP,
Sorry I have been missing for a few days. Christmassy stuff and work around here has kept me busy... but it is no excuse not to pop in and say hello I am thinking about you eh? ;)
I appreciate all the advice you and Kim can give me where using herbs are concerned. I would love to know more about such things and then remember it. That's my trouble these days. There is so much I am stuffing into my head that I don't give any one thing a chance to take root. But I will putter around later today if I have time and see if I can find some lavender flowers left. If not I will make some potpourri with the leaves for the clothing drawers. I remember was rosemary you used so extensively. I believe Petra is like you guys and knows a fair bit about herbal remedies. I do believe that young lady has a birthday coming up soon. :bana:

I long to sit around an open fire looking out at that huge expanse of the sky. We can actually see a fair bit of sky from the back yard getting away from the trees a bit... but living in the suburbs there is too much artificial light at night to really enjoy it clearly. Last Friday they must have had the huge city Christmas Carols called Carols by Candlelight. It is something very popular over here and nearly ever community and city has one in December. The people get together and watch professional and volunteer singers put on a show and as a group intermittently they sing Christmas carols along with them. The program is held at dusk in some places open fields and so everyone holds candles. Quite moving really, and there is a lot of lovely group energy being shared. Well, anyway, what I was getting to was, late Friday evening I heard the characteristic booming sound of distant fireworks. And realized that it must have been the end part of the Christmas show and when I walked down to the end of the yard there it was... beautiful, bursting colored lights reflecting on the waters of Lake Illawarra. I must have watched for the duration, nearly ten minutes and do you know... I did not get one mozzie bite! It is Mosquito heaven back there. So I was very grateful for those mozzies that had already enjoyed their "dinner" and were relaxing, watching the show with six of their "hands" on their big ole bellies. ;)

I cannot believe it has been 9-10 years since you brightened the 11:11 door! :shock: We're old timers for sure. :mrgreen: And kimmie too, She beat you here by just over a month. ;) So much has happened since then. We've all gone through a lot together. It's amazing to me...that most of us have never laid eyes on each other in the flesh... but via spirit you gals are as close to me as my own kin. It helps though to have a safe comfortable place to write and communicate and that is what this place tries to promote. A place where people can be at peace and not be worried about being ripped to shreds for every comment/thought they share. We have taken flack for that over the years but I have seen what the lack of self control can do...

I've been thinking about the different paths we tread... and have come to the conclusion that underneath of it all, where spirit meats heart and soul...we are all the same and drinking out of the same Divine glass. ;) The details that get us to the "watering hole" vary... but the Divine loves diversity I hear so bring it on...all those wonders and joys you've experienced...Underneath the umbrella of Divine love we are all one. (truthfully though, sometimes I need to be reminded of that fact. :mrgreen: )

Okay need to scoot. :roll
Love all you guys... have a great week! :hithere
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Good morning!

Waiting for my sweet Clementiny to visit. Dave and I had our writer's group over for a potluck last night. It was so nice I made nacho dip for an appetizer, and chicken stew topped with biscuits casserole for dinner. I've been craving of all things lately jello! So we had to have a grape, raspberry, whip cream layered jello and french vanilla ice cream for desert. Others brought a beet Greek salad and mushroom spread. Well they're here! All I had time for was to talk about food! Appropriate no?

Love to you until next time. :sunflower:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

:lol: And all I've had to day is a couple of dry saltines. Granted it is only 7:30 am when I am reading this but you made my mouth water, Kim.
By the way, not sure I've mentioned this....if you have any recipes you'd like to share we have a recipe collection "hidden" in the Urantia Book section of the board. It began as Rod's baby. He's a wonderful cook always experimenting and adjusting recipes and there are some real gems there. If you decide you would like to share (and this goes for anybody reading.) Just post your recipe on the thread called UB Cooking and from there I'll move a copy of it into the UB cooking index.(For ease of finding the recipe you're looking for.)

How is that precious grandbaby of yours? Isn't it amazing how quickly babies change and grow? Do you know my grandson will be 4 in February????? How did that happen! He has lost that toddler know the chubby cheeks and all. But he is still a little darling and the things he says and reasons... justpriceless!

We have to do our shopping today. Not looking forward to facing the crowds. No avoiding it though as the grocery store we need to visit this week (long story) is located in the mall. Still it may be lovely to listen to some Christmassy music and see the decorations. (Keeping a brave front. :lol: )

Well better go and get the rabbit settled outside. George will be up any minute.
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Very interesting,,,,it took us 'all' 3 days to answer...I'm wondering,,,do some dates, the numbers sort of get you todays the 9th,,,gee that seems familiar,,,what's happening on the 9th,,,,and there really is nobodys birthday, or an anniversary, or even worse,,,you are a month early with the date..(and it still doesn't click)

like I just's the 9th,,Dec 9th,,,nothing special,,,,it's Jan 9th that I have a remembrance. I have to admit that this was a close example, but it does happen to me a lot. crazy dates,,,maybe it's just crazy days,,,but I'm laughing thinking that 'really' if there wasn't all this bling hootzspa going on, the 25th would slide by also for me,,,but I have figured out that it is because I have no little ones, of any generation running around reminding me!!.....oh poooooooooh!!! and let's face it,,,that kind of xmas,,is,,all about to say my xmas has changed is an understatement!!

That being said,,,it is definitely a different experience to sit around a campfire in the desert (even if we are in the outskirts of a little town,,,the general location is as I was saying,,here we are sitting around a campfire in the Mohave Desert,,, watching the stars rise and move upwards....I know that's not what's happening,,but when I really think about the earth rotating,,I get frightened thinking that I'll fall off :roll :roll :roll :roll :roll

so there's a hidden cook book eh!!!!! I'll have to check that one out,,,I might get inspired!! I'll hope I get inspired!! :idea: :idea:

Well the last couple of days I haven't been feeling the best, not sick, but just not with it,,,felt shaky, so today I made a soup for lunch,,,,finished it in time for a meditation that I was waiting for....Did that, then as it was finishing I broke out in the strangest perspiration ever,,,like a cool mist all over me, but my face was dripping. (well it was a type of clearing meditation) it was that or my soup made me sweat and I feel a lot better...think I'll go with the clearing... :mrgreen:

It seems there are a lot of birthdays in Dec...yikes....2 of my nieces,,,and one is in 4 days...

keep in touch sweeties,,,sending love,hugs, and Blessings...pp
xoxoxo :loves
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Sorry Lynn I messed it up, it hasn't been three days. As far as the dates and numbers have significance, I wonder if that depends on each individuals belief system? If you have noticed a pattern, then obviously it means something to you. Sorry you've been off lately. When you mentioned sweating though I wasn't very sympathetic. It reminded me of when you put a clove of garlic between your toes! That caused a sweat! And you could taste it! Pardon me while I fall off my chair!...Yup, it's still funny! As far as December birthdays go my sweet little granddaughter will be one year old on December 30. We've decided to tone down Christmas and concentrate on her birthday.

It was shredded wheat for me this morning! Yesterday I used the left over mushroom spread and made a messy omelet. It was so good! Also toasted a fresh roll. Sandy I'll try to remember the UB cooking thread. Mostly now it's just Dave and I for dinner, but still when ever I cook, always make enough for left overs and extra for my kids. Clementine loves Grandma's cooking! The first thing our 30-year-old son Dan does is walk into the kitchen looking for morsels. He proceeded to eat the chocolate chip cookies Aleah had brought over(obviously I'd forgotten about them!)with his head stuck in the frig he said, "Rachel and I really can buy our own food, but here?..."

I finished for him, "Is Mom's food."

"Yeah!" He wanted to take the chicken casserole home, I said no it wasn't gluten free. He took the chili Dave had made a few nights ago, and some nacho dip. Later he sent a photo of the best chili cheese fries, of the century, he'd made for dinner! One of my favorite things to do with my school kids was cook with them. It seems nobody does that with kids anymore. In the fall I'd bring in my apple corer/slicer/peeler. They all had a chance to peel their own apple for applesauce or pies. The best part was that they got to eat the incredibly long peel! It could take all morning with 17 three & four-year-olds to make one pie, but it was great fun and we used so many different learning domains in the process! Can't wait for Clementiny to get big enough to cook with me. Right now she has fun emptying the cupboards of all the cooking do dads. She's not very good at cleaning up though. Her nick name is 'Tsunami', and it fits! Don't know if you FIGURED it or not, but I LOVE BEING A GRANDMA! :baby :bana: :bana: :bana:

And Aleah :roll :love :loves loves being an Aunt. She took Clementine shopping the day before yesterday. Dan and Rachel take her shopping only if they have to, because she's such a mover and curious about EVERYTHING! Anyway she and Tia went to a consignment place. Putting Clementine on the floor Aleah said, "Okay Tiny tell me what you like." Clementine crawled to each cupboard and tub of toys looking at each thing very carefully. Then she got excited holding a toy up shaking it. "That's the one you want? Okay lets look at the shoes." The girl tried on twenty pair of shoes! Aleah was going to quit when her attention waned, but it didn't until she found a soft pair of suede boots and wouldn't let go until Tia Aleah agreed to buy them for her. The same thing happened with clothes, she grabbed a dress among a hundred, it was just the right size and very cute. On the way home all of the sudden Clementine started crying. Aleah said, "I bet you're hungry huh?" She pulled over, gave her a bottle, buckled her back up, and she was content the rest of the way home. It is fascinating watching her with children. They all love her, babies. kids, teens are all drawn to that magnetic energy she has, and her niece is no exception. It's funny seeing her give her big brother parenting advice, and he listens! Dan is an at home dad, he's exceptional if I do say so myself, but when it comes to clothes, ...well he's a guy! Yesterday he brought her out in a cute little dress commenting, "And see the leggings match!"

Sandy hope your shopping wasn't too painful. I'm going tomorrow, hopefully not painful either. Lynn I believe Christmas is about all of us. And the feelings behind it. Even being around a desert bonfire qualifies as far as I'm concerned! When we had our dinner the other night, I was the youngest one there, but the house was all decorated, festive music in the background, candles lighting up the dinner table. All the others except for Dave and I have very quiet Christmases, feelings of being together sharing stories, laughing and food was what it was all about for me.

Well, I'd better accomplish something today if I'm going to play hooky tomorrow!! Love you two, maybe someday we can all spend Christmas around the same bonfire laughing, sharing good food and stories... Hey! I have an idea we could ALL put garlic between our toes! Nothing would be funnier than that!

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: et infinitum...or something like that...

garlic between my toes,,,,,yes I remember that well enough to still taste it,,,and thanks for reminding me,,,the next time I get so sick with a cold that it's near pneumonia I'll do the garlic dance.....

please someone remind me,,when I come down with it,,I forget every good thing I'm supposed to do, except stay warm and in stay bed which is no problem, believe me! Once I get over the delirium part I remember to eat,,but the next time, I'm going to the hospital. I likely should have gone the last 2 times,,,it's been really bad. At least the last time I got off to the Dr's office and he got me on antib's right away...

well,,enuff of that!!

Kim you sound like my sister, so I do know where you are coming sister lives for her grandsons, and now one tiny granddaughter (her husbands little girl) probably about the same age as Tia....and my youngest niece (Amy) just announced that they are pregnant, and it's another boy, due next May. It was 5 yrs before I met her first 2 boys and my oldest nieces youngest son, so the cousins are all close together. But I think I will be able to visit this summer, so the baby won't be too old. It means a lot to me because I am Amy's God Mother, and I held her when she was very tiny,,,this baby, my 7th Great Nephew means a lot to me and I want to hold him when he's very tiny. Just cuz!!!

so I look forward to many Tia Tales...

A friend here in the park and went shopping yesterday,,it was a good 6 hr jaunt,,lunch included and groceries at the end of it. Today I rested and enjoyed catching up with my mail.

Sandy,,what's cookin in your kitchen ????? Something good for sure!!

Well, I seem to have run out of small talk,,,and it's...omg,,,11:11,,,so I really will say goodnight,,

love,,pp :bike: :bike:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear PP,
I'll try to remember you of the garlic cure! maybe I should have Dave try it he's down with a nasty bug this weekend. Which is really unexpected, because he rarely gets sick! It was shop til you drop for me also. Went with son Ken, of all people. He and I are not usually the best shopping partners. He's a grab and go kind of guy, and I'm a stop and touch, and stop again, and a oh shiny kind of shopper. We did pretty well together though. No significant disagreements except when I bought him a new shirt and pants to wear for later. I'm sorry we were going to a Madrigal Dinner my niece and nephew were performing in, sometimes you have to dress for the occasion, not in sweatpants. "Oi!"

The performance was so well done for a high school production! They turned the gymnasium into the Great Hall in Harry Potter's Hogwarts. I don't know if you know the story or not, but our whole family have been Harry Potter crazy since the beginning. My niece and nephew lived with us for three years, so we're very close. Back to the dinner. Before sitting down we had to don The Sorting Hat, just like in the story, and be sorted into our houses. It was great! All the characters were not only acting out their parts, but serving us dinner at the same time. At different intervals the choir would gather to sing a songs from the movies and also Christmas carols, some the audience joined in on. I'd totally recommend the butter beer drinks(non alcoholic) tasted like carbonated butterscotch. Dinner included salad, rolls, Cornish hens, steamed broccoli and apple crisp. All very good. Really made me long for Aleah's old choir days.

In the last two and a half years we've had 5 babies born in our family, and twins on the way! It's exciting when our babies are having babies.
Speaking of cooking I'd better make the sickie some breakfast, he's pretty pitiful when he doesn't feel good! Should probably be a hearty bowl of oatmeal, but he'll insist on an omelet..

Hope everyone is happy and healthy!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello you guys,
Sorry I've been away for a few days... literally off my computer for the most part as I tried to catch up with all the chores and Christmassy stuff. Still behind but I am resigned to it now and certainly not stressing about it.
We've sort of had a crimp thrown into our plans for sure. Went to run some errands earlier and when G started the car, we both smelled petrol. As we backed up to pull out, there, where the car had been, was a pool of petrol. :shock: (gas where we come from) so that ended the trip right away. :| And so, as we speak, our big white wagon tank of a car is at the local mechanic to, hopefully, discover what ails it. My first instinct is to say...grrrrr... but then oh well...roll with the punches, right? The walking will be good for us if it doesn't kill us. :mrgreen:

I must say my shopping trips are not nearly as exciting as Aleah and Tia's... it sounds like that little one has good taste. :lol: Aleah is so brave LOL I remember going with Eli and his mommy to a consignment shop looking for Halloween costumes and wow I never saw a child move so fast and get into more products in my life. I used to hold the record according to my mom but it seems we have a new master. congratulations Eli! and Kara,(Mommy) the bubble bath is on me! ;)

to answer Lynn's question about what I was cooking...well..cookies... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Thankfully they are all out of the house...and yet I am thinking maybe I should make some more. ;) Well...not this week anyway. Maybe next week so that there is a chance there will still be some at Christmas. Or maybe I should take a healthier option...maybe make a cheese ball and multi grain cracker kind of thing. Rod has posted some lovely healthy grain bread recipes. One I tried.. lets see it was called Mini Mounds of Ruis. They were easy quick and delicious. Great for those nights where a hearty soup is in order.

I LOVE HARRY POTTER!!!! Your dinner sounded like a hoot, KIM! What a great idea! That first HP movie just wowed me as I looked at that great hall...I remember thinking I would love to be there, magic wand in hand and all. Speaking of Magic wand, that was something I really did wish for... you know..."Wouldn't it be great to have a magic wand?" kind of thing. Well don't you know in a few weeks after that thought I came home to getting an Amega wand which is awesome for easing muscle aches and healing a plethora(college word HEE HEE) of other problems our poor ole human bodies can encounter. I discovered it works well on rabbits too and have used in on Stuart when he was under the weather. So in a funny kind of way my wish was fulfilled and we have a little bit of Hogwarts living and working in our home. :bana:

I hope you are feeling better now and that good ole desert air is working its magic. And Kim I hope Dave is feeling better. Lots of stuff down here too and we're into summer now.

Well I'm being paged by three friends, the magpies, precious, Laddy and their baby, Junior. Still haven't thought of a name for the little one...I was hoping the parents would help but so far nothing... ;) :)
Take care everyone... :hithere
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Sandy is your car going to survive? Hopefully just a cracked hose or something simple? It is December 16 and no snow! There is a rose in the garden trying to bloom, the snapdragons and primrose are budding out! Had a lot of rain lately, saw a few flakes yesterday, turned into rain, then the sun was shining! Ken asked if I'd ever seen a winter rainbow, he saw one on his way home. I'll be grateful while it lasts, don't mind the snow, but after the past 2 winters we could use a break. Hope all is well in your parts of the world!

There's been so much anger and discontent between relatives lately. It's so hard to watch, listen and not be sad for them. One thing my brother's death has taught me is, "Life is too short! You just never know when your last conversation with someone will be THE last conversation with them!" On this plain at least. I come from such a hard-headed family. Everyone is right, everyone else is wrong, blah, blah, blah. Life is too short... to accept that you are going to live in misery, spreading misery, because someone else is never going to change.

Only I can make myself happy. It has to begin with me. I sit here believing this truth, watching. Sit here with the realization there's nothing I can do to make it better for them... while the roses bloom, snapdragons and primrose bud, the smell of sugar cookies permeates the room, and I discuss with my son what we should have for Christmas dinner.

Sandy you crack me up. Love your college word. The dinner was so much fun, felt like a little kids trying not to miss anything. My sister took a ton of pictures the next night. I've always wanted a magic wand too, mostly I would like a transporter from the Star Trek series. It would be so much easier if I could just push a few buttons and be at my destination, talk with friends, take in the sites, zap back home in record time, get done what I need to, then be off again!

My pager is our cat Sparkles. I hope your little magpies have a more melodic tune than he does. His Siamese song immediately sets my teeth on edge, of course that helps him get the results he wants pronto! Dave is feeling better, seems our little village is being ravaged by the beast. Might take a look at the Mini Mounds of Ruis, having a craving for squash soup. Speaking of food, I haven't eaten yet and work is calling my name.

Lynn, hope you're feeling better. Sandy have a great day!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi dear friends,

As I begin this " ;) repartee" I am greeted by the sounds of the garbage, or more politely, the "refuse" truck empting the bins out front. Today I am grateful for refuse trucks that have these enormously strong steel arms reaching out to grab lift tip empty and set right back down those smelly but oh so necessary trash and recycling bins. it truly is one of the marvels of the modern world and one I must admit I take for granted most of the time. Without this service we would all be up to our armpit in smelly cast off shrimp pate, my latest offering. Yes, some how this once delicious delicacy got pushed to the back of the fridge and I forgot all about it. Tis a shame really as it was delicious, made from a gift of tiny shrimp our neighbour Bo captured last week... or was it the week before? :scratch: But I have to tell you there are few things on this planet that smell worse then past it's prime shrimp Pate. PEEEEEUUUUW!!!

We had severe storms yesterday with a suburb of Southern Sydney copping a tornado. It did a fair bit of damage but thankfully there were no loss of lives...which is of most importance. It wasn't a huge one, not like some of the monsters you all have out west... but it doesn't take a big one does it? For me, tornados are the scariest forces on the planet! (natural forces anyway... man of course has to come up with far nastier bits of danger.) Of course there was George and I, walking over a mile through the rain to the mechanics during a break in the action. LOL Yep, our ole work horse of a car was repaired and I truly feel so blessed. it was simply a couple of bad hoses. :bana: So basically the bill covered the tow and a small cost of repairs which wasn't labour intensive. I know perhaps I should be bummed it happened in the first place but strangely enough, I am not. I just feel happy that alls well that ends well. :D

I haven't even thought about Christmas dinner yet... so what have you narrowed it down to, Kim. Maybe it will give me some ideas.

I'm so sorry that you are subjected to the malcontent of your relatives especially at a time of year when healing is so beneficial. Your attitude is so refreshing and honestly the best way in my opinion to survive such grumps among loved ones. Holding anger and grudges is so detrimental to our well being. Remind me of this when I peal off on someone, eh? :oops: I've a long way to go with one childhood sore spot but it isn't doing me any good to hold this "young bud" to task.... praying now for understanding and the strength to let go of some things that have colored my well being all these "looooooong years." LOL Yeah feeling my age today for some reason. This could work to my advantage though if I can promote the "wise" angle with my kids...not sure they're buying it though. :lol:

Okay I have a cockatoo I must try to persuade that the restaurant is closed. Gosh I love them but they eat your house given half a chance.

Have a lovely peaceful evening!
Love, Love and then some.....
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

:hithere :love

I've been working on a note to you guys today, then of course I got interrupted,,,so here's part 1:

I almost typed 2016,,,heh, heh,,just pushing it a bit!!! Well a week ago I wasn’t feeling great,,,that only lasted for a day and thank you both for your best wishes. I’ve just been doing a lot of studying,,catching up with computer files and generally taking it easy….until yesterday!!
Oh what a fun day yesterday was,,,, We went out to Dons,,,up over Sitgreaves Pass. Going through Oatman the Burros weren’t even all up yet. Only one started to walk towards the car to see if any munchies were in the offering….sorry guys!!

up at Don's yesterday and his outdoor thermometer read 37 F in the sun! and even then, you can actually 'burn'...the sun is intense on one side and the part of you that's in the shade gets 'really' cold,,,something like standing around a campfire on a cold night. I had always heard that about the desert,,,it can get ''really'' hot in the daytime (they must have been talking about summer) but beware as soon as the sun goes down,,the temp drops really quickly. Well,,,I guess it's just a learning curve!!!

I went rock picking not far from the house and found a lot of chalcedony,,,,Allan and Don had fun going through a bottle of fire agate that had just been given to Allan, so for once Allan could be the benefactor, that was pretty good.

Then when we left we went a different way,,,and yes, got our roads mixed up and for a minute found ourselves heading for Flagstaff, (don't ask.. :mrgreen: ) anyway, we turned around at the next exit,,,which, thank G,,it wasn't too far away and headed back!,,,,what a screwed up bunch of roads that was!! Then (once we got on the right road) we headed south thru Bullhead City...Stopped at Dennys and had a big plate of Nacho's...hmmmm yummy (if you like that sort of thing)

When we went to New Mexico in 2013 to Laura's (she's doing great btw) we stopped at the Flying J's for gas,,and there was almost always a Denny's we'd go in with our computers (looking for RV spots) and we kinda got hooked on their Nacho's and I really do like their coffee (most places I can't drink their coffee),,,,so it was all good....gas, food, coffee and computer access!!

Allan has been cooking and it smells great, so I thot I'd take this moment to try and catch up...

and about this time, I have forgotten what both of you have written about,,,I'm not ignoring it,,,I'm forgetting it, and when I cursor up and down to re-read your messages,,,that's when I lose not this time!!! 8)

Dinner is ready,,,so I must to you both

pp :kiss: :kiss:

Well we just got a flyer saying there is going to be a movie night this Fri in the Club House,,,,pot luck for side dishes and bring your own meat for the BBQ
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

I love hearing about your day, PP!! Oh boy would I love to go rock picking with you... someone who knows what they are looking at. I can pick via energies...LOL but don't have a clue most of the time what they are. I was just reading about moldavite. It is rare and came from or as a result of a meteor in Czechoslovakia or the Check Republic... well something like that. It would be lovely and very useful in a pendant or something... Lots of fakes out there it seems though... one expert didn't recommend buying it if it comes from Asia as lots of fakes coming from that region and are finding themselves on EBay and Amazon etc...

So many beautiful and oh so useful crystals out there...I'd be like a kid in a candy store if we had one locally.

I love nachos too. We rarely enjoy them here though... Now that I have them in my head I will be craving them again. LOL Well there are certainly worse things we could be eating eh?

I would melt!!!! That''s all there is to it. Shoot I complain if we reach 30 C. We're lucky here most of the time is somewhat pleasant with a sea breeze keeping things moderate. But when a Northern wind blown in over the outback...Look Out!

Well my washer has stopped so I'm off to hang the sheets on the line. Have a great week end! :hithere

It is good to hear that Laura is doing well. Please tell her I said hello and to pop in here if she has the chance.
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Good evening All!
Waiting for a couple of late check-ins. Lynn you can get me laughing lady! We've been lost in Colorado a lot more than Arizona! Actually we always factor in being lost where ever we go, it's just not a surprise anymore. We were in Sedona in November and the weather was perfect, high 50s to low seventies, but it did get cold when the sun went down! One reality show I used to like was all about modern day prospectors looking for crystals and precious stones. It's funny you talking about stones. My son and daughter-in law surprised the heck out of us by trying to understand Aleah and I a little bit and stopped in at the local spiritual store!!! They were immediately drawn to the stones, their healing/protection attributes and meanings. Rachel suddenly remembered how obsessed she was about stones when she was younger. They poured over them, bought some for themselves and two for Aleah! They let Clementine pick out one for Aleah(of course I can't remember right now what it was called). It was perfect for her though, all about healing anxiety, protection, getting in touch with her spiritual self. I brought out my collection of stones and crystals. My main meditation stone is a large palm crystal/amethyst they gave me years ago in a small fish tank! Rachel has seen 11:11 for a long time, but is superstitious about it. Maybe this is a start of something?

We love nachos! Had taco salad tonight for dinner tonight. Aleah spent last winter with Jorge's family and learned how to cook authentic Hispanic cuisine Yum! And greatly improved her Spanish, and shared several dishes they'd never had. His family loves her meatloaf! Sandy I've never heard of shrimp pate', however shrimp cocktail was an appetizer for Christmas dinner. Speaking of that dinner, for appetizers we had Christmas sugar cookies, both gluten free and regular, summer sausage and cheeses with crackers, both gluten free and regular, a mixture of nuts, chocolate covered cherries, apple and orange slices, squash soup, corn bread, and shrimp cocktail. There was quite a break between starting appetizers and dinner because Kenny was the town Santa and we had to go in for that, then opened a few presents before Clementine fell asleep. She surprised us all and stayed awake to eat with us as well. Dinner was honey baked ham, baked potatoes and sweet potatoes, spinach salad with hot bacon dressing, sauteed Brussels sprouts, mandarin orange whipped cream jello, crescent rolls and Hawaiian rolls, and cranberry punch. Seems like I'm forgetting something, oh well! Dessert was peppermint stick ice cream and gluten free grasshopper pie. The next morning it was gluten free pancakes, egg bake, sausage links, sausage patties, rolls, hash browns, applesauce, coffee and orange juice... We did a lot of dishes. Gees, I'm full all over again just writing about it!

Lynn Sounds like Denny's is a perfect place for you and Allen. Glad you weren't sick too long. What were you studying? You just got a flying saucer??!!! Sounds like fun anyway!

Sandy we've had so much rain this whole month. Crazy to think how much snow it would have added up to. Had a mammoth storm last night! Have snow now! I was shoveling all day, couldn't start the snowblower, quit when it was dark, cold and my shovel broke. Nature has been crazy. So sorry for those in the southern states, flooding and tornadoes. Well, should close, getting late. Sandy glad your car wasn't too bad. Love you two,until next time!

:kiss: :bana: :bana: :bana:
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

hello me friends,
finally,,,it's over,,,I'm one of those I'm afraid. Now the Birthday roll starts!! It was a good time though,,,great fun,,,new friends,,,lots of dogs! I'm so greateful peaceful (but cold) days are back,,,actually it rained today,,,,a gentle rain,,no wind!
sorry this is short,,it's almost 3 am,,,,gawd,,,why do I do this to brain just went to sleepzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :bike:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello you guys,
Lynn I had a chuckle when you said this...
" sorry this is short,,it's almost 3 am,,,,gawd,,,why do I do this to brain just went to sleepzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :bike:
You and George...he is a night owl too and can't figure out either why he relentlessly stays up to the wee hours of the morning. As for me, you are not going to believe this, but I, after all these years, more years then I care to relate, have finally become a morning person. :shock: Now before you faint, I am not the chirpy kind of morning person... No, I leave that to my bird friends who have pretty well created the new up with the sun, Sandy. Their chirps and pecks on the window work better then any alarm clock as I rise up to greet their optimistic little dispositions. and I find that once up I sort of enjoy it. :bana:

Oh boy! We have enjoyed 3 days of rain! And I am in seventh heaven watching the latest batch of rain. I only wish it could be shared with some of the driest parts of Australia.
I feel sort of guilty as I stomp in mud puddles and wade in ankle deep water in the yard. Still it isn't flood stage kind of accumulation in our local area. My heart goes out to those who have lost everything in torrential rains in many places in the world.

Kim, your Christmas celebration sounds heavenly, complete with crystals to boot! I can't believe it wasn't all that many years ago when I too was a naysayer :roll: where crystals were concerned. All it took was a wee wild crystal. By wild, I mean one I found myself without any designs on its energy just drawn to...geez I don't know why but as soon as I picked it up I felt something... almost describe it as love...not love in a "humanny" way...but...geez...something... I was moved emotionally and for no reason. And it was just a wee stone that most people would have passed by without a second glance or even a first. Crystals are awesome...another tool in the Divine handbasket to help us in the mortal realm perhaps.

George and I get lost all the time too. We were just at the local mall yesterday getting groceries.. It is a large newly renovated one and by golly we got lost three times as we moved from one end to the other and back again. :lol: Sort of sad all the cheerful Christmassy decorations are gone, until next year anyway.

Have a good day up there you "Desert flower and Snow bunny. :mrgreen:
sending love from a very wet NSW's.
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

:sunflower: er Desert Flower reporting in mam! heh heh heh :mrgreen: I'll bet that there Snow Bunny will be along shortly,,,can't imagine what's keepin er :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

You have managed you say to have become a morning person??????? OH REALLY!!! :shock: or should it be,,,yah right!!! tell me another cannot take the stripes from the zebra,,,ones nature is truly one's nature...

I'm ...the 'j''s now 1:31 am

I am still labouring at cutting down my emails ..... :shock: and I have overloaded myself with 3 important (to me) courses...I may not see daylight for the next 3 weeks, because I'll be snoozing most of the day,,,,and night oil is no longer inexpensive!

Rain!!!,,,yes we had a whole straight no let up of 12+ hrs of rain here yesterday......Allan went out yesterday and said our outside mats were floating and there was about an inch of water on the ground everywhere... today we are fine,,it all soaked in,,,,thank goodness!!

There are certain areas on the desert where,,,after a rain,,is a good time to go wandering and catch that bit of glint,,like sun flashing on glass,,,keep your eyes on it,, because it's likely crystal,,,,or broken glass,,,a lot of that out in the desert also! what a shame!!! but it's fun finding the crystal...

ok sweeties,,,a x and o for George

and we be talkin to ya soon....well,,,,maybe in a few weeks xoxoxo pp :study:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

The Snow Bunny here!
Lynn I was watching the birds! A newly filled feeder brings so many delights! The Pilated woodpecker was making short work of the suet. Other visitors today were two other species of woodpeckers, oops, make that three, several blue jays, sweet little juncos and chickadees, purple finches and a nuthatch. Our winter eagle visitor just flew by the beach! It's my job to fill the feeder daily, voracious these winter birds! Sandy just yesterday, while visiting the pet store with my family, I was telling Dan about the variety of birds that visit you, we were both jealous and would love to sit by your feeder!

I've always considered myself a morning person, much to the annoyance to those around me! But after being forced to be 'up and at um' ready to serve our guests needs, I must admit sleeping on a rare morning is indeed a self-indulgent treat! I guess it's whatever it takes to get the job done right? Lynn hope you can stand up to the task of your courses!

When we went to Sedona, after a rain it was like the whole desert was sparkling when the sun shone. The whole place seemed alive with shiny heart stones! Speaking of stones you should see the beauties I found in the garage last night for my fish tank. Full of crystals!

Sandy, when Dave and I go, it's not getting lost in the mall that is our problem(malls not that huge up here), it's finding the car after a couple of hours of tortuous shopping! Okay, work is calling, better get back at it I suppose.

Sending snowball size love to both of you. Have a great day!

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

hey snow bunny,,,,,,guess we beat 'down under' to the punch this time... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

you mention Sedona frequently,,,I loved it too,,,Allan just wanted to leave and make vit to Phoenix as the tranny on the tracker decided to,,,bleweeeee ,, ghastly I got there and brought part of it back with me.....heart stamped forever!
I had a quiet day today,,listening to some more rain and not too distant thunder....and taking care not to let the sniffles develop into anything,,,had a bit of a fever for a couple of hrs,,,but that's gone now... feelin not too bad! should get a good sleep tonight....
why it's only 10:45 pst...
you both have a good night now

:kiss: :kiss: pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Down Under reporting in. :lol:

I am very late today as I had sooooo much yard work to do today. One job just sort of ran into another but when one is in the mood for such things it is best to strike while the iron is hot. Now of course I am so stiff and sore I can hardly move... I am thinking maybe I am getting old after all. LOL Nah that can't be it!!! :mrgreen: Besides I pride myself in being able to work Aussie ladies half my age into the ground. Hmm I was just reminded that pride goes before a enough of that "trash talk." ;)

Seriously though, the yard looks so much better. You would not believe how fast the grass grew the past 3 wet days. It was wonderful for Stuart though who is enjoying a bumper crop of freshly picked dandelions. (His favourite greens.) I was going to say his favourite treat but just like a little kid he loves his sweets...raisons and bananas. Can't blame him there. Did you find any crystals after the wet damp weather?

Good on you Lynn for taking those classes. They can get a bit involved though eh. (The voice of experience this past year. LOL) still it is as you say..."Worth it."

It's funny Kim, I was just thinking as you mentioned all those lovely birds from your feeder how much I would love to see them myself. :) I am familiar with all of them as they visited my feeder in Ohio. I always wondered why any bird in their right mind would stay up north instead of moseying down South where it is warmer and still bug-filled. I was thinking those sweet little juncos come down south from Canada and winter with the northern states but it has been awhile so I'm not sure now.

Oh we saw the cutest site this week. On one of our drippy days we looked out over the back yard and there was a mother duck leading a procession (small procession of 2 tiny little ducklings with Papa bringing up the rear. ) George thinks they were nesting under our Large leafed tropical bush which is big enough to swallow a house. (only slight exaggeration there :) ) Anyway I hope they will be okay. We too have eagles around here and hawks and another bird of prey...more stream lined then hawks but extremely dangerous for birds small enough for it to carry. They have to be wary and quick to survive here.

Well better scoot...I have a cockatoo sitting outside expecting a treat. And supper to get.. aching back... ;)
Love to both of you :love
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Snow Bunny Here! :hithere
Hmm, wonder if I'll have to change my moniker in the spring? Believe it or not it was raining here for three days!! Raining??? in January?! Had a cold blast last night, just a small one, only snowed about 5 inches. Revved up the snowblower, warmed up my shovel, fed the birds and hauled in ten loads of wood....Now winter feels normal! Instead of babysitting guess I'll clean the fish tank, roads are a mess. Dave found the toddler sled at our house, can't wait to take Clementine for a ride. Ya, who! Grandma!

Lynn don't forget the garlic cure. Told you I'd remind you. Did you finish your courses already? A couple of years ago I had to complete my CDA classes in a month and a half instead of six months. All I did was go to work, then come home and study. Everything else was a blur. Lynn can you share what your classes were on?

Arizona is as far west as I've gotten, mention Sedona often because Dave and I had a blast there. :bana: :sunflower: :bana: It was our first major vacation without kids and I had so many amazing experiences at the vortex's. We rarely go back to the same place twice, but would love to go back to Sedona. Hopefully our next trip though will be to Breckenridge Colorado this spring. My niece is in charge of the Arts in Breckenridge. She was given grants to rescue a bunch of barns there and turn them into creative workshops. I can't wait to go and see them. She just entered two pieces in an exhibition in honor of her dad who passed away last summer. She sent a picture of 'Lanterns Stitched for Jerome'. I Immediately started crying. They are the kind of lanterns people send up in to the sky. There are 63 lanterns hung in 7 groups about the ceiling with luminaries inside of them. The sticks are from his wood mill, paper from a collection she's made over the years. The designs stitched on them depict things they both loved. He actually liked to sew and was famous for mending his socks. Such a beautiful way for her to work through her grief. The other piece is titled 'Walnut Husks'. Haven't gotten a picture of it yet. My brother had huge walnut trees around his property. He invented a machine to harvest the fallen ones, probably husked them too I can't remember. Of course it inspired me to write a poem about them.

Sandy the birds were eagerly awaiting my arrival at the feeder this morning! Goldfinches, purple finches, cardinals and chickadees are also regular visitors. Seems like we're seeing more juncos now than when I was a kid. I would so love to see a cockatoo outside my window... Hope the duck mommy and babies stay protected from predators, and in our case it would be from the cat! Bet the lawn looks spiffy! I can identify with the aches and pains. Best we keep it up though right? We've had so little winter, I don't even miss the grass yet. I took a hundred pictures of the flowers I was always going to send to you. A couple of roses were trying to bloom all the way up 'til Christmas!

Since I'm not going to town today it will be lasagna and salad for dinner. Hope all is healthy and well in your respective parts of the world! Remember garlic cloves between the toes and a hot bath for a sore body, maybe add a few scented candles and a book. Love you guys! :loves

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello "Stinky toes" and Snow Bunny! :mrgreen: (sounds like CB handles you know. and it makes me think of my grandmother who had a cb radio back in those days before Skype and the internet. She had this crazy wonderful North Carolina accent (Picture Andy Griffith but with a feminine voice) and her handle was Quasar. I was fascinated when she'd get on it and talk. She was going to let me say hello but I chickened out as I felt somewhat like being on stage before a crowd of people you don't know. :roll:

I love the way you say, "We only had 5 inches of snow" Kim. :lol: That's just the right amount eh? I bet it was beautiful... wet snows always are...even if they may be a wee bit hard on the evergreen trees. Your energy is amazing. All that in one day? The wood hauling alone would have me complaining. A soak sounds awesome but there's only one draw back... we only have a shower here. Last soak I had, I believe was up at Geoff's in his former home in Corelette. That was 3 maybe 4 homes ago. :)

We had a very busy week end with me getting ready for a visit from George's lovely son. It has been awhile since we've seen him and the family and it is always a joy when any of them head down here. You guys would have laughed though. Picture us sitting down at the table for a simple lunch of homemade chicken noodle soup and sandwich buns with all the fixings... cheese, lettuce, tomato, cheese, pickle condiments... everything one needs for a successful sandwich, right? Well, Alex was halfway finished with his bun when I realized what had been weighing on my mind the whole meal.... what I had forgotten. it was the sliced chicken breast!!! :shock: It was a good day all around and we are still smiling today.

Today we have the air conditioning on... what a change from last week. and it is very hot here... not burn the skin off your bare feet hot, but getting there. (I just walked out across the driveway with bare feet so the "pain" is fresh. ;) )

The good thing about flower photos is that they are I am ready for them when ever you have some time to send or show them here, Kim. :) Iam dying to see the beds you and Aleah worked on last summer. I've enlarged our small herb garden a bit and am thinking of putting a bench in there surrounded by fragrant herbs and flowers. Also toying with an idea to make the bench out of branches from a discarded large Shea Oak that our unthinking neighbour brought down out of "my" sacred patch of woods behind the house. I am trying to put it behind me... weird thing I loved that large branch (almost small tree size and often touched it when I was meditating back there...( In between mosquito outbreaks) Still he is an... what do they call it arborhist.(sp.?) (someone who lops off branches and trees for a living) so he completely didn't have a clue when I confronted him all teary eyed and who can blame him I suppose. I am a bit funny about these things. :roll:

Your niece sounds a lovely artist. I adore the way she choose to honor her Father. Her work in his honor will touch everyone who views it and help them to connect and share maybe even release their own pain. I sort of picture death in this way from the individual's standpoint who is passing... beautiful calming glowing lights guiding us, encouraging us and enticing us to reach for the stars and the continuation of beauty in a way unknown before. Your brother must be very proud of his little girl... and rightfully so!

How was the lasagna? I haven't made that in years as g is not able to process tomatoey things very well. Gosh I love the stuff, though, and made a lifetime's worth already. Lasagna, salad and garlic bread was one of my favorite meals.

PP, do you remember how to enlarge the typed print on the message board? For some reason and while I was watching the print size changed and for the life of me I can't figure out how I enlarged it in the first place. It seems I remember you discovering this option years ago.

Well, better get busy...days moving on.
Love you all!
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

:bike: oh you guys,,,and your birds,,,I'm just slightly J.....I have doves a local road runner and some other small birds and some noisy ones....IF I think of it when I'm not busy I'll get out the bird book. hmmm,,I think the noisy one is called a gekkle or gekkel and it screeches..
I abnsolutely will not answer to best you remember that my sweet down under,,,or I might call you....oooothat's a baddie hahahahaha (lookin for someone with a shovel??),,,
Missing the chicken for the sandwich oh poor you,,,,well if you still have it you can make chicken soup!,,,I remember many meals when after the meal we'd remember something important, like cranberry jelly,,,,or the extra dressing...oh yes,,I think any woman who cooks has experienced that one!

Sandy, do you mean to enlarge these,,,scroll right up to the top and over on the right hand side in the light blue bar there is this symbol

arrow ( like a v) pointing down vA and an upside down v on the right side of the A so - make smaller A make bigger,,,it's just above my name.

and I got the letters this big by going right up to the top...and just below the red x is a tools icon, like a watch cog,,,,click on that and go down to zoom and choose your font size.

well now what courses am I or have I been doing?,,,just about whatever I find interesting. Heading for Mastery is a slow process,,,learn a lot of discipline along the way....and you have to practise, practise, practise.....I did 4 Levels with Ronna and Archangel Michael's Wisdom Teachings, and last summer, finally got to go to one of her!!
Now I'm about 3 weeks away from doing some pretty intense meditation with Christel Hughes,,,just online webinars. then more with Melanie,,,then I'm almost finished a course with Doreen Virtue and I'll be a certified Angel Card Reader. Oh and I've also been doing a 4 week hmmmm it's all about breathing and becoming 'one'....
It's been a lot of fun doing the Angel Oracle cards,,,and Doreen joined up with Radleigh Valentine and they made a new Tarot deck,,called the Angel Tarot,,,there is not one bit of negative energy in it anywhere...I just love it. It's all based on Angel energy. I used to use the old tarot deck....some 40 yrs ago,,,but never liked the energy, but in 02 I must have got the Archangel Oracles,,,then the Ascended Masters Oracles,,,the Angelic Healing Cards, and have some more that I don't have with when this course of Doreen"s popped up..I took it as a 'sign'.

Now it's getting on to 11 pm, and I'm trying to change my late night habits,,,I'm tired anyway :loves

:bike: :bike: pp :kiss:.
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hey you guys,
Good Morning! hmmm okay to be honest it is late morning and soon noon but I have been up since 6:30 am and wow is it a scorcher over here... It would be right up your alley PP as you love heat. But not me... or poor Stuart either for that matter. I just checked the bird "watering holes" and filled them with fresh cool water...but in this heat it will be warm again in no time flat. Poor little things...they are all running around with their mouths open to cool down.

I had a strange dream last night... all I can remember is I walked around the car and was surprised to find a bird I had never seen before...A large one about the size of a pelican but it did not look like any bird on this planet. It crossed my mind that I hoped it wasn't carnivorous...but then I began talking to it just as I would another person/friend and this new imaginary critter warmed up to me in a hurry. I woke up soon after that. :scratch:

My goodness Lynn you have been busy and a really good busy too. AWESOME! You are putting this wonderful desert life and nomad existence to really good use.

Okay I also apologise for calling you, "you know what" ;) But on the remedy note I just noticed today that garlic was on sale at the store, and this coming after I came across a natural cure for cataracts where you chew slowly 3 cloves of garlic every day. Bleah! Will the "big guy" give it a go? My money's on a nay but you never know... he might... and regardless of its effectiveness it has other good qualities...we won't have to worry about vampires for awhile! :mrgreen: :roll

Well, George is getting up so I best get his diabetes kit ready. :hithere

Love you guys...have a great evening! :sunflower:
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Hi Sandy, :hithere

Boy you guys have had a rough week. Nice to hear George is about if we roll him out onto the covered sun deck and give him an afternoon nap while we all dote on him....making all those secret goodies that are we can eat and drink special coffees and special chai's till the cows come home without one ill effect happening at all.

Bless your heart sweetie and take care,,get some rest..

love you bunches xoxoxoxoxo

pp :kiss:
Daily Affirmation:
I am alive to beauty, to laughter, to wonders within and without.
I am free to live and to enjoy life.
I accept divine presence as the fulfillment of my needs.
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