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Re: The Secret

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 8:42 am
by theunim
Hello Jose,

Welcome back and glad to read of your good news! I hope you can definitely go back to the Philippines and enjoy retirement there with your loving family. I myself am from the Philippines but I have been here in the US since I was five and now I am it's been a long time ;) I'm more American than Filipina now.

You make me think of my mom, and to some extent my grandmother. Both of them worked with the elderly in their homes like you did, but when my grandmother had been working here in the USA before going back to the Philippines, it was not through an agency. My mother now works through an agency, though, so she has a little more stability than before with the field.

Your dream seemed like it was a wonderful experience. Thank you for writing about it. :)

With Love,

Re: The Secret

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 2:13 pm
by 555
Hi, theunin,

Good to hear from you, too.

In fact when I was writing about Phils I was thinking of you, being you a filipina too.
Thank you for sharing about your family. Yes, the filipinos are very strong in the health area in U.S. In Philippines is the dream of many young women to become a nurse. and they are so beautiful going to school in their very white and starched uniforms!
Well, i am just starting my day here, finished my morning shores and duties with my client, now I am going to rest a little and go back for some more.
Love to all,

Re: The Secret

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 5:17 am
by Sandy
Dear Jose,
How very strange. I posted on this thread yesterday and it is not here today. I wonder if I thought I had submitted it when I previewed it and then clicked away without finishing the task. :scratch:
But anyway, I just want to tell you how happy I was to hear that you were able to buy the house in the Phillipines. I hope and pray that all you desire comes to pass and that you will be truly happy no matter where you dwell on this planet. I can't imagine having a more loving carer than you. That nice client of yours is fortunate just as you are fortunate to have him as well. It sounds as if you are both answered prayers for each other. :D

You were able to fly!!!.. not once but twice ...that is fabulous! :sunflower: You reminded me of a dream I had a couple years ago when you said you "could feel the air". In my dream I was breathing air but the air was almost gelatin-like..or water like...hard to imagine...but I could feel it as it entered my lungs. The evening before I had been reading in the Urantia book about other worlds and then watched a documentary on what it might be like on a methane world. I still remember it was an interesting sensation.

Thank you for sharing with us the blessings you are experiencing. I must admit being around you and listening to your faith in action has helped me so many times in dealing with "situations" that arise in my own life. You lead and teach as much by example as in your wise words.

With love,

Re: The Secret

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:43 am
by 555
Oh, Sandy!

I long for your loving words! Being around of you is the real privilege. You always have a positive word. Always encouraging, and not only to me but everybody. I cannot imagine better person for this ministry of yours and George! Thank you very much. I am imagine how bright "for those who conduct many to the truth will be resplendent as the stars in the sky - Daniel, the prophet, or Christ Michael through him) you are going be in the mansions, even now looking at you with my spiritual eyes, is an wonderful experience!

Love all,


Re: The Secret

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:17 am
by Sandy
Look what I read earlier today in my personal meditation...from the Urantia Book Paper 131 page 1445...
The path of the just is as a shining light which shines more and more until the perfect day. They who are wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament and they who turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever.
I have been going through a period of self doubt etc.. for lack of a better word. That is why as I listen to your words ringing with faith and hope they lift me... and I am stronger because of you and the Great Spirit that dwells within you and each of us, eh? I'm able to face whatever the day brings...even expect good and happy things. It seems a celestial too may be giving us a pep talk. the similar thought has been given to us twice today... God Bless you always dear friend. :kiss:

Re: The Secret

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 6:23 am
by 555
Yes, my dear friend, Sandy:

These texts are from the Bible, the first, I believe is on Psalms and the second is from Daniel. The Book of Urantia likes to quote Daniel, because he was the only one of the prophets that saw the Ancients of Days...

What beautiful beings they should be... So much that Daniel confused the one was the presiding head with the very God...

Oh, Sandy, experienced in life as you are, you know that life is like that with the ups and downs, and sometimes we get discouraged and go down to the bottom... from the disappointments in life... But, as the U.B. says, are we ready to get up from these disappointments and start over? On our journey to Paradise we will encounter more of these disappointments, we are now just on the start point, but we are getting trained to react correctly later...

I am so glad I came to know the U.B. Before, I would keeping asking why, why, why? I couldn't understand, even having a more than average knowledge of the Bible. Today is like a curtain fell from my eyes and when I listen the way some Christians talk, I can see the curtain still on their eyes... Oh how grateful I am to the ones (the midwayers) that started to ask for more revelation for us Urantians, back in the 16 century, if I am not mistaken... They give great spiritual impulse to this world, without our so common religious discrimination... And the Ancients of Days agreed with them that was time. The Urantia Book was more than 400 years in the making, when it finally was brought to us.

Now, I imagine, the privilege you have to share the life of a man like George, who is so familiar with the Midwayer Realm and that has so much more clarity about all these things... I know that right now he is for you the source of your blessings, happiness and worries... but remember, God has much interest to keep him with us the longest possible, for his working is not finished... a new generation needs to be ready first... He has lots of disciples... where the lead will come from only God knows. But I feel that things will happen smoothly rather than sudden and abruptly... And besides that, we may be close to the manifestation of Monjoronson that certainly will cause a stir in all the Correcting Time.

Oh great things are ahead. In the past there were times i thought on suicide; now I wish I could be younger and experience some of the days of Monjoronson... It's like Simeon and Ana, when they were expecting Christ Michael, we now are expecting Monjoronson. Oh my, a lovely thought passed by my mind and I think that our friends on the Midwayer were and are indeed preparing someone, very close...

Do not get discouraged, my dear friend, better days are just ahead, as we get better spiritual reinforcement. The Lord is our strength. We will not be afraid... not with the knowledge we have and so much help around us... Help is available all around us, as never before, to make spiritual pressure in this world... and yet, all depend of us!

Love, dear ones,


Re: The Secret

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 7:29 pm
by jack6251
Sandy wrote: I have been going through a period of self doubt etc.. for lack of a better word.
Hi Sandy, I was just having a quick read through and nearly missed this, how's things going? I've never known you say anything like this before and it set my alarms off heheh.

I've had my moments too recently as it goes, I have fingers in many pies just now and I need to be in tip top condition to make things happen, my own natural self doubt has sprung its ugly head to test me again. I just can't allow it to win. I have so many important things happening through August, I can't afford to be lukewarm.

From a spiritual stand point, I've been a little wobbly also but over the past week I've pulled things right and my thoughts are back in line. I think we're allowed to have these wobbles, it's all a part of the curve of things. I just heard something today in an interview that I'm going to be reeling from for some time, my feet still haven't touched ground from it, but it's given me something iron again from a faith point of view that I don't think I'll ever lose.

Here's a rare one for ya (((((( :pig: :sunny: :flower: Sandy :flower: :sunny: :pig: ))))))

(love n hugs n'all that good stuff :P :loves )

Jack :D :pig:

Re: The Secret

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:33 am
by Sandy
Oh how I love you dear friends...
Your encouragement means the world to me right now. I do feel I will work my way out of it...having experienced the feeling of being "beached" before...But this time it has been harder for me as I am feeling the loss of close friends of ours. I am, I guess you would say, a nurturing personality... I want every one to be happy, healthy, safe, and protected and sometimes I try to do all that myself. LOL As you can imagine I fall flat on my face, forgetting that it is spirit that does the work. But my empathetic heart aches for people...and sometimes there is a silly human need to keep people close. When that doesn't happen and it seems people always move on, I feel a little lost. See... silly I know. So the best thing you both could do is tell me you will never leave me. LOL I'm kidding of course but wherever you go in life, know my love and my thoughts travel with you.

I have been reading the Urantia book for awhile too, Jose, and appreciate it almost as much as you do as it has changed my life...lifted that veil from before my eyes as you mentioned. Right now I am reading about Jesus's journey with Ganid and Gonid. I love listening to how Jesus interacts with those around him. It seemed no matter who it was, learned Philosophers or dock workers, he could communicate lovingly with each of them. I believe it all centered around his great love for all people, his understanding of their ways and why they behave the way they do. He was so encouraging and accepting. A great light for us to follow as we try to emulate his efforts in the time we have on this mortal sphere.
Oh Jose, I must thank you for mentioning the Ancient of Days. I decided to look them up in the early pages of the huge Urantia Book. My heart swelled as I read the pages and imagined these immense Universe rulers. And to think that some day we too will be progressed enough to see them...Imagine just 23 of them in the entire Grand Universe and they are listed as the first created beings on Paradise. Paper 18 Supreme Trinity Personalities page 209 ... sonalities

We are so blessed to live in these times and I will try to remember your words here...
Do not get discouraged, my dear friend, better days are just ahead, as we get better spiritual reinforcement. The Lord is our strength. We will not be afraid... not with the knowledge we have and so much help around us... Help is available all around us, as never before, to make spiritual pressure in this world... and yet, all depend of us!
And dear Jack :pig: ... That rare hug was priceless and just what the doctor ordered. :kiss: Along with a better diet. :lol: which George and I are contemplating. (We are becoming ever more convinced that a raw diet...eating living fruits and vegetables seeds and grains can help him defeat diabetes once and for all.) He is feeling better daily and that seems to ease my mind a bit. But it is hard for me to let go of my worry for him and give him to God... we had such a close call and I love him so much... I remind myself that truly God's plan for him is far better than anything I could ever dream up so it is time to let go and allow God's will...well, trust God's will is working always for good for him and for all of us.
I must say I find strength daily in all of you and as my spirit soars I feel the impute, the faith, the direction from the One who knows the way.
I thank you both for reaching out to me in love today. It has made a tremendous difference. Perhaps I can even fly again. ;)
God bless you brothers! (((((((((JOSE))))))))) and (((((((((Jack))))))))

Re: The Secret

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:28 am
by jack6251
Gaaw shucks, that's ok :sunflower: :) :oops:

I think I'll do more of those hug things, they bring out the artist in me too :D

Also I have an idea for a new thread so gonna see if someone has thought of it already :bana:

Jack :pig:

Re: The Secret

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:42 pm
by 555
Hey Sandy,

You are welcome, dear one, very welcome.

Lightly blessings to you,


Re: The Secret

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:15 am
by sammy
"Bumping" this...just because it should never get lost! :mrgreen:


Re: The Secret

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:17 am
by jack6251
Aah yeah, perpetual motion :D

Jack :pig:

Re: The Secret

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:45 pm
by Sandy
Thanks for the bump, Sammy. Actually last week as I was drifting off to sleep I was thinking about this thread and wondering how far back in the misc. pages it had travelled. Like you I would hate to see it gone. There is so much message board history and such precious people who have posted over the years in this spot. Of course, upon waking, it was completely forgotten again. :roll:

It has been a rather sad day for us. I talked to a couple of you privately about our little fish, Flipper, who was a one of those gorgeous long finned Betta fish. He stole our hearts...hard to imagine I know, a fish stealing our hearts but this one sure enough did. Well he died accident resulting from him leaping out of his tank. It feels strange talking about the death of a fish and a sadness after just thinking about death on another thread. I am one of those people who loves animals with a full heart so the death of a dear animal friend remains a loss for eons of time...many people believe that all animals we love we can experience again on the mansion worlds. I think I will accept that and wish my little friend well as he finds existence in whatever way the Creator has planned in the next realm. ((((((Flipper)))))

This day is almost over for us on this side of the planet...Enjoy it where ever you are! :hithere

Re: The Secret

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:53 pm
by sammy

OH! I am SO sorry to hear that Flipper passed. It may seem strange to some that a little fish could steal your heart the way flipper did...but really, you had some awesome "fish stories" from that little guy. Funny...that message you sent me several months ago just popped into my head..."And may your nets be full (of fish)" ...maybe dad has a new little friend up there!



Re: The Secret

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:58 pm
by sammy
SANDY - HOW WEIRD....our newest member is "Fishes11t" joined at 6 something this morning.


Re: The Secret

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:29 pm
by Sandy
Funny...that message you sent me several months ago just popped into my head..."And may your nets be full (of fish)" ...maybe dad has a new little friend up there!
Oh wouldn't it be wonderful if it were so! :D That thought makes me feel worlds better! I love your Dad and I am sure he and Flipper would get on beautifully.
Thanks sis... I'm all teary eyed again. :D
Love you,

And what synchronicity is this...
SANDY - HOW WEIRD....our newest member is "Fishes11t" joined at 6 something this morning.
veddy, veddy interesting me thinks! :D

Re: The Secret - Sharing my "Dream"

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 8:55 pm
by 555
Hello friends.

I just heard the song “Here I am, Lord” posted by Sammy at my thread “Some Songs Make Cry” and it was very meaningful because I did answer “the call of the Lord” many years ago and in result of it, I became a Presbyterian minister.

My understanding of “Lord’s Call” have changed much in years past, and, although I discard that Christian idea that a call makes you “special” in some way, I still believe that some do have a divine call to do something. For example, you can be part of the Urantia Reserve Corps or you may be accepted as member of the 11:11 Progress Group’s T/R…

But a call is also related with something that calls your heart to do something to change the world even in a small way in some needed area. In this way, my friends, I think I have a call to do something in Philippines. Philippines was one of the most important places in the world for me, because it was there where the my friends midwayers and my Adjuster conspired to lead me to find the Urantia Book, which started the most impressive change in my life. Oh, I can’t start to talk about because I become too emotional about. Oh, how I am grateful to have found the Book of Urantia e know what I know today and be able to live my life in freedom and awe!

But, returning my call for Philippines… Being now in this job that my friends Midwayers helped me to find, I was able to have some financial resources and I bought and renovated a small house in Philippines. And I pray everyday that God gives life to my 92 years old client, and that I can stay with him, until I can prepare myself to go to Philippines for the plans I have.

Here are my plans: First, in going to Philippines, I need to secure an income there. I want to make this income to come from working with real estate there. I want to build houses and sell them. Besides my residence, I have already bought a lot and the blueprints of a small but charming house are on the way. I hope I can start to build this house in February of next year. After I build and sell this house I want to build and sell a bigger one and then, I think I will have the financial resources to go there and continue this work from there.

But then it comes my ministerial work. There is already a weekly service being conducted in my house as of now. I will probably take over at this ministry when I am there, but I do have some other plans. One need that most Filipinos have, is good houses; cheap and good houses. So when I go there I want to start a Housing Cooperative with the mission of provide good (brick) houses for people of low income as well as for people with some higher income (not luxury). I have several ideas on how to make cheap and good houses and the cooperative system will fit well for them.

So my friends, I ask you please pray and send some good energies on my direction so I can finish my days in Philippines doing this work. That is my dream right now. It is so interesting because I had stopped of dreaming about these ministerial works. I thought only to live my life here in U.S., until the Lord would call me but without anymore ministerial work; I thought I was done! And now it seems that I am dreaming again! I would love to be able to do this and be able to help the people in Philippines. I count with your prayers and good energies!

And you, my friends Midwayers, you know that I can't do this without your help so, please, keep having my back and my path.

Thank you for your patience.



Re: The Secret

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:41 am
by Sandy
Dear Jose,
You have touched my heart with your love and generosity to your fellow man. I will daily pray for you and this awesome dream of yours. It is the most selfless dream I have ever heard and it moves me in the desire to better reflect the Creator's Loving energies on this world. :kiss:
With Love,

Re: The Secret

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:13 pm
by sammy
Awwww! Jose!!!!

It sounds like a WONDERFUL plan! I pray your dreams come to fruition!


Re: The Secret - Sharing my "Dream"

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 2:56 pm
by 555
Thank you, my dear friends.

As you may know I am originally from Brazil (the biggest country in South America) and the the one just East of Australia. I came from Brazil 18 years ago, have become a citizen, and I love U.S. my new country. In Brazil we have crucial social needs too, especially on a region called Northeast (Nordeste) where people suffers years of drought and then times of flooding. But Brazil's government has in place an ample housing program that allows people buy good houses with infrastructure as low as 25 dollars per month. So Brazil is well served in this area. So, I fell in love both with a lady in Philippines (which I married on the second time I was there) and the country's people.

So yes, I want to finish my days in Philippines. And Sandy, one day, I want to go to Australia, just to visit you and George, this great man I had the pleasure to become associated with.

Thank you for your replies,



Re: The Secret

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:51 pm
by 555
Hello Friends,

I would like to share with you a discovery that I made about help for stillness.
This are two files (mp3) with 30 minutes each that guide you for 7 steps of Stillness. Please notice this doesn’t replace the Akashic construct which is designed to take you to the Akashic, this is more a help for meditation/worship.
It worked very good for me, so I wanted to share this with you.
I have noticed that some of the old meditation practices still work for me. For example, I remember I tried stillness first time when I was 18 years old, in Brazil. Nobody told me how to do it (except my Spirit Within) and some of the spiritual signs (like that freshness, coolness right in the center of my chest) still happens when I am in a concentrate state of worship.
With my Urantia / Mystic spirituality today I have learned to identify visions (including into the Midwayer Realm) and other mystic sensations.
But, one thing that use to happen before (in my exclusively Christian spirituality) was OBEs and I havent’ experienced anymore. Well, considering what I have learned about the Borderland lately, I am not much interested in OBEs that could take me there. I think I will explore more my spirituality towards stillness/worship because something tells me that that is the way to grow in communion with the Father through my Spirit Within.
Here are the link for the files I have found: ... s.lite.mp3 ... e.lite.mp3

The first tape is for training, the second is for practice...

Be patient as they are little long to download.

I hope you like it,



Re: The Secret

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 6:54 am
by Sandy
Hi Jose,
I enjoy listening to you talk about your life, where you have lived and the ways these countries help take care of their citizens. I never realized until you mentioned this that Brazil sits right across the world from Australia...but yes, it does. (I just peeked my head around the corner and looked at the large world map hanging in G's office. I had a friend who was a foreign exchange student and blessed to spend a year in Brazil. He loved it there and always wanted to go back some day and visit with the family who shared their home with him.

George and I would love to see you on these Australian shores. What a joy that would be. : :sunflower:
Thanks for posting those files. I will take a look at them or rather listen to them a little later when time allows. :D


Re: The Secret - Praise the Lord!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 5:51 am
by 555
Oh, Sandy and dear friends
Yes, please join me on my prayers for my wife and for me.
I want to share with you this:
My friends,

I want to share with you today, how much I love our God, our Creator Son Christ Michael.
I am so grateful to Them for everythingThey have done in my life. And I am so happy that I am going to spend the whole eternity knowing Them better and better.
I know that God has great plans for us finaliters in the universes now in formation beyond the 7 universes of time and space. And I have already commit myself that when I am I am a spirit of the 7th grade, I will invite our Creator son to come to my domain and bless this domain with his spirit of truth.
Oh, how much I love Him! He is the loveliest person in this whole universe of Nebadon. I am so happy I know him and I want to serve His Father and mine for all eternity.
You cannot go wrong when you love and I love, I love God, and I love human beings, I love all creatures of God in the whole universe of universes.
One day I will stand before him in Paradise and I will recognize Him as my Father and my God that will be the most happy day of my entire eternal life.
Let’s praise the God of all! Lets be grateful to him for everything He does.
He loves us and only loves us and we are so lucky to know Him
Praise the Lord!

Re: The Secret

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 2:50 am
by Sandy
You touched my heart and budding soul with your post, Jose. :happy Thank you for being the very special you and sharing your inner Love, Joy and Excitement with the rest of us travellers. We have so much to enjoy now and in the future... and what a grand future we look forward to. Awesome! It is nearly overwhelming when you try to imagine it.
with love,

Re: The Secret - Prayer Request for Evelyn my wife in Philip

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:13 am
by 555
Dear friends,

Please send prayers in favor of my wife, Evelyn, in Bacolod City, Philippines. She is now being hospitalized probably because a side effect of a medicine that the doctor prescribed... she has is not felling well with the heart and joints... the joints is clearly a side effect of the medicine she just started to take today...
So please my friends send your prayers and strong good energies to my wife in Philippines... If you are a healer, please try to take her to the Akashic Construct, and heal her problem, please.


