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Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 3:40 pm
by George

Mind you tho, there needs to be an alternative plan in case I'm held up at US immigration for being outspoken on certain issues, which are not allowed to be discussed on this board. :shock:

Probably they'll let me through when they see Sunny's innocent face. :smurfin:

God bless . . .

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:50 am
by Seeker13
Dear George,
You'd better stay out of trouble Buddy! Otherwise you'll be the one watching the videos!


Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 2:17 am
by George
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 11:36 pm
by peacockplume
Hi all,

Just a quick note, to say how much I'm missing not being able to visit the board at the moment. Our computer's hard drive crashed, and after more than a week they still can't figure it came home for overnight, and I got to read the latest msgs, but couldn't answer any, it had taken my hubby over 8 hrs to download all our programs, so it was almost midnight before I just read stuff...then this a.m. it crashed again, he was not pleased, so he took it back in, and it's stll there...

so I'm on a borrow for a few minutes...

Lilas Light, no I don't need exact names, your handle will do for now, it's just a general head count that I'm sort of keeping track of and for general interest we're already up to 30, and that's just members, (families not included in the count)

Reborn Falcon and AustinRuth, got you on the list too…

Kim and Gypsy, that's a great idea to have your husbands take care of the children while the activities are going on......Allan's good with little kids too,,,,I'm sure it will all work out, so we can all be there and have a wonderful experience.....A few more volunteers from the spouses should take care of that.

Kim said:
I would be happy to talk to the Teaching Mission group from Florida and see how they did it. And once we nail down a site, see what the facility has available, maybe circulate a survey as to ages and numbers of kids, and expectations of families.

George said:
Early days, but this is not just another camping trip -- a getting to know you -- learn what you can -- channeling meet with our Celestial Buddies.

They will be "plugged into the goings on" by the thousands, I'm promised.

It also means that some parents will be missing during certain functions, so we'll need video, but above all really good sound recording -- especially since one of the receivers tends to be soft-voiced.

At the mention of sound recording,,,,I'm sure we've got some 'sound guys' out there, who might possibly like to volunteer to do the recording.....and

now this is just a flash thought here, but if we can record while we're there, we could also fund raise on the sale of the videos to help support the 11:11 progress group.....meaning the upkeep of this needs some financial thing we can do now to help this area, is to purchase Georges Books,,,,,they are awesome,

sorry about that, it was just a flash idea,,,,,our fund raising for the actual trip won't start until Jan 08,,,,,so I'm kind of getting ahead of myself....

Meanwhile, setting up the site for the Sedona donations is still moving's just taking time to get the right routing for it...but as George said, hopefully we'll be able to announce it right after Christmas....

Just keep the ideas flowing in,,,,,and anyone being able to help in any direction, be assured, your'e help would be greatly appreciated......

we've got 2 yrs to 'get it together' and I feel we're heading off on the right foot.

well, my computer time is about up....and I don't have time to go to any of the other threads...

love and light to everyone,

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:52 pm
by gypsie
Do we have a date and venue yet or maybe a shortlist.?

Love to all Gypsie KNOK

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:59 pm
by peacockplume
Hi Deb,

We've sort of got the date down to Early May, and to avoid the Mother's Day weekend in the USA...

Nothing definite on the venue yet....

we've got alot of places to look up on the net,,,,plus

there's a fellow/lady 11:11r, who is in real estate and lives in phoenix, who is "I think" going to help us out, by actually going up to Sedona and checking some of the places out....

Thanks for livening up this thread again.

We haven't forgotten about it, and if there's anyone who could do some computer searching,,,,just contact me or Memawlaura, and we'll divy up the list.....

Perhaps we should be asking the members what type of place they would like....

We do not plan to make accommodation reservations for everyone...

What we are doing is finding the most likely places that would be suitable to having us more or less all in one location,,,,

Where you want to stay in that location, will be up to you to decide upon, and to make your own personal reservations....we will provide all the addresses and links for your choice...

we're only gathering the 'ideas' of suitability....

so we should have a range of different places where if some want to camp they can, if some want luxury, ha ha, they can, or middle of the road type hotel,,,,,or resorts, or whatever is there....

we just want to offer places in one location, so that we won't have to travel to our 'meeting place' for our 'conference'

The only other problem we're working out.....

is a donation fund,,,, we will need $$$ to secure our 'meeting place'
and to pay for it....

the only other route I can think of there is to make a fee, for everyone to put confirmation of their come...

Usually if you plan to go to a conference,,,,you just pay so much upfront, which is to partake in the programs going on.....sometimes it includes accommodation....

now I know most would love to have 'everything taken care of', but,,but,,but,,,,

it's a huge bag of worms with people coming from other countries...

we actually have not talked to the board members, you guys, as to how you would feel, to paying an upfront fee for 'attendance',,

so some feedback on this would be appreciated....

I have about 40 names of people who said they were 'really' interested in coming,,,,,and George had a number which he thought would be there,,,

once we know how much we have to pay for a venue for the meetings, and how many are really committed to coming..... then we would know approximately, how much each of us would need to donate....

by this time next year.....the venue will be settled,,,,and hopefully anyone who is coming will be able to send in their own reservations for accommodation....

alot of us have also committed to helping George and Sandy with air fairs, for their return trip...

Which, now here's some good news....

I saw an ad from Quantas Airlines, $850.00 from LA to AU.....

SO DEALS DO HAPPEN, and with a few in's with airlines people and travel agent people, we will get a good deal. I just KNOW IT....

that is abit down the road....

so just right now......if anybody is actually in the northern AZ area, or could help out with computer searching to find a good locale....we'd greatly appreciate any help....

I got a recent e-mail from a Reiki friend, who happens to be down there at the moment....

says the area is breathtakingly beautiful,,,,,however they weren't too impressed with Sedona itself....

his words were, 'a psychic on every corner' and alot of commercialism...

but he did mentions some close by little places, that are still all very accessible to the energy vortexes and the red rocks etc, etc...
and one would still be able to go into Sedona to 'see it',,,

he also said Sedona was very spread out....

so,,,,that's where we be at the moment....

as soon as we have the link (which George is working on) for the donations, we will be letting everyone know....

love and blessings to all

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:59 pm
by Seeker13
Thanks, PP!


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 8:52 am
by AustinRuth
What is that white dot on your forehead, is that a light orb? A flash reflection? Just wondering! 8) --AustinRuth

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 3:23 am
by peacockplume
Dear Ruth,
Just to let you know, there's a misc thread called orbs, which is a great discussion on the orbs....

it might be better to ask on that one,,,as plenty will see it....

there's lots of orb pictures people sent in too.

This one's kind of for the meet in Sedona, so you might not get an answer on it..

if you have trouble finding it, just holler, but it's pretty easy to find.

love pp

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 3:29 am
by AustinRuth
Thanks for the clue, peacockplume. I went to the Orb thread and read all. My answer was there.
:lol: --AustinRuth

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 11:38 am
by gypsie
Hi al are we any closer to the gathering? ust wondering WHIST

Love to all Gypsie

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:06 pm
by westie
Hi everyone.

I hope you dont mind, but what is happeneing here is beyond words and you guys are passionate about this meeting up. Like I said I hope you dont mind me butting in here.

While reading this thread a thought came to me.

Would it be possible to raise funds by publishing a book of poems, permission permitting of course, or indeed a book of some kind, maybe anicdotes, ditties, and so on. I wrote a humorous little book some time back and managed to raise some funds for a childrens hospice. I was lucky, or in the right time at the right place, because when looking for a publisher he printed the book for nothing and 100% of the money went to the children.

Of course this is down to logistics, copyright etc and there are people here who know more about that than I do, so I wouldnt know how possible this would be. It may raise some funds globally through the site and peripherals.

Maybe some people would like to put some thoughts on this, or indeed put forward stories, poems etc. I would be happy to, if that was ok.


Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:31 pm
by memawlaura
:D Wonderful Idea Westie,

I'm not quite sure what exactly your wanting to do give me a PM and will see what can be done.

You are not butting in anywhere this is your home and you will always be welcome. If you think you may join us in Sedona make sure Peacockplume knows about you.

We thank you for stepping up to show how other ways we can do our part by spreading further light.

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 12:13 am
by hamster whisperer
If this gathering is before the end of the school year, I can't make it. I have grades and end of year recording stuff that can't be left for a substitute. Maybe the next one during the summer somewhere. I also don't fly, so driving or a train are my options. Please save me a video!
I will be with all of you in spirit!

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:03 am
by memawlaura
:D Jill,

That we will do. I think someone members are planning an eastcoast get together just look around and you'll find the thread. I hope someday we can do this over in Australia, but I don't know how we could get you there if you wont fly :lol: :lol: .

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 8:43 am
by westie
Hi Mema.

I thought about coming over.

My Dad lives in San Francisco and would be very possible to come over as it very likely me and the boys will be going over to see him this year again. So it would be great to do that.


Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 12:55 pm
by Petra Wilson
Have I misread? Is the Arizona meet-up this year? I thought 2011??


Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 4:55 pm
by memawlaura
:D No, Petra the meet up is for 2010, but I believe some members are trying to have a less formal gathering on the east coast.

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 5:00 pm
by memawlaura
:D Dear Westie:

You wrote:
While reading this thread a thought came to me.

Would it be possible to raise funds by publishing a book of poems, permission permitting of course, or indeed a book of some kind, maybe anicdotes, ditties, and so on. I wrote a humorous little book some time back and managed to raise some funds for a childrens hospice. I was lucky, or in the right time at the right place, because when looking for a publisher he printed the book for nothing and 100% of the money went to the children.

Of course this is down to logistics, copyright etc and there are people here who know more about that than I do, so I wouldnt know how possible this would be. It may raise some funds globally through the site and peripherals.
I guess I misinterpreted your intention, I have no experience with getting your work to a publisher. Perhaps you will have the same great experience as before and find someone to publish your works, but I'm afraid that is certainly not in my level of experience. As you can see George has books he has had published and this is how we are so lucky to have this message board available to us. So, if your so fortunate to find a publisher that can help you and you wish to donate to our meet up it would always be welcomed.

Bless you for thinking beyond yourself, its a wonderful gift.

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:30 pm
by peacockplume
Hi All,

Just thought I'd throw this in again,,,and the year is 2010 so we do have 2 yrs to save.....and to plan how to get there etc...

We've sort of got the date down to Early May, and to avoid the Mother's Day weekend in the USA...

As Memawlaura said, others are planning gettogethers mostly for people in their own areas....although I'm sure anyone would be welcome anywhere if they even just turned up...

someone mentioned doing one in england,,,,,but I can't remember who, and haven't seen any more posts about it...


I'll put your name down as a possible, so far is just a really rough estimate to that in the next year, we might know how many are coming in order to find a big enough place for us to actually meet in at scheduled times...

so nothing is set in stone so to speak....just rough estimates happening...

I like your idea of a book of poems etc... however I think like we're all doing at the moment, is producing 'whatever' through our own creativity, and donating through those funds....also some of us have discussed in taking our own product for others to purchase, and being able to donate to the fund that way also.

otherwise, unless say a book of poems, were directly focused on the midwayers and our purpose, that it could not be linked to our site...
is that understandle????


Don't worry about it right now....I'm sure, that wherever we meet and whenever it is.....that you will be there...

now I have no idea why I feel that sure, but I please don't get depressed about it... and the official convention we'll be doing will actually be over the you won't be missing much,,,,and well before the school end comes....

I'm just talking with Memawlaura right now and we have some ideas flfowing that we're going to talk to George about so just keep your eyes open....some more news will be coming soon...

much love

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 6:50 am
by gypsie
I just had the nicest chats today on with Lily AWSOME

The othe with PP we have discussed the cost, logistics ect of a meeting time and place, one which will be afforadable to each and everyone of us. PP is thinking it through at the moment so fingers crosed. We could also set up a retreat committee where each member has a area to care for, I did this a few years ago and somehow ended uo catering chair.

It was both Ths South Pacfic Forum and the Regional so busy shoes were on. it went off without a hiccup.

This will all turn out in the wash, we are going to have a dream holiday...

Much love Gypsie :lol:

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 7:36 am
by Seeker13
Hi, everyone!
Can't sleep again. I'm so glad that I decided to check on this thread. Sometimes I don't get the heads up that there's been activity on a thread and this seems to be another one.

My hat is still in the ring for the meet up on 2010.


Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:27 am
by peacockplume
Hi Kim, Gypsie, MML, and everyone,,,,

We'll keep posting as things come along....when we get the go ahead from George....

still lots going on in the background....but just thoughts....

having a 'pause' that refreshes....

with love,

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 7:08 am
by 11Andrea11
2010, 2012, whichever..if it's in Sedona or any part of Arizona I am there.

In light of how booked AZ can get as a 'spiritual' destination, I wonder if the ball should really get rolling now to nail down some details.

Either way, I want to be there, and I'll keep checking in here to see what's up. :wink:

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 9:46 am
by peacockplume
Hi again Andrea,

Yes keep checking every now and then, we are researching different places. I'll put you down on the 'count' list....

Nothing is solid yet,,,,waiting on a few things to develop....

we have a small working committee and when the time comes for more assistance be sure we'll be hollering....

nice to have you aboard..

love, pp