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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Dear Friends! :hithere

It's great to read everyone's posts here! I've been unable to access the boards regularly for the past several days, but today, it seems that things are possibly beginning to return to normal again -- hurray! :colors: So much has happened since I last wrote at any length, that it will be really hard for me not to write a mini novella here this time around! :roll:

Sandy, how wonderful to see your "big, long, enormous post," after all these weeks, and contrary to what you said, I, for one, adore reading long posts from you, and always find them very worth reading! :D Thanks for your characteristically thoughtful and highly positive comments, this time about my art! I'm glad to hear that you're drawn to the turkey vulture -- after our earlier conversations about vultures (several pages back now on this thread!), I thought of you several times when making it. I have it hanging in the living room for now, because, similar to what you said, I'm not sure most people would immediately see what we see in this bird, so I'm going to write up a little information about the turkey vulture as a power totem to include with it before bringing it to the gallery, since that would probably help people understand and appreciate it more.

I loved your whole story about wanting to become a wildlife artist -- it sure did seem like that owl appeared as a message/offering to you! Fortunately the Internet has become so accessible these days that I can just look up photo and detailed drawings (probably even the ones by Audubon himself!) on Google and draw from that, so I don't have to resort to the "dead-bird-in-the-freezer" method, thank Goodness! :lol: :lol: :lol:

More birds keep showing up on or near our back deck, seemingly to be painted -- we had red stockings hung in the windows overlooking the back deck during the holidays, and right on Christmas day, as I was sitting at the table next to these windows, a hummingbird flew up, hovered there and seemed to stare right at me for a few seconds, then flew off. He was probably attracted by the red stockings, but it sure seemed like another "paint-me" request! Then a few days ago, a flock of tiny yellowish birds (based on my Internet research, I think they are "lesser goldfinches") started flying around on the back deck for some reason, and a few of them ran right into the door, making a sound like someone was knocking! None of them seemed to be hurt, and they then all flew away right afterwards, but that sure seemed like another sign! So my list of birds to paint is growing all the time!

Ron got me an assortment of interesting feathers for Christmas, including some wild pink-and-purple-striped maribou feathers, which have now given me the idea to make power shields of more colorful birds native to other regions besides just here, and/or imaginary psychedelic birds, as well. I recently ordered a wider selection of multi-colored feathers. And now, Sandy, hearing about Lacey, and seeing that beautiful picture you posted, November , it seems like a good idea to get some feathers in pastel colors as well, since that is a whole other possible category I hadn't thought of until now -- the more I think about it, the possibilities just go on and on... :D

The Gallery has been doing at least kind of well (though I'm not really sure what to compare it to!) for being in such a small, rural location. The co-op's general level of efficiency organization is improving. And our stuff has actually been selling as well! As of a couple days ago, two of my scarves and one power shield, as well as one of Ron's abstract paintings, and one of his stone clocks had sold. There does seem to be a bit of a problem with keeping the place staffed on a daily basis, though, since it's a co-op and everyone's supposed to volunteer to work a couple days a month, but it seems that not everyone's been signing up yet :roll: -- a few different days when we've driven by recently, it hasn't been open. Business is expected to be pretty slow during the winter, but it could pick up a lot again in the spring when tourists flock here to visit the river beaches just down the street. It gives us a nice chunk of "down-time" in which to create more new stuff! I've been trying for weeks now to get the time to create a whole other batch of new silk hoops, scarves and power shields, but have been so busy with the holidays, and with new year's resolutions and such (more on that below) that I haven't gotten started again yet! :roll:

As for new-year's resolutions, we're trying more new eating plans! Ron has been battling with weight management, and I am eager to use diet modification to decrease my PMS symptoms :evil:, so, in the past couple of months, we've gotten both a juicer and a food dehydrator, and have been experimenting with a vegetarian diet that has only 10% total calories from fat (popularized by Dr. Dean Ornish here in the U.S.) and can prevent/reverse several types of physical ailments. We're also continuing to experiment with raw foods, and I've even been reading about different types and lengths of fasting to detox the body as well. I sprouted some buckwheat a few weeks ago and made it into "cinnamon rolls" in the dehydrator, then topped them with a coconut-butter-and-pine-nut frosting (which definitely exceeds the 10%-of-calories-from-fat goal, but oh well! :D ). I thought they weren't half bad, considering how unusual they were compared to what we usually eat, although I think they'll take Ron a bit more getting used to! :lol: In recent weeks, we started eating one only-fruit meal and one only-juice meal on some days. (I am pleasantly surprised at how sweet and pleasant things like carrot juice taste :shock: -- though I'll admit, I was almost afraid to try it at first! :lol: ) We were losing a significant amount of weight as a result, but have gained some of it back in the past couple of days, since we just had house guests visiting from Boulder for the past couple of days. Fortunately though, they're both vegetarians, and they were delighted to try my latest cooking experiments! :D

The entire San Francisco bay area had a huge rain-and-wind storm a few days ago (sort of like the Pacific coastal winter storm you described earlier on this thread, PP, only we're a lot further south on the same coast, so no snow, only rain). It poured down rain and the strong winds were ripping off tree branches and felling whole trees into the roads and the river, very dramatic! :shock: Our power and phone were both out for 20 hours (up until right before our guests were due here, so that had us worried -- but fortunately the power came back on before they got here -- otherwise, we'd have been experimenting with 100% raw food for all our meals during their visit! :lol:), right at the same time that our propane fireplace was also out and we'd been relying temporarily on space heaters! :roll: So it was quite an adventure for a while there! The river rose significantly (but thankfully did not flood) and turned muddy brown ("like a mocha latte," one friend we ran into in the grocery store noted -- sounds like a comparison one of us on this international-cafe thread would have made! Ah, great minds think alike! :D), and we were watching all sorts of tree trunks, small wooden structures, and other debris floating by from our back deck. When we drove down the hill right after the storm, there were little rivulets and large puddles everywhere, as well as waterfalls of various sizes coming down the mountain. Then the truck of the guy who came to fix the fireplace a couple days ago started sliding off the side of the road down the hill and had to be towed away, due to the erosion from the storm! :shock: It's raining again now, typical winter here, I've heard, but much more gently at the moment, thank goodness! :D

Kim, thanks for your interest in my art, and Sandy, thanks for directing Kim to the link I posted earlier. For your convenience, Kim, here is the link again. I hope to add more items once we finally get around to making another round of new art! By the way, you mentioned school projects and homework. You may have already mentioned this somewhere at one point, but what are you currently studying?

This post is already so voluminous that I won't attempt to respond to any more posts this time around, but I've been reading and enjoying all the posts here, chuckling over the spiders and snakes, beer and Dove chocolate (mmm!), and all manner of interesting things being discussed, and it's great to hear from all of you! :colors:

Gotta run for now -- time to go juice something for a very light dinner, now that our guests have left! :bana:

Lots of love to each of you, LUV2

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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Aqua Deb,

Finally, hee hee, someone that can talk as much as me....

loved hearing about your 'adventures' and glad you're all ok...

rain, yeah, I know,,,,we got 2 inches of snow last night, and by noon it was raining,,,,,but you never know, so I went to the wood shed with the tracker, and loaded the back with wood...then I shoveled a path over the deck so I could walk, not in snow to the hot tub....

it's still raining, 8 hrs later, and no, the snow's not gone,,,,all we need now tonight, as the temp drops, is a freeze, and we'll have skating on the roads....might as well, can't drive on them...(our back roads they always forget about)...

Glad to hear you're getting lots of new ideas for your shields etc. that'll keep you busy....'s a four letter word you know....

you want to eat well, and keep off the weight....

follow your 5 food groups, and count your calories or carbs, whichever, it really doesn't matter, as long as you eat your 5 food groups (here's the killer), at every meal.

I lost 40 lbs doing it, and once I got used to 'how much' of what, I could eat, I never had to DIET again....and I could eat everything I wanted...

I also rode a stationary bike, with no pedal pressure,,,,,only 20 KMs,,,a day,,,but it really burns the energy....

and that's really the whole secret, it's not what you eat or how much...


you have to burn more calories, than you take in to lose weight...

food is energy,,,,,,,exercising is using energy,,,,,use more......

love pp
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Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Jill,
Sorry to hear about your hamster. That's the very reason I don't have them as pets any more. It just breaks my heart when they die. My son Danny and his girlfriend are real pet lovers. She has a HUGE fish tank, a turtle, several bettas, a cat, and a ferret. They gave Aleah their lemon gecko for her birthday, he's really sweet. Before they moved down state they also had two guinea pigs and a snake.

The bird photo is beautiful!

I cannot share your tenderness towards rats. Danny tried to sneak his rats in the house one summer while home from college. He found it difficult to hide a four foot tall cage. I told him it was either them or me! I had a very bad experience when I was little.

I don't mind spiders and the bugs though! There's a sign in my room, "If you kill it you eat it!" No one squishes bugs around me anymore. You should see the darling little salmanders I found under a stepping stone this fall.

I love wild birds, cats, and a beautiful fish tank. Our angel fish 'Oscar' kept getting picked on, which is really funny because he's huge! It's ridiculous to get attached to a fish I know, but the other two bullies are sequestered in separate tanks. So I've just started a new 55 gallon tank for him, all he has to contend with are guppies and tetras.

Sparkles is Aleah's cat, but he's pretty much captured the hearts of everyone in the house. He loves laps, laundry baskets, cardboard boxes, and the sound of plastic bags.

Well, enough animal talk. Take care everyone. Hope you're all having a great week!

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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi again Everyone,

PP, yes, different eating plans have worked better than others at different times for us -- We did Weight Watchers for a year or two and lost a lot of weight (30 pounds for me, and Ron lost 78 pounds!), but then got a bit lax about it again after we moved to Mendocino a year and a half ago, and gained back some of the weight. :roll: A few months ago, we started Weight Watchers again, but interestingly, it didn't work as well this time around. :scratch: Hence, our experimentation with these new approaches. With all the new grains we started eating with the vegetarian approach, Ron didn't start losing weight again until we began to really re-focus on limiting portion size (it's a tempting point to forget :lol:, but as you said, very important!), and now we're both successfully losing weight again. :thumleft: In addition Ron also has a wheat allergy we hadn't been paying enough attention to, and we may both be at least somewhat allergic to dairy as well, so for now we've switched mostly to rye bread, rice milk, and baking with gluten-free flour.

Ron's had lower-back and joint pain that make it hard for him to walk extensively (though he walks some on the treadmill) -- and the extra weight stresses the joints and makes it harder to exercise, even though exercise accelerates weight loss, so, sort of a Catch-22, but we're thinking about bringing the treadmill in from the storage shed and putting it right in the living room in front of the TV, to make it easier for him use more often, especially with the TV there for distraction! Then, once he regains more mobility, we can both walk up and down the steep redwood-lined roads together outside our house, which makes for a pretty good little hike -- I've been doing it more often myself lately, and it's great exercise, not to mention scenic! :sunny:

Jill and Kim, I love animals too! As kids growing up, we always had lots of animals, fishes and birds -- parakeets, finches, a canary, a cockatiel, and a cherry-headed conure and African grey parrot that my parents still have, as well as lots of dogs and cats (at one time, we had eight cats living in the house at once! :cat: :cat: :cat: :cat: :cat: :cat: :cat: :cat: ), goldfish and bettas in separate bowls, a variety of freshwater fish in aquariums, hermit crabs, and guinea pigs. We never had hamsters though, for some reason. :scratch: In the aquariums, we, too, often had angel fish, guppies and tetras, as well as some smaller fish called white clouds, and scavengers like kuhlis and catfish to keep the bottoms of the tanks clean. We had a couple of kissing gouramis for a while at one point, but as I recall, they were some of the biggest bullies we ever had :rambo:; they ate all the white clouds, and many of the baby guppies just as soon as they were born! I forget what we did about it at the time, but I remember how upsetting it was to see :cry:, so I can understand getting attached to a fish, Kim!

Earlier today, right as I was getting out the art supplies to begin doing some more art for the first time in a while, and setting them up on the table in the living room right next to where the turkey vulture power totem is hanging, a whole bunch of turkey vultures started circling around above the house, and five of them at once landed on the big tree branch overlooking our back deck :shock: , and seemed to be looking down and watching me through the window! :D Varying numbers of them continued to take off, circle around, land on the roof (we could here them walking around up there!), and then hang out on the tree branch again, for at least an hour. It was very cool, and seemed like an excellent omen! :D

It's interesting, AJ, after writing in on your recent post about orbs (as PP has already noted, great orb on your forehead in the photo in your signature line, by the way! :D And Makayla is beautiful! :happy), and commenting that I hadn't seen any orbs yet, I took a picture of the five vultures in the tree today (which I've included below), and it appears it might even have an orb in it, right on the branch in between the two birds on the lower left in the photo. I've also cropped out and blown up just that area below, and it looks even more like there really is a potential orb there -- How cool is that! :D



Lots of love to all, LUV2

Aqua Deb
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Post by hamster whisperer »

Hi Aqua Deb!
I see another orb down and to the right of the top turkey vulture. Those are the coolest birds!!! I love crows, and seem to always have some around wherever I live. I have a hawk feather that floated down from the hawk that also lives around my yard. Not an angel feather: has really pretty stripes.
My first snake, Mist, looks like she is about to shed again. My friend/son Jacob finally held her today. He is really afraid of snakes, but has wanted really badly to be not afraid and to hold one of mine. He got brave today and held out his hand. She went to him happily enough, but she was ready to come back to mama. Jacob was pretty pleased with himself.
The tumor on my original dwarf hamster, Gandalf, actually looks a little smaller. She still runs around like a maniac!
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Deb,
Yes, that's what I did with my exercise bike, right in front of the TV. it worked....I found I could burn alot more energy that way, than by walking, to lose weight walking, you have to be almost running,,,and when you carry extra lbs, it's too hard on your Ron knows...

That was neat about the turkey vultures,,,,for some reason though, yours seem to be smaller than ours.......

Time to finish off here for the day,,,,make Allans supper, then I'm going to relax this evening...

love to all
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Post by gypsie »

Hi All
This is massive, huge awsome what a thread, time to print it I think.

Sandy, You have a blue ring neck, they are great birds but can be a bit like a labrador when young, bite everything. I would tell people in the shop to have a small stick and when the bird starts to look like it's latching on pop the stick in front. They usually snap from boredom.

PP I have been looking at real estate online (harry looks scared) but I just wish to see where you live itis so beautiful, I can't believe it.

I also can't believe we keep missing each other with the phone we will get there.

Sorry don't have time to type here I also have someone waiting for the laptop!

Love to all
hi AJ grab a beer and sit back, great orb photo....
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Post by November »

Aqua Deb - Wow! That was a cool picture of those vultures!

One cool fact I learned when I went to a Raptor demonstration is you can tell a turkey vulture from a hawk when they fly, because turkey vultures "tip" back and forth (or maybe wobble is a better word) and hawks don't.
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Post by AJ »

Nice Deb!

And thanks!
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Post by Petra Wilson »

I'd like to show a picture of Phil and the kids, if that's okay? Boy! When this thread gets active you know you're gonna be sitting here for hours. I will have to buy a big comfy office chair...
That's not a bottle-bank behind the kid's, it was a part of a big toy museum.

Image Image These were taken 2 days ago, but the snow's all but gone now!

Petra XXX
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Post by nasra1996 »

Great photos Petra, you are all looking good... :)

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Post by November »

Good-looking pictures of the gang and you! :D
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Post by hamster whisperer »

Gorgeous family, Petra!
Tell Thalia I'm ready to talk about hamsters any time she is!
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi everyone,

Cool pics Pet,,,,nice lookin family there, including you, see you're investigating some ruins in the snow...

ya never know, you've mentioned Phil wanting to work elsewhere, so you better spec out every place you can while you're there...

:lol: :lol: :lol: that's funny,,,,Harry lookin scared! ya just never know with us types do ya.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

good idea though looking at real estate to see what it's like....

getting the main frame home today, can hardly wait,,,even though I can get my e-mails, I try not to download too much, as I have to move it all to the main computer afterwards...

now I'm just trying to catch up on the board,,,then I'm unplugging her...

then anything new will come in on the other one as soon as it's hooked up.

modern inventions,,,,,

I think we're going to go satellite,,,and get high speed,,,,thenI can use my second phone line for my 'soon to start' home business..

love to all pp
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Post by Sandy »

Hello Everyone, :hithere

Once again I am so far's almost impossible to say all that I would like too. But you know me.. :lol: I'll give it an honest effort. :oops: :lol: So here goes...

Jill, I can just imagine the excitement on your school children's faces as they entered the classroom and discovered the new addition. When I was a child I would have loved to have a teacher like who allowed a hands on experience with animals and nature. Wasn't practiced much "in my day." We did have a couple of neat teachers who frequented our shop looking for inspiring additions to their room... One bought a hissing cockroach once. (For those unfamilar with this critter it is an extra large cockroach with armor and attitude) How I would have loved to be a fly on the wall in her classroom when she introduced that interesting insect.

Aqua Deb, I just loved the photos of the vultures and couldn't be happier for you with all this wildlife dropping in for a visit and a sketch. Don't you wonder sometimes if these things aren't Celestially orchestrated...just like with our Boyd who appeared when I needed her so badly. Helps you to understand just how lovingly complete our Celestial Parent's care can be..when even these small needs of ours can be met and fulfilled so timely and perfectly.

November you would be so proud of me! I have not been bitten in, I believe 6 days now! I keep toys around me and food and have become the "great entertainer" whenever she is out. It is hard to get anything done when she is out, but it is beginning to pay off. And we are finally beginning to bond. Still don't want her near my head and shoulder though...and have used a modified idea that Gypsy gave me on another thread to have another object like a perch to run interference with. I don't have a spare perch right now so I have been using a bookmark with dangly beads and things on it to sort of scoot her away from these areas without making her angry or hopefully emphasising an unwanted behavior.

PP, you have probably mientioned this somewhere, but what business are you considering starting from home? Is it natural creams and herbal medicines and teas..well something along that line anyway? It seems like you have an ideal location for that type of work. Oh when you get satelite you will love it. so much faster than dial up and you won't have to worry about missing phone calls ever again.

Pet, I love your pictures... what a really great one of you and Phil. :thumright: Oh it looks so cold and lovely there...good snow for a snowball fight I bet. :wink: My boys could not be outside with me in the snow without "beaning" me on the head with a snowball. I think I was the family's favorite target. I guess nothing says love like a snowball to the head! :lol:

Kim, I cannot fault you at all for feeling the way you do about rats. I was so shocked when I walked into my mom and dad's home years ago, and first saw my once timid and animal shy mom with a rat on her shoulder! :shock: And then there was my little sister giving it kisses! (What a world...what a world!) :shock: ... Well about 8 rats later I am worse than they are, but like I said I definitely understand. Wild rats can be dangerous and nasty. I have heard some real horror stories from people living close to the Ohio River about the wild river rats who live along its banks. (Actually, the stories get bigger and bigger as they are told and retold I think :wink: ) but those rats can grow to be the size of a dog, getting into peoples homes and causing all kinds of scary problems and situations. :shock:
Oh, I too loved having a home aquarium and I couldn't have been happier taking care of the fish at the pet shop. I guess it's real bread and butter was in the tropical fish we sold. Our owner was very knowledgeable and great precaution was followed to keep the fish as clean and healthy as possible. It was so satisfying on the evenings after the new shipment of fish were settled in their tanks to see the shop walls alive with color and movement. What a feast for the eyes and senses! I used to get quite attached to some of them, especially the larger and more expensive ones that we had longer in our care. My favorite were probably the large Oscars who had so much personality. Gosh I love taking care of animals! I miss it sometimes... :(

Well enough out of me tonight... too much.

Hope all of you are in beautiful spirits where ever you are on this big world of ours. :happy

Hugs, :loves
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Post by gypsie »

Love the photos Petra they are amazing
love Debs
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Thank you You Guys! "Phil and his ruin!" haha, when I read what you wrote PP, that popped into me head.

More snow's acoming and then we are going a little up into the Haut Jura to learn getting on and off a ski lift, apparently some of them around here are quite dangerous!

Oh Jill, Thalia wants to write so many times (and she will) it's just that this new school is way more difficult than her old one and she gets mountains of homework every day. Some nights she's not finished until half past 9 :shock: Even Phil got a bit 'stuck' on a few grammatical questions, LOL. Anyway, thank you Jill!

Love you all, Pet XXX
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Post by hamster whisperer »

I have three baby hissing cockroaches and we're getting a dozen adults today.
Believe it or not, I actually still have space in my room for more critters, if something makes me fall in love with it.
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Jill,

Aren't those hissing cockroaches fascinating? Do you remember where they come from? Is it Madagascar? Now mind you I think they are interesting, but I do not think I would like to be surprised by one on a late night trip to the "little girls room." :shock: :lol:
Giant millipedes are a neat "bug" too and easy to take care of. Although if I remember correctly, (It's been a little while.) they can secret an irritating substance to the human skin when frightened. So it would probably not be an animal the kids could handle, but they sure are neat to look at.

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Post by November »

Sandy wrote:November you would be so proud of me! I have not been bitten in, I believe 6 days now!
Good going Sandy! I AM proud of you! Image You have a lot of patience and it seems to be starting to pay off with Lacey Image.
Image You'll have to call yourself the Parrot Whisperer :D
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Post by AJ »

love the pics of the fam Pet!
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Post by peacockplume »

Hello, hello, hello, to everyone, on whichever day it is wherever we are,,,,

Yes, congrats with the bird training Sandy, sounds like you have a handle on it for sure, in 6 months you won't even remember being chewed or bit, Lacey will be sooo loving.....after all,,,,,look who she's bonding with...

Oh, my business,,,,actually I'm trying not to think of it, as a business, then it'll become a 'job' and it'll feel forced...and in truth, that's far from it's idea....

I had always planned and was working towards a 'working greenhouse' for my retirement....I loved gardening,,being an unqualified herbalist amongst other things,,,,herbs being my favourite though all my life...,,it's a long story that, and since it's not happening now, I won't go there other than the fact, that one afternoon, I was in my greenhouse, moving stuff around,,,and I hauled two rather large containers of wet soil, just a few feet....

4 days later, the only way I wasn't in pain, was if my left arm was held above my head.....I was told I pinched a nerve in my C-3 area...

4 years later, my left hand is still partially numb,,,,I can't lift a 4 litre jug of milk without hurting myself....

so why did I do this to myself (and not with awareness),,,,

it was because, a working greenhouse, is not what I am supposed to be doing with my retirement....

it was time to 'get on with my life purpose' of helping others...

So we bought (or I did,,, I should say) a hydrotherapy tub, hot tub for short. otherwise I had to drive to town twice daily for treatment, and the driving would defeat the purpose of the therapy...

well, I knew a few other ladies, in my same sad state of affairs,,,,wrecked arms, backs, legs,,,

and we'd gather in my hot tub and moan and drip to each other,,,,then one day,,,,we were looking down towards my lake, and and the surrounding nature,,,,and the :idea: :idea: :idea: started to go on...

it was so peaceful,,,and we were healing,,,,,yeah,,,,that's it,,,,,here we are sitting on a beautiful piece of property, and not using it any more...

so the idea of a 'healing retreat' was born......I stood at the window a few days later looking out,,,,,thinking about it,,,,feeling the peace, and the name "Tranquility Base" came to me....(trust me to take a name from the moon)....

since I have been healing myself,,,,and others,,,,with different energy healing modalities,,like Reiki and Quantum Touch,,, Reflexology,,, Aromatherapy,,,,,Crystqal healing,,,,,,it just started to grow...and there's more being added all the time...

tons of stuff has happened during the last 4 years,,,,,tons of learning and spiritual development.....we had development classes here for almost 2 yrs....

and I still hadn't quit work,,,,,so I kept re-hurting myself,,,,and stepping down the ladder of responsibility, because I just couldn't do it, no matter how hard I tried, then last January 07, my Dr. said I just wasn't going back to work until I was cleared by a neurosurgeon.....meanwhile my retirement date of Jun 30th was coming up....well I neveer got my appt with the specialist till Jun 27,,,,and retired 2 days later...

So the herb idea, came up, when we discovered that our First Nations people here have a natural ointment for psoriasis,,,, which we decided to make,,,,my FN friend being learned in native medicine, and alot of womens we had collected the plant material, I processed the beeswax,,,,and voila,,,,have the product....My herb garden has a large bed of oregano,,,,so I processed that and made a herbal oil,,and rosemary,,,and a few others, which are excellent for aromatherapy and some to carry that idea on, we thought it would be really great, when we are doing a healing, that we could 'on the spot' make up a special oil designed only for that person.

So you see, it's been a long time in the creating of Tranquility Base, bits and pieces coming together over time, and self healing....

all last year, everytime we decided to 'do' something, we were 'blocked', repeatedly, because it was still a time of clearing....we even wanted to raise a "sort of like a 'sweat lodge' for ladies",,,,,and were blocked doing that, although certain things we needed for it, kept coming..

It was also the year of my introduction to 11:11 and this board...
need I say more????

now we're moving into manifesting.....the last of the clearing will be done for all those who are clearing, during the month of January, and possibly Feb and Mar.....but after that.....ooooooeeeeeee.....look out...

we're going to see people manifesting their hearts desires...mine included.

All things are possible ladies, set your intention, and focus on it, and it will manifest....(I really learned alot from Ask and It Is Given)...


I saw a program on the other night, and saw none other than a hissing beatle,,,,hiss and all,,,,,helped to dispel some of my horror of bugs, but I still wouldn't 'want' one....they're all yours, you have fun with what you love....

love to all, pp
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I am alive to beauty, to laughter, to wonders within and without.
I am free to live and to enjoy life.
I accept divine presence as the fulfillment of my needs.
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roaches and the Secret

Post by hamster whisperer »

They're here!!!
I now have three baby and 12 adult Madagascar hissing cockroaches in my classroom. They are soo soo cool!!! I can actually pick them up and hold them and let them run across my hands. Weird as it sounds, they remind me of hairless hamsters. They are about the same size as the dwarfs. They like toilet paper tubes and carrots and warmth. They would drown in water, so they drink from these gel cubes of vitamin liquid. When we put them in their new home (which I got ready on Saturday), they ran for the drink and swarmed over the carrots and apple slices. If you stroke their backs they hiss!!! Wait until the kids get here tomorrow!!!
Yeah, they are icky, but so sweet and shiny and cute.

Okay, since this thread is about the Secret, is it true that by saying "I want" or "I need" my nonexistent husband and children that I have told the Universe that I really don't want and need them? How exactly am I supposed to word this to make up for 52 years of the wrong phrasing?

Love from Roach Mom,
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Roach Mom
Okay, since this thread is about the Secret, is it true that by saying "I want" or "I need" my nonexistent husband and children that I have told the Universe that I really don't want and need them? How exactly am I supposed to word this to make up for 52 years of the wrong phrasing?
The core of that statement is that you are putting out to the Universe, a 'want or a need' and that's what you'll get,,,is more wanting and more needing...

I don't put much stock into the Secret,,,,simply because the Secret, was based on the book called "Ask And It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks",
who channel a celestial group called Abraham...

and Ask And It Is Given is based on "The Law of Attraction"

it all has to do with your vibrational energy,,,,and the quality/state it's in.

so if you've been saying, Oh please I need a husband,,,,then a few minutes later think, well that's a lost cause or I'll never find what I want

you've just negated the first thought of 'I need a husband',,,

The Secret did not go into the depth, of how one is supposed to do this, they just glossed it over with picture boards, and yeah, get all excited...

they did not, get into the mechanics of The Law of Attraction,,,

it is the first law of the universe, and there is nothing in this Universe that is not affected by it...

My best recommendation, would be to either borrow, or buy both of their books......they have 4 out now,,,,,but those two are 'vital' learning how to manifest what you would like to have in your life....

Abrahams 'main saying' is. There is nothing you cannot be, do, or have.

I'm sure the ladies don't want to hear me going on anymore than necessary.....I started a thread called Ask and It Is Given, and that may help you to get started....

Also, you can go back and read this thread, in it's entirety,,,,and find the conversations that have gone on about the Secret....there are many, and wonderful varied opinions about the whole thing....

love pp
Daily Affirmation:
I am alive to beauty, to laughter, to wonders within and without.
I am free to live and to enjoy life.
I accept divine presence as the fulfillment of my needs.
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Post by hamster whisperer »

Hey Peacock!
I love your picture! You look so kind and friendly and wise!!!
And your thoughts and advice are always amazing!
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