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Post by peacockplume »

Dear Sandy,
Thanks,,,, I miss all of them, that have, gone one, but beautiful memories. I just read your post in the healing thread to Deepsha (sorry sp),,,,and I hope everyone going through an emotional time reads it...your advice would help us all in any situation......

Yesterday I went to see the Maiytrea (sp) display of Tibetan Buddha's,
I had no idea what a 'relic' truly was, untill I saw the video first....
when a Tibten/Indian etc. monk reaches enlightenment, they al become Buddha's, when they die, they are cremated, and within their ashes are found tiny little pieces of remains that they call "Pearls of Compassion",
and they do look like tiny fresh water pearls, in all kinds of shapes.
The video you watched first, explained all about the Maiytrea Buddha, which is being built in India, it will be 500 ft tall, and all these (plus much more)relics will be housed within it.
Then you go to another room, which had been transormed into a small like temple. A big rectangular table in the middle, with a large buddha in the centre, and all around the edges, werre glass containers, which held these tiny containers with these "Pearls of Compassion" and a picture of the living person (Buddha)..(when he was alive I mean)....I went in the line up first to receive a blessing from one of the monks.... then I walked around the table, stopping at each, giving prayers, but when I got to one container, there was one picture that just made me cry,,,,,,he was from centuries ago, and I wish now I had written down his name and the date, but emotion just rolled over me and tears started pouring down my face....I don't think I can describe how I felt, and what I felt around me, but I felt 'presence', love, and compassion.....I was even able to release some rather uncompassionate thoughts I had about one person... I saw in there.......then I left. It was a really 'different' experience.....
truly left me in "another space".....

If anyone hears about this tour anywhere near them, I'd hope they'd take the chance to see them, and experience them.....they have been going around the world raising funds the help build the huge Buddha in India.

Love and blessings to all,
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Post by Morning Light »

Hello All!
You can't leave this thread for long without having lots of catching up to do :shock:

Lets see, where to begin, I'm just going to write in regard to the post, if I say something that has already been said by someone else.... then I apologize :mrgreen:

Wow PP, sorry to hear that your tummy cannot tolerate coffee! What a b*mmer!.... I had to write it that way or the naughty word police would turn it into the word rubbish :lol:

Thank you for the suggestions on creating the perfect job... things are improving already in that regard... funny how our perception is everything... I know that... but apparently I don't KNOW it yet... or at least I am definitely on a learning curve :rabbit: The sad thing is that I've become jaded... the whole "you create your reality" was presented to me at least 19 year ago... and I totally believe it... I just haven't mastered it.... and when I create something that is yuck... well I get a bit off track LOL! Here's a card that I found lately... it's my fav... for a laugh at the mo'. "Is willing to accept that she creates her own reality, except for some of the parts where she can't help but wonder what the hell she was thinking!"

That is one beautiful dog, and huge :shock: Holy Crow! I can see how walking them on a leash would get very interesting indeed :D She/he looks like a love though LUV2

I had to have my memory jogged about the trees also! I read a book about 'tree people'... according to this person... it is a Celtic thang.. which would make sense in my case. Freckly red head that I am :wink: Whenever I hear a person relate a story about thier love of trees, or a tree, I consider them my kin! Have you ever listened to Joni Mitchells lyrics... paved paradise to put up a parking lot, took all the trees and put'em in a tree museum, then they charged everyone a dollar and a half just to see'em. That song has just a little too much truth in'it for me :? Thank God for John Muir and what he was able to do for the redwoods and national forests! Okay, I'm off me soap box now :oops:

Hello Child of God! Welcome to this thread... best wishes in manifesting a beautiful life for yourself 8) We're all in this together.

I cannot say anything on this subject... except to note that my neighbor was the son of a Dr. and he refused to have his children vaccinated. It can be a confusing issue to be sure. I think I will read further on and see what others have had to say! Congrats on the new babe :cheers:

Hello Michelle :hithere

Hey Sandy!
My tree kin :wink: That tree fig sounds amazing! Some of my favorites are the red bud, magnolia, mimosa, globe willow, weeping willow and sycamore! Actually, I could name alot more... but I won't LOL!

I will be sure to pass on your Love and Good Wishes to Gai! The last we spoke she was going to post on this thread, perhaps she will soon. I agree, she has won the hearts and minds of many people! I miss her on this site, hope she pops in soon. I have not heard how Dani is doing, she's been quite busy with her sister, who is trying to beat her addictions... Gai is truly pulling for her... and trying to figure out when to stand back and let her pull herself... I totally understand the delicate dance me'self.

In regards to my job, I would feel much better if I could work with people one to one, unfortunately I have very little power to make it all go away. In January I will be trained on responses and the year after that I will be talking with the taxpayer on the phone. I've done all of this before in other areas out there. It's not a "happy job" but I do my best to cheer them, and do everything in my power to help them. When I work in the 'computer room' I am removed from all of that unpleasantness though... hence the attraction to working there... enuf said :albino:

I am so happy for you and to hear that you are coming back to America to visit! I bet your sister and family are totally stoked! It would be so awesome to meet up with you.. wish you lived closer... but Australia would be an exciting place to visit! Maybe one day we will be checking out those Strangler Figs together eh! Hope you enjoy the coffee recipe. The last day of Winter? What was fall like out there, did the leaves turn? Spring is my favorite time of year, full of renewal, hope and promise!

Thank you for sharing your experience of the Buddah exhibit! I totally Love the Buddah and his teachings on Compassion. It sounds like a beautiful experience.
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Post by November »

OMG Peacockplume, I love the dog in your avatar. Is he a Samoyed? My mother used to have one named Jackie - but he wasn't that big! Beautiful dog!! Jackie used to have pretty white eyelashes :D
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi November,
Yes, that was my "Prince", 1993 - 2005, my all time favourite, how could you tell hey...the white eyelashes used to get everybody, it was funny.
We got our first Sammy in 1988, she had 4 litters, of which Prince came out of the 3rd litter....and the last girl that I have now, is out of her last litter..... One of her daughters had a litter the same year as her last litter, and we had another dog/bitch visiting who had a litter while she was here, so that summer I had 23 samoyeds to take care of......

People think I'm cold hearted when I say, I'm down to the last one,,,,but they have no idea, so I just laugh......although I really will miss them when she's gone.....I have no desire to repeat the performance.....maybe a tiny one, you know, put in my pocket and go with...but otherwise, no big ones anymore....

I'll put more av's up on Prince, but Mo asked for an owl pic... and I'm just having fun with that Shrink program that Nicolaco turned us on to...

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Post by RebornFalcon »

wow..... i haven't been able to get on this mb for about a week now, due to a wedding i was in..... and i really feel like so much has happened. i don't know how others do it? i know there are people who have full time jobs at work and/or home and still are able to come here and write so much information (great info, at that!)

nicola... fantastic!!!! am really happy for you and hope the pregnancy is a safe and comfortable one. of course, it will be a happy one! i am seeing a cousin of mine this sunday, who is a nurse practioner. i will try and get some info from her. but who knows.... she could be on that just says, to get the vaccine? shall see.

i feel left out.... i didn't get a chance to see these pics everyone is talking about PP pupper-wuppers.(dogs) that was just me talking silly.

sandy.. wow.. you are coming back to the east coast to see your family. brilliant!!! too bad nyc is not too close. i'd invite you over for dinner. yes, i like trees, too. sometimes i wished i would have stuided botany during uni yrs. of course, it doesn't mean i can't now. but.. egh. on the west coast in australia, i once went to this place where you are able to walk along,side by side, the canopy of trees, by these steel grids. or something like this. it was soo nice. am sure these exist in other places, too, but it was the first time for me to experience something like that, which happened to be oz.

ok... need to play a little catch up on the other threads.
love to all, renee
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Post by gypsie »

Hello everyone

:hithere this thread is amazing I was telling 3 girlfriends today about it and how we are over 30,000 now. They were amazed and asked what was on it I thought before I answered (one Paddi sees 11:11 heaps) where do I start?

I told the girls it's been named an international coffee table where people can discuss their most intimate thoughts or give a recipe for chai. I said it the people on it had become important to me and they were a new family of choice. I told them how enormous healing is created through the Angels message board. You know I have laughed here and cried as I read posts but more to the point I would be lost without you all :loves

It's such a wonderous thing that has happened here isn't it? Today I was thinking about Sandy and George as they explore the small towns away from the coast. I can't wait to hear about Sandy's holiday, I just hope those towns are not crowded with others who have left Sydney escaping the APEC summit. I have been living with helicopters hovering over my house for a week now, it's like our city belongs to world politicians at the moment. :roll: I just pray global warming is really discussed because my granchildren need this planet to survive. My little Jack said to me
"Mum why don't they ask children to attend the summit because it's our future they are planning".
I thought WOW that is such an amazing thing for him to say, imagine if children were actually asked what they wanted the planet to be like in 50 years!

Anyway I am going off the track again, sorry :oops:

Nicola congrats on your great news and I will pray for a safe journey ahead. It is almost impossible to speak to everyone here one at a time I'm sorry I can't but I really don't have the time at the moment. I am still not smoking and really feel I will never smoke again in my life. My friend Paddi who I was with today has damaged lungs but just can't stop, it's such a hard addiction and worst of all it's legal!!!!! Prayers for her are most welcome.

PP that dog is amazing huge and magestic :love I just adore animals...

I can't believe another helicopter is hovering again!!! :duh our city is in lockdown. One of the girls lives close to the closed areas and she has to go through checkpoints to get home,so full on!

Oh PP I have tried to paste and type the link to the gypsy waggon (I have tried everything) where my grandfather was born, I am hopeless! :cry: It's in the York Museum in the UK and my gg uncle Bill Wright was the builder, google is maybe easier or PM me.

Sandy had a great idea for this thread which was to print it off so we never loose it a book could be written through the thread I believe.

Next week I am having a baby shower for my beautiful Yasmin I am making finger food so if anyone knows some simple recipies please let me know. We are doing the plated braclets and I found a beautiful clip with John Mayer singing 'fathers and daugthers' on utube again if I could work out how to post links I would love to share it with you all. It's so powerful, the girl who put it together lives in Canada and has created this amazing clip of women, girls and their fathers.

So my beautful friends i am sending love to each and everyone of you and to all of you who read it, big hugs :cheers:

Gypsie Deb
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hiya Everyone, hi Gypsie said:
My little Jack said to me
"Mum why don't they ask children to attend the summit because it's our future they are planning".
I thought WOW that is such an amazing thing for him to say, imagine if children were actually asked what they wanted the planet to be like in 50 years!
I love that! In an ideal world that's just what would happen!
Perhaps in another....mmmm...500 or so years?

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Post by gypsie »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
So true Petra imagine Tahila and the boys expressing how they would like the planet left after 'the old people' (as Jack calls them) pass :albino:

Our children know they will be left with the mess of greenhouse gas emissions from the BOOM as they call it...
the kids talked about the summit today at school and they told me developing countries will not have to bare financial brunt of greenhouse gas emissions :roll really I said so how do you feel about that kids?

They replied together :bana: :bana: "whats the point none of us will be able to breath by that time and the old people

(they mean the 21 politicians or world leaders as they like to call themselves)

will all be dead from old age!!!" I thought kids :roll: you are so correct the last thing on anyones minds will be world debt at the rate we are going....
Petra you may be right in 500 years :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Gai*11 »

Dear All. I have to apologize for being so far behind, I can't even catch up, but my heart feels for everyone here, such lovely lovely amazing people, you must be lighting up the world all over the place!!!

Dear Morninglight, I owe ya in more ways than one. You are such a great friend to me.

And Petra, you are such a big sweetheart, such a lightworker!

And dear Sandy, you make me feel soo good with all your too sweet comments. You have soo much love that you give everyday, I dunno how ya do it!!!

As I come on here I see soo much love being shared between everyone, I am just totally inspired and touched deeply.

Well, I am finally putting on a pic of my new baby grandson, Gabriel. Although this pic was taken at one day old, I'll have to share some more recent ones of him as I get them.., aaaawwwhhh man, he is too precious!!! I'm trying to do my best to juggle around my constant duties, and just haven't had time for much else.

Oh, and I saw Bruce and we had a very wonderful chat.., he is a true gentleman of the light and I soo enjoyed that special time we had.

Love to ya'll ya'll,
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Post by nasra1996 »

Hiya Gai,

Ive not visited this thread for a while... Just want to say a Congratulations on the birth of your Grandchild.... I soooo love new born babies....!!!

Love to you and your family...

Sarah xxxx
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Post by Brewster7111 »

Howdy Folks!......its been a while since I said hi, but have been here now and again reading. Afew weeks ago I had the great pleasure of meeting and spending a few days with Sherry (Morning Light and her husband Lowell). I was welcomed in there home and travelled a few days with them through southern Utah. We had a great visit and saw a lot of beautiful scenery, but mostly it was the warm feelings of freindship and caring that will stay with me forever. It was hard to say goodbye but I left with the knowledge that I had made lifelong freinds and will look forward to meeting again in the not too distant future. I also got to spend a great afternoon with Gai11....It is the second visit with Gai in the last two years and I swear we could keep talking for days and days given the chance. She is in person the same loving, caring and giving soul that comes across on these pages. So thanks Sherry, Lowell and Gai for making my trip so memorable and thanks to this site for bringing us together in the first place. Also hello to everyone here oldies and newbies, Petra, Nasra, AJ,Blue Nova, George and Sandy, and Geoff, and all the other folks that I have talked to over the years......Love to you all......Bruce
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Post by Morning Light »

Hey Wow!!
It's so good to see the two of you posting! My buddy, buddies LUV2

We are all so blessed to have each other on this site! I truly cherish your friendships!

Lots of Love All Around :loves
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Post by Geoff »

Dear Bruce,

Good to see you here, and even better to hear you folks have been hanging out and having a great time. Don't think we have seen Gai lately, but I guess she will pop by some time. And guess what, there I see she did pop in higher up. Hiay to Gai too.

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Post by George »

How great is that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wonderful to meet up, you guys !

I left behind more than 100 people in the US that I worked with and in whose places I stayed for days or even a week.

It was just 'bonza' to make that many friends I will hopefully see again.

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Post by Morning Light »

Heya George!
You'd be welcome anytime! It seems to me that you made friends around these parts when you were here last. We could have a big'ol 11:11 family reunion/union.

It could happen, ya know :wink:

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Post by Brewster7111 »

Heya all!...Thanks for those thoughts and hello's. It is one thing to have a dialouge on the board and feel kinship. To meet each other face to face because of the shared experience that brought us here, well that to me has been so rewarding and I feel the need to share that here. Ya George I remember you said that you had spent some time in the western USA....hope when ya come back we can have a time together, all of us in the far west....mabee in the five year plan?...we shall see.....Love Bruce
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Post by George »

There are few things I'd like better than to meet up again with hundreds, literally, but what once was an ample savings has gone into many 11:11 projects . . . and it's decidedly tough these days.

A five year plan? Celebrate 2012 so many are talking about?

8) It's a thought.

God bless you all.....
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Post by Brewster7111 »

ya George.... I agree ...its hard these days to even get by...I am in a boom town, but not part of the boom....I hadnt thought about the five year plan as 2012, but does bring a whole other element to the thought!!!!!!...and five years should be enough time for most of us to get a dime or two together....mmmmm......Bruce
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Post by George »

hi Bruce and all,

We've done some thinking about who might actually come to the meet -- quite a lot -- and potentially Arizona would be the ticket for all those on the east coast -- a fair travel.

For those in other lands it would be a huge journey. Me, I'd like to spend a few days in TN also, since Sandy's folks live there.

Yup it can be done, I'm sure.

God bless.....
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Post by nasra1996 »

Hello Bruce, it's lovely to see you here again.... :loves

So were having an 11:11 party in 2012.. i cant wait, but it is so long away, i will be 40 years old by this time.. i look forward to meeting everyone someday... :D

Love to all..

Sarah xxx
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Post by Petra Wilson »

I will come, for definite! 2012, 2011? You name the year, I've already saved most of the fare!!
Arizona it is the freaking year, at least!!

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Post by George »

This needs thought, Petra.

Our $$$ situ is tennbuous to say the least. Very.

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Post by Morning Light »

How's about 11/11th 2012 at 11:11 in Sedona Arizona? We could rent a house for two or three days? Buy groceries, take turns cooking, cut down on costs. Oak Creek Canyon, just above Sedona and just below Flagstaff? Beautiful Country..... Whaddaya think folks?

I'll be there with bells on! Or whatever else time works out for everyone!

Hugs All Around!
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Post by Nicolaco »

Ooh what a lovely idea!!

We're skint here too, but I trust I'll find a way if it's meant to be..........

Nicola xxx
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Post by Brewster7111 »

Heya Folks!...Sounds like a good place and time MO. I am going to get a big old coffee can and tape the time, date and location on it and start dropping in pennies , nickels and dimes in there and in five years should have enough for the trip. Heya Sarah!....40 years old sounds like spring chicken to me....I will be 59....oh well, hopefully I will still feel as good as I do now. Anyhoo it would be a blast!....See ya in Arizona in 2012!....Love Bruce
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