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Post by Petra Wilson »

Dear Renee, you read this whole thread? Albeit in several sittings?

You said:
As a child, it never dawned on me that I was eating raw meat. Maybe mum added the right amount of spices and egg.
You ate it? What does it taste like? My mother made it once and it was the only thing I refused to eat...because of its 'rawness'!! She might shove tripe in my face and I would eat it (we were starved before dinner time) but RAW MEAT AND A RAW EGG??? Are you serious woman?? Hey, but one time, she served up some gray mince on some German bread and barked out: "Gruetze!" I ate the lot and it was (to me) delish...turned out to be pigs brains!! When I asked her, "Mmmm, that was nice! What was it?" and her reply of: "Pig's brains!" I must admit, I felt a little squeamish!! Funny really, as it tasted quite nice! All that fat and lecithin?I quite like raw fish, but never meat!! I've experienced salmonella and e.coli, p'raps that's what gives one a cast-iron stomach and immune system? I wouldn't recommend eating supermarket oysters either!! OH SCHEISSE!! :oops:

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Post by peacockplume »

Oh, Pet,

I've wondered for years how to spell "Scheisse", after spending 4 yrs in Germany, it was one of the commonly used phrases....

apparently I used to say it quite frequently around my then young nieces, who thought it was 'cool' and used it quite frequently too.

years later my sister asked me what it meant....should have seen the look on her face when I told her. It wasn't so much 'what' it meant, but that I let my nieces pick it up....

thanks for the chuckle..
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Post by nasra1996 »

Hi Renee, how did ya manage to read this whole thread... :D

Petra you remind me of my mum, when we were teenagers, i call it child abuse... :lol: She used to serve us some strange meats, Cows tongue on bread :? shes even bought tripe, i mean what for... :lol: The worst was cooking black pudding, absolute yuck, i never knew all it contained was blood clots and some reject skin and a bit of tripe thrown in... mmmmm no wonder i became a veggie...okay im going...

Love Sarah xxx
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Post by RebornFalcon »

yeah sarah, i know.a few hrs each day for a few days (no skimming) and (said in a game show host accent) "you too can read this entire thread". sorry. just being silly.last year, my friend lent me 2 seasons worth of dvd's about a certain tv show. i thought, the best thing was to just get right into it and watch it back to back. i warned the family and apoligised in advance, they said, ok. soooo, in 4 days, i watched 2 seasons worth of a show.i hope that will be the last time i do something like that. don't get me wrong, though. i immensely enjoyed it. so i guess, i shouldn't say i won't do anything like that (or similar to) again. you never know.
but yeah, i told petra if she wants to try the tartier again, it's all about the quality of meat that will make the difference(and good bread, too). i don't eat meat anymore,but i remember mum doing a nice job.
renee :D
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Post by Sandy »

Hi guys,

Now my curious brain is wondering what does "Sheisse" mean? :shock:

Guess what came in the mail for me today? ......The Secret! (The book) It was a great surprise lovingly sent to me by my dear daughter-in-law. I sent her a copy for her birthday last month and she just said last week she wished I had a copy so we could read it together. What a little sweetie she is! Maybe after this, we will graduate to 'Ask and it is Given.' It does sound wonderful! In support of the Secret though I would like to say that even though the producers of the Secret may have left out pertinent information, I do believe the Secret both the movie and the book has had a positive affect on many people. I see it as just another tool in the Creator's vast tool chest to help us fix what is wrong in our lives and this world. :D

Hello and welcome to this whopper of a thread Renee!!!! You are truly a brave and determined soul. :thumright: I did try turnip chips in a combination bag of other veggie chips. They were delicious! I've been a vegetarian for a little over two years now. I got a lot of help and support from my eldest sister who has been a vegetarian for fifteen year and she believes in eating as healthy as possible with the exception of chocolate brownies. (She has a real weakness in that area.) It is so funny to observe her standing by the pan of brownies where she will carefully carve off maybe a slight inch which she eats while talking to you and then goes after another one inch and so on... and so that before she knows it, a whole section is gone. Now me, I know I don't stand a chance so I just get it over with quick and painless, cut of a giant slab all at once and then there is still plenty of time and brownie left to go back for more! (yes I am afraid our family has a problem with chocolate :( )

I have never had brains at least not to my knowledge,(The kind you eat :lol: ) but my dad was a sneaky one...still is... he always said, growing up on a farm, that no part of the animal was ever wasted and that they would have brains for breakfast with eggs. bleah... I'll take my Museli, thank you!

PP I think your hair looks gorgeous in your picture! What an excellant way to deal with your gray streaks! Have you found that the sun still naturally streaks your hair? Every summer my hair used to develope it's own sun streaks. But not so much anymore. It seems to be breaking more than it used to too. Makes me wonder if I am neglecting something in my diet.

Hello Aqualeaf, have a great time next week while looking for your new home. It sounds like fun and somehow I just know you will be led to the perfect place. Oh I would love to visit Boulder Colorado and the mint room. It sounds heavenly. Sort of reminds me of the second Shrek movie. Didn't they have something similar in that movie?
You know, I never got one magnet! :( I don't know if I was buying dud boxes or what! Oh well their tea is well worth the price, magnets or no magnets. (sniff )

Mo, I just knew that you and Gai would have a grand time together! There was never a doubt in my mind that you two 'soul sisters' wouldn't hit it off immediately. I hope one of you at least took some pictures of your adventures. (hint, hint..) Not too subtle huh? :lol: Now whats this about you kissing strange men's ears? :shock: I bet you made his day! :D Now we know the meaning behind the words "Ask and you shall be given." Alright I'm done I promise! "ears" to you and Gai and our love for both of ya! :wink:

Oh November, I would be bawling my eyes out at every time that commercial came on!
Although it sounds like it might generate attention for the animals at the pounds and animal shelters in sort of a round about way though. Gosh I hope so! Our animal friends are truly a gift from God and should be treated accordingly!

Petra, what is it about a grandfather with his grandson on his lap that makes a person blubber and carry on so! There was a toothpaste commercial where the grandfather is talking about his gengivitous (sp.?)of all things, and it would start me off...I wasn't "preggers" either. :lol: I guess maybe I am a "softie" after all.

Well enough out of me tonight. You all be good and happy today or tonight or whatever it is. :love

love you all,
P.S. I tried sending this last night but I couldn't get on the website. Did anyone else have problems?
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Sarah,

I missed you somehow in all of that. :shock: I've seen tripe in the market and wonder how in the world anyone can eat that! Black pudding sounds even worse, if that is possible. :( Once many years ago when I was young and impressionable, I was casually bee bopping along the meat isle looking for an affordable cut of meat. I just happened to look up and there at head level was a cow's head (without the fur, of course but with the muscel and everything else in tack..yuck!) and it shocked me so bad that I squealed and jumped back into a dear little old man! Luckily, he was unhurt and thought the whole thing rather comical.
Super markets can be dangerous places you know! One should always be prepared for anything.! :lol:

Love ya,
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Post by Gai*11 »

Hey Ho Hellooo!! I sure did have the time of my life!!!! Mo is the sweetest most conscience aware person there could exist in this world...full of Love, compassion and depths of faith in her soul that endure and inspire everyone around her.., she's lived it, all the trials that life puts us through and has turned it all into a gold mine, "lead into gold", yeah,.. and she's just so naturally that way...!

Dear Sandy, the best I could do for pictures is put one in my avatar.., and there we are at a breath taking site, as you can see! There were soo many picturesque moments, I was blown away!!!!!

We had 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, etc.... constantly non-stop>from the time we hooked up, to the minute we had to say goodbye. I have never seen sooo many!! We were listening to those cues, and paying attention, which led us to many realizations about ourselves and the world around us. Yes, the Spirit knows what we need and why...

As we got in the car to take off to Salt Lake City, we both shut our doors, turned towards the clock simaltaneously, ( as we did soo often), and there it was, 11:11 staring at us! I think we transcended many new heights of awareness just coming together and hitting off each other.., words are hard to describe all that transpired really.., but we sure did have an incredible unforgettable time!!!

Haha, when I got on the plane heading home, I get a call on my phone>its Sherry telling me she stuck that money I had left in her car into my bag!! Haha! What could I do?? Well, little does she know yet.., I just sent it back to her in a letter in the mail..hahaha! Gotcha Soul Sister! :D :wink: :loves

Since I've been back I have been busy with kids with flu, and all kinds of stuff..., haha, ready for another get away already!! :shock:

8) Aaah, but it sure is GREAT to be alive.., and to be sooo blessed as am I...

SOOOOooooo much Love and Peace of heart and mind to ya'llllll :colors: :colors: :colors:

The neverending heart begins again forever...
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Post by Geoff »

Dear Gai,

You two really had a great time, and thanks for sharing. It was almost like being there.

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Post by Sandy »

Hello dearest Gai! :hithere

Oh I just love the picture and those cool hats! Thanks for telling us about the time you two spent together. In a strange way we were with you in spirit. :happy I still hold out hopes that someday we all will get to meet in some gathering somewhere. :finger:

You wrote:
Haha, when I got on the plane heading home, I get a call on my phone>its Sherry telling me she stuck that money I had left in her car into my bag!! Haha! What could I do?? Well, little does she know yet.., I just sent it back to her in a letter in the mail..hahaha! Gotcha Soul Sister!
:lol: :lol: :lol: Are you sure the two of you don't have some"Miller" blood in you? When we were young I can remember the money passing back and forth between my dad and his parents after a visit. Once our grandparents even sneaked the money into our crayon box. I had visions for awhile of all the toys I would buy with that money, but my "do-gooder little tattle tale" sis gave it back to Dad. :cry: Well I guess it was the right thing to do..sigh... :)
Anyway it was good to be treated to a moment of your trip!
Sure do love you two! :kiss:

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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello Everyone, Gai & Mo, I love the photo of you two gorgeous ladies!! You look so happy! I can't wait to see the DVD!!
Ah Gai, you crack me up about the money..that's just like my sister Denise!! Oh, and little notelets here and there whenever she leaves. I would be all sad and continue with routines and find a note in the fridge, one in the laundry, one in the oven... :lol: It was as if she was still around! That was so long ago now...

Renee, thank you for PMing that recipe for steak tartare...I shan't try it, but Phil wants to. Once our Welsh Black are ready for slaughtering, I might try it. Ohh, but I dunno!! Not because of the raw ingredients or anything, mainly because I like them. Pain's in the backside though they are. :lol: But on hindsight, those moments, when I tell people about them, are funny.
Since mad cow disease, you can't have steak tartare in restaurants apparently. I bet they have some kind of underground places where you get it though?

PP, Sandy...erm, if I write scheisse in English, it comes up as 'rubbish'!! Thanks Bing for that mail all on the subject of it!! hahaha!!
Is it actually true??? I'm sure it is!

I never had a Grandad and I heard both the German one and the English one were kind, wise and very quiet and soft-spoken, while the wives were battleaxes with too much to say and complain about...hah! I dunno about the complaining part, but I know where I inherited my out-spokeness, and mild bouts of temper... :oops:
Anyway, I did know my Grandmother's...oooooh, formidable creatures so they were, especially Nanny Ivy!!!

We're going camping again this time with Phil's brother and wife Bere. Best thing is, he's got a Chevvy van so you know where I'm kipping for the night? haha!!
Love to All, Pet XXX
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Post by gypsie »

My I CAN'T belive this thread!!!!! It's massive
Decided not to take the real Estate job, don't want to be away from Harry for weeks at a time :oops: Yer I know I love him...

I have just caught up like 6 pages!!!!! Have no idea what to write but has anyone seen how many hits this thread has ?????

People will sure get a nice surprise when they read through, THE SECRET is here in front of them....

People just sharing about laughing, crying and eating their way through their lives.. :lol: eating is my favorite... we are living the secret here family of choice....

All is well will link up again real soon just wanted to say HI :hithere and thanks Zabounetto for the link to the fairy paintings they are awsome..
We had Oprah on TV one evening this week doing The Secret show... just loved it, the thought of positiveness around my home such s a comfort...

Will be smudging this weekend so I'll smell like a bushfire again.. OH and guess what we had rain!!!!! not just in Sydney but the drought areas saw rain for the first time in years, I saw a little girl on TV and she was scared because she had never seen rain before :( prayers needed in Australia for heavy rain....are other couutries in drought out there?
Much love Gypsie....

Had a amazing weekend in the Blue Mountains last week for
Mothers Day, we rented a 120 year old house and for the first time ever all mothers were present Gosh was that kitchen crowded) .

My son who spent the last two in prison said when he got up in the morning , he cried from joy as it was the first time in years he was surrounded by family all night :loves he is doing really well and is no longer carrying the anger inside him, to think we almost lost him years ago from the hanging sends shivers up my spine...

Power of prayer and belief people can go on to a happy life after hardship is living proof.... in this family
He watched the secret with me 2 weeks ago and tonight announced his vision to me. Finish his trade, buy a home and help young people with family and drug issues hear his story. What an amazing transformation...
Much love to you all Gypsy :kiss:

Sandy have you been to the mountains yet? if not we could have a day like Mo's and go together?
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Post by Morning Light »

Hey Wow!
I haven't been getting my thread notifications, had no idea what you all posted here since my last post :D

I am glad that you posted one of your photies of us. I only ended up with one picture of the two of us :? It seems that most of the pictures I took were with your camera :lol: Yeah, I got the money, you are such a stinker or is that candaloney! I'm sure that is not the way it is spelt or pronounced.... what can I say... I'm hopeless :wink:

What a wonder-full time we had!

I agree Sandy, we need to get together, all of us!

Yeah we look gorgeous alright :lol: I'm looking forward to the DVD too :shock:

My boss was sitting in his chair looking at his computer, with his back to me when he said I could have the day off. So I just stood behind him, wrapped my arms round him and smooched his ear... he was very surprised and let out a giggle :lol: Thank you soo much for all of your love support and good wishes!

It is good to hear from you! I am soo happy for you and your son. I pray that good things continue to happen for the both of you! My friend that I was talking with you about, has had to postpone her treatment, death in the family... long story. However, she has your email addy and I'm sure you will be hearing from her... she's very sad right now.

Well I sure do Love and Appreciate all of you!

Sweet Hugs and Sunshine!
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Everyone! :hithere

I just wanted to stop in and say hi before we leave tomorrow morning to spend a couple of days looking around down south of here, just north of the San Francisco Bay area, to see where we might like to move to next! :roll

Speaking of hair coloring and such, I've also started to imagine a bit more seriously the possibility of dyeing my hair red or auburn (as mentioned earlier on this thread), even though the concept of experimenting with hair color has never even really occurred to me until just recently, for whatever reason. I found this great website, "Henna for Hair" (, which tells in detail how to use the herb henna (body-art-quality henna, which this site sells, apparently works best, naturally strengthens and conditions your hair, and blends in such that your roots never end up showing) to naturally color your hair red (as well as using the herb indigo to color hair brunette) and provides many examples with gorgeous photos sent in by people who've tried it. After studying the examples, I concluded that my hair is so stubbornly dark that I might have to lighten it some first to get it to end up in the color range I like the best after henna-ing. I tried putting lemon juice in my hair and sitting out in the sun for a few hours on a couple occasions recently, just to see what would happen, and it changed the tone of my hair from a blackish brown to a slightly warmer but still very dark brown with redder highlights. Not having the patience to repeat this procedure daily for weeks, I finally bought a home hair-lightening kit the other day just for the heck of it, and tested it on a small lock of my hair. It turned the strand a very light red, almost blonde, after 60 minutes (the absolute maximum time you're supposed to leave it on in one session), and henna-ing over that shade would probably produce quite a lovely shade of red - hmmm.... So, I'm just pondering it in the background for now ...

Lynn , yes, I've read about Abraham's "Pivot" process, and it's a really good one, since it's pretty easy to accidentally be focusing on the lack of what you want, rather than what you want, but I haven't really tried it much yet. The one I've had the most success with so far is the "Wouldn't It Be Nice If..." process, which is easy to start out with, since, as Abraham notes, it kind of bypasses a lot of one's inner resistances. Yes, didn't they say that if you could hold a pure positive focus on what you want with absolutely no contradicting vibrations for 68 seconds, what you are visualizing would manifest? And if you can hold a pure positive thought vibration for 17 seconds, that's the point at which other similar ideas are attracted to it, and this is worth 2000 hours of "doing"-based effort? Then every additional 17 seconds adds a zero onto that number of hours, as I recall... I'll have to keep reading back through this material, over and over again!

I think your perception of the movie, The Secret, even though it's well worth watching and has been helpful to many people, is true: Jerry and Esther Hicks have now put out a DVD called "The Secret Behind the Secret." I got an announcement about it in my email recently, in which Abraham is quoted as saying, “We smile in our awareness that the movie called ‘The Secret’ is still not revealing the secret.”

That "Fire the Grid" website looks interesting; I'll have to go back and read it in more detail when I have more time.

Renee, nice to see you on this thread! Wow, what an accomplishment, reading through this entire thread! In fact, it could probably be turned into an excellent book, actually, a sort of group diary that chronicles the ongoing evolution of friendship bonds in this group!
Mmm, turnip chips sound excellent -- I bet you could make them like you would the fries, except just slice them papery thin.

Sarah, regarding your description of black pudding, as we might say here in the U.S. (especially if we were teenage girls), "Eeew, gross!!!" Speaking of cow tongues, I saw one all packaged in plastic in the meat section of the supermarket, looking all pale and drained of life force, and it was not an appealing sight! (And a whole skinned cow's head, Sandy, that would be even worse!) :shaking:

Sandy, I love chocolate too! I usually buy a fair-trade dark-chocolate bar (65% -88% cacao content or so), about once a week or so, keep it by my computer, and nibble on it while I'm at the computer (in fact, I'm eating a piece of one right this minute!), eating a little bit of it each day. I also drink a cup a day of hot chocolate made with organic hot chocolate mix from a company here in the U.S. (in Oregon) called "Dagoba," which I think is a Mayan or Aztec word meaning "food of the gods". And it is just fabulous! They make a version called xocolatl as well, which has cayenne pepper and cinnamon in it, and is hot and spicy, quite exotic!

I actually never got any of those magnets in my Celestial Seasonings tea boxes either, only the little tins. I still have a "Mint Magic" tin, with a painting of a wizard and a unicorn on it, full of thumbtacks in my desk drawer! I loved the first Shrek movie, but I haven't yet seen the second one -- I'll have to rent it one of these days!

Gai and Mo, judging from the great picture and your descriptions, it sounds like you had a truly magical visit! Your money stories are amusing! And prompts non-stop -- that's wonderful!

Petra, "sheisse," does that not translate into a 4-letter expletive that starts with "s" in English? What post did Bing write on the subject? -- not sure if I saw that one (or perhaps I'm totally missing something here?)! I like your hair in your avatar; it looks like you've got some nice blonde streaks/highlights in your hair, no? Have a good time camping!

Hi Gypsy Deb, good to see you back on this mega-thread! Regarding the real-estate job, it sounds like you followed your heart and intuition, which, to me, always lead one in the rightest direction. Glad you got to see the Oprah show on the Secret there now, and how wonderful about your mother's day weekend and your son's transformation! The U.S. is so huge that it's got so many different environments in it, that some places have droughts and some don't. Where we are, it rained a fair amount all winter, so I don't think it's a problem here. I don't really watch the news or listen to the media much, but as I recall, there may be droughts in southern California right now. It's got more desert-y areas than we do up here.

Well, it's around 9:40pm here, so I'd best get back to gathering stuff together for our little journey south tomorrow morning! It's great re-connecting with you all, as always. Love and hugs to everyone, including those of you that I didn't address by name! :D

Love and Blessings All LUV2,
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Post by Sandy »

Hello dear friends,

It is getting a little late but I wanted to say hello right quick before heading for bed. Aqua Deb have a safe trip tomorrow as you head out for Occidental and Sebastople. For some reason I did a google search on those two towns this morning and they sound lovely! I saw some lovely scenery and some great inns. One in particular looked like a vacation destination in itself especially if you are just looking for a place to kick back and relax. It was called the Inn of Occidental. Well what it lacks in a catchy name it sure made up with in warm and inviting rooms ..each room was unique and interesting. Gosh I sound like a commercial... like I have stock in the place or something..okay on the downside the rooms are expensive as all get out! It was fun exploring the places a bit knowing that you and your sweetheart would soon be trampling away in that area. anyway I hope you have a great time and find some good leads on a new apartment in that gorgeous area!

I also think you will look wonderful as a red head. What fun! When and if you make the big change you must show us some "photies!" I love that word I can't help but think of our Petra every time one of us uses one of her "Pet phrases" Pet your nanny's sound like my great grandmother. I never met her because she died before I was born but it was my understanding that she was a force to be reckoned with. :shock:
I also have a question for Aqual Deb or Lynn on the Abraham "Wouldn't it be nice process." What do you mean by "doing" based effort and I was wondering if you could give a little more detail about what you meant Deb about the focusing. Any help in directing me to be more focused and positive is greatly appreciated. :)

Hi there Mo. I am afraid I am no help in the "candelooney" department as I'm afraid I have never heard of that before. Same thing has happened to me with the post here too. You don't think anybody has posted and all at once a whole page worth has happened. Of course than you are hopelessly behind. I chuckle as I see Gai has followed through with her threats to send the money back! :lol:

Hello dear Gypsy, I was happy as clams when I saw you had posted. Hows the smudging going? Does that mean you all have found a new place away from the pollution in the city? I was wondering too how Yasmin was getting along. When is her baby due?

Your son has made quite a transformation.
Power of prayer and belief people can go on to a happy life after hardship is living proof.... in this family
He watched the secret with me 2 weeks ago and tonight announced his vision to me. Finish his trade, buy a home and help young people with family and drug issues hear his story. What an amazing transformation...
I love his vision and his dreams of helping others overcome obstacles as he has in his own life. I am glad you had a perfect Mother's Day sweetie!
The blue Mountains are beckoning and I would love to do something similar to Mo and Gai. It may be just a bit delayed until I get my visa and then hopefully an Australia drivers license. (Visa hopefully any day now) Okay scary roundabouts here I come. :shock: I can do this!

Well I know I said this would be short, sorry guys. :oops:
Sending love to all you out there.
:loves Sandy
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Post by AJ »

Hey Mo and Gai...

That was awesome that you got to spend time together. It is an amazing feeling when two 11'ers collide. I too hope we can all get together some day. I could not even imagine the love and happieness that would be felt from such a meeting. There would be so much energy in that place it would be unreal!!!

Til that day comes!!!! Right!!!!

Can't wait to hear more stories of the two of you together.

When I had met Meghan from New York, the prompts were unreal. We would just point them out to one another and laugh. I think our celestial friends really do love to show off when two of us are together.

Much love you two!

God Bless
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Post by nasra1996 »

Hello all,

This thread is just growing and growing.

Hi Debbie, i do hope you enjoy your travels tommorow... Oh yeah im not too fond of meat anymore, except perhaps steak or chicken breast, thats all i would eat now. I was eyeing up the Fairtrade dark chocolate today at the supermarket, i like dark chocs too, im actually munching on some now at my computer - Cote d'Or :) . I use Henna to colour my hair and have had mendi many times on my hands and feet for parties.... the problem is it takes weeks to fade out, so you have to go to work the next day with tatoos all up your arms.. but it is very good for the hair and scalp, i had an irritated scalp recently and used henna to heal it. The problem is though sometimes you will buy red henna in a packet and rather than dye your hair red, it will come out black, suppose you have to be careful what product you use.

Take care....

Love Sarah xxxx
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Hello One and All, Seen and Unseen!! :hithere

After having read all of your comments on this thread I have decided what I would do if I ever got the right numbers on my lottery ticket. It would be to have a very large gathering of us 11'ers in one place. I am sure that we would have a real luv in :flower: :sunflower: :bana: !!!!! Imagine the number of prompts that we would have. I would really like to meet a Secondary Midwayer in the flesh. I just finished reading Paper 77 in the Urantia Book, which talks about their origin with Adamson and his wife Ratta. It must have been quite the experience giving birth to a baby that could become invisible. " OK, where are you hiding this time"

I would be cooking for quite some time to get everthing in order. Talking about cooking, I have posted some of my favourite sites in the "Miscellaneous" section. I hope that you enjoy them.
:loves Throw some love into the air :loves

God Bless
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Post by RebornFalcon »

ahhhh, you're right sandy, after a few days not checking this thread, and it becomes an entire page to read.

bing... yeah.. you work at a nice hotel, yeah? maybe you can set up a wonderful weekend "11:11 conference"? hmm.. that would be magical.

aqua deb.good luck with your new home search. i'm ertain you will find something lovely out there. at one time, i was nowhere near interested in ever living out west(many many moons ago). perhaps it was that east-west coast rivalry? dunno? but i did a bus tour from san fran to LA in 1987, and it was nice. but in recent yrs, i have seen sooo many photos and travel shows on cali and oregon, that it seems like such an amazing state. as for your hair... wow.. i LOVE your dark hair colour!!! but yeah.. hair is hair. if you don't like it, change it and it will always grow back. maybe you should try on a red wig first, before you start dye'ing? my mother uses henna on her eyebrows. it works nicely, but it doesn't last too long.i think?

gypsie deb.... how wonderful for your son. truly. same goes for the rest of your family. it took me awhile, but after so many readings in this thread and some others, i kinda got the jist from where you're from (jist as in minimal, but understand for the most part) it took me awhile before i figured out thalia was petra's daughter. oi.

ok... just a hello to everyone!!!!!!!! :D

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Post by gypsie »

hi all
so nice to be back.... Sandy roundabouts are finr you can always practice in Canberra our capital, they are roundabout city...make sense because all the politician are there!!!!!
Remember to give way to the right even a bycyle, dog or volvo drive with a hat on (ausie joke the volvo)....
We will make those mountains and find crystals they pop up everywhere, must admit I'm a tad nervous :o which is odd for me, I've never met anyone over the nternet then met them in peron....
Much love to all on our evolving book, imagine how many cuppas have been drunk whilst posting on this board. Still can't sop thinking of the ED Lobster wonder if you can franchise? Just a thought :!:
Love Gypsie
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Post by Sandy »

Hey guys,

Gypsy Deb, we have a few of those roundabout monstrocities around us, a doozey of one on The Princess Highway. For those of you in the U.S. just picture one of the major interstates with multiple lanes moving in a large circle and people coming on and off of it all the time from all around the circle. That is a Princess Highway roundabout! :shock: Australians smile, honk, and say a few "choice" words now and again, but nobody seems the least bit intimidated by them. I once saw a little old lady old enough to be my grandma's grandma drive through one without a care in the world and I asked my self. "What in the world is wrong with me?... you chicken!"( I mean chook!(australian chicken)
I have to get my visa to get my aussie license, and I have to have my aussie license before the automobile insurance will have anything to do with this right lane driving Foreigner. So I am a little stuck at the moment. (The calm before the storm!)

Now's just me...I can talk to a rock and be late for dinner. I am certainly not someone to be worried about meeting, sis. Besides, think about the times you have intuited my moods and sent me little pick me up notes and such. We have grown to know each other pretty well this past year I'd say. Now remind me of all this just before the "big day" when I am a "tad" nervous too. :lol:

Hi Renee, I think "the secret" to this thread is checking it every couple hours and posting immediately when there is the slightest change. But then there are times I have watched and waited... and then waited with baited breath.. and I thought, "Oh No! I'm gonna be the one to kill the Secret thread!" :shock: (I don't want that on my tombstone.)
Bing's country club is beautiful, a perfect place to have our gathering... except they have a pretty stiff dress code I think. This girl, for one, would have to change her scruffy ways! :geek:
Alright Sarah, Now I am going to have to find some of this fair trade chocolate! Everytime you or Aqua deb posts I am going to imagine you two happily munching away! :D I tell you, I have never seen it here though. :scratch: Gypsy have you?
Oh Bing, I too have wondered how anyone could handle having a sometimes invisible babies! It would take parenthood to a whole new hieght and definitely give advantage to the hard to find toddlers! Ratta and Adamson certainly deserve a "Go to Paradise For Free" card!"
Hey AJ, how is Meghan doing? I think of her, Daddy-O, Skye, Stones...etc. all the people who helped me over the past couple years so many times. Actually, Meghan was the one whose very first post gave me the courage to post for the first time too. Roundabouts weren't the only thing that scared me then. Well, I got over that "new poster nervousness", so maybe I will get over this "killer roundabout" thing too.

Love to all you dear ones,
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Meghan is doing great. I have not spoken with her since early April, but she is as happy as ever and just enjoying life. We got to hang out for a couple of hours in early April up in NYC and we were actually prompting each other which was cool. I would get one and let her know about it and vice versa.

I pm her from time to time but have not heard back in awhile. I am sure she will be checking in with everyone soon. Her pattern as of late is about once every 3-4 months.

I pm'd stones awhile ago and he seems to be doing ok. I think he still checks in from time to time. I have not heard from Daddy-O or Skye in a long time. I hope they are both doing great!!!

As I hope all are doing great!!
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Post by Sandy »

Hello AJ,

Thanks for the update on some of these "oldtimers". :lol: I had a feeling Meghan was probably doing well. She has such a zest for life.. definitely a writer that one. She wrote something once about ants walking across the page of her journal that had me enthralled. I still remember it. :lol: We've met and grown to love a lot of people on this site haven't we? All of us show up as strangers at one one point but eventually wind up as friends and siblings...We may loose track of each other from time to time..for a short time...or maybe for all the time left on earth, but once in the heart, never gone completely I think! We'll just have a lot of catching up to do in the next world 'tis' all!

Much love,
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Post by AJ »

Sandy wrote:Hello AJ,

Thanks for the update on some of these "oldtimers". :lol: I had a feeling Meghan was probably doing well. She has such a zest for life.. definitely a writer that one. She wrote something once about ants walking across the page of her journal that had me enthralled. I still remember it. :lol: We've met and grown to love a lot of people on this site haven't we? All of us show up as strangers at one one point but eventually wind up as friends and siblings...We may loose track of each other from time to time..for a short time...or maybe for all the time left on earth, but once in the heart, never gone completely I think! We'll just have a lot of catching up to do in the next world 'tis' all!

Much love,
Yes absolutely Sandy!!!
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hewllo Guys and Gals, I love this cozy, snuggley, put-ya-feet-up-and-cradle-a-coffee-and-chocky thread!!

Debbie, you said:
"sheisse," does that not translate into a 4-letter expletive that starts with "s" in English? What post did Bing write on the subject? -- not sure if I saw that one
Spot on! I plop that out all the time at work, among others and no-one knows what it means. Then whaddya suppose happened to me last week after I dropped something and cried: "Ah scheisse, verdammt noch mal!" yes, a bunch of German tourists from Berlin were just passing me by!! Luckily they weren't at all bothered and we had a right good thigh-slapping laugh about it! :lol:
Bing emailed me this thing. Giz your email address if you want, and I'll forward it on to you!
I used to hennarize my bonce too. Like Sarah mentioned though, careful you read what colour you are buying. I didn't look at the label, and all the packets were identical (except for the written hair colour on the top of the box) so there I was happily hennering, thinking I'd be a nice copper-knob in half an hours!! :shock: I looked like an Egyptian, and started a trend in school! hahaha

I love roundabouts. Beats queues at the traffic lights. But I must admit Sandy, when I first started driving they scared the heck out of me! The one's in and around Cardigan are nice. They decorate them with sculptures and pretty flowers! Three times I almost had an accident as I was admiring the roundabout's spelndid art work...there I was going round and round and round...very distracting! :lol:

Love you all, Pet XXX Take care everyOne

Oh, wanted to ask if anyone has seen a film called The Fountain, with Rachel Weisz? It's a mind-blower! Totally recommend it, just for the ending alone!!!
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Everyone! :hithere

Wow, I can already see I'm going to be writing more than one long post in order to say everything I'd like to say! Thanks everyone for bearing with me on my often voluminous posts! :oops: :D

We've returned from our trip to Sebastopol/Occidental, and we are quite favorably impressed! We've both been getting prompted almost constantly (like nearly every time either of us looks at the clock) lately, so we must be moving in the right direction! We also encountered many synchronicities, and got endless prompts, while driving down there and back, on the road mileage signs, the mileage-marker stakes along the road, license plates, phone numbers on billboards, and so on, as well as on the digital clock in the motel room, and on our own car clock (even though it's about 20 minutes off from the "real time")! We stayed in the tiny little town of Occidental that you looked up online, Sandy. (What fun that you looked it up! :D )

We too had looked online at that same Inn at Occidental you mentioned before going down there, and I agree, I loved the unique and beautiful rooms, even though they were way too expensive! So we stayed at the nearby average-but-much-more-reasonably-priced Negri's Occidental Hotel instead.

We loved the little town of Sebastopol, as well as its proximity to the coast, and all the many little roads in the redwoods in between. To add further to the food-and-beverage conversations we've been having on this thread, we happened upon a "chocolate cafe" while in Sebastopol. In addition to gelato and handmade chocolates, they serve this fastastic, thick, rich hot chocolate made with cream infused with orange and ginger. I had a 6-ounce cup of that with a lemon-lavendar shortbread cookie and it was really lovely; it certainly took hot chocolate to a whole new level! :colors:

We saw some unique and interesting places for rent, although it was a bit too early to start actually looking at that level, so, now that we know for sure we like the area, we'll probably go down there again in another couple of weeks to actually try to find a place. So we're in quite a stage of growth and transition at present. We even spontaneously bought a couple of ukuleles the other day after we got back, inspired by a conversation we'd had with the folks in a music store down in Sebastopol, and have started playing and singing favorite old Eagles and Bob Dylan songs just for the fun of it (the ukulele is proving to be a much more versatile instrument than we'd been aware of previously :D )! So, it's been quite an adventure of late! :roll

Sarah, I don't think I've run into Cote d'Or chocolate yet (though I do peruse the chocolate section each time I go to a new grocery store!), but I do frequently eat Equal Exchange fair-trade chocolate bars (, since they're readily available here. I also saw a lot of beautiful and elaborate mehndi online of the sort you're talking about, as well as books of patterns for painting them. Sarah and Pet, the henna website I was looking at also warned people, as you mentioned, to be very careful about which kind of henna they buy. Apparently if it's less than body-art quality (sounds like some of the lower-quality versions are full of twigs and leaves and such, rather than being a fine powder), or if it's "compound henna," which may contain metal salts and very little pure henna, you can get unpredictable and undesirable results, especially when using it over dyed or bleached hair (apparently, it can melt or fry your hair :shaking: , or turn it weird colors like green! :mrgreen: ). They said to beware especially of products labeled "blonde henna," "brown henna," etc.

I was in the herb section of the food co-op here in town the other day, and found an entire henna shelf. The pure herb itself, lawsonia inermis, is supposed to dye hair red, but I found jars of nearly-identical-looking green powder labeled "copper henna," "mahogany henna," "blonde henna," "brown henna," and "black henna", and the only one labeled lawsonia inermis was the one that was also labeled "black henna!" :scratch: Very suspicious! So I just went ahead and ordered the "100% pure body-art-quality henna" from the Henna for Hair website instead. Once it arrives, I'll test it first with a strand of my hair before going any further! So far, I've just gotten my hair cut shorter as a start (as my latest avatar shows), to make it easier to eventually experiment with, color-wise. And yes, Sandy, when/if I do it, and if the results seem presentable enough, I'll definitely show you all some "photies!" :geek:

Bing, that's a wonderful dream, to set up a weekend 11:11 get-together of some sort, and serve some of your mouth-watering culinary creations -- I don't think any of us would mind that extra benefit at all! What an amazing energy vortex would be created with all of us in one place at once, I'd bet! :colors: By the way, I've enjoyed looking at your various cooking links, especially the chocoholics' site! I'll also have to read that Paper 77 in the U.B. - yes, invisible babies, that would be a parenting challenge indeed!

Renee, yes, I do think there's an east-coast vs west-coast rivalry here; lots of people I've met from the east coast would never consider moving to California. But in reality, as you've mentioned, California really is an amazing state, with a variety of beautiful environments: coastline, semitropical rainforests, mountains, ancient towering redwoods, deserts, you name it. Of course I may be a bit prejudiced, being a California native! :roll:

Thanks for your favorable comments on my dark hair -- I do like my hair color pretty well too, it's just that it's been that exact same color my whole life and it'd be fun to have a change, at least for a while. My hair grows pretty fast, about 8 inches a year, so if I don't like a particular hair length or style, or now even a particular hair color, you're right, it'll always grow back out again in a reasonable amount of time. I too have read that you may have to henna your hair about every 6 weeks or so, but that each time you henna over previously henna'ed hair, it just continues to build up a richer shade of red/auburn.

Gypsie, that's wonderful that you and Sandy are going to meet -- you both will have to tell us about the experience!

Sandy, good luck with getting your Aussie driver's license and the Princess Highway roundabout! I believe that'd make me a bit nervous at the outset as well, but since you were brave enough to accomplish such a big overseas move in the first place, I know you can do this too! :thumright:

On your Abraham-related questions about "focus" and "doing-based effort," I'll address that in a whole other post shortly! Stay tuned! ...

Pet, you always crack me up with your witty, humorous posts! I think I can deduce the meaning of "verdammt" as well, especially since it contains "damm" within it! :lol: Okay, I'll PM you my email address so you can send me the thing Bing sent you (assuming, Bing, that you don't mind me seeing it too!). Interesting henna experiences you've had -- I think it's the herb indigo, which is supposedly mixed in with some commercial hennas (and is apparently also used to color the denim used for blue jeans), that causes that egyptian-looking blue-black color. :farao:

Okay, this post has gotten pretty long now, so on to the next one! :D ...

Love and Blessings to All of You, LUV2

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