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Dear Sandy and Family, Thanks for reposting Helen's Monjoronson post. That really struck a chord.

Love to you All,

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Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Sandy,
Thank you for posting that url. It touched me deeply, so much so that I pasted it to my words document for frequent viewing.

You said that you were going to have to roll up your sleeves a little bit more on being positive. Whenever I have read a post from you it has been nothing but positive, supportive, and helpful. I am greatly appreciative for this.

As for the vegetable pancakes? You sound like my son Ken whose food concoctions are a bit...unique. He's the only person I know who would think of putting tuna fish in scrambled eggs covered with barbeque sauce... and steamed broccoli. He wanted to create a cook book that I'm sure would put the Moosewood Cookbook on a golden pedestal.

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Post by gypsie »

Sandy sorry to say but the avon got me :lol: you crack me up sister!!!Enjoying this thread so much I get disappointed when I dont have a link in my emails :oops: I want more, or is it "The Universe is Your Command". Have been house hunting today and my goodness things are grim out there :cry: No hang on I will find my beautiful house tomorrow :P Jack is now confirmed boss of 'the Secret' in this house, I was loosing it in traffic (so much for positiveness) and he kneeled down in the back of the car and said "Today is wonderful and Mum will see it in a few minutes" 10 years old what can I say? Justy I agree with sandy it's about how I feel when I leave something like that, it dosen't matter is it's a group of women dancing around a fire, if I don't feel safe and good when I leave I try and listen to my instincts. The boys are not returning to the new school, broke the record here 4 days!!!! we all think it's best to find the house and then the school. I know this isn't the prayer request forum but a few little words would be most welcome. I just adore you all and lets all enjoy Oprah, I am going to try and find out about the screening in Australia, sandy keep me posted if you get the date and I will do the same or give your horn a honk when we are lost on these new freeways in Sydney :roll: Did it again today was caught on another freeway going in the wrong direction. Yasmin and 3 kids :bana: all screaming in the car no wonder I ended up on that freeway yet again! Love to all gypsie Deb :P
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Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Justy,
I have three especially lovely friends who are very devout in their various religions. Their whole lives are built around their fundamental understanding of the bible. Their views are so deeply embedded that they are unable to listen to any of mine. To disrupt this would be to shake the very ground on which they stand.

I wish they could let me explain how I feel, what I have learned, and how it has changed my life. There are some people you cannot discuss certain issues with, especially when it pertains to religion and politics.

You chat room friends probably will never be able to understand your views or even hear them. Until such time when their reality forces them to face a different truth.

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Post by mrscbvet »

Seeker13 said:
You chat room friends probably will never be able to understand your views or even hear them. Until such time when their reality forces them to face a different truth.
Oh how true that is....
No matter where we are or where we go in this world... there will always be those that will insist on trying to convince another that "theirs" is the only truth or the only "right" way. It doesn't matter if it's religion or politics or toothpaste... and they remain steadfast in their belief system, whatever that may be, until such time as their hearts and minds can open up and accept that their may be a different "truth"....
I'm babbling.... sorry :oops:
Love to you all,
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Post by lcowles7 »

Hello Everyone,

Thanks Auqualeaf (Debbie) for the link to Abraham-Hicks. I bought the book "Laws of Attraction" a few weeks ago but haven't started to read it yet, but I think I'll start as soon as I get home!

Thanks again to everyone, this is such a positive thread that somehow spins you in the right direction!

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Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Gypsie,
I'm praying that you find your house and can get off those freeways! It sounds like with Jack on your side things will come to light very soon.

Good Luck!
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Post by mrscbvet »

Dear Leanne,
I read one just very recently called Raising Humans by David Cameron that was pretty good too. It covered The Law of Attraction quite well and talked in detail about the effects of positive/negative energies in the different chakras.
Just thought I'd pass that along. Sandy had mentioned in previous post about what a "job" it is to turn negative thoughts into positive ones... that's not a quote or anything... but that was the drift... I think.... Anyway, I totally agree with her. I saw The Secret back in November or December and then started studying the Law of Attraction in a little more depth. I started practicing paying attention to ALL my thoughts (as much as I can), even the little ones that are just kind of bumbling around in my head from minute to minute. It's been quite a challenge to maintain focus on that but I can tell it's made a difference. I feel more peaceful or grounded or something... if that makes sense. I have to say... I LOVE THIS TRIP!! (spiritual journey)
Goodluck and love to you,
Brenda 8)
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Post by lcowles7 »

Thanks Brenda,

After I read The Laws of Attraction and watch The Secret I'll give Raising Humans by David Cameron a try. Thanks for the info. I just looked at your post and you joined this MB on my birthday, May 11th!

God Bless Ya!

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Post by Morning Light »

Hello All!
Wow this thread is rock'n and a roll'n 8)

I guess the copy I have is the older version. I can't imagine it without her, she is one of the best as far as I was concerned :scratch: I think I've figured out why the Moosewood Cook Book is not so good... it is the low fat one and it does not have your Gypsy Soup recipe... that's a bumer I was looking forward to it.

I've injured myself on the plow pose too! The biggest thing about Yoga is to be good and warmed up before you do any of the 'serious' asanas. only go into the pose as far as you can for a good stretch but do not push it. If it is painful it is too much. If you do it everyday you will become more and more limber so do not be discouraged it takes time and patience.

Warm Hugs and Best Wishes to All!
Morning Light
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi all you sweet souls,

Wow, what a great continuing thread! :D I've got so much to say that I'll have to break it up into more than one post! So here goes ...


I can really feel your sincerity and your desire to do good, but unfortunately, having known some people like the ones you're describing, I believe Kim and Brenda are right -- trying to convince some people with very rigid beliefs can end up just being a waste of breath (or typing). The beautiful Monjoronson message that Sandy quoted feels right on target ... if I were in your situation, I would not feel obligated to try to change their minds any further -- you never know, perhaps your words planted some seeds in the minds of some of them who will later be forced by reality to face a different truth, as Kim put it -- but if it were me, I'd move on to activities which more fully support my own growth.


1) Thanks again for sharing this Monjoronson message -- it's very comforting! I, too, copied it onto my computer so I can reread it again and again.

2) On the subject of yoga, it's been many years since I last took yoga classes, but I had an excellent teacher who emphasized that the meaning of the word, "asana" is "a comfortably-held pose," meaning what Mo' has already said, that one should always only go into the pose as far as you can hold it without pain.

This teacher had us comfortably hold the poses for long periods of time, often several minutes, while meditatively going within and really remaining in touch with our bodies the entire time. She would have us very slowly and gently stretch into each pose, noticing the areas in our muscles where we felt resistance. She taught us to breathe out the resistance with each exhalation, and then with each subsequent inhalation, fill up the space in the muscle where the resistance used to be with fresh, clean, pure air. In this way, we would very gently stretch further and further into each pose during a single sitting. And, like Mo' said, with repeated, slow, gentle, patient practice of this sort, one can get dramatically more limber over time. I still use this same approach to this day with any kind of stretching I do.

In my experience, it really helped to take a yoga class at first and have someone with experience check my alignment and so on until I got used to the way the poses felt. I wish you great experiences with yoga! :D

Okay, this one's getting long ... so, I'll start a new message! :D

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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi again Everybody,

Now for the continuation of my previous post :) ...


Thanks for the book recommendation of "Raising Humans"; I'll add that one to my list too.


After I read that you didn't have the recipe for Gypsy Soup, I did a Google search and actually found a version that someone has typed up and put on-line. The link is:

It looks like this person slightly adapted the recipe to make it fat-free, but if you just re-add the 3-4 Tbsp. olive oil and the 1 Tbsp of tamari (a type of soy sauce), which are the only ingredients she appears to have left out from the original recipe, you'll have the original! :roll


I am visualizing you imagining your perfect house just the way you'd like it in every detail, from the paint colors in the rooms and the smell of fresh paint, to the feel of the wooden floor or carpet underneath your feet, the sounds of birds singing outside, all your favorite furniture fitting into the rooms perfectly, you and your family sitting at the breakfast table feeling so happy there, and so on ... best of luck in manifesting!... :colors:

Love and Blessings to all of you,

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Post by gypsie »

Wow this thread is evolving daily so positive and loving I feel better already, you have all grounded me. It's funny I was thinking about 'The Secret' and then something hit me, I have been waiting for school to go back (now lets face it the 8th december until now is getting a bit much) so anyway the twins :bana: :bana: start school and WHAM we have to move! did I manifest having them home for another week? By complaining I somehow created it, it's interesting when we manage to manifest the one thing we don't want. Thank God I have you all.
Sorry to not have given your post more thought I have been in Secret World. I have to say I too have been like your friends not about christains but a different religion. I was working night shift as a nurse and my peers were so fed up with me trying to convert them they complained. On night duty there is time to talk. I was so upset and thought they would go straight to hell (I was only 19) anyway I kind of talked myself round and I agree sometimes planting a seed is all we need to do, the rest will follow in God's time.
Gypsy Soup gang
Now being a gypsie all I remember about soup when we were travellers is Dad would put in whatever was fresh, I will also have a go at the recepie, thanks for the post.
No luck today on the house front but it will come I am tired though and would just like to settle even for 2 years.
Much love Gypsie Deb
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Post by justylonging1111 »

Merry meet everyone!

I want to take the opportunity to thank you all for your words of advice. As you can tell this is not something I take lightly. But on that same note, last night, I was chatting with the Christians again and it was such a lovely time and I have put The Secret to work for me and I was amazed by the outcome!!

Sandy to answer your question How do you feel after one of these chat sessions? You brought it my attention and I thank you. I was not feeling very good at all when I left the room. Im sure my frustation showed itself on this thread, however, I didnt feel it was best to forget about my friends and leave them to their own devices. I wanted to learn more about it and I went back and instead of confronting them on their behaviour, I was nothing but positive. It worked and we had an enjoyable conversation and it was on the topic of religion, only people were semi-accepting of other beliefs. They didnt say I had satan in me or anything.

Well when I left last night I felt very positive and I know I can return sometime and have the same outcome if we can stay positive!

We shared a common believe and that was Jesus. I even read them a message from Christ Michael. They said is that in the bible? I said no but just imagine if this message was from Jesus.

"Today’s fundamentalists err when they believe that I will return to mediate the battle between good and evil. I will not return until the two factions reconcile their differences. Only mankind can do the reconciliation. It is not my job to do so. I will return at some future date when peace has been established due to the works of man."

A message received by Stella Religa from Christ Michael. Here is the entire message for anyone interested. ... list52.htm

Well take care everyone and God Bless!

Love Justy :sunny:
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Post by justylonging1111 »

Im so happy now! Thank you all again!

One step at a time we can all learn to love each other!

Justy :sunny:
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Post by Sandy »

Hello Dear friends,

Justy, I was glad that you had a positive and uplifting experience with your chatters. In a way it reminds me of an experience I had at the Pet Shop where I used to work. We had had a few days in a row filled with what seemed negative experiences and negative customers. All of us were a little down except our wonderful manger, Pat, who suggested that as an experiment we all tried extra hard to look on the positive and think kind and loving thoughts towards those who came into the shop. We agreed and I have never had such an uplifting day( Well, at work anyway.) People who were normally grumpy (The kind that used to make us run and hide, I am ashamed now to admit) were actually smiling and pleasant, fish that normally gave you a fit swam right into our nets, and hamsters...well, there is nothing positive about hamsters! (Sorry to all you hamster lovers out there I don't really mean it...they just don't like me. :oops: :cry: )Anyway you get my drift. It was just too much to have been a coincidence. Thank you for posting the was very helpful with something we have been discussing here.

Hi Gypsy! It sounds like you all have definitely decided to move again. I'm sorry I know this must be so hard. You were so happy to be settled and the boys starting school. I am praying that the perfect home is found for you and your sweet family. Something even better is waiting for you sis, I just know it! I could have used Jack yesterday as I was loosing it in Walongong! (I'm the worst back seat driver in heavy traffic..not too good in light traffic either now that I think about it.)

Mo and Deb,
I appreciate the advice you both have given me on those dangerous Yoga cards of mine. :lol: I can tell from what you both have said that this inexperienced newbie was moving much to quickly and pushing the muscles too far. I love this Deb.
This teacher had us comfortably hold the poses for long periods of time, often several minutes, while meditatively going within and really remaining in touch with our bodies the entire time. She would have us very slowly and gently stretch into each pose, noticing the areas in our muscles where we felt resistance. She taught us to breathe out the resistance with each exhalation, and then with each subsequent inhalation, fill up the space in the muscle where the resistance used to be with fresh, clean, pure air.
I am wondering if this could be altered slightly for tired sore muscles?

Kim, Thank you for the kind words. I try to be positive in life's dealings, but I fall short so many times. The important thing is to keep trying though huh?...and be gentle with yourself and others when they fall short of your expectations. Being gentle with myself is one of my toughest lessons.
Actually Kens eggs tuna and BBQ sauce sounds pretty good! Tell him I want a signed copy of his cookbook when it gets published. I made George "meatloaf surprise" tonight for supper. (It was supposed to be "salmon surprise" but he got a reprieve!) I was out of onions, a crucial ingredient in meatloaf so I was trying to figure out what I could do that would be different. So I grated a couple of small potatoes, a carrot, a couple tiny zuchinni, added some bread crumbs spices, and an egg, and... Voila! A great Big Mess! Well George ate it anyway. He said it wasn't that bad.

Hi Pet, So glad you liked the trasmit. I was so happy to have found it again. I am going to take the advice of others here and put it on a doc on my computer so I don't loose it again.

Hello Brenda, You never babble girl and always make perfect sense to me! Leanne, Brenda was one of the first people I welcomed with an official welcome message back in May of last year. I was new at the computer and messed it up so badly! I got to know Brenda a little bit better because of the subsequent apology emails. Sometimes out of mistakes though, friendships are forged! :D

Well I am sorry this is so long. :oops: I have just missed so much in two days.

Sending love to all of you,
Sandy :kiss:
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Post by gypsie »

Sandy you just blew me out of the water, I worked in a Pet Shop for about 2 years!!!!! :elephant: How strange I also loved it but became quite upset when I was offered a job managing a new shop up North. anyway the owner had a bird fixation and would arive with all of these exotic bird. After about a month and these birds (at $600 and up a bird) were still in cages I started to feel really bad, I also wondered how he sought these birds :scratch: to cut a long story short when iwould open the door in the morning the shop was totally silent, olny aquarium pumps going. Then I would say "hello my babies" and the sshop would explode with all th different bird sounds. I became really concerned when a customer came in who had brought Omar the Corrrela (hope spelling is ok) and he told me he came home one day and the yard was full of screaming corellas (for our international visitors it's type of cockatoo, native Australian bird). He opened the cage Omar flew out and all the birds flew off. The guilt set in and everyone I know those birds trusted me and would sit on my head quite happily. I hand raised many but it was the larger ones who would stare at me with their eyes, a knowing look on their face if you know what I mean. One day I just couldn't take it another minute because a gallah flew into the window and died trying to get out. People would bring grivellia flowers for the birds but they became sader by the day.
Maybe the Secret was working as I never pushed to sell any of the native birs, then one day, I opened the back door. One by one I kissed each bird and it flew away, dare I say singing. I left the next day, my friend and released over 30 birds, after cutting off the metal tags on their legs.
I know in my heart those beautiful birds were from the wild (later I had news the owner was dealing with a man who was charged)
I ask did those birds really talk to me? Did they ask for my help?

sandy I didn't like the hamsters either but I grew to love every animal and fish in the shop. When I see large numbers of native birds I ask "are you one of them?" sure it sounds crazy but I really haven't met another person this way who also worked in a pet shop...

This thread is special I don't know why I feel honesty and a closeness to you all and I am blessed to have found you.. :happy

Angels are connecting us and I thank them to guide me here..

Gosh I do rattle on!!!! :oops:
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Deb,

I loved working at the pet shop! I guess our shops specialty was tropical fish and goldfish and then maybe reptiles. Most of them were supposedly captive bred, (reptiles) but...It is hard to prove if documentation is not required. Of all the animals we had in the shop and we had everything from snakes and birds to iguanas, frogs guinnea pigs and sugar gliders...( No dogs and cats)I would have to say I loved the rats most of all! I know most people would be shocked by that, but I have had six different pet rats altogether and they each had their own very sweet, very unique personality. I'd have another one in a hearbeat, but I don't really have the time to give it the attention it deserves right now and it would be terribly unfair for me to add more work to George's already busy schedule when I visit my family in the U.S. Boyd, our Crimson Rosella, keeps us very busy. She found us one day last summer, flew into our lives and has given us so much love and joy. She was definitely someones's lost pet... hand raised...doesn't have a clue how to bite (Thank goodness!) and isn't very good at the flying and is even worse at the landing. I tell everyone that she's my little gift from God.

Hope you have had a peaceful day away from the stresses of house hunting!
Much love,
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Post by mrscbvet »

Good morning!!
I really love this thread too!...
And... in keeping with this morning's List Op message, which I thought was really great,... I'm starting with my friends right here!!
Girlfriends, "You're hair looks great today!" and.... Guys, "You really ARE all that!"
This is the best group of people in the world to hang out with!!
Love to you all,
Brenda 8)
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Post by mrscbvet »

Oh and one other thing just came to me....
I just finished a rather "lengthy" post on another topic...
I'm thinking .... maybe I should change my screen name to "babbles" or "babbleson" or "shebabbleson".....
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Morning Light »

Wow Brenda!
Shebabbleson has a nice ring to it! But I think WiseWonderfullWoman or something like that is more fitting for you and all you do for this site!

Big Luvin's to You!
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hey 'Shebabbleabouttimeyashutyerfacesome!' I should stick to mrscbvet! :lol: :lol: :lol: Or how about your lovely own name: Brenda?

Love you so much! Pet XXX
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Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Sandy,
I try to be supportive in what ever my kids want to do with their lives, but when it comes to Kenny's cooking!!! I have to leave the room holding a fire extinguisher in one hand and a can of air freshner in the other.
Trying to get him to stick to where his strengths lie because, "Cookin' ain't one of them!" I think it has something to do with having an Iranian roommate when I was pregnant for him. He would be cooking and I would have my head in the toilet.

As far as meatloaf goes, have you ever tried a meat loaf roll? You make regular meatloaf with a couple of tablespoons worcestershire sauce mixed in, roll it out flat, and layer chopped up broccoli and swiss cheese on top. Roll it all up and cook. As for those vegies, they taste scrumptious lightly sauteed in olive oil and garlic.

I wanted to reply this morning but my cat thought he needed some attention. By the way I cried for a week when our hampster died. It takes all kinds huh?

Keep smiling!
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Post by Seeker13 »

Hey, Brenda?
Can I get in on the babbling name game too? Lord knows I can babble on with the best of them! How about Mebabblekim? Or better yet, "Mom!!you'rebabbling!"

Babble ya later!

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Post by Morning Light »

I just realized that I missed reading several posts on this thread :D

Hi Sandy,
Yeah, with Yoga slow and gentle is the key. The warmer you are the more limber you will be also. If classes are not an option you can always buy a yoga DVD... however... as aqualeaf has said... it would be best to have an instructor make sure you are doing the asanas correctly.. so you do not injure yourself. And as you've said... be Gentle with Yourself :wink:

I'm having lots of fun listening to you and Sandy's pet shop days etc. Animals are truly amazing creatures!

Seeker, I've got a new name for myself. 'Shesuretalksalot' :shock:

Warm Hugs All Around :cheers:
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