Contemplating things beyond my understanding

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Contemplating things beyond my understanding

Post by Karaa »

I've read the rules of this board and it does mention that all beliefs are allowed so I hope I am not violating anything here.

So I used to see 11:11 a lot years ago and found myself at this board, interested in learning about midwayers and the messages and that. I'm sure I've posted here before though I cannot access my old account. I was raised Christian. I had started to believe some things in this group, then I went back to Christianity, then I grew out of believing in anything - though we couldn't be sure, evidence seems to point to no life after death, and for me there is just no evidence to believe otherwise.

I've been sort of having an existential crisis for a while now, whereas previously I accepted it, I can't accept it anymore. I haven't gotten any 11:11 "prompts" in forever, even though I used to see them quite often.

I want to believe there are angels out there, and midwayers, and that we are going to survive past our physical body, but I can't believe that without evidence. I have not experienced communications with any angels, and hypnosis does not really work on me. Does anyone have any advice for me?
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Re: Contemplating things beyond my understanding

Post by Amigoo »

Hi Karaa,

Midwayer prompts are entertaining and sometimes seem to confirm whatever were seeking confirmation on,
but otherwise are not always satisfactory "proof". Also, prompts typically depend on what's visually available
to display a time prompt (even when it's not the correct time!). 8)

One perspective suggests that prompts at least communicate "We're here doing what we do 'behind the veil'."
Interestingly, that which prompts can sometimes include non-time visuals (whatever causes us to sense that
we've been seeing a certain sight/pattern frequently).This is indication that this aspect of our brain's
natural pattern recognition can be used for prompting by the Midwayers. :roll

Incidentally, this 1111 phenomena is not exclusive of one's religious affiliation;
Christians as well as other faiths profit (in unique ways) from the prompts. ;)

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Re: Contemplating things beyond my understanding

Post by Geoff »

Karaa wrote: Thu Dec 22, 2022 5:03 pm
I want to believe there are angels out there, and midwayers, and that we are going to survive past our physical body, but I can't believe that without evidence. I have not experienced communications with any angels, and hypnosis does not really work on me. Does anyone have any advice for me?
Hi Kara,

It would seem you are having a "dark night of the soul"? This is not that uncommon. I think maybe I have been lucky that I don't think it ever happened to me. My wake up was just before 2000. Since then such an enormous number of things have happened. I don't think it could ever happen to me now, so I am lucky. Because in this secular world a huge number do not believe in God or life after death. Even my partner does not. Yet she has witnessed enough so that if her cat is sick she asks me to get my angels to help!!! One case in point from more than ten years ago. Her cat was days from death. Ling Ling was a one person cat and although never nasty to me, just literally ignored me, and tolerated me stroking her. It was kidney disease and it's a terrible thing for a cat. Ling Ling was always put to bed in her own room, and that night I sent her healing, not trying to heal, but to comfort her. Next morning Janet got up, let Ling Ling out, and came back to bed. Ling Ling's habit was to get under the blanket and cuddle up to Janet. Instead she came straight over to me and curled around my feet. Janet said "What's going on" because it was totally out of character. I said" "She is saying thank you to me" Janet says: "For what?" I said : "For the healing energy I sent her last night".

So maybe I would encourage you to focus on little things all around. There are evidences everywhere that things are way more complex than most people would guess. If you felt like reading something, I would suggest The Life and Teachings of the Master of the Far East. Because these things can happen and can be done by those humans who make the effort to raise their base frequency. The individuals in this series of books are at least 4D and some are definitely 5D. You cannot live to over 500 years as a 4D human, never mind 3D which is the case for 99.99% of humanity. You have to be 5D. So these are things we can all do, and indeed in the next generations all of us who are to survive will have to be 4D. Sadly Baird Spalding does not mention their spiritual practices at all. I doubt he connected that with their abilities. After all he was a scientist, not a spiritualist. Now this is the very reason I suggested this book. The events were witnessed by 12 American scientists, and recorded in their notes. They did not have the courage to report these until about 30 years later when obviously Baird Spalding decided to go it alone. The books never mention the names of these scientists and I recon they did not want the ridicule they expected would follow. But some of them are known and named in later books. So the point is this material was witnessed and verified. And Baird Spalding spent the rest of his life talking about these events.

Regarding 3D, 4D and 5D I have talked about that on this page:Spheres, Dimensions and Ascension These concepts are not in the book. So here you can learn about the enormous potential man has if he will just stop the materialistic warring natures and focus on growth spiritually, living without judging others, and being always loving.

My own journey still includes the occasional 11:11 but I am now meeting and learning from our space brothers and sisters a vast amount about OUR planet. Unfortunately the group I am a part of will not currently publish any of these communications which are ongoing. The reason is simple. In the other circles I am a part of there is a tendency to criticise those who move outside the boundaries established by some of the individuals seen as "leaders". I don't currently receive messages from angels etc, but I have received very clear information a few times that I believe comes from my soul. In one case I wanted to know where to plant a very special plant that is huge, and old and heavy. I paid $1000 ten years ago for it and needed to move it to my new home. Well I got that information while walking in the new garden, and my mind dismissed it immediately with several arguments. But as I studied the suggestion, I saw it was correct. And it's now happily there. But I needed a 1.6 ton mini-excavator to plant it!!! I had asked the elementals to tell me where to plant it. These are often called "the wee people". And yes, I do ask them to help me in the garden. There are a lot of them at my new place.

take care
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Re: Contemplating things beyond my understanding

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi Karaa,
I haven't been on the boards in months, except to see if there was a PM. As someone who receives prompts and messages often, I'm pretty sure I was prompted to see this thread! A thousand ideas on how to respond to you is buzzing through my head, and yet... nothing comes to mind to convince you of all the things you are looking for.

I guess I'm wondering what evidence exactly are you looking for? What would it take to help you believe in all those things you listed. Maybe before you can be convinced one way or another, you could look at what made you to not believe, if at one time you did. The thing is, nothing is beyond your understanding, it's just that something is keeping you from discovering it.

Hope to hear more from you. Guess I'll have to be more present on the boards now to see your response!

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Re: Contemplating things beyond my understanding

Post by happyrain »

Hey Karaa,

Welcome! :hithere :bana: Wow, you got Geoff to respond from the great beyond. That is a real Christmas Miracle right there! And look, even Seeker(Kim) has returned! Holy Mother of ***! :shock: :happy

Hehehe... Sorry, I couldn't help my self. :mrgreen:

I'm here because I was thinking about your post...

I can share what I consider to be evidence with regards to my Faith- and you can look at it, and totally disregard it. You can say that this is not evidence. Even if for me, it is. So, what does it matter?

What matters is you practice the qualities you seek. Do you seek knowledge? Study. Do you seek Love? Give Love. Take the word God out of the equation, for now. Do you pray? Do you think even you are not capable of hearing your prayer?

My Cousin is an Atheist and still, she is a capable and extremely loving woman. Attitudes and perspectives change, and often. Look at your journey thus far as an example.

You went from Christianity, to nothing and even back to Christianity. It seems to me, if you want to believe in something. Believe in your self. Cultivate the qualities you desire. I believe over time you will look back and find entirely new meaning from your initial post.

I have been around this forum since 2008, and I am probably the least versed in the UB or concept of Midwayers... Only just tonight, and in recent years, do I find my self really starting to connect with concepts where other beings- not entirely human, are concerned.

Everyone here has given solid advice. You don't need to adhere to a traditional religion to feel religious. Do you think we are we alone in the universe?

If this is the only life, then what do you want to experience out of it? Aren't you deserving of having goals or desires?

To me, this sounds like a matter of purpose or direction. I think once you find that, "mysteries" will reveal themselves to you.

Don't despair, remember what is important to you...

I can tell you that I know I don't know, and for me- this is a joy in living.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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Re: Contemplating things beyond my understanding

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... eeing-them
"What are 'angel numbers' and why do people keep seeing them?" :scratch:

:idea: Blame it on the angels (or whoever) keeps prompting people
to notice familiar numeric patterns in their environments
(people see what's visible - not what's imagination). 8)

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Re: Contemplating things beyond my understanding

Post by Amigoo »

:hithere Recently sensing 337 as a prompt,
I realized today that 3 + 3 + 1 = 7
which is 3 x 2 + 1 = 7, the series:

3 = 1 x 2 + 1
7 = 3 x 2 + 1
15 = 7 x 2 + 1
31 = 15 x 2 + 1
63 = 31 x 2 + 1
127 = 63 x 2 + 1
255 = 127 x 2 + 1

:arrow: Also known as:

3 = 2^2 − 1
7 = 2^3 − 1
15 = 2^4 − 1
31 = 2^5 − 1
63 = 2^6 − 1
127 = 2^7 - 1
255 = 2^8 - 1

:idea: Apparently, a well known series,
but 337 as prompt suggests how
prompts trigger enlightenment;
in this case, series awareness. 8)

:roll And this hints that Midwayers (et al.?)
guide via our natural pattern recognition :!:

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Re: Contemplating things beyond my understanding

Post by Sandy »

Hello Karaa,

I have been away for much of December and am just today reading your post. I am writing not because I think I have something pertinent to say but rather just as a new friend of a sort who is sitting down discussing something we probably all have experienced to some degree…whether it is a discord with a previous belief modality revolving around a Divine Source from which all substance is obtained in the universe to a vast ministry of celestials all geared towards one uplift and enrich the mortal populations of the universe and of course everything in between. Something occurred to me just now...nothing earth shattering but...Let's think about the statement, "a Divine Source from which all substance is derived" Science has learned that matter at it quantum level is responsive to thought…frequency…the vibration of thought. That in itself is mind blowing…We are all vibrational creatures…as is all matter in the universe and to me that also says that we at some level are aware of “ divine thought” as well. In other words we are all privy, not simply a select few, to a connection to the umbilical chord of the universe. We do not have to explain ourselves in our quest to understand as it seems each of us have a unique journey every bit as big and vast as the universe that spawned it. So I guess what I am trying to say is we are all questioning every step of the way…It is the only way to grow and garner greater understanding.
Well, sometimes we grow, sometimes we take more than a few steps back. It is as natural as breathing. Adversity hits and we stop question and sometimes discard…we think we have lost our humanity or even our faith at times as the world and our lives seem dark as pitch…yet, even in this place where “ up” feels like “ down” we are not without resource. And sometimes when we are at our weakest we let down our material guard that keeps us on the pedestal of unbelief. Let’s face it unbelief in many ways is easier… don’t I know… from my own experience…growing spiritual feet and discovering new ways of being dependant on something esoterica can be tedious at times and at others down right exhausting…so why does anyone do it? Well, it is due to those moments, usually unlooked for, when peace descends like a dove on our shoulders…this happened for me a week after my husband, George died. I was at a point when the reality of my mortal loss had hit me and I settled a bit on anger…anger is easy you see. Geoff had felt him after his death but not me…I couldn’t understand why…
And so, I was in the bedroom on my way to bed and with eyes wide open I was encased in a beautiful warm light and a feeling of well being that flowed through me as spirit/divine experiences often do…It was a gift… my husbands departure to the higher realms. How did I know this…I can’t explain it and I can’t prove it but there was so much love in those moments that even the memory fills me with joy. Yes, it was pure joy. My circumstances in no way could be considered in that week joyful yet in that light that touched everything I ever was or will be, I was joyful….

But this is my experience and is no proof of course to someone else. There can be no outside proof. It must be personal.

I guess what I am trying to say is maybe do not decide one way or the other (iron-clad and all) what you believe because it will change as you do, as life grows us…in large ways and in little ways…that is if we allow it and do not put a cap on what is possible. Allow the divine energies to find you as you find your own joy in life with an ear, an eye, a nose and a touch to the divine influence in your life. It is there and when we least expect it will astound you… Just be…feel…create….smile…allow and Love. Do not fret if you do not have the answers you seek today, tomorrow, in a month or even a year…Life and the universe seemingly have their own timetables.

So in a very long-winded and round about way I have given you no answers but I hope you know that I do care and hope that you do find what your soul needs to feel at peace. You are always welcomed here and we do not have any exclusion to other beliefs.

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Re: Contemplating things beyond my understanding

Post by Geoff »

Karaa last visited 24th Dec just a day after joining. It will be sad if she does not return as a few people have tried to help. Good to see you around again Sandy.

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Re: Contemplating things beyond my understanding

Post by Sandy »

Hi Geoff,

I was flat out with the grandkids who were out of school for the holidays among all the other Christmassy stuff I haven't been a part of for 17 years. LOL It is great to see you on the boards sharing your wisdom. (I should high-tail it out of here more often. ;) :lol: )

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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