Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

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Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by Geoff »

I have been immersed in a study of communications from space brothers and sisters as well as reports by contactees and abductees. I have been a party to some private communications (unpublished) recently and I know these are "good guys" because they were vouched for by Celestials.

But here is my question. As best I know, the UB has a lot of material on space humans, but does not refer to their visits here, nor their actually being resident here at the time the UB was created. I do assume Adam and Eve would be classed as "space humans" so I am not referring to that. More particularly I have become aware that a group of beings with collective consciousness and a desire to transform all of us into that collective consciousness are here. They do not recognise our free will as Celestials do. I also recall a book written about the background to the creation of the Ubook and a suggestion one individual was a hybrid. (The Sherman Diaries) I did not pay much attention to that at the time, and would have to try and reread that book.

So why then has the UB not mentioned this if it was active in the period during which the book was received? Am I to assume there was collaboration with the architects of the UB and these beings whom I do not see as benevolent. Yeah big call. I also wonder why my dear friend George Barnard, to the very best of my knowledge, was never given any information on these guys by his beloved midwayers whom he relied on for information.

If you feel this is too controversial Sandy, just take this out. I would love an answer and am not sure where I can get one. Except maybe from the space brothers and sisters we are talking to.

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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by Amigoo »


Entertaining contrast to the UB! "They do not recognise our free will as Celestials do" alone
seems to explain why the UB doesn't mention such "Space Brothers and Sisters". :roll:

:idea: It's informative that male/female sexuality is a universe standard 8)
(if not, they'll need to show us the flag). ;)

See also: ... rs-sisters

"every planet in our solar system is inhabited. Our 'Space Brothers & Sisters' have been visiting the Earth for hundreds of thousands of years. They have assisted humanity in a myriad of ways including cleaning up some of our most toxic pollutants and giving us signs to herald the reappearance of the World Teacher, awaited by many. This Teacher will soon announce himself and his disciples, the Masters of Wisdom"

:scratch: Perhaps this relates to expectations about near-term UFO disclosure (then introduction of a leader of "World Teacher" status).
And this hints that Greta Thunberg (re: "Climate Change" urgency) might be supported by these oft visiting Space B & S. :o

As for Monjoronson and his expected incarnation ...
a different level of human contact ... apparently. :?

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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by Geoff »

Dear Rod,

I was being polite and trying to limit the communication here according to my understanding of these beings. They are not really brothers or sisters to us. But fortunately there are many others who are. However I gather in their collective mind they believe they will be doing the right thing by converting us from free will to having collective minds. Scarey.

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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by Sandy »

I haven't thought about this for awhile but George actually did talk to the Midwayers,(I believe it was Bzutu ) about this. It is just one of the reasons the Midwayers were "armed" for awhile. I'll see if I can find some of his old transmits that relate to this.

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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by Amigoo »

they believe they will be doing the right thing
:hithere The UB maintains that freewill is a universe mandate,
albeit still disputed on earth ... apparently. :roll:

Space Brothers may be influential humans living on earth
with a mindset being reflected into a collective that might
be perceived as space beings ... perhaps "confirmed"
with a near-term faux UFO disclosure, such as this:

Re: ... 21_hr2.mp3
"The Coming UFO-ET Contrived Invasion"

:idea: Note the point that technology now exists to simulate an ET invasion!
20 years ago, the 911 towers appeared to collapse because of plane impact,
yet engineers - worldwide - later proved that the explosive thermite
had to be used to cause the collapse of so much welded steel! :roll:

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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by Geoff »

Dear Rod,

I have been privy to undeniably accurate communication on this matter. In the last several weeks. Its not a simulated attack. We are under attack. Its concealed and long term, and in this it seems governments are either part of the concealment (possibly willingly or possibly in fear of the outcome if they break silence), or concealing things for their own ends. What I don't know is why the UB did not have any insights into what was happening 100 years ago, even as it continues today. That was the start of my enquiry. I will try and find the reference to a hybrid human who was associated with the original compilation of the book and is quoted in Volume 2 of the Sherman Diaries. If these nefarious ET guys had a part in the delivery of the UB, then that would be why it does not cover this issue.

I am unwilling to say much more in public. But I expect much more to occur which involves me directly. I may remove this thread shortly if you and I are the only parties here.

If you want absolute proof of the abductions and what occurred the proceedings of a conference held at MIT, yes MIT in 1992 are detailed in "Close Encounters of the Forth Kind". These are the reports not of deluded individuals, but scientists and psychologists and hypnotists who had to deal with the trauma of over 600 abductions. The pattern of these abductions is very clear and the evidence of what these ETS are doing is also clear, yet it seems they lack some insights into the whole picture. I believe I was given that insight. I cant believe however I am the only one to figure this out.

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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by Amigoo »


Fascinating topic! ...
but could expand so much (and so easily) ...
that it would distract from the purpose of this site
(as I perceive the purpose). ;)

Maybe move it to a lower level in the forums ...
since there's no mention of it in the UB. :roll:

Is this article accurate about the different encounters?

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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by Sandy »

Hi Geoff and Rod,
Geoff wrote:
I have been privy to undeniably accurate communication on this matter. In the last several weeks. Its not a simulated attack. We are under attack. Its concealed and long term, and in this it seems governments are either part of the concealment (possibly willingly or possibly in fear of the outcome if they break silence), or concealing things for their own ends. What I don't know is why the UB did not have any insights into what was happening 100 years ago, even as it continues today.
It is my understanding that the Urantia Book was written to give us a more accurate picture of where we came from, our Earth history and our place and future place in the cosmos. I am sure there would be thousands upon thousands of things that were not covered in this already enormous volume.

But one thing we have been told repeatedly and by many differing receivers from different groups is that our free will is guarded jealously. The way I see it God is the ultimate power in the Universe and the giver of our personality... He/She provides the matter that everything is made of including these alien humanoids that wish to deprive us of our free will...If these things are occurring, and I am not saying one way or another then there is also a solution provided and in the end it will make us as individuals and maybe even as a society stronger better able to work together to solve any problem...who knows? Sort of like this whole Lucifer thing... I don't understand why we weren't protected /shielded back then, but the whole experience and pulling ourselves up by our "bootstraps" will make us forces to be reckoned with- dependable, faithful not easily put off or diminished... very capable problem solving spiritual celestials. Seriously, though, when have the celestials rescued us from what prevails on this planet? They guide and support but rarely fix any problem long term for us. That is our responsibility.

(Not critizing anyone, just adding my thoughts on the subject.)

This transmit by Lytske was posted last week I think... maybe something in it is relevant... But first, Geoff, I have a question... is it our eternal free will these beings are trying to claim as their own? This transmit seems to indicate that drawing close to our TA will protect us/ our soul from anything this mortal existence can throw at us.

Anyway here is the message...
Urantia, April 1, 2021.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “Untrammeled by Outward Influences.”

Message received by Lytske.

The Beloved: “In order for you to know Me better, you ought to begin to awaken to the fact that it is desirable for you to stay near to Me, in order to develop a greater conscious awareness of Me, not only when you come to Me in the Stillness but also in your everyday life.

“This is a grand training you have embarked upon – to seek Me each day in your prayer time. You see child, the more you include Me in your daily comings and goings, the more powerful My guidance will become, as you develop greater listening skills.

“It is very important that you consciously take Me with you, so that life will become simpler for you as you will sense more of My admonitions. In this learning process, a greater joy will manifest itself as you begin to feel more secure in My love for you and in My keeping you in My embrace at all times.

“Simply put, you are slowly arriving at a point of greater balance between head and heart, meaning that you not only know, but also feel that I am here for you at all times; that I am everywhere in you and around you.

“So, what can man do unto you? Nothing! No evil can truly harm you, as your soul is safe and secure in My keeping.

“This is a most joyous and beautiful road to travel on. Come My beloved, resist no longer My prompts, My urgings, but lend Me greater cooperation.

“The sooner you realize this, the more advanced the lessons will become.

“Let us enjoy each other’s company, untrammeled by outward influences.

“I know that this is also the deepest desire in your heart.”

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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by Geoff »

Dear Sandy,

These beings don't have free will because that is a product of the soul. They were not created by virtue of a soul incarnating into a vehicle. They were artificially created 4.5 million years ago in the Milky Way galaxy and use a common consciousness. They presumably did not get souls because the Creator considered they were not eligible. They have been described as living computers, largely devoid of emotion, hard hearted. In essence animals but incredibly clever and advanced. Their society is as close as a communistic society could ever hope for where everyone does as they are told, and does not have the will or mental ability ability to buck the system. They believe that they are doing us a favour because our world is so chaotic and to be honest it is because we are not God centred. They have already lost their own planets and that was due to a intergalactic war they lost.

These guys cannot survive in our atmosphere. Which is why they live under the sea in their craft as also in tunnels. So the plan is to harvest continuously from humans and breed hybrids until they have a hybrid that can survive in our atmosphere. Many female abductees have been impregnated for a few weeks and then they harvest the embryo and "grow it" in a laboratory. The hybrid children have been seen by abductees. I believe that is close but not yet capable of permanent living in the open. Once they have that they will breed us out and turn us against each other so that we wipe ourselves out.

It is my understanding the Galactic Federation intends to remove them from Earth and that that is close however the ETS have a last ditch plan in mind. I don't share what that is. This story is scarey enough.

Yeah one of George's transmits says on troubled worlds like ours they don't go out of their way to tell us everything that happened. I am not even sure I should post all this in public.

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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by Amigoo »

:shock: Intriguing stuff ... but where to go with this info :?:

This might remain available as a subtopic of "The essential rubbish and TUB"
(unusual title but can mean "one man's rubbish is another man's treasure") ;)

A quick search for "Galactic Federation" found this ...

Re: ... s-n1250333

"Eshed said cooperation agreements had been signed between species, including an 'underground base
in the depths of Mars' where there are American astronauts and alien representatives." :o

:idea: Might be true! ... or helping to prepare us for a faux UFO disclosure? :roll:

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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by Amigoo »

These guys cannot survive in our atmosphere.
Which is why they live under the sea in their craft as also in tunnels.
:scratch: Apparently, these are not the same beings shown as aliens
since those never appear with breathing support equipment. :?
Conversely, this suggests that the beings shown as aliens
must be mechancial - not human :!:

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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by happyrain »

I'm curious what other beings operate from the ocean and if they've experimented on soldiers. I've had a dream of such and it involved creating different experiences on the abductees with the hopes to elicit an extreme response. They were able to speak telepathically. First was a very blissful feeling for the group and later was what I'd call an, "agonizing death" simulation.

Anyways... This AI-reality is in line with a transhumanist agenda and it was hinted by some that the Rio Dei Janeiro Earth Summit had nefarious proposals that are being played out today.

Sometimes I think we've experienced this before.
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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by Geoff »

:scratch: Apparently, these are not the same beings shown as aliens
since those never appear with breathing support equipment. :?
Conversely, this suggests that the beings shown as aliens
must be mechancial - not human :!:

Rod :)

I think you misunderstood what I meant to convey. They don't get out of their craft into the ocean. They either stay in that craft or have a means of going into tunnels they have constructed under the seas. Yes they are not actually "humans" as we now such.I don't believe the UB ever described these although you could say the UB leaves a lot of scope. But these guys were created in a laboratory by aliens eg ET humans about 4.5 million years ago. as a computer like work force which has no free will. Naturally I wondered if they had anything at all to do with Lucifer, because I dont know when they arrived here to live here permanently.

I think there are several competing agendas by off planet intelligences and several clever disinformation programs plus the bevy of fake Earth humans using it as a means to be famous, as always. There many well be substantial secret Earth human organisations and even governments committed to assisting these greys and also carrying out disinformation. Apparently their influence is very strong in politics, media, hollywood etc. One could assume they will look to infiltrate religion and spiritual circles as well.

Geez I am sorry we cant just get George to ask Bzutu to come clean on what is going on, because for absolute certainty, they know. But they must have been sworn to secrecy. George did get a transmission where he asked broadly about the history of this planet and he was refused more info. But I know when we figure things out, that allows them the latitude to make sure we have things right.

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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... tagon.html
"U.S. Finds No Evidence of Alien Technology in Flying Objects"

:idea: Apparent disclosure to be expected in any near-term "Disclosure" of UFOs. :roll:

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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... 99_hr1.mp3
March 1999 interview of the remote viewer, Ingo Swann

:scratch: Ingo mentions his past remote viewing of human activity on the moon (including buildings),
yet 20 years later there's still no evidence (unless a super conspiracy hides the evidence).
Most likely (IMO) remote viewing, being time independent, is capturing future scenes
as imagined by humans who are planning such activity on the moon. 8)

:idea: This hints that some of "remote viewing" is sensitivity to the collective thoughts
of other minds, either current thoughts or those collecting somewhere "above" ...
since objects do not emit detectable waves (radar bounces waves off objects). :roll:

:scratch: Perhaps, a secret military vehicle is not detectable of itself, but by the thoughts
of many people working on the project. Interestingly, this suggests that a project
entirely conceived and developed by robots would remain secret until discovered
... by human minds. ;)

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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by Geoff »

Dear Rod,

Before I address your points I found the personal memoirs of this guy: Philip J Corso. You can read his various levels of US Military. Now this this is what he has to say about debunkers and "rational" folks generally demanding levels of scientific proof that cannot easily be attained:
We also wish to thank the "skeptics". The more they blared out, "show me something tangible," and it never appeared, the safer was our approach. Also, I wish to thank the "skeptics," because they made it possible not to share our discoveries from outer space with the scientific community since they would never have kept it quiet. We knew that many were Soviet agents. This has been confirmed by a high KGB official. However, we had to be alert, because Stalin had an interest and they were con­stantly probing U.S. Army Intelligence and U.S. Army R&D.

The "debunkers" and "skeptics" were most useful. They did their job, so well, that we never had to set up or use "disinfor­mation" tactics. Most were honest and sincere in their beliefs and activities. This would have been most difficult to match by a plan, or a "black" propaganda operation. For this we were most grateful and even of this late date, I wish to thank them for the assistance. Without them it surely would have been most difficult to accomplish what we did.

I do not wish to imply that all "skeptics" and "debunkers" fit the previous description of agents of the USSR. Most were loyal Americans, sincere and intelligent. However, they must realize that most of us had been combat commanders and during the Korean War had evidence that our battle plans had been passed to the communists on almost a daily basis. We were in a most delicate, volatile and dangerous situation, not only as far as the communists were concerned, but with our own policy makers. Our work, we felt, was of utmost importance for national security, and the U.S. Army's competitive edge. We also tried to look ahead. The R&D of 1959-1963 was the beginning of the future and its miraculous ramifications would continue long after our lifetime. We had no other choice but strict secrecy and held our knowledge only among a select few.

Even my own son has made the statement, "Why did you keep this to yourself for 30 years, you didn't even talk to your own family?" This was true, why should I have discussed the program with anyone? The General and I discussed it many times, but only among the two of us. The debunkers and skeptics will say, "Why didn't you show us?" The answer is, Why? Curiosity, raise your ego, etc. I ask, who are you?" I am sure an extraterrestrial would say the same, why? Who are you? And why should I even talk to you, let along show you our secrets? Realistically, they should say the same to me. Who am 1? And why should they approach me?
Now this guy had the highest security clearances available. Yet he NEVER knew the US had living aliens that they were working with, and he did not know the US had concluded a (outside the Constitution) treaty allowing the abduction of US citizens and animals in the US for medical and cloning reasons. So he did not know that human alien hybrids existed and that one had been integrated into US society, but that it failed because she was recognised to be an alien. This is because it was deemed he did not "need to know" Yet he was trying to create long term defence strategies for the US. This is the danger of secrecy and compartmentalisation. His unedited memoir (not the later book) is very repetitive and yet has absolute gold in places. I found it here as a 70mb pdf that is password protected: ... cript/3661

Ok to the questions.
Amigoo wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:27 pm

:scratch: Ingo mentions his past remote viewing of human activity on the moon (including buildings),
yet 20 years later there's still no evidence (unless a super conspiracy hides the evidence).
Most likely (IMO) remote viewing, being time independent, is capturing future scenes
as imagined by humans who are planning such activity on the moon. 8)
I stopped my research with the moon. There is heaps of photographic evidence that right now the moon is being used by a civilisation that appears not to be us. Its not the future its now. The issue is most of the photographs are taken by amateurs who have built telescopes capable of this. I have no idea if the US Military has followed up, but they appear to have been warned off space exploration. The US efforts to reach the moon and beyond have largely stopped, as have the Russians. It is known that when the Russians exploded a nuclear device in space (which destroyed a US satellite) and then their base in Russia from which it came was wiped out by a mysterious ion attack that came from space. Both the US and Russia have been warned directly by space beings that nuclear armaments are not to be used on Earth, but most of all CANNOT be used in space. The effects are way beyond our understanding. I have no ideas about China and what if any UFO experience they have. But its likely their probe to Mars will be thwarted in some way. If they have not had the same experiences I would be surprised because after all they comprise 50% of our global population. And I have a feeling their mindset is more aligned with the greys and their global consciousness and elimination of free will.
Amigoo wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:27 pm:idea: This hints that some of "remote viewing" is sensitivity to the collective thoughts of other minds, either current thoughts or those collecting somewhere "above" ...since objects do not emit detectable waves (radar bounces waves off objects). :roll:
Yes indeed our minds can be completely overtaken by aliens who appear to have much stronger mindal control than we do. That is how human abductions are effected. Remote viewing is very susceptible to influence. They also regularly cause us to forget the experience, but deep hypnosis can typically recall the events.
Amigoo wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:27 pm:scratch: Perhaps, a secret military vehicle is not detectable of itself, but by the thoughts of many people working on the project. Interestingly, this suggests that a project entirely conceived and developed by robots would remain secret until discovered
... by human minds. ;)
Sorry to disabuse you. The greys are computer like beings created by other aliens and they have no souls. They share a consciousness and work in agreement with a central concept. They have no free will. Greys do not like the idea of free will and they believe its the reason we are such a mess here on Earth. Of course that is largely true. I am not entirely sure if they can function without the "big" greys who are their controllers. So there are already machine type living robots and they utilise mind to cooperate and function. If we humans used the robots we currently have in factories, all that knowledge is available in the minds of the programmers and operators of those robots. But if your robot goes to the next level of being a living entity, it uses mind.

I am now out of this conversation. Its been fun. I have found what I needed to find. I am not sure yet of the influence of negative ETS in the UB and probably I wont know unless I am told by other ETs. The guy Harry Loose that was around the group tasked with editing and formulating questions was certainly an advanced human, but I doubt he was a hybrid as he himself suggested.

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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by Amigoo »

Thanks for the feedback, Geoff!

Re: ... ploration/
This exploration may find similar "heaps of photographic evidence". 8)

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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... unit-says/
"Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) have repeatedly meddled with US nuclear technology"

(a comment by TommyT) "These were shot with a Ricoh camera onto Kodak film. Here's the analysis by a Maths. Prof. of a high speed craft landing in Meier's yard for a chat and photo shoot. This ship is on loan from these ET's much higher tech friends, in the Twin Dal Universe.
It gets here in a millionth of a second over a 500 light years distance, while their own craft take 7 hours." :shock:

:scratch: A craft that travels a "millionth of a second over 500 light years"
hints of impossible physics ... in any known physical universe!
But a mental universe has no limits ... apparently. :roll:

Note other comments, especially in response to TommyT. ;)

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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by Geoff »

Billy Meier is a total fake. Not just as a UFO commentator, but even as a "spiritual advisor". He claimed to be the fifth or sixth incarnation of Jesus, see Wiki:
Meier claims to be the seventh reincarnation after six prophets common to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: Enoch, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Immanuel (Jesus), and Mohammed.[2]
In 1997, Meier's ex-wife, Kalliope, told interviewers that his photos were of spaceship models he crafted with items like trash can lids, carpet tacks and other household objects,[18] and that the stories he told of his adventures with the aliens were similarly fictitious. She also said that photos of purported extraterrestrial women "Asket" and "Nera" were really photos of Michelle DellaFave and Susan Lund, members of the singing and dancing troupe The Golddiggers.[19] It was later confirmed that the women in the photographs were members of The Golddiggers performing on The Dean Martin Show.[1]
As I said this field is full of disinformation and outright fraud.

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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by Amigoo »

:scratch: What is "remote viewing"?
Useful for confirming "visits by space brothers"?

:idea: The Urantia revelation identifies mind as distinct from brain and mind is probably wherein remote viewing wanders; wherein things unknowable can sometimes be known (perhaps explaining unexpected time/space things and events). Apparently, just believing that mind has this capacity does not require that mind be totally comprehended to enrich the remote viewing experience.

This perspective about mind suggests that there is simply too much "out there" that could be known! Remote viewing requires a target (place, date, event, etc.) to help filter out all that could be known. Believing that the target is specific to the search and that the search will be productive seems critical to RV success (since mind extends far beyond that known as "physical").

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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... ng-around/
"Clinton says there are UFOs 'flying around' and is confident there is 'life somewhere else' " :o

"I mean, you can't even get your mind around the sheer number of things that are out there.
No one knows ... probability is that there is something you would call life somewhere else."

:idea: Hopefully, space aliens perceive something on earth that THEY would call life,
since their visitation would suggest that they are the advanced civilization. :finger:

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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by atsguy »

Geoff wrote: Thu Jun 03, 2021 4:30 am Dear Sandy,

These beings don't have free will because that is a product of the soul. They were not created by virtue of a soul incarnating into a vehicle. They were artificially created 4.5 million years ago in the Milky Way galaxy and use a common consciousness. They presumably did not get souls because the Creator considered they were not eligible. They have been described as living computers, largely devoid of emotion, hard hearted. In essence animals but incredibly clever and advanced. Their society is as close as a communistic society could ever hope for where everyone does as they are told, and does not have the will or mental ability ability to buck the system. They believe that they are doing us a favour because our world is so chaotic and to be honest it is because we are not God centred. They have already lost their own planets and that was due to a intergalactic war they lost.

These guys cannot survive in our atmosphere. Which is why they live under the sea in their craft as also in tunnels. So the plan is to harvest continuously from humans and breed hybrids until they have a hybrid that can survive in our atmosphere. Many female abductees have been impregnated for a few weeks and then they harvest the embryo and "grow it" in a laboratory. The hybrid children have been seen by abductees. I believe that is close but not yet capable of permanent living in the open. Once they have that they will breed us out and turn us against each other so that we wipe ourselves out.

It is my understanding the Galactic Federation intends to remove them from Earth and that that is close however the ETS have a last ditch plan in mind. I don't share what that is. This story is scarey enough.

Yeah one of George's transmits says on troubled worlds like ours they don't go out of their way to tell us everything that happened. I am not even sure I should post all this in public.

Geoff are you talking about the AI threat that Corey goode mentions in his narrative. That there is a et AI that is controlling a separate faction of our space brothers (something to do with reptilians too)

“ Continuing his discourse of disclosure, Corey Goode openly reveals the greatest threat shared by all intelligent life in our galaxy: the rampant spread of a virulent form of artificial intelligence. Long ago, before the birth of our sun, an ancient civilization reached its pinnacle and vanished as soon as it birthed the first forms of artificial intelligence into the universe. As the eons passed, this A.I. transformed itself into a signal which has spread throughout the cosmos, perpetuated by assimilating any forms of life it encounters. This interview with David Wilcock was originally webcast December 26, 2015.”
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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by Geoff »

Yes I would very largely agree. Except only the Space Sister I heard from said specifically it was birthed 4.5 Million years ago, and that an intergalactic war had erupted 5 hundred thousand years later to repel and destroy the invaders. I have asked why are they permitted to kill these beings and the answer was they have no souls. (And are intent in destroying those humans that do have souls.) Bits of this narrative are certainly out there. But it seems the US Military may not be fully aware of the risk here because they allowed these guys to create Earth human hybrids and based on the number of abductions these hybrids would be in the thousands by now. But as of the date of "Rachael's Eyes" birth, which would be about 70 years ago, they dont have any that are air-breathers and indistinguishable from us. But one can assume they have moved on.

The hybrid called Raechel was impregnated into a human mother at age 13 using human semen, but retrieved about 2 months later when the embryo was modified to make it 50% alien.
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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by Amigoo »

:scratch: This sounds so disconnected from Michael's final bestowal mission as Jesus of Nazareth,
then elevation to Master Son and supreme ruler of our local universe of Nebadon.

Rod :)
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Re: Visits by Space Brothers and Sisters to Earth

Post by Geoff »

Hi Rod,

I had occasion to ask Michael directly the question "Who created these beings that appear to be totally evil?" I had read a book called "Remote Depossession" and just occasionally she found entities that were very hard to trap. She trapped them in a net of light. Then questioned them. They all said they had never been human. They were all evil and claimed to be under orders to cause problems with humans. Jesus/Michael would not answer my question directly. He said the universe is very complex and then he conveyed to me a very strong feeling of enormous sadness. I think despite all the books including the UB, we really have no idea. And I got the very strong idea it was not useful for me to know all this stuff.

Which brings me back to the starting point. I haver no idea if Lucifer knew of these beings and if he might have invited them here. Thats because I dont know when they turned up here.
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