Breathe On It

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Breathe On It

Post by happyrain »

I received a bounty of 1111 prompts today. What interest me is how I felt just before, during and a little while after the peak prompts occurred. I remember reading Jason's recent musings, wondering what more can be done- or what answers wait for him. And I remember my friend Steve, who recently told me sometimes the best response is simply practicing the presence. This morning I read the definition of midwayers on this forum and it had me thinking about the massive amount of energy that goes into serving others.

I can't even begin to fathom the ways these invisible helpers are able to steer and acknowledge our personal life with external events. But I can understand, why, communication is altered- why we needn't see or speak physically with a midwayer but still experience something personable.

It was also this morning when I read the words of my wise Sufi friend, Hazrat Inayat Khan. He reminded me that a Soul and a Body are two separate beings. The body is the vehicle for the soul. And all too often we identify our understanding, rightfully so, based around our physical experience. We learn pleasure, pain and realize our bodies have an expiration date- that transient nature(mutation) is the bodily experience. We become absorbed in these things and find even our brain can drive our body to seek out certain experiences! Well Mr. Khan said something very peculiar... "God is the abode of the soul, its real self, its true being."

What we are all consciously, or unconsciously seeking is not a goal but our Home. And what is our Home? It is as Yogananda describes, "ever new Bliss."
Always gentle, always peaceful, always joyful, all ways creative, all ways understanding.
All ways beyond words. And as I drove through my City, I saw so many hardened faces. I thought it was rather sad seeing so many easy-to-agitate people or overly-exaggerated rough personalities. And I think I started having a conversation with a midwayer. It wasn't that I recognized some invisible being- "What news have you for me today?" but that the conversation was creative, matter of fact and quite helpful. How often are we talking to ourselves in this way? He helped me realize why their faces are hardened and dared me to smile either way. It's a little odd, for a 6'5 man to smile at a complete stranger- and even harder when that person seems unapproachable.

I'm not advising anyone go out of their way and just start smiling at unhappy people :lol: ..
Prior to this I was noticing 1111 on license plates, as well as other repeating numbers- I was in my own world but feeling REALLY good. I was uplifted out of the blue, and really enjoying it. That's when everything started to come together. Uniornically I thought, "Breathe on it" All that peace wasn't just for me. Who knows who it's all for, and that wonder became a joy in it self. It made it easier, to live peacefully in a sea of impatience. But this was the advice I was given, and the practice is for all of us. Don't just think on these feelings. Breathe them. Experience them through your being. This is what Steve must have meant by practicing the presence. If the 1111 prompt happens as a moment of harmony, knowing, peace, love or wonder- Breathe on it.

I notice that sometimes we are given these friendly reminders, hints to the true nature of our being, and that reality is not just for us. It doesn't mean we have answers for others. Often times words fall short for any sufficient answer. Next time you recognize that joy, or whatever it might be, concentrate not with your mind alone but on your heart- on experiencing it. Get out of your head and breathe. Breathe it for as long as you are able. Holding these feelings seem like a true meditative experience and might be serving a greater good whose rewards transcend whatever definitions we ascribe with bodily pleasure.
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Re: Breathe On It

Post by Sandy »


This essay is so beautifully transcribed. It went straight to my heart where I hope it will stay. :) I printed it for my own personal use if that is okay. I so appreciate you.

With love,
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Re: Breathe On It

Post by happyrain »

Thanks Sandy, this was my first attempt at getting back into something that's always called me- writing. I must say I don't think my self as skilled, but I do think there is a unique voice urging to come through. Well... It's been so long I wasn't really proud of this, and lost direction. In truth, this is meant to be more on the contemplative side, with the hopes that others might interject- something we can collaborate on. This phenomenon is still something not easily understood, and I hope we can at least agree on the commonalities as we discuss and think more on the unique ways in which we can experience this communication.

Breathe on it was the replacement to, think on it.

My loving regards, thank you for all your support.

PS. I'm okay with grammatically incorrect writing- nonsensical breaks, accidental typos that still might veil a deeper meaning... To me, this is the joy in writing- something public school and even College tried to erase. I've never cared for correct comma uses.
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Re: Breathe On It

Post by happyrain »

I want to clarify that I am grateful for your feedback Sandy. It gets me out of my head and I want to nourish whatever gentle spirit comes forward during these insights. Thank you for such a wonderful compliment. In this case, I am proud for having shared. :loves

Wishing you a beautiful day! And hope those profound sensations overcome your being, and allow you to dance with them!
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Re: Breathe On It

Post by sammy »


That was such an enjoyable read! This part
"Breathe on it" All that peace wasn't just for me. Who knows who it's all for,
reminded me of an occasion years ago when I was very adept at "being in the moment"...I was at the grocery store feeling overwhelmingly peaceful - can you just imagine "overwhelmingly peaceful"? I was walking through the store with a very gentle smile on my face feeling like I was in a HUGE ball of God's love. It must have been noticeable on some subconscious level because EVERYONE felt the need to watch me, as though they were experiencing what I was just by looking at me. People who looked "hard" softened, those who looked somewhat peaceful felt the need to strike up conversation with me.

So yes! Breathe on it! It's for everyone!

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Re: Breathe On It

Post by happyrain »

Hey Sammy,

Yes! That's exactly right. It is such a wonderful feeling to BE in that state, and I've had the same happen at a grocery store! They are really special moments, and possibly one of the more direct ways god communicates with his children.

Just a thought! Thank you for your reply.
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Re: Breathe On It

Post by sammy »

I guess the BIG question is how to maintain that state! :roll Actually, I think we do know how, but actually DOING it is another thing :|

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Re: Breathe On It

Post by happyrain »

Some of my best moments came not from thinking too much but just breathing, existing outside my "self." I think even these sporadic moments are enough- and that it will not be the last time. I think it's a good thing we have these gauges and sometimes just need to remember as the wise often teach us that we are not the ups and downs in life.
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Re: Breathe On It

Post by happyrain »

Hey Sammy,

You got me thinking this morning- I wonder if you are referencing meditation? And if it is think the big question is actually why does it bother us to meditate? It bothers me sometimes and I'd just rather not.

Whatever it is, we need to be willing to ask ourselves why the resistance- an honest look at our selves.

I think there are an infinite amount of unique ways to arrive at the destination: liberation.

Or whatever the destination. Thank you for the reflection... :hithere
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Re: Breathe On It

Post by sammy »


Resistance is the perfect word! What causes the resistance? This might sound a bit crazy but does it have to do with the "lucifer rebellion"? Some "evil" lingering that doesn't want to release it's grip? That sparked my desire to work harder at this. Thank you for the thought Eric!

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Re: Breathe On It

Post by happyrain »

Well, I am impressed. I have seen beautiful people make positive strides. My self I get feeling stuck, maybe a bit lazy. For me I need to learn how to acknowledge my dual nature without becoming so attached that I become miserable, cold or intolerant. I've gone in both directions. And to much down one path brings me right back to the other. Recently I have felt a great impatience stirring inside of me, and have had a hard time making peace with my addictions.

Today however, there was a gentle breath and a moment of peace. Those are the best. Thank you too Sammy, for the refreshing perspective.
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Re: Breathe On It

Post by sammy »


Addictions are tough...I've been attempting to quit smoking and I've somehow ended up smoking WAY more :grrr (not to mention my 2 drinks every night along with a party night on the weekend - my liver would probably be happy if I'd knock that off :lol: )

Also sounds like we have commonality in that I also go down negative paths (it gets pretty dark on that path!) I get to the point where I can't stand being with myself, in my thoughts. which in turn brings me back to the focus on God and Love. It's as though the negative refuses to be completely banished but rather goes into hiding, waiting for the right moment to strike again - this just popped into my's like Lyme disease...when you hit lyme disease with an antibiotic it goes dormant and hides undetectable in your body. It can hide for lengthy periods of time. Then it comes back and you have to hit it again.

Another thought I just had - Maybe we put too much emphasis on "effort"...for instance I feel as though I need to get into a DEEP meditative state to "check that box" of putting in effort. And when I don't put that type of effort in regularly I start getting down on myself. But life is SO busy, how do you make time every day to spend an hour or more with that being your sole focus? Would God want us to beat ourselves up over this?

SO.....Yesterday while I was doing my stretches I thought "I am here, I am open, teach me if you will". There were no miracles, but perhaps we can attempt to go through life like your walking meditations? A gentle reminder to self and a quick invitation to God any time it occurs to you during the day to be with you and teach you as you go about your day? I don't you think that God would think that's good enough?

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Re: Breathe On It

Post by happyrain »

Hi Sammy,

I don't know whether you meant for me to answer your questions, it seemed more rhetorical. But I wanted to answer anyways...

No, I don't think God would want us to beat ourselves up.

And, I think any sincere moment or effort would please God.

Thank you again for the thoughts- I like being made to think about how I view God and seeing what others think about God too.

Now, as an individual that struggles with preconceived notions and a dual nature, I find disappointments in my self for stagnation and for knowing better. I get tired of fighting, and it seems the older I get- the more comfortable I become. Like I have to seek out and satisfy lesser desires which have become deep rooted habits. It's as simple and complex as placing my happiness in a cup of coffee. This reply is a bit of a tangent, I am trying to figure out what's been going on and why I get stuck.

I did have a nice walk tonight, and there was that beautiful moment where the sun felt like a blanket and for a second I felt free'd from my mind.

Sorry for the gloom! I am so tired these days. But I am still finding reasons to smile, and enjoy the innocence.
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Re: Breathe On It

Post by Sandy »

Hello you two,

Your conversations speaks for many of us...the resistance, the frustration, the desire to overcome, and the disappointment. In all honesty, we all do live very busy lives and life itself can drain us as there is sooooo much disappointment with the world right now and it rubs off on everyone. We often do make our own "thought contribution" to the mess but we can be affected by not just our own apathy but that of others as well. I wonder sometimes if our resistance is in some ways a reflection of all the "thought apathy" of others in our respective countries and the whole world at this extremely difficult time. I suppose we could use that as a "cop-out" but instead I hope it may perhaps lead to a better understanding of what we deal with unseen that can also inhibit us. I am a firm believer in setting intention and a heartfelt prayer before any attempt to connect with divinity. Think about it, if we do nothing more then that every single day we are still ahead of the game and before we know it will begin to enjoy the benefits which we have, each of us experienced, before. Sometimes I think the mere fact that we know and have reached happy blissful places in meditation in the past makes it all the harder as we tend to be a little more critical of ourselves and even what occurs. But truly, I am always better for just taking a few moments to light my "God Candle"(long story) stating my intention to connect with the divine ask for protection and help in making the connection and then take my time...breathe and then speak. Go back to the days when you were a kid and could imagine anything...Imagine that God is right in front of you, even sitting there reading the paper as a neighbour or friend might an talk to HIM/Her.( If the ole mind wonders off then speak out loud. It is harder to loose the thoughts and wonder off when speaking out loud.) Speak and carry on a conversation as if your best friend is with you...In all honesty He/She is. The more we do this the more we will regain our confidence. It is a beginning to build on for those who struggle in finding a place to start.

I know I went off on a tangent above I guess I as thinking of Sammy mentioning and hour in meditation. That's a looooong time in the beginning or a restart. Do you know that Ester Hicks only began with 5 or 10 minutes?

Well you guys have inspired me and I am going to put up some effort every single day to talk to the God who wants more then anything to love an connect with me...each one of us.) I have been terribly busy and stressed but I found time to speak with my son today for an hour so surely I can give God 10 minutes. I'm not sure why the Divine puts up with me...silly human I am. LOL

Love you guys!
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Re: Breathe On It

Post by Sandy »

I just saw this ....
sort of what we are talking about, eh?
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Re: Breathe On It

Post by happyrain »

Sandy, in the spirit of sharing- I wanted to show you this one.

I have a thread called discovering answers, a living spirit. I have learned to call these moments Whispers from Spirit. An old friend reunited with me recently at the time I was coming out from feeling stuck. A shared sign between our friendship is the ladybug. She happened to see this by chance and felt like sending it to me. Lo and behold, there were just a few words that struck my truth bells.

He says something like, "you're not stuck because you can't, you're stuck because you won't."
Wow. Heh, a kick to the butt from Spirit huh?

<3 <3 <3
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Re: Breathe On It

Post by Sandy »

"you're not stuck because you can't, you're stuck because you won't."
I should have that tattooed on my arm. :) Thank you Eric! .

I have a ladybug on my desk. Such happy little insects...unless of course you are the kind of bug who is on their menu. :shock:
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Re: Breathe On It

Post by sammy »

Once again, I don't have much to say except...Ain't that the truth!

I LOVE you guys!

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Re: Breathe On It

Post by Sandy »

I LOVE you guys!
(((((((SammyJo))))))) :loves (((((((((Eric)))))))))

For some reason this morning I remembered the hamburger (or was it a breakfast sandwich) -accidental fisherman hitting incident you spoke of several years ago and had me rolling in the floor all over again SammyJo. Still laughing and thinking Petra would really appreciate that one. :lol:

love you guys,
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Re: Breathe On It

Post by sammy »

Sandy! It was a breakfast sandwich...You must be really tuned in! We saw a commercial Sunday night that reminded me of that so vividly that I couldn't stop laughing! I'll try to find it, to share the link...we could all use a good laugh!


Edit: No luck finding it...I shall attempt to tell it as best I remember...

Several years ago my mom, my BFF and I were driving to go play golf. We each had a breakfast sandwich. We happened to be driving over a little bridge over a stream when mom said she was full. Thinking the wildlife might enjoy a little snack I pitched the remainder of the sandwich out the window...There was a man fishing and it smacked him in the head :lol: :lol: :lol: Well, the conversation after that got quite of the comments I recall was my my said I bet he was thinking "God I wish I had eaten breakfast, I'm starving!" then WACK! God hit him in the head with a half eaten bacon egg and cheese biscuit :lol:
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Re: Breathe On It

Post by Sandy »

:lol: Oh SammyJo, It's just as funny in the retailing! :lol: :lol: :lol: Bless that fisherman's heart. I bet he is still talking about the day breakfast hit in SMACK in the head!

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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