Group Meditations

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Group Meditation May 3, 2020

All I can say is, “My Oh My!” Had the impression that we tapped into a world meditation and I would do the group meditation in 'no time' tomorrow morning. It's hard for me to describe this one, but I'll do my best.

Seems like my mind wandered for a few minutes, saw Sandy, Lynn, and Eric, smiled and went to them. Felt the pressure of their hands in mine, felt my grandma's symbol, then, “Bam!” And we were all lost to each other.

Felt like there were hundreds of minds participating. 'We are the world' was playing. A high pitched toning began in each ear, and I became really warm. My whole body was vibrating, like every cell of my being was an individual person... that was vibrating. We were shoulder to shoulder, at first it looked like we were in a rainbow of color, then each of us became individual rainbow spirals of color. I thought of a Petoskey Stone. The stones are made up of a colony of individual coral all packed tightly together, and each one looks like it has an eye. Thought to myself, “How many people are there participating in this meditation?!” It wasn't exactly comfortable, but did feel like we were participating in a world healing session.

Then I could see the song vibrations, pulsing to the beat! Seemed like it went on for hours, toward the last half, wondered if many of the people had dropped out. There were still rainbows of color, but we had a little more room. I wanted to stay with it for as long as I could, just to see where it took me. Nothing really changed much beyond what I described. Usually I have a sense when the meditation is ending, seemed apparent this one was going to go on for a while. When finally releasing the meditation I was surprised it was only 2 ½ hours long. I was still vibrating, seeing a rainbow of colors, hearing the song, after opening my eyes. Sat still for a few minutes to try and center myself. Thought I was alright, but then was really off balance trying to walk across the floor. Can still feel the pulse of the vibration as I finish typing this. All I can do is shake my head wondering, “What was that?!!”

I promise everyone I was not at that time, or have I ever taken hallucinatory drugs! In the book I've been reading however, I'm on the section talking about the effects of vibration on the body. Just prior to the meditation participated in the mantra vinyasah using the repetitive tone of my voice to cleanse the chakras. Beginning the third week of doing that nightly and have never had this kind of experience afterward!

Can't wait to see what tomorrow's meditation will bring! And see if anyone else had any similar experience.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Group Meditation May 4, 2020- no time We Are The World

Asked for a do over in 'no time' for last night's meditation. I felt Monjorons, Nebadonia, and Christ Michael's symbols, Met Eric, Sandy and Lynn we all clasped hands in the grassy field across The Bridge, could really feel the pressure in my hands, like someone was right there holding them. The song We Are The World began playing and continued for the duration of the meditation. We sat hands held, eyes closed in meditation, and our prayers were sung, like the song was our prayer.

We continued to send out prayers for the world, but the location was repeatedly changing to places all over the world. These are the places I remember, a mountain in Peru, meadow with a mountain range in the back ground(think it was in Canada), Sequoia National Park, a butte', a plateau, cherry trees in bloom in Japan, the Himalayas, the bush in Australia, fjord in Norway, fly over in Iceland...We were either sitting or standing, but always holding hands in a circle. If we were sitting then it was our hands on top of, or on the bottom of the person next to us, palms down sending healing into the earth. There were times when we could see the words of the song up in front of us, concentrating, able to really understand and internalize their meaning. Every where we went it was only the four of us, a couple of times when approaching a place with a high concentration of people(two place specifically were The Kremlin and Sydney),we decided as a group to go to natural places. Every where we went it was sunny, warm and a nice breeze was blowing.

I could feel celestial symbols throughout, but no one materialized except for the three celestials mentioned at the very beginning. It struck me that there were none present last night either! Surmised this was supposed to be conducted by us humans as a tribute to the place we live. Although we were supported by celestials, this meditative experience was on us.

The meditation faded out, lasted about an hour.

Does anyone know of a world meditation going on last night? Ha! Just turned 11:11.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

I'm going to post this without looking at Kimmies ábove experience first off...

May 4 but written this morning May 5 as time didn't allow for this yesterday.
Hello everybody
I was so concerned that once again I would miss the real time group meditation so I decided to start a couple hours earlier. So here goes... Because G was still asleep in my usual meditation area I chose to light a candle, cleanse the area, and ground myself in the living room. As per my routine when grounding with the Earth energies, I honour Urantia in gratitude and usually give her something I need to release in form of a rock that sort of depicts it’s destructiveness in my body. But today to my surprise I gave her a beautiful rock with the word Joy inscribed on it. I felt love and joy as I shared this with our Earth Mother, a shared joy as she too experiences the gamut of our emotions and experiences as we are creature of her domain.

As I continued to connect with the heavens and Divine celestial energy I was able to look beyond the physical with eyes more attuned to spirit. I felt the presence of energy beings and saw their energy signatures around me as I settled quietly into stillness. I felt a massively strong wind of sorts blowing past and through me as I watched ..and then BAM!... I was interrupted. ( LOL That is what it felt like...)

But undeterred I began again a very short time later and on time too with George just out of bed. I felt safe and comfortable and once again after the simple preliminaries that help me to focus, I found myself in front of Urantia this time with a crystal marked Peace.
Joy and Peace... our gifts to this long suffering Earth Goddess. As I connected with the heavenly energies again and safely open my heart to the celestial vibrations, I seemed to leave the earth behind and found myself moving through space. Strangely it was not with the usual speed but as a tourist snapping photos with long pauses to admire the beauty. So I suspect the trip was the lesson not the destination. I marvelled at the beauty and prayed that my meditation family could feel the love as I did. I immediately felt hands gripping mine. I felt great joy and peace...just as the crystals gifts suggested as I examined the intricate beauty of deep places in our universe. In these troubled times that is priceless don’t you think?
The meditation continued and sadly as I type now I cannot remember all the details but it ended as I saw the earth bathed in light...glowing....and I wondered if this is the way it will look in the age of Light and Life.

• A note: I found out today that in some spiritual communities they were experiencing ascension energies that have been predicted for the past couple of days. I wonder if that was the strange strong wind I experienced first time around.??? interesting. :scratch:

Also, I was meditating with a piece of labradorite, moonstone and basalt on my tummy. Not sure why I was drawn to those stones today as I am a novice...

Throughout the above meditation I felt connected to all of you and our celestial Angels, Guides and Midwayers. It was like we were all on a ride at the amusement park together. LOL What JOY!

Love to all,
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by peacockplume »

No wonder I was so tired last night,,lol
Interesting, since last week seemed to me like very unsuccessful,,,I went to my 5D pyramid as I always start out,,,it seemed we were having a very quiet meeting....turns out I needed some healing as I found myself going down the amythest path to the healing pyramid....lots of personal stuff coming up....needing clearing,,,forgiveness of others and myself,,,but reading last weeks posts and to Kims today,,,I see a road of synchronicities...and they took me all over the place....
I had started preparing doing chakra, clearing and balancing,,,,toning,,,which went along with it,,,getting lots of higher frequency noise....which I can listen to even right now,,just subdued,,,it never goes away,,,just gets louder!! and I am getting better at stopping whatever I'm doing when it really zings in....sensing for a connection or is it just a download

Along with that over the next few days, my synchronistic journey popped up a few things,,why I was going thru my pdf files I don't know,,,but The Autobiography of a Yogi popped up,,,and I started reading...couldn't do much else for about 3 days,,,I started highlighting passages that seemed to connect with me and what I've been reading in posts...

Kriya Yoga,,,,
When the body is born we start to breathe, when the body dies the breath leaves the body. This is happening all the time, we are breathing in and out. We inhale new life from the source, and we exhale that which is dead from the body. To realise who we are, our unity with life, we have to be consciously connected to the source of life through the breath.
The secret about higher states of consciousness is that it is intimately related to the breath. The word yoga comes from Sanskrit yuj which means union – the union of the individual soul with Spirit. Kriya Yoga is a method to attain the union of breath and soul in each inhalation and exhalation. Kriya means action and yoga unification. Kriya Yoga is action that leads to unification, to the state of no conflict in the consciousness.
hmmm,,,,Breathe Lynn,,,,just Breathe

I'll just put one in here...
The infinite potencies of sound derive from the Creative Word, AUM, the cosmic vibratory power behind all atomic energies. Any word spoken with clear realization and deep concentration has a materializing value. Loud or silent repetition of inspiring words has been found effective in Coueism and similar systems of psychotherapy; the secret lies in the stepping-up of the mind's vibratory rate. The poet Tennyson has left us, in his MEMOIRS, an account of his repetitious device for passing beyond the conscious mind into superconsciousness:
"A kind of waking trance-this for lack of a better word-I have frequently had, quite up from boyhood, when I have been all alone," Tennyson wrote. "This has come upon me through REPEATING my own name to myself silently, till all at once, as it were out of the intensity of the consciousness of individuality, individuality itself seemed to dissolve and fade away into boundless being, and this not a confused state but the clearest, the surest of the surest, utterly beyond words-where death was an almost laughable impossibility-the loss of personality (if so it were) seeming no extinction, but the only true life." He wrote further: "It is no nebulous ecstasy, but a state of transcendent wonder, associated with absolute clearness of mind."
I had asked Eric what he focused on,,he said
my lesson and continued practice is to exist outside the self
which reminded me of an experience of being thrust out into the void,,where I became the void...

and as I kept reading ,,,,
As all things can be reflected in water, so the whole universe is mirrored in the lake of the Cosmic Mind.
which connected me to Kim's posts re crystal scrying.

Eric had also written....
god is remote viewing through his creation.

(which reminded me of an interview with Steven Greer and Dr Targ) on remote viewing and a free app to test your esp….. ESP Trainer – fun)

in it they also talk about "no time"....

then I get connected back to Kims post(s)
I could see it was a was a giant geode! Small quarts crystals lined the walls, It had about 12 foot ceilings, in a circular shape maybe 60 foot in diameter, it was cave like, not completely spherical.
Just wondering if it's the same 'cave' I've been in before,,,,but I've definitely been there...

Also every 5D pyramid,,has a huge crystal that penetrates the top point,,,thru which passes source energy and bounces around the walls with every colour created...
Tree of life
Each level has an archangel, specific group of angels, colors, what kind of crystal ball to use with this level to help you connect with the correct information you seek. (I don't think one really needs different crystal balls,,imo)
It's really interesting that The Tree Of Life is referenced one way or another in many religions dating back to very early civilizations. Considering these civilizations were on separate areas of the world, without access to each other, it's quite remarkable the similarities they have. My guess is you look to the story that most closely aligns itself with your beliefs.
But it was interesting that you mentioned each Archangel is connected to certain days...(Raphael - Sunday)
so I did a bit of research and was rewarded with AA Michael - Wed,,,(and I was born on a wed),,,hum,,ya,,ok!!

so here's a few of those links ... ife-124294 ... xeO7OIieBM ... ife-124294 ... xeO7OIieBM

My personal experience with the Tree of Life is more thru the Kaballah,,,I even have a set of Sefirot tuning forks,,
each one angelically tuned to each station of the Serifot...

but the sites were very interesting reading about different ancient myths...
and I really have enjoyed all I read (thru Erics links) about The Peacock Angel ( The Gnostic Templars connect it to Saint Michael)...

Oh yes,,,,it's been a very busy week....synchronicity after synchronicity....I honestly didn't think I was going to be put anything to paper....and I've probably just totally confused everyone,,,,mainly me...

for a last thing,,,I just want to mention,,,that when I do meet up with y'all,,,and we hold hands,,,I always feel the energy in my hands,,,,they heat up and tingle,,,I know I've made the connection....

I just sometimes wish,,,I could have the inner visualization of us being together on that inner plane...

so finally,,,I'm leaving it off,,,for here and now.....being Sunday,,,again

Love and Blessings,,,peacockplume,,,aka pp
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Lynn and Sandy,
:shock: Wow! and Wow! Reading through all your accounts my hands warmed and tingled, it felt like I was holding your hands now! I'm sitting here wide-eyed, my mouth hanging open. I wonder if all our accounts were printed out, laid side-by-side and the similarities high-lighted, how many would there be?!! To be honest I was a little worried about posting this one. It was so 'out there', thought someone would accuse me of doing drugs or something! That's the value of sharing though, you don't really know what will be a connection to others unless we put it out there, right?

Sandy, I would definitely call the excerpts you posted a 'possibility' for my experience both last night and today. It actually felt like I was vibrating up until this afternoon. I can't even comment on all the similarities because my mind is trying to process! The descriptions of 'your rituals' sound very beautiful. What ever crystals and stones speak to you at the time, go with it! This is your experience, trust your intuition.

Kriya Yoga is what I've been doing for the past three weeks! It's all about the vibration of the tone of our voice repeating the mantra while concentrating on each chakra, to clean them out, heal and seal them and adding to our moral courage. I can't even tell you why I enjoy it so much, but I love it. Well, I guess I can, because I feel better! It's crazy how you can feel the energy where it's been focused. Was trying to convince Aleah this morning to go to Facebook and learn it herself! And! Learning the same thing reading about the value of vibrations in my book! I finally figured out why I was supposed to read this book!

All the synchronicities you've been experiencing are wild!

Ok, I've gotta go chant now, breathe, and calm my brain down to get ready to sleep. This was all pretty exciting!

Love you guys!

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

happy to read everyone's experience. think, breathe god. the mission of some enlightened souls is a success, to see kriya yoga as admired as it is today is the indication.

I joined in the no time earlier today. want to comment on the days that are difficult to meditate, not every session will be immediately rewarding. still, persevere. this is a practice and we are directing our minds, an act of will is power.

I believe I struggle with day to day, ultimately it is gods splendor, my mind is more slave to the senses where restlessness often stirs than a master. if we submit ourselves to practice, we are telling the mind- no, no more slave mentality. we are the masters of our reality and can harness through perception heaven on earth. this exercise will follow us through our lives and while some days seem difficult, I am confident to say that our creator relishes in his children striving to understand their endowments. no effort goes unnoticed, there is much internal configuring still to be done.

on the night of our practice I instead prayed for you all as acknowledgment and am happy to see the prayers have been answered. in todays no-time session I noticed deep pink/red purple vision in my minds eye.

with gratitude
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Good day mates :hithere

I hardly know where to begin. I am blown away by all your posts and the wisdom within each of them/you. There is so much I wish to know and learn...Kriya yoga, pyramid building, chakra cleansing, toning, learning to understand my endowments etc... Man, you guys are such loving teachers. I feel privileged to be able to bend your and I will with my questions later.

I have a whole new appreciation as to how the Creator can unite us in so many individualistic ways. It helps me to realise and gives me hope that all religions/spiritual groups can live and work side by side for the betterment of the planet as they acknowledge the God guidance uniting all of them. :bana:

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Sandy wrote: Wed May 06, 2020 6:12 amMan, you guys are such loving teachers. I feel privileged to be able to bend your and I will with my questions later.
Funny, I always thought it was the other way around. You have such a generous loving spirit! There is much I feel I can learn from you! :loves

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

hooray, the message board is up and running again.

on mothers day i worked until after 7:00PM. on my drive home i saw the license plate 777 and to my left was a beautiful setting sun. it made me think of you, our group.

today was my impromptu decision to meditate and brief acknowledgement in the no-time. the meditation lasted a good hour. bit of a roller-coaster, i thought i was trying to let go of my emotions and ended up uncovering some deep ones that were harder to get over. instead tried to cling onto love and communication. good spine language happening.

listened to some meditative music tonight and noticed different areas in the spine lighting up.

take care!
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by peacockplume »

I thot it was just my computer!!!
meditation (in a formal manner) not doing so good...
but working on staying centered and expressing gratitude...
Bless all our Hearts
xo pp
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Good evening all!
Seems the group meditation was not easy for any of us last Sunday. Guess I have to admit that holidays are going to be hard for me when not able to celebrate with my family. Have yet to be able to go into alpha this week, but will keep trying!

happyrain wrote: Tue May 12, 2020 3:56 amthe meditation lasted a good hour. bit of a roller-coaster, i thought i was trying to let go of my emotions and ended up uncovering some deep ones that were harder to get over.
Your response really struck me as I was just doing some research on child development to help one of Ken's friends. I went to a website of the discipline program we used at The Center. I'd forgotten this one quote, "Conflict is an opportunity for growth. Most people do whatever they can to avoid conflict." Thinking of your meditation, maybe the uncovering of the deep ones, although not pleasant or easy, are what you're supposed to work on right now? I can say this, because I had some pretty tough emotions to work through this weekend. There was no glossing them over or pushing them aside, it was plunge right through, feeling them until I was ready to accept and learn from them. That's pretty much what I've had to do to get to the other side of most of my negative stuff otherwise they keep resurfacing.

Here to working through our stuff and getting back on course,
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Hi PP! Hey Kim! Yeah, wasn't just you- but sure is great to see all your postings again!!


Kim, 100%. Seems there are lessons waiting to be discovered that might have left impressions on our development from ages ago. I do believe once you get over them the body gets a bit lighter. Lately I've been seeing the black lines and orbs moving about again.

I prayed to God for bravery and with closed eyes a bright orb flashed in the upper left of my vision. This actually scared me :lol: I met a spirit animal after that! Happy to share... But what I wanted to say was, when I would meditate regularly and lessen the physical burden on my body and mind by clean eating and various mental exercise I had a certain freedom which allowed for things like witnessing aura's and spirit communications.

Soooooo.... The 777 has been around strong these last couple days, since sharing with you all here. Tonight on my way home from work I saw a streak of lightning only it wasn't lightning but a white line of light that appeared and then disappeared. I wondered what happened and in an instant it happened again! "That's two times" I said to myself... only to immediately notice the time on my car clock - 7:22PM.


So I hope we are actually learning and applying the lessons because I do enjoy the freedom. :lol:

Kindest regards!
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by peacockplume »

yes, you guys are right about the lessons and clearing,,,like an onion,,,layer after layer...
I'm being a bit of a hermit,,,,that or enjoying this seclusion,,,,have no desire to socialize,,
and it makes it difficult to come and write on the mb...
but I have you all in my heart and think about you all several times a day...
I haven't been able to formally meditate,,,but I get flashes thru the day,,
seeing us together,,,chatting....walking, in the river,,
so I'm just accepting what is...
many others write about the energy shifts we are going through,,,
stirring up everything,,,chaos before the calm...
I just saw us on horseback,,,riding through the energy...
hang on....
it's so we can see whats happening from a distance and not get swept away...
now we are pausing,,,,on the edge of the milky way...
peace,,,,we are being met by a group and now we are following them...
long robes,,hoods....
(got to admit this has never happened while I'm typing)...
it comes and goes,,in flashes....
ooooo,,,now we're sitting at a big round table,,,receiving instructions.
and now we're leaving.....

I'm presuming we received a download,,which will filter through to each
of us and come forward whenever information is needed...

Kim...can you connect into this??? (I'll bet you get something)

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by peacockplume »

weird,,,,my last post was,,,,3456,,,,but it changed as I sent this and said both are 3457

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hey PP. Eric and Kim,
There's so much I want to respond to, been jumping up and down inside as I read your all's post. Unfortunately, my computer is almost dead so will let it rest and try again later.

So exciting! :bana:
Love you guys!
PP, you, sweet lady, are allowed to be a hermit. We are connected without words. If we have learned anything the past few months I think that stands out, eh? so Wow... horseback! :sunflower:
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

I was just thinking, PP that I wish I could view the images through your eyes...what you saw. :happy
It has been a good day. I feel very blessed to contemplate the wonders of the universe from the warmth and safety of our little home tonight.
Stay safe everyone.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by peacockplume »

well Sandy,,,(and everyone) it was definiely a weird experience,,,eyes open,,typing away, then the way a past memory comes back to you,,just kind of flashes a picture in the brain....the difference being,,I knew we hadn't been on horseback galloping through the milky way before....hmmm,,but how can I be sure :mrgreen: really wish it would come that easy while meditating,,,like you guys,,,
I discovered this the other day,,,9 valuable tips for meditating,,by Yogananda,,,
and I remembered Georges words,,,"no expectations"
see ya soon,,
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Not weird, "AWESOME!" I'll go galloping through the Milky Way with you guys any day!

My meditations have been off this whole week, lots going on, it happens every once in awhile.

As I suspected I feel much more drawn to the crystal bowl part of my book than crystal balls. Really glad I kept with it. It's interesting how I'm getting stuff from different sources about vibration, it's really...RESONATING WITH ME. :bana: :bana: :bana:

Love to all,
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by peacockplume »

think I'll yak about the crystals over on the secret thread,,,
xoxo pp
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hi PP...I just watched Yoganda's wisdom flash across the screen. I found this very helpful and I realised that this morning I was practising unconsciously what he suggested towards the end.
We had a heavy rain in the wee hours of the morning and when I got up the clouds were gone and the early sun was shining through a million prisms as water encased every twig, leaf blade of grass...etc... The lake was calm and I felt as if I had received a post card from heaven. ;) That is a connection and the type I think I overlook sometimes in my quest to know God/Goddess.

Some very good tips in there. Thanks for sharing it. :sunflower:

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by peacockplume »

hi sandy,
yes, I found the same things happening,,,listening to the birds,,,noticing the new lime green new growth on the fir trees,
I justlove seeing that in the spring,,,when you look at the tree branches, it looks like someone took a paint brush and gently touched the tips of the needles,,,it was a nice sunny day today,,I should have taken pics,,,,but we're going to have some rain for a few days now,,,,that's spring in the rain forest banana belt! perhaps I'll remember when the sun comes out again... :roll:
I'm reading more of PY today,,,highlighting passages,,and today thot this connected to the tips
The erroneous thoughts of man result from imperfections in his discernment. The goal of yoga science is to calm the mind, that without distortion it may mirror the divine vision in the universe
I says to myself,,,"it's never too late"

Daily Affirmation:
I am alive to beauty, to laughter, to wonders within and without.
I am free to live and to enjoy life.
I accept divine presence as the fulfillment of my needs.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

wow, thank you both.
nature is beautiful, and to read your accounts of nature is just as profound.
i can't wait to meditate tomorrow with the group.

_aum_ :loves it's never too late.

i'm not giving up, thanks again for the inspiration.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Sandy and Lynn,
Sounds like nature has you both waxing poetically! Love it!

Truly it is never too late... And there are no limits!

This morning I heard it was supposed to rain, so wanted to hurry outside to plant the rosemary and transplant the oregano... that was my plan then going to come inside and cut Dave's hair. Lol! about a half hour ago I stood up realizing, "Wow, I'm really hungry." My phone said it was three hours later than when I went out. Was probably hungry because I'd not eaten anything yet.

When I work in the garden classical music is always playing. There's nothing like feeding the senses with violins, blossoms, birds twittering in the trees... and weeds. Guess I get lost in the moment. Most people wouldn't think of gardening as relaxing meditative experience. Actually I was working pretty hard. But seeing all the new growth, thinking about where the plants would be healthiest and happiest kind of sweeps me away.

I realized it was tie to come in when my stomach wouldn't stop growling and Pandora was playing the same song with the birds singing that I talked with Shane about before. I had to stand up and be still listening to the song play on my phone while all the birds around chimed in completing the symphony.

Then watching the video of Yogananada's wisdom... as so many times before it touched something deep inside. I was far from unhappy, but still wept.
Tonight I'm meditating with green calcite and a citrine fairy crystal, took them outside with me this morning to recharge a little. Don't know why those tow, but they spoke to me. Can't wait to join everyone in meditation tonight!

Green Calcite Spiritual Properties: Stone of Renewal ...
Jan 17, 2020 · Green Calcite is a powerful mental and energetic healer. Green Calcite spiritual properties eliminate attachment to out-dated, rigid beliefs that no longer support you. It supports you as you let go of the familiar and adopt healthier habits and thought patterns.

Meaning and Properties of Citrine Gemstone
Metaphysical Properties of Citrine In metaphysics, citrine has a different spiritual significance, that is of aligning all the chakras. It brings happiness, joy, and positivity in life by eliminating the negative energies and vibes. It opens your mind to new thoughts and increases self-esteem and self-confidence.

Gotta go cut some hair. Ken heard Kim's salon was open for business, they're lining up! Happy meditating everyone!
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hi Guys,
Kim, gardening is definitely a spiritual experience the way you practice it. What joyful home you must have. :happy

And you must have a good reputation with that crew of yours as they line up for a hair cut... I cut George's hair too but sadly I do not have such a good reputation. He just simply likes to save money. The last cut was especially bad, looked like I put a bowl over his head. :shock: :oops: He's good with it though and told me no worries, it will grow. It's just hair. and that's what hats are for.

Believe it or not I actually made it to group meditation on time today. :lol: It was very peaceful and relaxing. I asked for protection, guidance and a connection with Divine, the celestials I know and and our meditation family. So I began my usual grounding and met Urantia who surprised me today by giving me a a glowing white crystal. As she placed it on my forehead everything changed and we were standing still watching scenes of Earth's past fly past. I do not know what it means but I suspect it will surface as to the right time. I remember feeling like it was something that would allow access to intuit past happenings in the earth;'s history. Yeah right... But wouldn't that be awesome?! :lol:

Back to meditation. As I was safe balanced and comfortable I sat quietly to meditate with my dear friends. I saw tall dark crystal towers and the light and images in my vision changed. I allowed the wayward thoughts to pass and eventually (When the cows came home. :roll: ) I felt stillness engulf me. I felt strong energies flowing through me from head to toe and was getting celestial spirit symbols. This continued for what seemed a long time... until the phone rang. I tried, but I couldn't stay in stillness when I realised it was George's doctor calling. (long story there...) So that was where it ended. I felt better for it and the meeting up with all of you between worlds.
So over all I believe my meditation today was associated with healing and strengthening those spiritual muscles. Because of the interruption I do not know where it was leading. But any amount of stillness is beneficial and helpful.

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Swear I posted this last night!... Oh well if anyone finds it hanging out on another thread... then I put it in the wrong place!

Group meditation May 17, 2020

Had a hard time settling at first. So, I was s little late, went to the river to give healing. Soon after that Monjoronson came and retrieved me. We rose up. The place we went to was a large grassy area filled with people. It was dark. Monjoronson asked if I could find my group. Suddenly there was one beam of light streaming down. Sandy was smiling, jumping up and down with her hand up to make sure I saw them. Then Eric and Lynn waved. I smiled, nodded to Monjoronson, he left and zip I was with the group. We hugged, jumped up and down a bit, as it's been awhile since we'd all come together. Looking over I saw Shane and Melody and I think Eric's friend Steve. We motioned for them to join us. The people were shoulder to shoulder. Shane was smiling broadly holding onto Melody's hand inching through the crowd. Steve followed them. Everything was visually muted as it was pretty dark, but everyone was excited for what was to come next.

No one in our group really knew why we were there, but it felt like a celebratory event. Like a gathering on the Four Of July, waiting for the fireworks to start. Eric, Sandy, Lynn and I had a good grip on each other's hands and we stayed that way for the whole meditation. Every once in awhile I took note of the strong warm feeling of our hands clasped together.

Then(strange I just put an 11 in front of Monjoronsons name) Monjoronson was the only thing in the whole place that was lit up. He was hovering about 20 feet over the center of the crowd so all could see him(his symbol was very strong for me). He wasn't talking out loud, but in all of our minds. He was there to introduce Christ Michael. In and instant he was gone and Christ Michael took his place(then I felt his strong symbol). He began talking in our minds. I asked why were all there? He replied, “Expansion.” that being said, I felt many of my symbols light up very strongly all at once! And a loud toning in both ears, and a song began playing, then we could see several celestial teachers appear up over the group. I had the most curious sensation, as I kind of felt like a balloon being filled up, and thought, “Expansion.” Yogananda began speaking, there was so much going on I can't remember exactly what he said, but one word I remember is, “Upliftment.” I realized that we all were getting a huge download of information. Even the celestial Treavor, whom I haven't heard from in awhile, was there with a very strong symbol. Monjoronson came to the four of us, motioning for us to follow, or more like letting us know he was taking us somewhere. We ended up in the crystal geode cave. The only source of light was the shimmering blue liquid in the small pool we were all standing around. I had another very strong symbol, as a person appeared standing next to me. It was a man with a hood pulled up. I was trying to process everything that had happened up until now, then thought, “Oh, it's our druid friend,” but even as I said it, realized it was the wrong placement for his symbol. I couldn't place this symbol. The man took down his hood. I gasped, “Your the Green Man!” He nodded. I kind of bombarded him with a bunch of questions asking what he was going to teach us, Eric must be so excited!!!... He put up a hand, directing all of us to dip a finger in the pool of source and paint it across our foreheads in a short line. We did this and he was gone. The only thing visible then was the four blue lines on our foreheads. We had a hundred questions, so much had happened in such a short period of time. Monjoronson understood, all he said was, “All will become clear.” My body was very warm for the last few minutes, even though the room was quite cool, my only cover was a sheet, but I was warm to the point of almost being uncomfortable. After a minute of us staring at each other in wonder, the meditation was over.

This meditation lasted for an hour.

More had happened during this meditation, but there was so much in quick succession I had a hard time holding onto all the smaller details. I remember asking, “How am I going to remember all this?!!” But I did manage to capture the major ones.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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