Celestial Message Truth About Rebellion

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Celestial Message Truth About Rebellion

Post by Seeker13 »

Todays Celestial message struck a deep cord in me. So grateful to Chris and Uteah for posting these thought provoking, fanning the flame of inspiration type messages! Would really like to have more discussion on this one.

“The Truth about Rebellion.” – Part 1 - Trinity Teacher: Uteah.
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by Sandy » 9/30/06 10:22
Asheville, NC, US of A, July 14, 2019.
Trinity Teacher: Uteah.
Subject: “The Truth about Rebellion.” – Part 1

Message received by Chris Maurus.

Teacher Uteah: “Have you ever considered how incredibly powerful you are? Most people believe they are powerless — that only wealth or political ambition (control) can bring power. This is a carefully crafted lie that was seeded into human consciousness at the beginning of the rebellion that happened on your world a very long time ago. Temporal power is impermanent, while spiritual power is eternal. Do you believe the lie that you are powerless? Even those who recognize the sovereignty of the Creator Father believe the lie because they put the lie first in the order of their beliefs. A mind that is indwelled by a Fragment of the Creator is far more powerful than any temporal power, and you can rearrange the order of your beliefs and bring that eternal power to the forefront of your mind and to your world.

When you understand why you are powerless, then you can begin to put things in order. Lucifer, together with Satan and Caligastia seeded this lie as a means of disarming the powerful human mind endowed with will and a Fragment of the Creator resident within. He knew that his rebellion could not survive unless he could disable the power of the Indwelling Spirit within the human mind. It was also his intention that he (Lucifer) would be god over his rebellion worlds and prevent souls from ascending to the Father. The only way he could achieve this was to use deception — to trick the human spirit into believing a lie — that they are powerless and that there is no Creator Father.

Once the lie was ingested, it would replicate like a virus and embed itself in human DNA for generations where it could be reinforced by the temporal mind — only believing what it could see with its eyes of flesh. Lucifer knew that suffering could be used to stop all forms of escape — that once humans suffered, they would not believe in a loving Creator — they would see that they were alone and abandoned — they would blame the Creator for their suffering and reinforce the lie that only temporal power exists in the world. It was an ingenious and insidious plan that worked and still does to this day.

Even now with the head of the Dragon severed — the leaders of the rebellion apprehended, the spirit of rebellion lives on in human mind — you are left with the stain of rebellion and this stain continues to uphold the lie and all the suffering it brings to your world. Every human act of tyranny, war, genocide, and hatred can be traced back to the root of this lie, and Lucifer knew that it would prevail even if he was apprehended and annihilated.

He also knew that his plan it was not absolute, that once a human mind was contacted by the Indwelling Spirit, it could overcome the lie and free itself from the bondage of fear and suffering. He saw that religion was one way man could escape from the lie and ascend, and so he tasked Satan to poison religion with the lie that man was corrupt and sinful without reprieve — that they were dammed to eternal hell for their transgressions. Religion, the very tool of escape, was then used to secure the lie and keep souls from ascending — because they believed that they were eternally separated from the Creator — even after death their consciousness would keep them in doubt of any salvation.

How do you escape from this? By knowing the Truth about Rebellion — why it works, and the help that was sent here to free you from it. Then can you begin to understand how powerful beliefs are and how a mind indwelled by the Creator Father can be used to transform its life and path using truth, beauty, and goodness to overcome all forms of fear and suffering. As more and more people on your world understand this, the walls of tyranny will crumble and a new world will emerge free from the stain of rebellion. Light and Life will be your reality when this lie is eradicated!

In truth, always,
I AM Uteah.

As I said,"Todays Celestial message struck a deep cord in me." Have printed this message out in hopes of sharing it with my niece later today, hopefully it will be a very tiny spark of a flame in eradicating this lie.

So many are suffering from the perpetuation of this lie, encoded in our DNA? Of course all discussion is invited, but my concern of late is with how it is affecting the influx of Indigo, Crystal, even Rainbow children being born into our world. For those of you have not heard these terms, these are children who have enhanced spiritual gifts, abilities and discernments. They are the natural progression of our species as our world edges closer to Light and Life. Actually seeking help and information for these children in my family was the main the reason for me coming to this sight so many years ago. Many time I've tried to get a discussion going on this topic without much success.

As a teacher, mom, grandma, aunt, etc., I see these incredible kids with outstanding gifts, yet they are still influenced by the lie of rebellion. As many of them are among the first wave, it is so difficult for these sensitive souls to integrate and be accepted by those around them. Time and time again I see these spiritually powerful kids suffering from low self-esteem, bullying, depression and anxiety. How can they possibly be expected to overcome these obstacles?

I guess my pressing and perhaps controversial question to spirit is, "How could you have began their introduction into our world, without first preparing enough of us to teach and care for them?

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Celestial Message Truth About Rebellion

Post by happyrain »

:hithere everything and everyone has its time and place. better than force is surrender and acceptance- surrender from the belief that all is right according to God and accept the condition of today as it is, your children as they are and know you are most certainly qualified. in your resignation to god you love much, who you are in this awareness is the tender soil from which all benefit and grow.
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Re: Celestial Message Truth About Rebellion

Post by Sandy »

Thanks for re posting that message from Chris and Uteah, KIm. I found it exciting as I read it and again and again. It fanned the flames... I suppose you could say.

Yep, you are surrounded by a plethora (always wanted to use that word. :mrgreen: Hope I used it correctly. :roll: ) of crystal kiddies. I'm thinking you were/are probably one yourself. ;) Think about your life, the good bad, the lessons learned. It wasn't easy but look at you now... someone completely and totally qualified to assist others, crystals and the rest of us, alike. ;) :love What I wouldn't give for an easy life. LOL Yep, sometimes I feel that way...but what would that have changed about me... I would still be me, of course (I've used of course" in just about every post I've written today. :roll: :scratch: ) ...but inevitably like "the butterfly effect", everything would change around me. I guess I am thinking as my thoughts continue to roam that the One qualified to see into our future selves as we stroll through eternity is smiling and so pleased with you. He or She would probably say, " I knew she'd come through it and be a beacon for others with her empathy and understanding of what they are going through." ( hmm a person really shouldn't put words in "the Big Guy/ Gal's celestial mouth, eh? :lol: ) I look at Aleah and her song of love and healing in the poetry section and think that Crystal child is going to be just fine as she follows in the footsteps of her beautiful mother. :love

Our journey is our destiny and our destiny is our journey in a funny kind of way, eh?

Love you guys, :kiss:
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Re: Celestial Message Truth About Rebellion

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi everyone,
Of course(Ha, there are those two words again!) there is much wisdom in your responses, and so beautifully supportive, thank you. At the time of reading and posting to this thread, I was right in the thick of it. So many thoughts and emotions running through my head and heart.
happyrain wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2019 10:44 pmeverything and everyone has its time and place. better than force is surrender and acceptance- surrender from the belief that all is right according to God and accept the condition of today as it is
"There is a season turn, turn, turn..." Having really accepted that All Is Well, and life will take care of itself, especially since my Center closed, there is still some residual guilt behind my frustration and worry that I've abandoned some children in our community... If our paths are meant to cross, then they will right?
happyrain wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2019 10:44 pmyour children as they are and know you are most certainly qualified
Thinking of the children and young adults in my family, I'm shaking my head and smiling. On the other side of anxiety, fear and self-doubt, there is a fierceness of will, extreme intelligence, abundant spiritual abilities, and the belief that we each are the smartest person in the room. As for being 'most qualified'? Lol! I guess I'm simply trying to hold my own. I've realized I cannot be a 'teacher' with my family, I can only be a peer.
happyrain wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2019 10:44 pmin your resignation to god you love much, who you are in this awareness is the tender soil from which all benefit and grow.
Every day I think about my actions and words, trying to accept and adapt to being better. Attempting to be my best self, along with being supportive as they each face their tough stuff, I know is all I can do.

Sandy, I like the word plethora too!
Sandy wrote: Thu Aug 15, 2019 5:12 amThink about your life, the good bad, the lessons learned. It wasn't easy but look at you now... someone completely and totally qualified to assist others, crystals and the rest of us, alike. What I wouldn't give for an easy life. LOL Yep, sometimes I feel that way...but what would that have changed about me... I would still be me, of course (I've used of course" in just about every post I've written today. ) ...but inevitably like "the butterfly effect", everything would change around me.
You're absolutely right, lessons learned for sure!... What I wouldn't give for all of us to learn without the suffering.
Sandy wrote: Thu Aug 15, 2019 5:12 amI guess I am thinking as my thoughts continue to roam that the One qualified to see into our future selves as we stroll through eternity is smiling and so pleased with you. He or She would probably say, " I knew she'd come through it and be a beacon for others with her empathy and understanding of what they are going through."
This is incredibly sweet of you to say.

I know that once Aleah and all of these kids relinquish the lie and step into their individual power, there will be no stopping that wave of light and life!

It's interesting the articles, conversations and information placed in my path since the latest posting of Uteah's messages. I've surmised that these kids were not simply plopped down into this world with their new abilities and big brains with no defenses. It's more like these things were already encoded in our DNA, having been turned off and mostly dormant because of the onslaught of fear, lies, and hardship humanity has had to endure. Because we are nearing light and life, those traits are being 'turned back on' so to speak. Just a theory!

You have no idea how many times I've wanted to use those two words, "Of course," while writing this response!

Good night, :loves
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Re: Celestial Message Truth About Rebellion

Post by Sandy »

Kim wrote:
It's interesting the articles, conversations and information placed in my path since the latest posting of Uteah's messages. I've surmised that these kids were not simply plopped down into this world with their new abilities and big brains with no defenses. It's more like these things were already encoded in our DNA, having been turned off and mostly dormant because of the onslaught of fear, lies, and hardship humanity has had to endure. Because we are nearing light and life, those traits are being 'turned back on' so to speak. Just a theory!
:cheers: It will all come right in time. :bana:

:) Brings new meaning to the phrase, "Time is the great healer, eh?

"Of course", ;) :) with this "ole time method" we learn patience along the way, which is a good thing, I suppose, but I am a "right now" kind of gal. sigh :lol:

Now I am hearing, "There is a season turn turn turn... " :love (Probably be humming it all day. ;) That's a good one to have stuck in the brain, though...

Beautiful dreams up there...I'm off to twirl a bit in the wind...
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Re: Celestial Message Truth About Rebellion

Post by Seeker13 »

:D It's so fun planting a song in your head! Well, of course it goes both ways.

Time, music, and laughter are all great healers! Nothing wrong with
Sandy wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 2:15 amI am a "right now" kind of gal. sigh
,' right now' is what we have, might as well make the best of it!

Speaking of twirling in the wind. A week ago Saturday, a friend of mine held a Fairy Tea Party for her great-niece's birthday! Truth be told, it was mainly because the trees were lamenting that they missed children's laughter and singing.

What a magical day, breezy, sunny and a tea party complete with tiny antique dishes, stuffed animals and dolls, situated under the branches of a huge ancient pine tree! I showed the kids how to make ribbon sticks(colorful ribbons tied to sticks). While the adults sang A Fairy Song, the children danced and twirled. Magic was created in a meadow full of tall grasses, wild flowers, children smiling and dancing, music and ribbons intermingling with the breeze! The crowning touch was a monarch butterfly who seemed to be dancing right along with the children! Tiny convinced the other children it was really a fairy.

Of course, I wrote a story about it. Here's the words to the song we sang,... in case you want to sing it next time you're twirling in the wind!

Fairy Song
June 4, 2019

This is our fairy song...
singing all day long.
Dancing and twirling all around,
this is our fairy song.

Happy as can be...
skipping between the trees.
Laughing and smiling up and down,
this is our fairy song.

Carried on the breeze...
whispered by the birds and the bees.
Fluttering and flitting above the ground,
this is our fairy song.

Come and join us please...
all you he's and she's.
Clapping and tapping to the sound,
this is our fairy song.

This is our fairy song...
singing all day long.
Dancing and twirling all around,
this is our fairy song.


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Re: Celestial Message Truth About Rebellion

Post by happyrain »

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Re: Celestial Message Truth About Rebellion

Post by Sandy »

That's perfect, Kim!!!! :bana: :bana: :bana:
What a joyful time had by all (fairies included ;) :D )

You know I was just thinking today as I was contemplating down by the lake... that I wanted to create a fairy house. Didn't you and Tiny do that last year? ...any pointers my friend? Fairies have been cropping up a lot lately, too many times now to ignore. soooo I will investigate. :)

Sandy (flitting in the breeze :D )
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Re: Celestial Message Truth About Rebellion

Post by Seeker13 »

Yes, we made birch bark house, and this year have been working on a fairy village.

I apologize if I've already told this story, but there's been so much happening spiritually around me, and functioning on only two hours of sleep last night...just tell me if I've shared the story about the giant rhubarb leaves I used for the roofs of a few fairy houses.

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Re: Celestial Message Truth About Rebellion

Post by Sandy »

Hey Kim,
Rhubarb leaves? hmmm... I don't think you've told that one. But even so it is always good to hear one of your stories again. (I do have Rhubarb in the garden. :bana: ) and for some reason I saved a big ole piece of palm bark last year . (long story) I think I am getting it... be creative with "nature's bounty". ;) :D

Get some rest! :kiss:
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Re: Celestial Message Truth About Rebellion

Post by Seeker13 »

Sandy wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 12:21 amI think I am getting it... be creative with "nature's bounty".
I'm no expert, but think you got it! I'm not entirely sure what by belief in fairies is. All I know is there have been a whole lot of coincidences happening to me concerning fairies.

Here's my rhubarb story. Coincidentally, rhubarb always reminds me of my mom and grandma.
This happened on June 29, which was also the anniversary of my mom's death. I'd been struggling for a few weeks because of a stressful family relationship that brought back to the surface emotional issues I'd had with my mom. I cut some rhubarb to make strawberry/rhubarb shortcake. Been hesitating cutting it because the leaves were so beautifully ginormous! Impulsively decided instead of putting them in the compost to use them in the fairy village Tiny and I have been working on. We decided to build the village around the back of the house. Two years ago I'd found a few clumps of flowers that had suddenly began growing in the back yard. Found out they were called 'Fairy Flowers'! This year that number had exploded to at least a hundred plants.

I thought the rhubarb leaves would make perfect roofs. While constructing two new houses, realizing how silly it was to be doing this without Tiny, I noticed the sweet pea plants mingled among the weeds. Thought the fairies would like to see them growing in their garden village. I knew this was a little crazy, but felt the urge to finish what I started. Went to the grape box, stashed behind a tree in the back yard where stones from a rock shop have been since it's closing 15 (?) years ago. I'd completely forgotten about the rocks until about a week before. My intention was to put a ring of stones around the sweet peas so we didn't step on them.

In the last load of stones, turning one over realized it was actually clear quartz. Couldn't tell from the side showing because it was covered in moss and of course had fifteen years of dirt on it. Finished the house and garden ring, decided to bring that stone inside to add to my collection. It was about the size of my outstretched hand.

Began making the strawberry/rhubarb sauce and shortcake biscuits. My sister sent a text saying she'd been doing alright that day until she saw on Facebook that her friend announced that they were adopting a baby girl, whose due date was on Mom's birthday 9/1. Immediately I grasped that the baby was due on Mom's birthday and announcement was made on the date of her death. I began crying immediately, suddenly overcome with emotion.

I began watching a show called Outlander earlier in the week, and was watching it while I cooked. Kind of strange that I'd been feeling a bit obsessive about watching it. The setting was 200 years ago in Scotland. My mom's father was Scottish, last name of Kingscott. Scotland is the primary location overseas I've always wanted to visit. The main characters name was Claire(my mom's name). Much of the Scottish beliefs were a combination of Christianity and Druidism, the belief in fairies was very strong. A newspaper article said the woman had been abducted by fairies!

While waiting for the biscuits to cook I looked more closely at the stone I'd brought in. Examining it and cleaning it off I realized it was a fairy stone!!! And it was in the shape of a heart! Also noticed a smaller heart on the surface of the larger heart! Over the years after Mom's death whenever coming across a heart shaped rock, I felt it was sent from my mom as comfort, when I found them I was usually feeling sad and missing her... I really love that stone.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Celestial Message Truth About Rebellion

Post by Sandy »

That is a fabulous Rhubarb story, Kim! :kiss: I then remembered you collected heart shaped stones and their significance. :happy
There are so many signs of love all around us if only we "see with our heart."

Some people look at me like I am crazy when I speak of stones/crystals vibrating or having the ability to instil an emotional response when holding them. But in my experience they can and do. Not all the same for sure. I recently brought home a piece of selenite. We had been at a Tibetan shoppe and I was causally sorting through the pieces for sale when one wand like piece began vibrating like crazy in my hand. I held it up to my Crown and felt the energy flow easily through my "thick" skull.

Only a few times have I enjoyed a stone that so immediately resonated with me. I once had a sweet little piece of rough reddish Quartz I found when we were camping at Hill End years ago. Every time I held it in my hand it made me cry but in a good way almost as if it helped me release. Funny thing about crystals, though...sometimes it is time they move on. I know that sounds strange but sometimes someone else's need is greater and just as they came to you (placed in your path I suppose) for a specific purpose, they move on towards another need and purpose.

We live in an amazing universe... think how awesome it is that your Mom can still leave you "love notes". ...almost as good as a hug eh? :D
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Re: Celestial Message Truth About Rebellion

Post by Seeker13 »

I'm experiencing deja vu so much lately, it's difficult remembering if I've shared a story or not! Did I tell you about the house clearing I helped with before the Fairy Tea Party?

Stones were kind of my thing long before realizing they had spiritual qualities. If I have a pocket, more likely than not there's a rock or two in it. When we go on vacation, family members do not expect t-shirt mementoes. They know they're going to get a stone! Ha, we're always exchanging them! I love learning to identify them. When my brother's girls visited, sitting down to eat, as if one cue, out came all the new rocks and crystals! If you think about it, pebbles were put in pouches for protection and all other kinds of things, when man still lived in caves.
Sandy wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2019 5:00 amOnly a few times have I enjoyed a stone that so immediately resonated with me. I once had a sweet little piece of rough reddish Quartz I found when we were camping at Hill End years ago. Every time I held it in my hand it made me cry but in a good way almost as if it helped me release.
Wow, would be interesting to know the story of that stone... Is it one that has moved on to someone else?

I meditate with one in each hand. Depending on what I would like to explore, or need healing for, helps me make the decision which stones to use. The other night I wanted to heal some DNA problems in our family, I chose a very venerable piece of petrified wood, and a tree jasper. The meditation was...epic!

I don't think you're crazy, they vibrate. Selenite so pure and clear,... is like holding God's love in your hand.

Sandy wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2019 5:00 amWe live in an amazing universe... think how awesome it is that your Mom can still leave you "love notes". ...almost as good as a hug eh?
It is indeed amazing! And how lucky are we to be able to be here, in this time, to experience it!

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Re: Celestial Message Truth About Rebellion

Post by Sandy »

Hey Kim,

Someday I would love to sit with you and pull out our crystals. :sunflower:
You wrote:
Sandy wrote: ↑Mon Aug 26, 2019 3:00 pm
Only a few times have I enjoyed a stone that so immediately resonated with me. I once had a sweet little piece of rough reddish Quartz I found when we were camping at Hill End years ago. Every time I held it in my hand it made me cry but in a good way almost as if it helped me release.

Wow, would be interesting to know the story of that stone... Is it one that has moved on to someone else?
Yes, that sweet little stone moved across the sea to someone in the United States. ...a very good home. I must say it took everything I had to let it go, but I just had a knowing that it was the right thing to do. Hopefully it is blessing lives as we speak.

My neighbour has recently acquired a few crystals, one in particular, a rose quartz worry stone. She dropped it a couple weeks ago and it broke in two. So she ordered another off the internet. She came over to show me when it arrived and she was disappointed...it was "thinner" then her other one. :shock: I, off course, could feel my back go up on behalf of the crystal almost immediately.
Told her in no uncertain terms that perhaps that crystal should not be with her. Best she pick her next worry stone out herself so she knows it is superficially right for her! LOL I am ashamed now but I felt like she had just kicked a puppy! I may still rescue that stone...buy it off of her when she finds one she likes.
I'm experiencing deja vu so much lately, it's difficult remembering if I've shared a story or not! Did I tell you about the house clearing I helped with before the Fairy Tea Party?
Not sure. My memory is suspect these days. :scratch: But a good story is certainly worth hearing again. ;) :D

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Re: Celestial Message Truth About Rebellion

Post by Seeker13 »

Sandy wrote: Thu Aug 29, 2019 1:37 amSomeday I would love to sit with you and pull out our crystals.
That would be awesome! And of course it has to happen some day!
Sandy wrote: Thu Aug 29, 2019 1:37 amTold her in no uncertain terms that perhaps that crystal should not be with her. Best she pick her next worry stone out herself so she knows it is superficially right for her! LOL I am ashamed now but I felt like she had just kicked a puppy! I may still rescue that stone...buy it off of her when she finds one she likes.
My first thought when you said it broke was, "Oh, so she can share it with someone else!" Also wondering if your reaction was because this woman is a fearful person, maybe doesn't really understand the spiritual qualities of crystals? You are a very protective person, maybe the thought of it lying broken(discarded?), raised your hackles, believing it simply needed to be healed... and appreciated?

I felt the same as you about your little red stone. When cleaning the house for the Cramalama Celebration we had to help my nieces face my brother's birthday after his death, I found quite by accident three small stones. One was a beautiful turquoise heart stone(of course), sat right down and cried, treasured that stone. Then last year my son made these amazing little metal sculptures. The first one he made, the turquoise stone fit perfectly in a space in the center, looked like it had been carved out just for that stone. Immediately realized the sculpture and the stone were for my brother's youngest daughter, no question.

Huh, the story I asked about included rose quartz worry stones and selenite... So, here goes! I'd ordered several rose quartz worry heart stones online. So many women I knew were going through some really rough stuff in their lives. I wanted to give a stone to each of them so they would know someone was thinking of them. At first I was disappointed because when they came, were only about I/4 inch across instead of 1 inch as advertised. I decided that big things can come in small packages.

A few weeks ago I participated in a house clearing for a friend of mine. I took four kinds of things with me. Just before leaving it popped into my head to take her a nice bouquet of flowers from my garden, a selenite crystal, four of the heart shaped rose quartz worry stones, and I put a sprig of peppermint in my water bottle.

The house clearing was an amazing experience, but for now I'll only share about the four things I took with me. I was the first to arrive, gave the hostess the flowers. She was so grateful! She has an alter set up for her spiritual work in her house. Had meanst to ask one of us to bring flowers, but had forgotten! Right away she put the bouquet on the alter.

The next person to arrived was excited to show me some photos she'd taken recently. Said she's been seeing images in nature lately, asked if I wanted to see them. She seemed a little worried about my reaction to that. I laughed, "As it so happens I see images in nature all the time! I would love to see them!" The photo was of a perfectly formed pink heart cloud in the sky! I pulled one of the stones out of my pocket and said, "I think I'm supposed to give you one of these." She was so touched she teared up. Pink hearts had been showing up a lot in her life. Then pulled out her new business cards, it had pink hearts on it.

Part of the ceremony for the house clearing is to use representations of the four elements. Each of us present were to pick one that we would use in the ceremony. There was a sage stick, salt, a candle, and a small spray bottle of water. I was left with the spray bottle, which was the one I wanted. After everything was done I found out it was peppermint water. The funny thing is a woman had brought my water upstairs thinking it was part of the ceremony somehow. It was in a clear quart canning jar, the peppermint clearly visible inside, so probably not a normal kind of water bottle for most people.

At the very close of the ceremony one woman was very concerned that we'd not cleared the house entirely. She'd been acting very uneasy the whole time. Now she was giving the hostess all kind of advice on how to protect the house against negative entities, explaining that my friend should get several of a certain kind of crystal, placing one above each doorway. Was getting a little agitated trying to remember the name of it.. "Oh, what is that crystal, " S, s, …"

I pulled the crystal I'd brought, out of my pocket, handing it to her, "Selenite." Lol, that freaked her out a little more. The funny thing is I'd just gotten the selenite the week before from my brother's youngest daughter. She'd brought the whole smudge kit for me, completely unaware I was going to a clearing the next week. I'd only brought the crystal with me because my friend does clearings, and I knew she'd have everything else.

That's my house clearing story.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Celestial Message Truth About Rebellion

Post by Sandy »

Wow! :shock: Divinely orchestrated no doubt. :D :sunflower: It is a lesson to me and others in some ways this story. I think it encourages us to listen to the wisdom and guidance that bubbles up within us. Follow our intuition sometimes even if it may not make a lot of sense at the time. Thank you, KIm.

I too have been flat clearing daily, in fact, using candle and smudge. I've been making my own smudge sticks this year. The one I am currently using for this "ritual" is almost used up and I am pleased that it has burned beautifully. I tend to make them too tight which doesn't allow the oxygen to keep the smudge burning. I'm not alone though as I bought a beautiful white sage smudge stick that has been a bear to keep burning. Obviously I'm new at this... but hoping underneath it all it is the faith and joy and peace of the good intention that helps to overlook my clumsiness. I like too that you brought the elements into the cleansing. The more energy friends we have in our arsenal the more well rounded we can be I'm thinking.

You and PP would have a field day with the knowledge you both possess and your fabulous array of crystals. She has been on my mind lately. Pray she is well. Someday I will sit with both of you. :happy

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Re: Celestial Message Truth About Rebellion

Post by Seeker13 »

I've been thinking about PP a lot lately also! And been watching my sage grow exponentially, thinking, "Yeah, I really should do something with you..."
Sandy wrote: Fri Aug 30, 2019 3:55 amObviously I'm new at this... but hoping underneath it all it is the faith and joy and peace of the good intention that helps to overlook my clumsiness.
I think, Miss Sandy, ... that you are entirely too hard on yourself. If good intentions are rated in the spirit world, I believe we all have a long way to go to catch up to you. You are one of the dearest sweetest people I've had the good fortune to call my friend.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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Re: Celestial Message Truth About Rebellion

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,
I think, Miss Sandy, ... that you are entirely too hard on yourself. If good intentions are rated in the spirit world, I believe we all have a long way to go to catch up to you. You are one of the dearest sweetest people I've had the good fortune to call my friend.
ahhhh that is so sweet even f not entirely true. LOL I do intend to be kind and compassionate and above all patient..but er hum... :roll: it doesn't always turn out like that... so I suppose we try, try and try again. OMG just heard that last bit as a cheer complete with pom poms in my head. ai yi yi :roll: :lol:

I was just telling PP this morning how glad I was that you and she were a part of my life. I so appreciate my sisters from another mother and all the wisdom and guidance you bring to the board. :kiss:

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Celestial Message Truth About Rebellion

Post by Seeker13 »

I don't know one single person...alive, who doesn't get pushed beyond our limit once in awhile... Maybe it's a prerequisite for living?!
Sandy wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2019 8:43 amI do intend to be kind and compassionate and above all patient..but er hum... it doesn't always turn out like that... so I suppose we try, try and try again. OMG just heard that last bit as a cheer complete with pom poms in my head. ai yi yi
:lol: If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again. Don't think you can have been a preschool teacher and not know that one!
Sandy wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2019 8:43 amI was just telling PP this morning how glad I was that you and she were a part of my life.
Amen to that...SISTER! ;)

All is well,
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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