Your Daily Saki

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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by happyrain »

When God is with you everything is with you; when God is in you everything is in you. Inspiration, knowledge, light, all are then within you. But if you find joy in confusion, if you confuse yourself and keep yourself in darkness, you may do so. However, you have inherited from the heavenly Father His inspiration, His Light, His power. You have inherited might from the Almighty God; you have inherited light from the Light of the universe. Therefore you are blessed with all these things, if you can only open your eyes and see the blessing.

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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by Sandy »

That speaks to me tonight, Eric, as my eyes begin to close in sleepiness... There's so much comfort and power in those simple but beautiful words.
May I wake up refreshed in the Light and a new day...may all of us be blessed. :happy
Thank you :love
P.S. excellent lesson on Telepathy too... Well worth the read. :)
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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by Welles »

Haha, Eric. I came here to post part of the same email 'Bowl of Saki'. You chose the beautiful part. I zeroed in on the part I thought was the best description of 'Born Again' that I've ever read. To wit"
"A person whose soul has awakened becomes awake to everything he sees and hears. ... It is this awakening of the soul which is mentioned in the Bible, 'Unless the soul is born again it will not enter the kingdom of heaven'. Being born again means that the soul is awakened after having come on earth, and entering the kingdom of heaven means that this world, the same kingdom in which we are standing just now, turns into heaven as soon as the point of view has changed." — Hazrat Inayat Khan
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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by happyrain »

Beautiful wisdom... Interesting to note Welles, no matter who I am learning from Spirit speaks clearly. One day, I will pick something up from Hazrat Inayat Khan and in the same time-frame receive similar wisdom elsewhere; somehow, sometimes, words will match exactly. Whatever I am drawn to is expressed around me by the Guiding Spirit. It's much like receiving an 1111 or license plate prompting, there's something beautiful and perplexing to this communication. Behind the many forms, I see Thee.
~ <3 ~ <3 ~ <3 ~
And a hello to you friend. :hithere
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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by happyrain »

This is one of my favorite messages... <3 It's 1.11.22 I hope you feel it too <3
:happy :loves :elephant: LUV2
Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:

In love abides all knowledge. It is mankind's love and interest in the things that in time reveals their secret, and then man knows how to develop, control, and utilize them. No one can know anybody, however much he may profess to know, except the lover, because in the absence of love the inner eyes are blind. Only the outer eyes are open, which are merely the spectacles of the inner eyes. If the sight is not keen, of what use are the spectacles?

It is for this reason that we admire all those whom we love, and are blind to the good qualities of those whom we do not love. It is not always that these deserve our neglect, but our eyes, without love, cannot see their goodness. Those whom we love may have bad points too, but as love sees beauty, so we see that alone in them. Intelligence itself in its next step towards manifestation is love. When the light of love has been lit, the heart becomes transparent, so that the intelligence of the soul can see through it.

But until the heart is kindled by the flame of love, the intelligence, which is constantly yearning to experience life on the surface, is groping in the dark. ... Love is like the fire; its glow is devotion, its flame is wisdom, its smoke is attachment, and its ashes detachment. Flame rises from glow, so it is with wisdom, which rises from devotion. When love's fire produces its flame it illuminates the devotee's path in life like a torch, and all darkness vanishes.... if this love expands to embrace the whole creation of the Heavenly Father, it raises man to be among the chosen ones of God.

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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by Sandy »

Thank you, Eric, this is a brilliant message and speaks to my soul. I have always enjoyed "The daily Saki" and the wisdom of Hazrat Inayat Khan.

Thank you for sharing this.

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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by happyrain »

While at work today, I had a profound sense of energy that allowed me to serve customers free of obstruction from negative thoughts. It was a nonstop 9 hour shift on my feet and I did not get to eat lunch until a few hours past my normal time.

At one point the business of the day was so entirely overwhelming that my nervous system was on fire, I remember telling my friend jokingly that I think my brain was bleeding. I told him, I don't think a normal person can handle this level of activity. And I wasn't saying that to gloat because I was suffering from the physical and mental overload of being engaged in multiple business operations at once. But to save face I stopped talking about it, I didn't want to get caught in the trap of complaining.

Instead, I remembered a chapter from AoY (Autobiography of a Yogi). I barley remember it, but the way my memory recalls... There was some grand event where Yogananda was forced to serve others and was made extremely exhausted. Somehow the idea that, God is in control- give everything to God crossed my mind during this interesting moment of recollection. I remember Yogananda surrendering his exhaustion to God and continuing in his endeavors. Next thing I know, I am rocking and rolling with nonstop productivity. I probably reached my capacity but I realized as well I was giving it my best. Mistakes might happen, but give it your best anyway. Let the rest sort itself out.

By the end of my shift, 30 minutes past, finally things were coming to a calm. I looked in the now empty store and said, "thank you God." I felt and understood everything that happened today was made possibly by God. This feeling alone, praising the Lord as the provider, it was transcendental.

Anyways... Here's todays message:

When one praises the beauty of God, one's soul is filled with bliss.

Bowl of Saki, April 1, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:

"Why does God need praise from me? Who am I that I should offer Him praise?" True, we can never praise Him enough; never can our praise be sufficient, but our souls are blessed with the impression of the Glory of God whenever we praise Him. The soul could praise God every moment and yet wanting to praise Him yet more, it is constantly hungering and thirsting to find the Beauty and Perfection of God. By the praise of God the soul is filled with bliss; even to utter the name of God is a blessing that can fill the soul with light, joy and happiness as nothing else can do.


The only secret of attaining happiness is to learn how to appreciate our privileges in life. If we cultivate that sense of appreciation we shall be thankful, we shall be contented and every moment we shall offer our thanks to God, for His gifts are many and enormous. When we do not see them it is because our wants cover our eyes from seeing all with which we are blessed by Providence. No meditation, no study, nothing can help in that direction, except one thing, and that is to keep our eyes open to appreciate every little privilege in life, to admire every glimpse of beauty that comes before us, being thankful for every little love, kindness or affection shown to us by young or old, rich or poor, wise or foolish. In this way, continually developing the faculty of appreciating life and devoting it to thanksgiving, we arrive at a bliss which no words can explain, a bliss which is beyond imagination: the bliss that we find ourselves having already entered the kingdom of God.

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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by Sandy »

Thank you, Eric, for sharing your inspiring day and the important message from Hazrat Inayat Khan.
A sense of peace pervades me this morning as I reflect on your post and my life, the glory of God and the "heavens".
Blessings abound
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by happyrain »

I'm particularly fond of this message, especially after the profound sense of peace I felt last night when cleaning up dads mess.

I'm about to move out and a change in attitude happened. Dad was home drunk and passed out. He left a mess in the kitchen. My normal attitude is to be pissed off and say a few disagreeable things in my mind before begrudgingly dealing with clean up. Instead I realized I might not be doing this much longer and thought about how happy it makes my family that I contribute. Suddenly, cleaning up the little mess filled my body with love and appreciation. And the feeling of love was far greater than whatever attitude my ego was ready to lament. It was a curious moment of realization.
The seer, therefore, teaches that all the things that we desire and think beautiful, we ought to produce within ourselves instead of expecting them from others. What a task that is! What great self-sufficiency there would be if every country always itself produced that which it seeks from others; what an independent life it would be to produce within ourselves what we expect to obtain from others! Instead of depending on them for something we ourselves can give them, we should experience the joy of giving, the joy of being kind to others. What joy and freedom we should ourselves find in being kind to another. However natural it may be to have someone love and admire us, are we not dependent? The wife is dependent of her husband's love; the friend is dependent on the friend's love. But in the other case we would be free and independent; for our joy would lie in the love itself, and not in the person.

We should enjoy life by doing kindness to others. Receiving kindness from others only makes the recipient expect more. He keeps saying, 'He is doing this for his own benefit; he is not considering me; he is blaming me; he did not help me; he did not deal fairly with me.' His life becomes full of grudges because he expects from everybody all the good that he wants, and he does not know that he ought to have it all in himself; that he should become independent. Therein lies the secret of character. ... If a person thinks that God is all, but the whole world is vile, he does not worship God, for God is all and God is beautiful. 'God is beautiful and he loves beauty,' the Prophet said. And as His being is in us, we are supposed to love beauty also. What is beauty? Not only the external beauty, but the beauty of personality, the beauty of character, that is the real beauty. If we did not worship it, we should not admire it in other people. We cannot appreciate anything without beauty of character.

All gains, whether material, spiritual, moral, or mystical, are the outcome of one's own character; and if we have gained nothing, it is only by reason of our own character.

Happy days
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by Sandy »

Hey Eric,
I am pondering Your latest post and the Daily Saki, taking it with me into the day. Wow, it is just what I needed and I can certainly apply it to my home life. I asked for guidance and Bam! There it is... :D
Thank you!
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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