URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

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URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by Rebis »

That feeling in your gut, as you view a blood red sun.
You remember now, you remember.

I know some of you are looking at this and understand why you’re here now and what you have to do. Some may still be on their own journey but soon we’re all going to wake up to the call.

Climate change will cause human extinction this century and perhaps all life in the following centuries as our planet turns into a second venus. We are the ones called on to mobilize against it. Someone or some entity implanted this into our perception of reality. It’s been embedded deep into the subconscious minds of many people for decades perhaps laying dormant for centuries. Only a few have started to see the seemingly impossible statistics for certain events related to this number sequence are not chance. But likely a direct communication to our species. It’s probable that an advanced civilization exists beyond our comprehension of linear time and has directly influenced us.

A long chain of generations have specifically chosen for their unique genetic characteristics, and chosen as conduits. Large diverse swaths humanity have been selected. The pre selection process might be near incomprehensibly complex and long. It would seem that some how these entities have even shaped the very people we meet, who we fall in love with, are friends, our environments our challenges, generations before we were born. Your perception of them has been conditioned to you’re particular belief system to make the transition into your work seamless and clear.

No one person who’s been pre selected may have the same purpose here and now.

You may be thinking… this plot sounds familiar.
Well you would be right.

Films like

2001:A Space Oydessy
Close Encounters Of The Third Kind
or more recently
Interstellar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrVpYwUFewU

Even our music or comedy, for example The Simpsons.
This is not chance

This was directly programmed into
The creators subconscious and specifically chosen for it’s wide audience. If you’ve ever done a high intensity psychedelic like LSD, DMT or deep meditation for example. You’ve already been told this. Everything connected nothing wasted, everything recycled. Even when you thought you were insane somehow the phenomena has the ability to re-affirm your trust by showing you synchronistic events for which the probability is in the billions of billions or perhaps even quadrillions. The Likely hood that we’re not receiving high intensity signals from extraterrestrial civilizations isn’t because they’re not there. But because some how the universe has evolved a direct communication system into consciousness, it was right under our nose the entire time and now Like in the film interstellar (a meticulously scientifically accurate film)
Something is desperately trying to help us. Someone cares for us very much and has gone to great lengths to ensure our survival and the survival of life or some life on Earth. It’s also inviting us to
“Touch the Monolith” to usher in the next chapter in human evolution.

You may have asked yourself
why? why me?
or why was I born at this specific time only to be one of the few
human beings to witness of end of all life on Earth. Like 1111
Imagine the probability of that? You are loved and you were chosen for this time, perhaps your consciousness even sent. 1111 isn’t about “the secret” It’s not about attracting material possessions, or living a fairy tale with your twin flame. It’s a call to action. It’s appearing everywhere. Like the error correction code our universe’s algorithm might be based on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGICtTirSrM

Our job is to now unite and organize.
Everyone of you has their place
you may be:

A physicist
A teacher
A film maker
A dentist
A child
A old man
A transgender woman.
A skeptic
A leader
A Mother
A monk
A republican
A Stripper
A solider

Or any more of the highly diverse group of people that seem to be selected based on their abilities and the content of their hearts.

It’s time to go through your friend groups and pick out those who have significance to the problem. Maybe you have a friend who’s a farmer and another who’s a start up ceo. The combination of technology and food is key to our survival. Get it? you are 6 degrees of separation from every human being on this earth.
We need to make micro groups of these interconnected people that are relevant to our issues. You know what you’ve been told to do. Maybe it’s just bake cookies for those who are in despair. Those who think our days are short and our world meaningless.
This butterfly effect will find it’s way to the cause. Every intention matters.

Because the film seems so relevant. I’ll end for now with this quote seen in Interstellar from Dylan Thomas.

"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."
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Re: URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by Sandy »

Hello Rebis,
First of all, I thank you for your own work in regards to climate change and in sharing your passion on this very important issue. It is looming over all of us no matter where we sit on the planet....And while it is probably the most serious problem we will face this century...there are other things that need our love and attention as well... The 1111 is not a one problem fix all, and while many people are being prompted who will turn their skills and attention to this most important issue... what about the children and people of Yemen who are dying in a shameful war, or scientists and workers whose passion involves helping to preserve our plant and wildlife in a seemingly shrinking world, or the health professionals working diligently to solve or prevent some of the greatest medical threats mankind may ever face. I guess my point is the 1111 is a call to search within where you will meet the giver of knowledge that formed universes and galaxies beyond belief in size and scope. It is from this place within where we find our path, and champion our ideals and work to make our world the place of light as it was intended.

I appreciate your post and the kick in the backside about this enormous problem facing mankind and I do hope that you will continue to help us understand in greater detail how each of us in our daily lives can help mankind in this quest for our planet's survival. I suggest along with what Rebis suggests we all repeatedly write our government officials on the climate change issue and if they won't listen let's elect people who will.

Welcome to the message board Rebis and thanks again for your wonderful post.
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Re: URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by Amigoo »

What to fix for less (or better) climate change certainly requires broad participation :bana:

:idea: Consider that the world's transportation systems (planes, ships, trucks, and autos) contribute a majority of the air pollutants that harm the climate. And cell phones plus related technology now contribute significant amounts of electronic radiation (especially in cities) :!:

But most of earth's inhabitants will not travel less or cheaper (e.g., horses, mules, bicycles, walking) ... and a similar large majority will not give up their electronic devices, many communicating with 3G, 4G, and soon 5G networks. :shock:

It may easier to tame the many volcanoes that also pollute the air with material and heat, helping to cause climate change ... not to mention sun cycles that intensify in some years, threatening the planet's ozone layers. :o

We all need to be more informed about the MANY causes of climate change before signing on to quick fix programs that often require burdensome governmental taxation and tend to limit human freedoms. ;)

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Re: URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by happyrain »

Hi! :hithere AWESOME post! and Interstellar is an AWESOME movie! :lol:
It's funny to me how we think the end of our species is the end of the world. :lol:
Thank you for your contribution! I am happy that movie inspired you. =) I saw Love as the medium that allowed him and his Daughter that special connection.
I'd like to share something that inspires me! It's from Autobiography of a Yogi
"Lord," I prayed, "am I dead or alive?" A dazzling play of light filled the whole horizon. A soft rumbling vibration formed itself into words:
"What has life or death to do with light? In the image of My light I have made you. The relativities of life and death belong to the cosmic dream. Behold your dreamless being! Awake, My child, awake!"
Among the trillion of mysteries of the cosmos, the most phenomenal is light. Unlike sound waves, whose transmission requires air or other material media, light waves pass freely through the vacuum of interstellar space. Even the hypothetical ether, held as the interplanetary medium of light in the undulatory theory, may be discared on the Einsteinian grounds that the geometrical properties of space render unnecessary a theory of ether. Under either hypothesis, light remains the most subtle, the freest form material dependence, of any natural manifestation.
It is the Infinite, the Ocean of Power, that lies behind all phenomenal manifestations. Our eagerness for worldly activity kills in us the sense of spiritual awe. Because modern science tells us how to utilize the powers of Nature, we fail to comprehend the Great Life in back of all names and forms. Familiarity with Nature has bren contempt for her ultimate secrets; our relation with her is one of practical business. We tease her, so to speak, to discover the ways in which she may be forced to serve our purposes; we make use of her energies, whose Source yet remains unknown. In science our relation with Nature is like that between an arrogant man and his servant; or, in philosophical sense, Nature is like a captive in the witness box. We cross-examiner her, challenge her, and minutely weigh her evidence in human scales that cannot measure her hidden values.
"On the other hand, when the self is in communion with a higher power, Nature automatically obeys, without stress or strain, the will of man. Yje effortless command over Nature is called 'miraculous' by the uncomprehending materialist.
I think as we progress through the ages and witness this desire of power between nations that fear of life and death will be sold in order to tip the scales, where those with a political agenda will disguise violence as virtuous and ask innocent brothers and sisters to spring into action against one another. I appreciate your efforts in helping other's wake up, that's what I see your post as... Yes, let's all wake up to the glory that is God. My calling, to the best of my ability, is to Seek Him. Leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King were harbingers of peace to this world. Gandhi has said...
One should forgive under any injury. It hath been said that the continuation of the species is due to man's being forgiving. Forgiveness is holiness; by forgiveness the universe is held together. Forgiveness is the might of the mighty; forgiveness is sacrifice; forgiveness is quiet of mind. Forgiveness and gentleness are the qualities of the Self-possessed. They represent eternal virtue.
They have guided many in dark times who've looked to them earnestly and so it seems a deep yearning of the Soul, to find Peace. God is both transcendent and the intimately personal Father, Mother, Friend and Lover of all. I am sure those advanced beings you describe are directing us to become acquainted with such a concept- as were the memorable Men and Women(OUR KIN)who were able to make greater change with nonviolence and an earnest desire for Peace and Love- those who saw God as Love and wanted to learn what that meant.
So it is my Hope, we don't let those who come from an imbalanced mind herd their own kind into slaughtering themselves. There is nothing getting past God. The best we can do is learn Him. Whatever the outcome, in whatever time period, you can make the personal decision now to live a life of Peace and make every attempt to anchor heaven on Earth- even when the rest of the world seems to be going in a different direction. As you've said,
you are 6 degrees of separation form every human being on this earth. This butterfly effect will find it's way to the cause. every intention matters.

I hope to read more form you! :bana Welcome again! :D Thank you for the encouragement.

HR :alien: :elephant:
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Re: URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by Lefty5496 »

Don't be deceived by the nefarious climate-change agenda. Why is there no mention of the obvious worldwide aerosolic spraying in our skies? The evil powers that be, have been spraying us with chemicals, like we are beep-beep roaches at our own expense for a very long time.

Climate change is climate control. Chemtrails, HAARP etc...

I've been aware of these crimes on humanity for a long time, I thank and pray to the Sylphs that embed themselves around me.

There are no natural weather patterns, Mother Nature was hijacked by the Elite a long time ago.
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Re: URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by Sandy »

Hi Lefty,
It's good to see you again.

I've got two little grandsons who I hope to see grow up into fine young men. The world we have created is certainly far from ideal... money and greed became the watch words of industry and the powerful as environmentalist or "greenies" as they are known down here are disrespected for their relentless promptings on behalf of the natural world.

Truly, I cannot take a chance that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the powerful elite, while redirecting the blame in another direction such as climate change. It's not that I doubt your thoughts on this subject... or the dangers inherent in chem trails etc... Seriously, what you say may very well be true...but I am also a believer in science which many times forms relentless patterns from which data and evidence can be found. And science supports the reality of climate change.
I would love for climate change to be a hoax... not because some powerful "people"say it is...but because of two precious little boys who mean the world to me who deserve a future. But I cannot take a chance, sit on my backside while the time to act ticks away. NO, I feel I must act and support ways and means to, at the very least, slow own the process. For their sakes and countless little ones just like them on the planet, I'll do what I can...

Just today I read about the Thwaites Glacier in Antartica... Here are a couple URLs....

https://www.news.com.au/technology/envi ... db89c3cd79

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-02-06/ ... r/10785282

This one is in our back yard here in Australia. And it is terrifying the rate of thaw.

Yes....mother nature is messed up but the blame rests on all of us of the modern world not just the elite ... I suspect generations of shameful excesses are finally catching up to us.

So on that note... I am asking that people out there with knowledge on real time things individuals can do to help in this global effort to please share any information and understanding with us. I'll try to do a bit of research on that subject myself.

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Re: URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by Lefty5496 »

Hi Sandy,

Although "climate change" may not entirely be what we think it is, and I respect your passion on the topic. The fear instilled in us is very real.

All that I really meant to suggest; is that TPTB are using the guise of "climate change" to intentionally cause destruction & chaos around the "globe" (if you believe we are living on a spinning ball) without ever worrying about being caught, or any repercussions.

One thing I've learned about "facts", "stats", "studies" etc ... especially when it comes to the topic of our enviroment, is that they can't be trusted. The old saying " you can't disagree with science" is the oldest trick in the book, to dismiss any skeptics. Science is lie-ence. Don't let these alleged "stats" control your perception or outlook.

I have 2 young children. I sometimes wonder if raising them in such a toxic enviroment was such a smart idea.
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Re: URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by Lefty5496 »

Discernment is of theupmost importance.
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Re: URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by Sandy »

Hi lefty,

I can remember many years go there was a distructive rain and flood event affecting the Ohio River not far from where we lived. It was during the hub bub of the flood that industry (Ohio River is an industrial River) dumped chemicals and taboo waste into the River so what you say here does not surprise me...
All that I really meant to suggest; is that TPTB are using the guise of "climate change" to intentionally cause destruction & chaos around the "globe" (if you believe we are living on a spinning ball) without ever worrying about being caught, or any repercussions.
But this statement concerns me a smidgen....
One thing I've learned about "facts", "stats", "studies" etc ... especially when it comes to the topic of our environment, is that they can't be trusted. The old saying " you can't disagree with science" is the oldest trick in the book, to dismiss any skeptics. Science is lie-ence. Don't let these alleged "stats" control your perception or outlook.
My Father was a scientist...a physicist to be precise and he was/is as honest as the day is long. I suspect there are far more scientist who take their work extremely seriously and refuse to be derailed then those who choose profits over truth especially something as important and with world wide consequences as climate change.. In reality, I don't rely on stats but research work from a fair number of universities .... some of those listed above in another post. When most are touting the same thing... well....

I suppose regardless of how the effects are coming about, the initial cause, we do have a problem that must be solved.

Love and God Bless,
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Re: URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by Lefty5496 »


I had no intent of accusing your Father of being a "lientist". I'm sure he would agree with my statement that, there are many "scientists" that get propped up quickly on the world stage, with a nefarious and clandestine agenda to push.

Over the years, I've seen way too many examples of legitimate scientists, with good intentions, that get muzzled or censored, because of the fact their findings may not tote the narrative of whatever agenda is in place, or strike the truth nerve. Seems to me, that telling the truth is criminal. Scary.

I all that I'm suggesting is that, the mainstream science community is littered with gate-keeping shills, all set in place to dismiss, disinform and discredit any form of dissent.
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Re: URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by Sandy »

Hi Lefty,

You wrote:
I had no intent of accusing your Father of being a "lientist". I'm sure he would agree with my statement that, there are many "scientists" that get propped up quickly on the world stage, with a nefarious and clandestine agenda to push.
I'm pleased to know that your science disdain does not lend itself to all scientists...but honestly that was not clear from your previous post. Still I should have known and read between the lines. :)

Well, we, the people, have so many enemies I wouldn't know how to ever begin naming them...They exist seemingly in every political climate in the world, every science division and even in our religious leaders at times. Everyone seems to have an agenda. I am wondering if it has always been this way and unsuspecting trusting "little ones"like me :roll: never noticed. :roll: :?

I do understand what you are saying now... I'm thinking Monsanto might be an example...propping up science and using it to declare their products are safe.
Ahhhh well...we fight on. :) But not with each other my friend. I did mean it when I said it was good to see you again. I hope you have been well and so too your family.

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Re: URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by Lefty5496 »

Nice to be back & thanks for the welcoming return.

Not here to create any waves, however this is a topic I've been passionate about.

& yes, you are right about "enemies" all around us. It seems "they" have infiltrated any good thing that exists.

Who are "they"? Tought to know for certain, however I have my suspicions. They have been in power and control for way too long. They lurk in the shadows... trying to stay hidden from the unawake society to notice, for those of us with eyes to see, we understand how bold they are... they even have the nerve to tell us what's in store.
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Re: URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by Lefty5496 »

Truth hidden in plain site.
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Re: URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by pointman19 »

I hope you dont mind if i offer an opinon on this. I didnt have time to watch the video and i have never done LSD, DMT or Deep Meditation. However, i do agree with you. Climate change is scaring me and i see it right by the lake in Northeast ohio. One day ill dig up some pictures to show you that i know what you mean.

Its really hard getting people to see your point of view....you try to stress the urgency of not only the matter you speak of, but i also agree with Sandy in a very big way. BUT...i want to tell you this....when i was trying, personally, to get my points across about a wide swath of issues....people thought i was getting combative with them, because i feel so passionatley about so many issues. This led to anger on my part...i would lash out, call people dumb...please dont judge me, i was wrong to take that path...i should have found alternative solutions and a better way to open their eyes. That was my HUGE mistake, and im dealing with the consequences. But i can only apologize and try to show my sincererety through those same alternative solutions. Ive tried this with two people i hurt with my words so far, and pretty badly too. They are .....slowly.... talking to me again. But ive still got more proving to do and i cant shove every issues in front of peoples eyes at once. It has to be on their terms, and on what they want to discuss...what makes them passionate.

Im sorry, you dont know me....but i just felt that i didnt want you to feel that you were alone. Im sorry i didnt read other responses yet, just the original posters and Sandys.

I hope my response was the proper alternative solution...i dont want to make anyone mad at me anymore. Love you guys (11:11)


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Re: URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by Sandy »

We do live in confusing strange and unsettling times. Your wise words strike a chord with me Jason as I too seem to want to save the world all on my own at times. I'm certainly not proud of my feelings toward certain politicians...and my mom would wash my mouth out with soap if she heard me utter the name that I call one in particular when his "mug" is shown on the television. I think it is highly likely that thinking someone is "dumber then ...(sorry can't think of anything dumber lol) is just as bad as telling them off in person...So I join you in my sincerest wish to let it go, make amends and being a hopefully better person some day. Time is a big healer and I suspect it may take some time and divine influence to overcome all the obstacles to a peaceful, compassionate love -filled world. We'll get there and i'm wondering if working on ourselves and growing into the kind of person who defines a "child of God"title... is the way it all begins...sort of save ourselves and the world will naturally follow. (hopefully :mrgreen: )

Still we are on such a tight time constraint with this climate stuff....sigh...

((((Hugs)))) Good to see you again, Jason. :hithere
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Re: URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by pointman19 »

Oh yea....ive got things to tell you on that opinion too.....nothing bad, i promise..im talking about the ugly mug thing...and you KNOW how i think...im very ANTI....mug...sorry if i offend people, but there is some very SLIGHT truth to some things


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Re: URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by pointman19 »

All i know...and i swear im not being a terrible person here...is that i was told...a truth is amonsgt all the lies


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Re: URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by happyrain »

Hey Jason,
I hope you're doing better today. LN was a whirlwind of post. I agree with Sandy... Gurunath often says, "Self peace for world peace."
Did you happen to catch todays celestial message? The timing seemed pretty relevant.

Lately I am feeling blessed to live in this nation. The beauty that I see is in waking up to the potential that is before us. Hope is so important, plenty of folks ruminate on a greater picture only to find things they disagree with and don't know where to go from there. If more of us were to invest on working on ourselves- like our health for instance, think of the amazing ripple effect it'd have on the environment. Becoming cognizant of ones health, from cultivating mindfulness to practicing discipline, learning ones body and mind is a journey that means waking up to something greater than our individual health. It isn't easy, as anyone who tries to change their unwanted behavior quickly finds out- there's a lot of sacrifice but even more reward. Eventually we see the unhealthy practices and everyday influences of corporations looking to make an easy buck- from food to leisure, education and medicine. We even begin to see the impact our Health has on our Host Planet Earth and one day the choice we are faced with becomes clear. The current system may not be the best but it's not a bad system at all, the power you hold as a consumer and as a individual is far greater than what we readily know. In the effort to work on yourself, you can decide where to invest your $$$'s, your time and your interest. You can choose to progress even when it seems like the world is crumbling all around, you are making the choice to liberate yourself so nothing may rob you of your equilibrium. Have Faith that your effort to cultivate awareness will have an impact on others because it does- even when you can't see it.
When it comes to politicians and the inner workings of our system, there's too much we don't know. Our power as a nation holds vast wonderful information and terribly dark secrets, all manner of importance above our heads. Whether a few high-powered individuals prove their worth or not, if enough people are awake and willing to take immediate affairs into their own hands, those hidden forces at work become exposed and the people steer the outcome to a more desired result.

To think it all starts on ourselves. These nations are constantly evolving. What I see in America is the amazing potential given to the people to refine liberties. That's where Hope comes in. It's happening now, but we've let the old ways bring us down. In the name of Profit we've denied our children Hope. Well... It's not so. Don't let the past negatively affect us(don't be guilted by others into submission). Do not fear the rapid evolution of technology- do not vote for politicians that okay violence, spread fear and division or themselves are overly apologetic. There will be plenty of things we disagree with, there are resources available to us that give us an advantage, yes there are elements of corruption all around and yes we are very fortunate as a nation. We mustn't be afraid of open conversation, of admitting what we do not know because Truth will find a way. It's been growing all this time with us... Jason and friends, I think we are smack in the middle of an awesome transition- we see what's becoming outdated and we help set new standards. I vote we choose Love, I vote with the belief in God and a sentient Universe, in respect for Life and a wonderful Journey of this Discovery. You have a power. Don't worry about the lies, vote for what you believe in- invest in what you believe in, build what you believe in all with eyes and heart for Love Transcendent. You are a Leader in this Age... self peace for world peace! Work on yourself and enjoy the ride.

God Bless. <3
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Re: URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by Sandy »

Wow...Eric...your post sits comfortable now within...I should have it printed (in large print, of of course) and have it handy because as you say... it isn't easy this journey of ours...but "we aren't built in a day" either, eh?

So patience firstly with me, myself, secondly with the world ( may be in order...LOL)
Becoming cognizant of ones health, from cultivating mindfulness to practicing discipline, learning ones body and mind is a journey that means waking up to something greater than our individual health. It isn't easy, as anyone who tries to change their unwanted behavior quickly finds out- there's a lot of sacrifice but even more reward. Eventually we see the unhealthy practices and everyday influences of corporations looking to make an easy buck- from food to leisure, education and medicine. We even begin to see the impact our Health has on our Host Planet Earth and one day the choice we are faced with becomes clear.
And this...
I vote we choose Love, I vote with the belief in God and a sentient Universe, in respect for Life and a wonderful Journey of this Discovery. You have a power. Don't worry about the lies, vote for what you believe in- invest in what you believe in, build what you believe in all with eyes and heart for Love Transcendent. You are a Leader in this Age... self peace for world peace! Work on yourself and enjoy the ride.
Wow...I will take what you say to heart and will try... Thank goodness every day is a new beginning...So with that I am going to get out in nature...harvest some herbs and really think about what you have shared and greater implications as to where I go from here. Sort of exciting when you view the world with "fresh eyes."..or is it an open heart? ;) :)
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Re: URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by happyrain »

thanks sandy. fresh eyes, open heart- thats wonderful. somethig to strive for. i better get to it.
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Re: URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by pointman19 »

Hey Happy! Its been a while!

While im on medication for my ADHD, i got halfway through your post and i couldnt agree more. However, i will try to finish the rest tonight...some things i cant change regardless of meds LOL.

Things have been changing drasticly but its for the better. Im seeing that with some effort on my part and following life synchronus signs, really good things can come out of everything. When i posted last, i was still unmedicated...hence the fifty posts in a minutes time in another thread i started. Sandy, i hope that one day we can still have that phone call. I think youll be happy to hear that "Northeast Ohio" accent haha. But seriously, if i didnt seek help, willingly, and get myself the help i needed for my mental problems, i would still be talking a hundred miles an hour and trying to make every single point that goes through my head...It would have been an overflow of information that would have confused even me...The best way i can describe it is that its like having one road...but instead of a fork in that road, theres hundreds of them, all with logical points. What im on now, helps that "bottleneck" problem for my explanations for information. I mean, its really hard to describe but its easy to talk to me now LOL.

Back when i was on anotther 11 forum, we would have group talks...like we would get on our phones and have some kind of a conference call where there would be upwards to five or more people on the line all discussing ideas. I had to give that up as i would try to talk way to much and eventually, i would talk over people no matter how hard i tried not to. I bet i could do that now and manage the call with a lot more ease...albeit, i would still be nervous...but nerves never stopped me before.

Anyways, i apologize if i kinda hijacked the thread, that wasnt my intention. Its really nice to see everyone again, and im glad im still welcome (i think lol). Youll still have to take into consideration my spelling errors....meds or not, my fingeres cant keep up with my mind at times. although, i was told my spelling wouldnt be an issue here and i shouldnt have to focus so much on my spell checking. My points would still get across...i think.

Light and Life everyone!


“A better world starts with the thoughts of each individual. Do have ‘better thoughts.’ --Teacher Monjoronson

It so simple...so easy..so life changing. --Sandra Barnard
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Re: URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by happyrain »

Hey Bro!

It's all good! Seriously. Glad to read your post.

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Re: URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by Sandy »

I smile every time I see your photo on the board and the Cleveland Browns logo. Yep, Northern Ohio is very close in heart. Even though I now sit in the bottom half of the world I still remember the frosty landscape of my beloved home in Ohio. I guess being summer it's not so frosty now, eh?

No we do not worry about mistakes of grammar and spelling here. LOL If we did oh my! :shock: I'd be in soooooo much trouble.
I think it isn't the words people speak but the spirit of the words that holds the most weight. Does that make any sense? ... Where the words come from, a place of kindness, hope, compassion , caring, helpfulness etc... I suppose even in our most confrontational episodes in life it might help to break the words and thoughts down into a base form beneath the words. ai yi yi ...now I am confusing myself...but I think I just proved my point that no one has to be an articulate writer to post here... ;) :roll: :)

Life is very beautiful today... down here in the south end...George, turned 80 yesterday... and a part of me just wants to hold on to life...slow it down a bit. Keep everything close and safe... I don't suppose it works that way. Challenges of every description arise and hopefully between our growing faith, strength, desire, persistence and help from divine we meet "come what may" with a smile of determination. You've demonstrated that today with your post and the sharing of your own challenges.

Love you Jason...fellow Ohioan, 1111 board family member and friend,
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Re: URGENT: It’s time to mobilize, climate change ending our world.

Post by pointman19 »

I love and miss you guys too! Give George my Best :sunflower: :bana:


“A better world starts with the thoughts of each individual. Do have ‘better thoughts.’ --Teacher Monjoronson

It so simple...so easy..so life changing. --Sandra Barnard
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