possible sign?

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Re: possible sign?

Post by Seeker13 »

Ha! It's 65 here and I'll wear shorts if it's over 60! I've got a glass of water in one hand and a note saying, "All is well in the other!" Hopefully my lesson building session is on the wane, at least for now. They need to create an emoticon sighing and wiping his brow in relief... then one drinking a glass of water doing the banana flower dance! :bana: :bana: :sunflower: :bana: :bana: :sunflower: Spent about an hour on the beach Sunday all by myself. It's crazy the bay looked frozen over four days ago, then suddenly the ice was broken up and floating over on the eastern shore.

Yesterday I found something great for relieving stress.... a leaf blower. I'm serious! The motel has an electric one, so I wasn't expecting much, turning it on I blew away the snow shovel, a broom and sent the heavy outside mat flying! It was great! I started giggling like a crazy person(Sandy I was dropped on my head too) As averse as I am to the noise and grinding of the snowblower, the leaf blower is now my new best friend! Imagine what it could do in cleaning a room! Not only would dirt be a thing of the past, I bet it could be an alternative to using the dryer too. "Pachoo!!!" Send a sheet flying up into the air, by the time it came down it would be dry, pressed and heck why not even folded?... I think I've got some serious brain storming to do.

Meanwhile, my heart is lighter and the smile back on my face. I'm breathing deeply, drinking plenty of water(while gazing at the water) and grateful for all the help and helpers that surround me. Time to get back at it!

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Re: possible sign?

Post by Sandy »

Ahhh it is so good to hear that chipper voice of yours again, Kim! You sound much better...and I'm now thinking I must get me one of those leaf blowers. ( Not that our landlord allows much in the way of trees in the yard.) I was watching the next door neighbour using one of those just last week. He had it on vacuum instead of blowing...looked sort of like fun...but a little noisy. Do you wear ear plugs when you use this amazing machine?
:lol: Let me know if you master the drying and folding of sheets and I'll be a customer for life! I was wrestling with one of those for the neighbour girl yesterday, trying to get it off the clothesline and not let it touch the ground yet still get it folded into some kind of reasonable order. I finally gave up and just rolled it up as best I could. :?

Well enjoy that gorgeous lake on your doorstep... I have some yard work to do today so I am really looking forward to being outside on such a gorgeous day! :bana:
Take care of yourselves!
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Re: possible sign?

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Sandy,
No trees?! I need trees as much as I need the water...both for drinking and for looking at. I do wear ear plugs when using the leaf blower or any other loud contraption. And I could literally fold a sheet in my sleep, even the fitted ones. At a Mom & Pop motel I wear all the hats.. laundry is my life! :o Along with painting, mowing, making reservations... well' you know... everything. :roll Just look at the skills gained this past year all the office stuff, learning to plow, using a snow blower, redicovering a leaf blower! Why before long I'll know how to do EVERYTHING! :bana: Yesterday I painted all the bathroom hardware from one of the bathrooms. But! I was outside at a picnic table on a sunny day watching the different moods of the bay. It's so much fun changing old and disgusting, to beautiful and SHINY! Today I'm off shopping with a list as long as my arm. Am excited because I'm treating myself to sushi. :tongue:

It's nice to feel like myself again. Being ornery and anxious is so much work! :bomb

Dave and I went to our writers group the other day, not only do I love being around those people, the synchronicities were flowing like crazy! :sunny: We bring writings we've been working on for the last month, also work on an exercises at the meeting, sharing them with the group. I brought five poems and shared a key word in each of them with every other member there. Also when we arrived my friend Marie Elana explained what she'd been going through over the past month, :grrr it was a crazy parallel to what I'd been experiencing, all of my writings reflected the same feelings, it was a little crazy! :alien: My sister also was going through similar experiences and feelings at the same time. I realized the pattern and felt it was all for clearing old garbage we we're holding on to. Even though I knew what it was all about, it seemed I had to go through the process. This is where I sigh heavily in relief and feel grateful for getting to the other side of it.

Time to hit the road :bike: . Have a wonderful day! :flower:
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Re: possible sign?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,
Just think about all that can now grow with all that "old garbage cleared out"! :bana: Spring is a time for new growth and new beginnings and it seems nature is complimenting your efforts. Well done for getting through it and arriving all nice and shiny on the other side. :sunflower:

I know you have told me how busy you are and Wow...you aren't a kidding, eh? And I am sure what you spoke of as your duties at your mom and pop hotel were just the tip of the iceberg. Still, you sound awesomely wonderful despite running here and there, washing this and that, and painting one thing or another. You inspire me to remember that putting love and energy into whatever we are doing comes back to us tenfold! (or is it threefold? LOL well... never mind...it's all good. ;) )
Have a great evening and day until we can speak again. I am grateful for your presence in my life and on this board and I am sure many others would agree with that statement. :kiss:
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Re: possible sign?

Post by Zachary »

I apologize for being slow with responses. I've been so busy!

There's plenty to talk about, from Sandy being dropped on her head, to Kim letting loose with a leaf blower!! Of all the power tools I've used, I never used a leaf blower and wouldn't think to use it the ways you described! Btw, I like your job description. It seems there's plenty of different things to do.
Variety - yes! :sunflower: :bana:
And yes! We need water emoticons!!!
I have 3 bottles of water surrounding me, all at different levels, one is slightly cool and typing this to you makes me feel like a water connoisseur

Btw Sandy, I dropped my sister on her head once... 8)
I wish you could have more tree's in your yard - especially if your climate can grow fruit trees. I have some future lemons with my name on it; I'm excited :mrgreen:
I hope your clothesline isn't sagging too much! I recently strung one up with a swivel attached to a threaded bolt - to screw in for more tension, I recommend it if you have never tried it.

:flower: :flower:

:loves Zach
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Re: possible sign?

Post by Sandy »

Oh thank you Zach for mentioning water! I am turning over another nice new leaf and trying to remember to drink more water today. Obviously, I am not doing a very good job if it is already nearly 2:00pm and I am just remembering to grab some... :oops:

But here's to new beginnings! :D

And lemon trees...as soon as you mentioned your future lemons... I remembered and felt bad that I had forgotten these small but already productive lemon trees that we planted for our landlord a couple months ago. One of them immediately put on what is now the biggest lemon I have ever seen. But a credit to their strength... it is having no trouble holding it up as if it is proud of itself and rightly should be! My only hope is that we can nab it when it is ripe, before the wild Cockatoos discover it. What am I saying! :roll: They don't miss a thing and probably already have it sized and measured for their dinner one night soon. Who can be mad at them though. Such wonderful cheeky birds! :lol: When they look you in the eye and fluff their feathers I can forgive them nearly anything. (Pushover with a capital "P"! sigh)

We also have an Oleander bush as big as a Dogwood tree in the yard, as well as a crazy, wild, full of branches, apple tree that is standing so close to the large Oleander that you would think they were engaged. At the base of these two is an enormous, tropical, huge-leaved "something er other"...And so, this threesome is a bird paradise. They feel safe there while waiting their turn for a bath or a drink at the dish tub I keep full of fresh water below! It is truly amazing what a little guaranteed water does for the variety of birds visiting our yard.

Oh there I go again... running away with the jabbering... anyway... you have a great evening...all of you! XX
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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