I am blessed on Visitation of Angels

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I am blessed on Visitation of Angels

Post by veena »

About me
Basically I am not a ritualistic praying type of a person nor a conformist of religious beliefs and traditions. But there are times when I have felt the presence of God while I prayed.

Birth of spirituality
Eight months ago, I had a fall and had fractures including my coccygeal bone. When I hit the ground, I felt a rush of warm channelled flow going upwards along my backbone. I was alone at home. My husband had ignored me and gone with his mother so I did not tell him or anybody else and was recovering by myself. As per my habit, I started searching the medical sites as to what was that warm channelled rush but instead I was taken to Kundalini awakening sites and that was the beginning of my quest. I would be on net for 20 hours a day. I would not sleep and not waste a minute of the day on anything else. This quest was a sudden change in me. I explored spirituality and read spiritual books lying down and nothing could stop me. I started meditating while lying down. Strange things happened during those three weeks’ time when I was alone. I would get clear answers in my dreams to my questions I slept with resulting from extensive spiritual net surfing. I had visions while meditating. I visualized Merkaba while meditating on my life purpose. I didn’t know what it was but all out of the blue, net surfing landed me on the page. My intuition heightened to a very great extent. At one time in between meditating, I suddenly got up to open the door thinking that if my son comes, he will be stranded so better if I leave the door open, even though it was not the time he would come home so early but strange enough, he was at the door about to ring the bell. I was once again flabbergasted as to what a coincidence it was. I heard sometimes my name calling while no one was there. Occasionally I saw vivid colours that are not seen anywhere on this earth when meditating. One day I was on net and read about angels and how they leave a sign if they visit you. After a while when I went to the terrace, a found a green feather lying there, I was amazed beyond words. Following that I would see repeating numbers every other time daily. Strange enough, I had no clue about anything but somehow it often caught my attention every time I saw repeating numbers. I accidentally landed up with repeating numbers (not just 1111) on net as well since I was on it practically the whole day and to my surprise the repeating numbers were indication of the angel numbers with a message. Everything was happening in a very well organised manner as if I am being directed and taught by divinity (I believe) without my efforts and my knowing. It was as if net was my virtual teacher. During this time there was 100 % no distraction at all. No TV, no nothing, everything was in my control. Three weeks later, somehow my secret eventually had to come out and my husband came back and that was the end of everything.
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Re: I am blessed on Visitation of Angels

Post by Sandy »

Hi Veena, :hithere
Thank you for sharing this part of your life with us. I cringed at the thought of those poor broken bones of yours and your repairing quietly without telling anyone. I hope that you are all healed and in no pain as you write your post here 8 months later. Although, it seems to me that you put the "down time" to good use as you investigated the many spiritual aspects to life as you were divinely led.

It makes me smile to think of the way the internet can be put to such good use by our celestial friends. In fact, something similar, (without the broken bones, ;) ) happened to me and I was led to investigate and still am being led to investigate differing spiritual concepts and religious beliefs. Sometimes it is one aspect in particular that my Teachers and the Divine Spark within wish me to consider other times it is a more broad spectrum that comes to the fore but it is definitely been to my advantage to follow the guidance and direction of the Divine as it comes to me in various forms.
You wrote:
Everything was happening in a very well organised manner as if I am being directed and taught by divinity (I believe) without my efforts and my knowing. It was as if net was my virtual teacher. During this time there was 100 % no distraction at all. No TV, no nothing, everything was in my control. Three weeks later, somehow my secret eventually had to come out and my husband came back and that was the end of everything.
I am wondering, from what you described, if you were experiencing what is known as an "enlightening experience." For those who may not have heard of such a thing...sometimes this out of the blue and wondrous contact can last for a day or even weeks with spiritual euphoria...and every aspect seemingly falling completely and efficiently into place.

As you discovered, these divine personalities, the wonderful Celestial energy personages we can connect with when we are quiet, increase our wisdom, happiness and harmony and they are always there for us. So I guess what I am thinking is despite changed circumstances, the Divine guidance is still with you and will be there whenever you wish. Another member, Violet, just posted today a lovely and helpful transmit in the Misc. section that describes the beauty of daily working along side the Celestials and embracing the wisdom of our Divine Spark within. http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=24527 In reality, what the Teachers are describing may not be the all encompassing spiritual Euphoria as you experienced during your amazing three week period, but that kind of intensity would be hard for a human to uphold day in and day out without sustaining a possible resultant loss of balance in other aspects of life. Yet, spiritual progress can also be measured by the gentleness of shared love and caring... compassion, kindness, understanding for humans and all life etc... There is no one way to describe spiritual progress as it is different for each one of us. So in my confused ramblings I guess what I am trying to say, Veena, is that you have not lost what you gained from that amazing three week period, no it may very well be taking on a new form.... steady, less fevered, and more sustainable way of progression. Quiet stillness reopens beautiful pathways that are our birth right and helps us to find balance and a kind of harmony in our lives. Although, of course, difficult things can still happen and we can face many challenges... still, we feel/know we are not facing the situations alone... and that is worth its weight in gold, eh?

Anyway, I so enjoyed reading your post and am so glad you have joined us! :D Thank you once again for sharing and do please continue to share your own unique insights. We all learn from each other as well as from our Celestial Guides and Teachers.

Hmmm... so what I really want to say after all that bit of "jabbering" is, "A BIG WELCOME to our board, Veena!" :sunflower:
With Love,
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Re: I am blessed on Visitation of Angels

Post by veena »

Thanks for your reassuring reply. Those three weeks were the best weeks of my life, I felt so good and special. You are right that is not the end, I know they are still around and I am still being directed by celestial Guides. I have much more to add .... but to cut short, I am automatically finding opportunities and people who are helping me in my spiritually journey. Everything is falling in place much to my surprise. It's just unbelievable what this world is about. Eight months ago I was nowhere around spirituality and now nothing else interests me. :loves
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Re: I am blessed on Visitation of Angels

Post by Sandy »

Everything is falling in place much to my surprise. It's just unbelievable what this world is about. Eight months ago I was nowhere around spirituality and now nothing else interests me.
:D When I first realized there was so much more to this world and Life I remember feeling like Dorothy in "The Wizard Of Oz" movie when she emerges from the downed house into the Munchkin village. The world held colours and beings I had never dreamed existed and they all were available wishing me the best with their guidance and communication! :bana:

LOL Now I am hearing music from that movie...It will be in my head for the rest of the day I suspect. :roll: :)
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Re: I am blessed on Visitation of Angels

Post by happyrain »

Hi Veena,
What an awesome realization.

Welcome to the forum. :hithere
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Re: I am blessed on Visitation of Angels

Post by veena »

After all that yet another incident i would like to share. I was advised to get initiation of Kundalini by my spiritual teacher. That day I was supposed to get up early to reach there on time so I had set my clock with two different alarms so that I don’t miss them. In the morning, when I heard both the alarms, I still wasn’t willing to get up and wanted to sleep more. A very pleasant bell rang in my ears which made me get up. I looked at the watch and the second alarm was yet to ring! I smiled, and I knew they were my celestial friends playing with me keeping me on track. I went ahead with initiation of Kundalini by my spiritual teacher. I was optimistic that I will be able to make further progress towards spirituality.

We had meditation after initiation of Kundalini with our eyes focused on our spiritual teacher. I could see a very bright Halo like sunlight around his head as many did. We were to close our eyes for meditation after open eye meditation for a while. I had a strange experience after that. When we closed our eyes, since I was sitting on right side corner of the room, my face was towards spiritual teacher slightly twisted towards my left. While my eyes were closed, my head involuntarily started twisting (tick-tick-tick-like a second’s needle of a clock) towards right so as to be aligned straight. These experiences were just amazing. :sunflower:
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Re: I am blessed on Visitation of Angels

Post by Sandy »

Hi Veena,
I am grinning from ear to ear as I visualize this special day you shared with us. Wonders abound don't they?
Thanks for posting this. It truly has brightened my day!
Hugs :sunny:
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Re: I am blessed on Visitation of Angels

Post by veenaS »

What does it mean when you see 122, 233, 455 and the likes sometimes soon changing to 123, 234, 456
What does it mean when you see 221, 443, 221, 665, 121, 454, 232 and the likes sometimes soon changing to 222, 444, 222, 666, 122, 455, 233
213, 243 etc

what I mean is a number which immediately changes to a repeating sequence.
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Re: I am blessed on Visitation of Angels

Post by Sandy »

Hi Veena,
It is good to see you again! :)

People interpret numbers differently. One reason why I often say the prompts are very personal because the celestial beings prompting us know how we will react and where we may go to decipher the meanings or even that we may create meanings ourselves from the circumstances surrounding the timing of the prompt in relation to what is happening at the time in our lives. It all can sound rather complicated when looked at prompting as a whole, but it isn't... as it is, we only need concern ourselves with our relationship with the Divine...our needs and how the Divine works to meet those spiritual needs in a way we can relate to. If you are open to number prompts and even ask to be prompted there is a very good chance, better then average, that you will be and even more will come to you as you ask and do the spiritual work that is helpful and conducive to ever more fulfilling stillness and meditation moments.

So first, even before looking up some of the URLs I will provide. Think about when some of these numbers arrived. Try to remember what you were doing... what you were thinking and what you inner most goals and desires might have been. If you can't remember that's okay. No worries. But maybe in the days to come you may keep these questions in the back of your mind and put them to use when you receive a prompt.

Next I will share with you what I adopted as far as the meaning for some of these prompts when I was lead to this site 11 years ago. Here are a few threads where George and some of the old timers spoke of these things...
http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4 (This one provides a general outlook )
http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2059 (The first page especially of this thread is very helpful)

George writes of the prompts on the above thread:
ABC-22 tends to lob into my "burrow" at 1:22 (ABC-22), or number 22 of the first family. I read 12:12 like I read 11:11, 1:11, 1:01, 2:02 etc. Just an "hello", likely with a subliminal message "attached" which will safely surface when needed. 2:22 IMO is just another double digit prompt.

4:44 is generally understood to deal with Destiny Guardians and the Cherubim -- saying "us four" are on duty. Hi-dee, how-dee, Kiddo!

12:34 and 12:48 deal with "progress" (progression). It means "Good on ye" or "yes!", go ahead for the sake of progress.... we concur.

The good thing about it is that once you yourself establish a given meaning, they'll know, and prompt you further along those same lines. See dreams below*****

The 11:11, 12:12, 1:01, 2:02 etc was my suggestion back in 1988. It was immediately taken up on, because of the convenience of most of these being 61 minutes apart, not 60. And in that one minute, I tell people, the Midwayers can do their washing, a weeks worth of shopping, and pay all outstanding bills. )

Dreams **** for instance... If you buy a book on dream interpretations, no matter how unlikely the interpretations, your Destiny Guardians already know the book, and will serve up dreams to suit. Back in the sixties one of my patients gave me a dream interpretation book. I read it from cover to cover, and I was not impressed with it, but from that time on almost every new psych patient began to tell me dreams that related to that very book, and this gave me faster insights into their neuroses, phobias, disorders, etc. My dreams, too, changed immediately, and when I requested to be given just 3 main points to conclude on, it was immediately accepted... not just for me, but for 100's of patients, too.
I took all this to heart and so to this day the Midwayers prompt me in this way. For instance I know when I get a 1:22 on my clock that it is Chief Bzutu saying hello.
As I wrote this just now I looked at a clock on my desk and was rewarded with a 12:34 and so a progressive number like that is for me a quick pat on the back... progress. :lol:
so if I were to receive the numbers 123, 234, 456 , I would chalk them up to progress, moving forward progressively in some aspect of my life.

I too have used Doreen Virtue, a well known Angel author and communicator's reference guide to the numbers that she put together along with her own Angel guides and Teachers.
We have shared some of it on our board too under the 11:11 More Numbers sequence thread but it might be easiest and best to see a more in depth information from her site.
http://spiritlibrary.com/doreen-virtue/ ... the-angels

There you will find information that will help you with triple numbers such as 222...
222 - Our newly planted ideas are beginning to grow into reality. Keep watering and nurturing them, and soon they will push through the soil so you can see evidence of your manifestation. In other words, don't quit five minutes before the miracle. Your manifestation is soon going to be evident to you, so keep up the good work! Keep holding positive thoughts, keep affirming, and continue visualizing.
or 444...
444 - The angels are surrounding you now, reassuring you of their love and help. Don't worry because the angels' help is nearby.
Help on deciphering numbers such as 433 can be found there as well...but for me ( and see this is what I say when the numbers are personal :) )...4:33 would simply remind me that Midwayer Mathew is here with me. But another person would take to heart that which Doreen suggests as follows...
4's and 3's, such as 443 or 433 - You have a lot of help around you right now! Both the ascended masters and the angels are here to assist, guide, and love you. Reach out to them, as they are reaching out to you.
She also has a formula for finding the meaning for numbers such as 213...
Number Combinations

The angels will often give you a message that involves a combination of two or more numbers. Here are the basic meanings of triple-digit, two-number combinations. If your messages contain three or more numbers, blend the answers from the different number combinations. For instance, if you continually notice the sequence 312, use the meaning of the 3 and 1 number combination, plus the 1 and 2 combination.
So 213, thus taken from her site, the meaning from 2 and 1 combination ...
2's and 1's, such as 221 or 112 - Our thoughts are like seeds that are beginning to sprout. You may have already seen some evidence of the fruition of your desires. These are signs that things will and re growing in your aspired direction. Keep the faith!
... and the meaning of 1 and 3 combination...
1's and 3's, such as 133 or 113 - The ascended masters are working with you on your thought processes. In many ways, they are acting as mentors, teaching you the ancient wisdom involved in manifestation. They are sending you energy to keep you from feeling discouraged, and encouragement to stay focused on the true goals of your soul. Additionally, the ascended masters may be offering you advice, guidance, and suggestions on your life purpose. Always, however, they teach that every creation begins at the level of thought and idea. Ask them to help you choose wisely that which you want.
We simply combine both above meanings to get the answer.

If you can, it is always helpful to quiet yourself...go into meditation/stillness and allow information to come to you..to sense and intuit the meanings and how they apply to your life. Of course, sometimes this isn't something we can do at the time... but taking note and following through later when there is better opportunity will hopefully give the best understanding.

Hope some of this long-winded reply helps, Veena. :D Remember the so - called meanings and acceptance of meanings here or somewhere else is totally up to you. The Angels and Midwayers will work with you at the level you understand and desire. We just need to ask for help, guidance, understanding and keep our eyes and ears, and in fact, all our senses, open to discover not only initial meanings but further our relationship with the Divine and our celestial siblings.
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Re: I am blessed on Visitation of Angels

Post by veena »

Thank you Sandy for the reply, I just saw today. I had completely forgotten that I had asked this question on this forum. :sorry: I continue seeing repeating numbers and feel blessed. Thanks :loves
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Re: I am blessed on Visitation of Angels

Post by Sandy »

:lol: No worries, Veena.... In all honesty I have enjoyed re reading this thread again and thinking about your experiences of a few years ago. :sunflower: It is great to have you pop in and visit us again. Makes for a great start to my day. :D
Hope life is big, bright and beautiful for you!
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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