11'ers Meet Up, What's your Thoughts?

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Re: 11'ers Meet Up, What's your Thoughts?

Post by Seeker13 »

Dave and I are leaving Monday morning and will back on the 20th. We are celebrating Ken's birthday on Saturday. I will try my hand at my first gluten free carrot cake. I love fall cooking! We had squash soup, gluten free corn bread, home made cider and baked apples the day before yesterday. On a different note Michigan is suppose to get a cold blast next week, possibility several inches of snow! :shock: While Arizona is suppose to stay in the 70's. :bana: :lol: :bana: I will take lots of pictures!

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Re: 11'ers Meet Up, What's your Thoughts?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,
You have so much excitement coming up! Good luck on that carrot cake. I am sure it will be delicious. Be prepared. The cake batter may very well want to crawl up the beaters. LOL Sounds odd but the odd combinations of flours and the mixing , at least with dad's recipe, caused this interesting phenomenon. As a "certified cookie dough and cake batter taster"( :roll: :mrgreen: ) I must say that regardless it tasted delicious! :sunflower:

The 20th is my son, Adam's birthday. :D
On a different note Michigan is suppose to get a cold blast next week, possibility several inches of snow! :shock: While Arizona is suppose to stay in the 70's. :bana: :lol: :bana: I will take lots of pictures!
Sounds like you are leaving just in time! I look forward to seeing those photos! :sunflower:
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Re: 11'ers Meet Up, What's your Thoughts?

Post by Seeker13 »

Back from Arizona!

We stayed only minutes away from Sedona, consequently spent a lot of time there! Thought it was interesting we were in Sedona on 11/11. I wasn't really sure why it was suppose to be a spiritual gathering place, did research and found out there are four vortexes(they don't say vorticies) where energy is compounded and supposedly created inter-dimensional possibilities. I have to say I was skeptical, especially after seeing that there was an alien encounter center, which consisted of two camper trailers in town. And now I insert the 'but', not about the alien encounter center, but I did experience both a physical and spiritual reaction at all of the vortex sites!

I just hoped to have one spiritual experience! I suppose the number prompts we saw before even getting on the plane should have been a heads up for me. There was a phone number 222-222-2222 on several billboards, asked out loud, " I thought Bztutu stayed in the southern hemisphere, maybe he has a brother ?" I was bombarded by multiple 2's and 3's. There were also other weird coincidences. While in the air I was doing a puzzle book. One of the Word Searches was on cities across the U.S., we flew into Phoenix then drove north from there. I kid you not on our route about ten of the city names listed in the puzzle, were towns on our way to Sedona. :roll

The physical reactions began for me 2 to 5 miles before reaching each vortex location. They ranged from being extremely dizzy and off balance, to pressure around my head and a pressure/pain in my heart. I was so off balance, I was worried people thought my husband was leading around a drunk woman. You could tell you'd reached where the vortexes were strongest, because the juniper trees were unnaturally twisted around their trunks and branches. All of the vortexes are within state parks, you had to pay an admittance fee, but they were all natural sites with no commercialism attached to them.

Another thing, I was bombarded with was heart stones. Ever since my mom passed away sixteen years ago, whenever I was missing her I'd look down and invariably find a heart stone. On this trip whenever I'd question if I was going the right direction or wonder if my impressions were correct, there would be a heart stone! I've found maybe a dozen of them since Mom died, in Arizona I'd seen at least twice that. We even saw a a heart shaped cactus leaf on a plant where all the other leaves were an oval shape.

I took a notebook with me to all areas I visited. Made a decision that I wasn't going to second guess any of the impressions I had and simply write everything down. This was one of the first times I'd written impressions while I wasn't meditating. I was happy and surprised that it felt like I was in alpha, able to concentrate on what I was feeling and writing(seeing and hearing), while the rest of the world existed somewhere outside my little bubble, but also able to maintain it if the outside world encroached... I'm still in awe at my experiences.

Something else I found interesting, after calling home and explaining the vortexes to Aleah she asked if they made the shape of a pentagon. I replied, "I don't think so there's only four of them." When visiting the forth vortex just before getting back into my car I saw a perfectly shape pentagon stone. Although prone to singing, it took me by surprise upon seeing that stone I sang out
loudly, "Pentagon!!!" You're probably thinking, "Ahh,... Kim you're rambling." I have a point, our next stop was a New Age store. we wanted to look for souvenirs. While I was preoccupied, Dave got bored, happened to pick up a book and found out there was another vortex! It was only a mile from the store so we went there. Whether they line up to make a pentagon I've yet to research that. When returning home I asked Aleah why she wondered if they formed a pentagon. She replied, "Because the center of a pentagon forms a nexus where energy is strongest." Asked where she learned that from. Said she had no idea. So, I have no idea if any of this means anything, added to the rest of my experiences on this trip I found it interesting. My husband had several spiritual happenings also and he's not one to look for them. I found it funny when he'd announce, "11:11 or heart stone!

It also surprised me how absolutely beautiful it is out there. I feel pretty egocentric about where I live, most places hardly compare. Think I got whiplash from trying to take in the splendor that surrounded me, every where I turned was a visual treat! We put over a thousand miles on our rental car in seven days and probably took as many pictures. The Grand Canyon was awe inspiringly splendiffereous! Sedona is a very clean and new type of town, but with a reflection of old fashion adobe type buildings. We had our first encounter with round-a-bouts. The back drop to the town are magnificent stone mountain facings with several spectacular stone outcropping structures, many of which have names.

Love to all,
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Re: 11'ers Meet Up, What's your Thoughts?

Post by Sandy »

You're back!... and with some lovely tales to tell. I was hanging on your every word as I would love to visit Sedona some day. ( Geoff, that might be an interesting place for you to visit some day, but I can't see J wanting to go there. :) )
I am glad to hear that the vortex sites are non commercialized and lying within state parks. I was also wondering where PP (Peacockplume) might be traveling in the US right now. I thought wouldn't it be amazing if you crossed paths with her. :sunflower:
I had forgotten that you collected heart stones. I must keep my eyes open for them around here. I would love to send you an Australian heart stone. Actually I wouldn't mind going back up to Hill End where we camped four or five years ago and did some fossicking. Lots of Quarts in that area. Forget the gold...LOL I only had eyes for the quartz stones and took a bucketful home with me. I am not sure George and I are in any shape to sleep on the ground, though. We did have a blast but made more camping mistakes then humanly possible. Still, we lived through them thanks to the efforts of a tall dark stranger wearing leather boots and long leather coat. (definitely not a Midwayer though... as I've never seen a Midwayer smoke. ;)

I hope you are happily rested and looking forward to Thanksgiving and the special time with family this week.
Love to you and welcome home,sis! :cheers:
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Re: 11'ers Meet Up, What's your Thoughts?

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Sandy,
Thanks for the hug and enthusiastic welcome home...I really needed it this morning. The return to reality has been quite the test! :shock: Fortunately I'm still riding the wave of wonder and awe left within me from our vacation.

That being said, I wondered the same thing about Lynn! :loves Unfortunately she was still getting ready to travel. Of course I invited her here, don't think she was interested in Michigan in the winter! Huh!?

I would love an Australian heart stone!!! Hill End sounds so old world and steeped in the spiritual. Is that where you went on those high rope bridges? I'm with you on the camping, we used to love it when the kids were young. That was about the only way we could take a vacation back then, but now it's so much work and so hard on the old bod! Dave and I are reconciling ourselves on working on getting more conditioned for hiking. When traveling we're only interested in nature, however I'm not a precipice sitter like he is, YEESCH!!! Which reminds me, I'm so relieved your tall dark stranger wearing leather boots and a long leather coat was helpful!

I understand about being a rock collector. I have such a strong affinity for stones, it's a little crazy. I'm always looking, these days I try to take more pictures than the actual stone, especially when we're flying. Wow! What would security think searching a suitcase full of rocks... no clothes, just rocks. :?: I wanted to get something in AZ for Aleah's boyfriend and not just a t-shirt or hat. The New Age store I mentioned earlier was a rock collector's dream! Tucked in the back room was a box of geodes, they were about five inches in diameter, split in half, held together with a rubber band. I thought, "This is it." It reminded me of Jorge's and Aleah's bond. On the outside it just looks like a nondescript rock, knowing inside it was breathtakingly beautiful. I assumed it was beautiful inside, it felt like Jorge and Aleah needed to be the first one's to open it. After my purchase I wondered if maybe it was silly, not everyone loves stones like I do. I explained all this before giving it to them. Sandy, when they opened the geode it was like a diamond mine in side! Come to find out Jorge loves going rock hunting also, they'd gone to the beach just the day before.

Okay, I need to get work done and get ready for Thanksgiving. After All the hoopla, I'll send you copies of my experiences in Sedona. It's interesting that the synchronicities have continued so strongly after our return! Oh Sandy, I wish you could be with your family on Thanksgiving... Alright, I know those two subjects we're not related.

Love you,
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Re: 11'ers Meet Up, What's your Thoughts?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,
I know that coming home from vacation and settling back into a more routine way of life can be a little bit of a drag. If only we could take the best of the vacation feelings with us as we worked and played back in the 'real world." I guess we actually can, huh? But the responsibilities of life make it not quite the same...

My parents brought me home half a geode when they went out west years ago. LOL I think the other half went elsewhere but like you I am a stone person always desiring to feel the history the stone has experienced and wow if only they could talk! Do you feel the energies they emit? I have had several that are especially strong and easily resonate with me. Some are so imbibed with "something" that they bring tears to my eyes. Of course lots of things bring tears to my eyes. :roll:

Hill End is an interesting place. Very quiet out there. At some point in history people found gold there ..an enormous nugget, I believe. For me, though, it was peaceful of this place so away from the busy suburbs.

I think the high bridge you are thinking of, might be up on the escarpment Where you have a panoramic view of the ocean and land far below. The Illawarra Fly it is called.

I will definitely keep my eyes wide open for a heart stone. Hopefully one will show itself on one of our outings... actually it will be a good reason to go to the beach or one of the waterfalls. :mrgreen: :bana:

I am planning a Thanksgiving dinner for George. I think he looks forward to the holiday as much as I do. It is definitely my favourite holiday even if it is just George and I accounting for all we are grateful for. I bought a little turkey for him today and hope it will thaw in a couple days time. I am so grateful that we are together as I almost lost him a couple years ago. Well... not going to go there. :( Got to let those scary feelings go as they have no place in the present other then to remind me how precious these moments together are.

Have a lovely Thanksgiving, Kim, you and your very dear family. We are blessed, eh? :cheers:
P.S. Don't forget the Sedona stories when you have the time. :kiss:
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Re: 11'ers Meet Up, What's your Thoughts?

Post by Geoff »

Hi Kim,

Good to see you around. Sounds like you have had a bit of fun in Sedona? Its not somewhere I have been, and as Sandy rightly surmised, J would not be keen.

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Re: 11'ers Meet Up, What's your Thoughts?

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi Geoff,
For me the entire trip was a spiritual experience. I'm not sure what the benefits would be for the 11ers as a group, unless we met at the vortexes to enhance our spiritual energy? I'm inclined to believe that would happen where ever we met simply by co-mingling our combined energy. Maybe we don't have to even be in the same place physically? I've been at a few group meetings in meditation, that rivaled my Sedona trip. What would happen if we all set our intentions of meeting at the same time? And I wouldn't have to save up for a couple of years to get there! :lol:

I'm trying not to let it, but not having Aleah here for Thanksgiving is dallying with my emotions. Outwardly I'm the supportive mom, knowing how hard it is for her to be away from us. Inwardly, "I JUST MISS MY KID!!!" Even if I know the reason behind it, I'm still testier than normal. She's having tamales for dinner. I'll be okay, I get a lot of cleaning done when I'm stressed...but how many times can you mop the floor!

Did George enjoyed his turkey! Does Australia have any holidays like Thanksgiving, with certain traditional foods? Sandy, it is so apparent when ever you(struggled not to say guys) talk about the other how sweet you are on each other. Makes me pause, take a deep breath and count my blessings.

I swear I feel the Earth's energy whenever I hold a stone. Think I'll go get one now. Don't know why that reminded me of the lengthy high pitched tone I had in both ears last night. Seems like it went on for an hour... Hope I'm learning something! Funny when I mention the toning it starts up again!

Love to all,
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Re: 11'ers Meet Up, What's your Thoughts?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,
In a way, I think I can understand a little of what you are feeling this first Thanksgiving without Aleah. The holidays... well they can be a struggle for me as I try to be honest with myself, accept that I miss my kids and family, be grateful for my life with George and the blessings that abound and come to terms with all of the above. I can sometimes turn into a bit of a mess. And yesterday was not one of my better holidays as it was spent waiting for our Australian landlord to come and do repairs.(he never showed up) Like any other day it felt...same old same old... but then this morning, with a little distance between me and my disappointment, I am reminded that today is just as special as yesterday. It is still an opportunity to appreciate the bounty of life, be it the gifts that keep our physical bodies alive and kickin or the stuff that nourishes our soul. If we can feel it, we can share it and in the sharing comes gifts we can't begin to imagine...gifts for us, gifts for each other, gifts for the world . We realize we are one.

Well today I feel truly thankful as I work on my trust muscle which is still sore from lack of steady exercise. ;) :lol:

Tamales...Love those things! :mrgreen: Aleah is a lucky girl! She has you, a mom who will always be there for her even if she's hundreds of miles away, and Tamales to boot. It doesn't get any better then that. ;) :bana:
Love you!
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Re: 11'ers Meet Up, What's your Thoughts?

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Sandy,
Sandy wrote: this morning, with a little distance between me and my disappointment, I am reminded that today is just as special as yesterday. It is still an opportunity to appreciate the bounty of life, be it the gifts that keep our physical bodies alive and kickin or the stuff that nourishes our soul. If we can feel it, we can share it and in the sharing comes gifts we can't begin to imagine...gifts for us, gifts for each other, gifts for the world . We realize we are one.

Well today I feel truly thankful as I work on my trust muscle which is still sore from lack of steady exercise.

Tamales...Love those things! Aleah is a lucky girl! She has you, a mom who will always be there for her even if she's hundreds of miles away, and Tamales to boot. It doesn't get any better then that.
Love you!
Dear Sandy,
I was pretty sure you could understand where I was/am coming from. That 'old trust muscle' is the thing isn't it. On a normal day I can step back and know without question everything is going to be alright. As things continually fall apart and I get closer and closer to the problem and seem they to multiply, it's harder to extract myself and remember to take a step back. Dave and I had such an incredible experience. We came back and plopped right in the middle of chaos, on top of that Aleah left. I kept trying to step back and center myself, knew this all would pass, but still spent the better part of the week in my mid-brain. That darn ole' Law of Attraction! After talking to my daughter yesterday I felt much better of course. She'd been sick, was feeling better telling me she was going to make mashed potatoes and stuffing to add to their dinner. I exclaimed, "With tamales ?!"

She laughed, "Why not?!" I am extremely grateful to Jorge's family, they love her. They've delighted in the introduction of American cuisine into their household. Good thing she's a good cook! Last week she made meatloaf, an American delicacy!

And as always, "What a difference a day makes," feels like I'm back on track. I'm also greatly concerned for my work partner, his health and well being has been weighing heavily on my heart. Am going to add him to the healing thread...

Hey! Did your landlord ever show up? Must be something in the air. Our stove quit working just before we left, scheduled a new one to arrive when we returned home. It came... broken. New one arrived just in time for Thanksgiving, refrigerator died two days before. Fortunately!!! It's winter! Our deck and large plastic tubs make a perfect frig and as long as I don't run out of tubs I have as much shelf space as I need! Black Friday to the rescue(on-line shopping only) should have a new frig in a few weeks, " Boy,hope it stays cold!" Wait a minute what am I saying? "Okay, I hope it stays cold only on the deck!"

Lastly, I do believe that every day is a gift, along with every person in it, a gift and a lesson. By the time I move on from this sphere I intend to have the biggest heart and be the smartest person ever born.

Love you,
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Re: 11'ers Meet Up, What's your Thoughts?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,
Oh you poor thing. First your stove and then your fridge! That is why I try to discourage my appliances from talking to each other. They get ideas! ;) We've had some appliance troubles in recent years ourselves. Thank goodness for Geoff or I would still be hand washing our clothes. :lol: I like the fact that you can still see bright spots despite the inconvenience...well sort of can't blame you for this with the desperately cold winters you guys experience up there.
" Boy,hope it stays cold!" Wait a minute what am I saying? "Okay, I hope it stays cold only on the deck!"
And you're right... a missing fridge in the summer would have not been nearly so manageable. Makes you appreciate (at least a little) the cold Michigan winter, eh? :mrgreen:

Good thing you were all nice and relaxed for a time in Sedona, eh?
By the time I move on from this sphere I intend to have the biggest heart and be the smartest person ever born.
I have no doubt you'll get there, Kim! and will probably need a couple of "bulked up" seraphim to carry you and that gigantic heart of yours to your new and wondrous destination! ;) :sunflower: I might need to reserve them for my bulked up back-side eh? :mrgreen: ( kidding of course.)

Love and holiday hugs to you and the family,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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