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Post by Waynecz »

Hello, I have been seeing 11:11 for a couple years now probably around 3 or 4 as well as having streetlights go out just as I am under them. I now accept all the repeating number things as signs so I'm good with all that. I have so many questions tho that it overwhelms me which doesn't take much as I also have adhd which is another story. I have a lot of trouble with feelings of sadness and helplessness for others. I cry a lot for no particular reason and get mentally exhausted some days. My life used to be on a path that I recognized and felt content. Now for some reason I am lost? Does anybody have any ideas or suggestions that may explain all of this? I have read a lot of posts today to try and figure things out a bit but I am getting no where. Thanks
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Re: Help

Post by Swedishblue »

Hi Wayne,

The content of your post has resonated with me, and so I thought you may appreciate watching the following link that may go some way to explaining some answers. I have been watching this webinar as I was invited to by the host, who I personally know. I hope watching it will offer an interesting perspective and insight in to the questions you've posed. ... t=b32d811d

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Re: Help

Post by Sandy »

Dear Wayne,
I wish I could help but I'm not sure how. These sad and overwhelming feelings of helplessness for others could stem from so many different areas all of which I am probably not qualified to comment on...yet I want you to know that I will try my best in prayer life and as a new friend to help you and support you as you reach for reasons and answers. Please feel free to unload here and in personal messages any time you feel the need. If it will lighten the load we will be here for you.

I am thinking that maybe if you took the overwhelming questions and presented them, thought about them and meditated on them one at a time it might be a little bit easier to manage. I am looking at this from my own perspective of course and my own way of being but whenever I look at huge complex set of problems, feelings, situations etc...I become all jumbled up with questions, and potential solutions, suggested ways of being, meditations, prayers etc... that I want to throw up my hands in resignation as it is just too confusing. It is hard to narrow down effective and comforting solutions and discover what may be most beneficial. So maybe it will help to ask yourself, and very gently I might add, "What one thing is troubling you the most?" If nothing presents itself specifically, maybe you could pick one thing, one topic one situation etc.. that seems manageable when held to the light for examination...sometimes tackling the little things first helps to boost self esteem confidence and produce an inner atmosphere conducive to healing in other more well hidden areas.

I also want to mention that as a mild empath I sometimes pick up emotions and feeling that do not belong to me...sometimes even from those I love who live a world away. Prayer and meditation have always helped me sort thorough this and the light and peace and love found at these quiet times with just God and myself are like a balm helping me to slowly uncover what ails me

As you can see I am no expert but I am a caring person and if there is anything I can do to ease your heart's burden I will do it.
I pray for your well being and hope you will return and enjoy the friendships this little internet place offers. But whether you do so, or you don't please know that you are surrounded by help and encouragement from those wise and brilliant beings who prompt you with the numbers. They have been a source of comfort in my life as I have wrestled with my own periods of sadness and mild depressions.

Please do watch Swedishblue's suggested Webinar if you feel inclined. She is a lovely friend who has overcome much and inspired me many times to discover what "nips at my heels."
with love,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Help

Post by George »

Dear Wayne,

Welcome to the 11:11 MB.
It may be profitable to find out more about "the Midwayer Guys" that our obviously on your side.
You can do so by Googling Urantia+paper+77 ... and ... Urantia+paper+114

God bless...
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Re: Help

Post by Zachary »

Whatsup Wayne,

I think I have some suggestions and or ideas that can explain a little bit of what your experiencing. I'm sure you understand that even though "we" see 11's not all of our experiences are the same, we are different personalities going through different emotions at different times through our different electro-chemical bodies under different circumstances. Whatever your experiencing is for you and the best part is you can dictate this experience. This means you do not have to feel depressed. The hard part is seeing depression as an option -- in a depressed state it's hard to have enough self-control to realize your choosing depression over happiness.
The things that keep may keep me out of a depressed state are:
1) Gratitude ( a real thankfulness from the heart that withholds a humbling idea you can re-remember and say "thank you God")
2) Social ( speaking to others as I am to you, not just talking -- speaking from the heart with no judgments and/or expectations)
3) Truth ( leave distractions behind that prevent you access from your communication within. Without communication you do not have the faith to continue, or
( the direction to continue in. (this is my personal challenge currently))

Imagine a calendar with it's dates and days lined up.... now put a pie-chart in each day of the month. The pie chart in each day of the month shows how much distraction to truth ratio you partake in. If you can manage to fill your pie charts up with truth and no distractions everyday consistently.... You will be one happy amigo :mrgreen:

Well Wayne I hope it helps. Please note that this is information I'm giving you from personal experiences that have helped me, and still do!!!!!
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Re: Help

Post by saraflow »

Hi Wayne!

11:11 I feel is basically a sign to pay attention, to see the bigger picture. If I feel you correctly the feelings you are having may not be yours but that of someone else. Read up on empath! Just make sure you go with what you feel is right and allow no influence.

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