Starting To See Celestials!

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Starting To See Celestials!

Post by Lightened717 »

For the last few months, I've seen the spots of lights behind my eyes. At first just one (my TA), but now I see my TA as a black, larger orb, and I also see other small lights along with it. They pop up and fade throughout the meditation and when I'm having a good session I see quite a few. I've also started to see then occasionally when my eyes are open, which is pretty exciting!

I think I even saw an angel...I had been watching YouTube videos about seeing auras and opening the 3rd eye, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a yellow circle, but just the circumference had any color, like a floating yellow "O". Of course when I tried to look at it directly it disappeared, but by unfocusing my eyes I could see it again, maybe for about 30 seconds.

My husband, who I would qualify as a skeptic, is also seeing things, more than me! He's always seen spirits; he saw his grandma once or twice while she was alive walking through his childhood home at night (which I believe was her astral projection), and a few months ago, he saw a black dog wandering our house. Two nights ago, he saw shadow people--one was standing at the foot of the bed on my side, and then he saw two shadows walking together wandering our bedroom and the hallway, as if they were patrolling. I believe the single shadow was my Teacher and the 2 shadows may have been a pair of my Guardian Angels. He has also started seeing the pinpricks of light.

His whole family has a gift; his dad sees ghosts, his mom claims to be able to predict stock prices, and his great-grandma on his mother's side was psychic, Grandma S. She used to read people's fortunes using cards, or she would see their future on their foreheads. My husband was ill quite a bit when he was a child, and whenever his mom would see Grandma S. when my husband was in the hospital, she'd walk in the room covering her forehead because she didn't want to know! :lol: Grandma S. would say things like, he'll be in the hospital for a little while but he'll be OK.

Probably the best story of all was that when my husband was 5 or so, Grandma S. walked up to him and said, "Who is Margaret? You're going to marry Margaret." She would bring it up almost every time she saw him. Grandma S. died before my husband and I ever met, and although I go by Peggy and have since I was 5, my legal name is Margaret...not a common name for my generation! (In case you're wondering why Peggy is a nickname of Margaret, they both mean Pearl!)

The day of our wedding, his mom and aunt were over at my house doing the wedding party's hair, and his aunt had worn the only thing Grandma S. bequeathed to her, the necklace she wore every day; it's a silver pendant that I think kind of looks like a feather and it has a pearl and a diamond on it. Sometime during the day, the pendant had fallen off the chain, his aunt thought she had lost it forever, but as we were all leaving for the wedding, she found it on the floor, just sitting there. When my husband and I came back from our honeymoon, she gave me the necklace because she felt like Grandma S. wanted me to have it. At first I didn't wear it much, but since my "awakening", I've been wearing it everyday! :sunflower:
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Re: Starting To See Celestials!

Post by Sandy »

Oh Peggy, I am tingling all over after reading your post! There is so much excitement going on over there... TA's guides, angels,Auras! Sounds like your Reiki instructor's prediction has come to pass, eh? :sunflower: How Awesome!!!
You know, I would love it, when you have the chance, to view some of your those aura Utube videos. Do you have any you would like to recommend? You see, there's a tiny synchronicity here with you mentioning this. Last night, after we had meditated... Well, quite unusually, I finished up long before George and as I didn't want to disturb him I sat quietly and couldn't help observe him for a bit... ( He is so cute and innocent when he meditates :roll: but don't tell him I said that... :mrgreen: ) But anyway, I thought it would be a good time for me to practice seeing Auras... But I must admit, even though I sort of got off the ground, I know I could do a lot better and could use some help.

I just LOVE hearing stories about your husband and his family! It sounds very much that these wonderful abilities were common place for them and coming from a family that didn't have a physic bone in their body, I find that so fascinating. Grandma S sounds like a wonderful person and spot on with her information... what a blessing!

Keep us posted, okay? I am so enjoying this, Peggy! :D
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Starting To See Celestials!

Post by Petra Wilson »

Hi you two, oh I LOVE reading these kind of experiences and stories. I've had a bit of a block
with seeing my Guardians, but when we lived in Wales, a woman came round to buy some eggs
and other produce and she was all in a tizz saying our land was covered in faeries and ley lines.
I had felt things the whole time whilst living there, and the children often spoke with them, which
at first freaked me out, like when Manny, my son, then 3 was having what sounded like a one-way
conversation at blonker-clock in the morning. There was a light emitting from his room so I decided
to go investigate but no sooner had the thought entered my head when a warm feeling overcame me
and I went straight back to sleep.
I would often see orbs except when I looked directly at them. I could meditate so well in Wales. Moving
here in Corsica, my abilities seemed to totally dry up; but I put it down to the fact I missed our farm, my
friends, job etc and was depressed for, like, 5 years! Small wonder I couldn't connect. But things are
getting better again. :sunflower:
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Re: Starting To See Celestials!

Post by Lightened717 »

Sure, Sandy! This is the video I started with, my brother recommended it to me: ...

Then I just meandered through B. Devine's other videos, including how to see your angels...I really liked her spirit :) I've tried a couple different things...staring at a mirror (I definitely did see other faces superimposed over mine which was interesting), I bought some 100% beeswax candles and have tried meditating on them. The method I've used is you stare at the blue part of the flame for five minutes or so, then close your eyes. You'll see a "shadow" of the flame where your third eye is, and at first it will move all over the place, but you follow it with your mind's eye until you can't see it anymore (mine was going off the left) and then it will pop back up in the center when you refocus there. Once you can no longer see the "shadow", stare at the flame again, rinse, and repeat 3 times. I get the impression that we're to try and get the light to stay in the center, but mine has not been very cooperative :lol:

I haven't been as consistent with my practice as I should be so my progress is slow, but when you first start seeing auras, you'll see a clear/white/blue layer, almost like an oasis. The colors of the chakras will begin to appear once your third eye is more fully open, and then eventually you'll see the whole aura (at least that's what Cindy tells me!). I've only seen brief moments of auras after celestial contact. If only I were so naturally gifted as my husband :D I've been trying to get him to meditate for a while if only for stress relief and to help with his insomnia, but I've been told by my celestials that he likely won't fully "wake up" until we have our daughter, which I've heard the date May 2016...don't know if that's conception or birth. That was a big lesson for me at first...accepting that I have to allow him to come to his own terms with all of this, when I so badly want him to share it all with me NOW! :roll

EDIT: Bronson's (my husband) family is pretty interesting...his mother's side believe in a lot of superstitions, but they do appear to have a natural ability. (The UB has been great for me to help explain why things we may perceive as spiritual actually aren't!) Bronson's dad asked me the other day if I believe my "powers" are related to Grandma S. He said when she tried to access her "powers" on demand she couldn't, but she was definitely spot-on about the "Margaret" thing...she said it every time they would see her. Bronson's mom believes Grandma S. is around me...I definitely feel like we're connected somehow. I wonder if we share some of the same celestial companions.

Hi Petra--that's really awesome! I would love to visit a spiritual "hot spot" and just be in all that energy some day! I've read about a few being re-activated in the of the Sound Healers I've stumbled upon believes he is a custodian for one in the NE ( and he's been tasked with opening the channels that have been long since closed. I equate it with helping to install the new communication circuits.
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Re: Starting To See Celestials!

Post by Geoff »

Petra Wilson wrote:Hi you two, oh I LOVE reading these kind of experiences and stories.
Me too. Wish I had more than just clairsentience, but I have certainly been getting enormous hugs of late. Even from midwayers!

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Re: Starting To See Celestials!

Post by Sandy »

Oh that's wonderful. Peggy!!!! I'll take a look at this URL a little later on and see where it leads.

Oh and look what I found last night...I had saved a post from one of our members, John, (Twinstars) a while back in my computer. It might help too to open the good ole "third eye" and make seeing auras a tad easier. :finger:
Hi All,

I see auras and have coached many, even some who previously swore there is no such thing, and have seen people actually lose their breath the first time they too see. Some people's responses are really quite funny to watch.
The best technique I have found is to ask someone to stand or sit in front of a pure white background, such as a wall. Then from a distance of around eight to ten feet away and directly in front of them fix your gaze onto their left eye for approximately 20seconds, then have them quickly step out of your view, without you moving your eyes.
What you will see there in their stead will not be their aura, however it will give your minds eye an idea of what it is looking for. Ask them to return and this time let your eyes ever so slowly move around their face and along their hair line. Chances are you will see their aura. It's very difficult to see auras on a dark background, but it can be done, in time. After a while you will see them just by looking at someone. maybe someone who is walking toward you. And, with practice you can actually see auras change as people change their thoughts. Every color has a meaning. Which can be either a blessing or a disappointment when you are in conversation and see someone's color change, and know that you are being lied to.
Hope this helps someone.

Love and Light,
George can see auras, making it hard for me to hide "myself" from him. :lol: I think, though, he must really wish to see them consciously because there are times he doesn't see. Does that make any sense? Once you start seeing them and seeing them easily, can you turn it on and off I wonder?
I haven't been as consistent with my practice as I should be so my progress is slow, but when you first start seeing auras, you'll see a clear/white/blue layer, almost like an oasis. The colors of the chakras will begin to appear once your third eye is more fully open, and then eventually you'll see the whole aura (at least that's what Cindy tells me!).
I have seen the first part the clear white/blue layer but it never progressed from there. But maybe with persistence and practice... ( seems my lot in life to have to work for these things. ;) ) I'll be buzzing along in this most interesting area.

How cool that you have a pretty good idea when your first little one will be born... :sunflower: I just love babies!

Petra, I went through withdrawal as well when you guys moved from the farm...and then my computer crashed and I lost all the pictures you sent me from Wales... :cry: I know you went through some tough times in Corsica but I am so pleased that you have come out on the other side and are now appreciating your life on that Mediterranean island. (big Island) You are teaching me a smidgeon about change and helping me to better accept it into my own life. Hey I'm not yet to the point I like it necessarily but I am more accepting of it now at least.
I didn't know the kids saw fairies over there... 8) You remember Alexander our Greek friend and brother? He and Elina could see them too and in fact Elina was wring children's stories from observing them I think. The world is filled with strange and wonderful things...

Geoff... you deserve all the hugs you have been getting and then some! Here's one more for good measure! ((((((((Geoff)))))))

Love and (((((hugs))))) for all of you!
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Re: Starting To See Celestials!

Post by Lightened717 »

Thanks Sandy, I'll have to try that method out!

Cindy did say that you can "close" your third eye, because there are situations where you don't want it open. She said you do this by literally just waving your hand down the front of your forehead. She also has told me seeing her husband's aura is helpful...when she gets home and see he's mostly red or orange, she gives him space until he "lightens up"! :mrgreen:

Yeah it's pretty cool about the's pretty much the only concrete viewing I've seen of our (potential) future, because I believe part of the reason I was "woken up" was to get my mind and body right for her arrival. My father-in-law also independently "came up" with the idea that Bronson and I would have a daughter. The night I told the in-laws about the numbers and everything, I mentioned to my MIL that our daughter would come out very precocious...she then told me that my FIL has also been referring to her as precocious and it spooked her out a little bit! I can't wait to meet her! :happy

Geoff, I too enjoy those hugs! It really brightens the day!
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Re: Starting To See Celestials!

Post by Sandy »

Hi Peggy,
Hope you are having a great week end.
You wrote:
She also has told me seeing her husband's aura is helpful...when she gets home and see he's mostly red or orange, she gives him space until he "lightens up"! :mrgreen:
:lol: Yeah I can see that would be well worth the effort of learning this aura thing. :mrgreen:

Love it! ... It definitely seems you are destined to have a precocious little girl here in a couple years. It also sounds like you get along famously with your in laws. That's awesome! :thumright:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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