Uninvited Guests

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Uninvited Guests

Post by JGB »

Had some disturbing experiences the other night. Having had an angel visit a couple of times and being aware of her and a nice feeling in my chest, I came back to bed from the toilet and immediately felt a different presence in the corner of the room. Felt a buzzing and a coolness from that area. Now, my T/A has been giving me exercises (see below*) and I assumed this presence to be some assistance etc. However, I felt strangely hostile to it &, cutting story, it turned out to be a nosey celestial who I asked to leave - it did'nt & tried raising itself to the roof to, I think, intimidate me. I then prayed to Michael and it left right away. No sooner had it done so when a group of 3 appeared (Grrrrrr) so I told them to leave - no-go so asked T/A to tell them to leave. They stayed put so I prayed again but the b@$"@%*s did'nt leave. I then reached out and picked up my bible and waved it around saying "In the name of Jesus Christ, I order you to leave. Phew, they did. Stone me if a 3rd did'nt arrive but this one was trying to enter my body up my legs but being prevented by my Inner Partner. I pulled my legs up, grabbed the bible again and had to invoke twice before it left. I then prayed to The Father asking for protection. My T/A replies to my yes/no Q's by giving me a jolt in the stomach and by this method I could tell he had also "sent a report" and that he would get a reply.....spent some time with the light on before getting a jolt - reply rec'd and protection in place.
Thank goodness I was in the spare bed 'cos wife not feeling good!!!!! :shock:

*Have only been aware of all this since Oct 11 but took an early decision (my own?) to out loud give my T/A permission to act on my behalf and since Xmas have been very aware of Him.

I've probably said this elsewhere, but a couple of months before being aware, I had a strong urge to pick up Louise Hay's book "You Can Heal Your Life". It strongly encourages you to love yourself and this has been a strong influence since. This and my T/A have turned me around from being fairly introverted and shy to a (fairly) openly loving person.

So, much love to all and I hope this can be of help to others. :loves

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Re: Uninvited Guests

Post by sammy »


What a jolting experience. I am glad to hear that you were finally able to rid yourself of them!

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Re: Uninvited Guests

Post by JGB »

Sammy - Ha Ha. :lol:

Just back from a walk (in the dark -woo hoo ) and been thinking about what I'd said - or more what I had'nt. 20-odd years ago I studied reflexology & the teacher recounted a time when he'd had a run-in with spiritualists, following which he and his wife were woken up by spirits at the foot of the bed. Being a devout Christian, he had a bible by the bed and he said what I said whereupon they left. Now, for some reason, this tale has stayed with me those years and even played out in my mind a few times. I'm also by no means a bibley or churchey person and I only had the bible there to check out a particular thing that arose. But does it seem the two are connected to the visitations? :?:

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Re: Uninvited Guests

Post by jack6251 »

Hi JGB :)

I'm fascinated by your post, it seems a heck of a thing to have happend there to you. I have to say I quite often get the feeling of "something" or someone has entered my rooms in some way or other, on occassion it's a horrible, deathly sense with the situation, but I've never had any manifestation nor seen the presence yet either.

Would be great if you could capture something of these manifestations on a webcam or something, I find the whole event you had to be quite amazing!

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Re: Uninvited Guests

Post by JGB »

Hi Jack.

I only had the sensations - no visions etc. Strangely though, instead of any fear, I started with irritation through to anger with the last one. Despite this, I have no intention of starting up another "Most Haunted" and trust that these will be the last.

Ref your feelings, I'd suggest you try and be in touch with your T/A who can keep you informed. I'd also pray for them to stop.

JGB :salut:
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Re: Uninvited Guests

Post by jack6251 »

Hi JGB :)

I think your advice is sound there, it's something everyone should consider in similar cirumstances. Through my life I've lived in different properties and have had these sensations on occassion in each one at different ages and stages in life.

No don't make another Most Haunted, one was enough lol. The internet seems full of things these days anyway, what with Photoshop etc, you never know what you're viewing and some of the camera quality of really bad anyway at times.

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Re: Uninvited Guests

Post by overmind »

Interesting, do you know why you became angry at these beings? I don't think I could get mad at someone for just being present. It seems like negative emotions would just fuel the fire.
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Re: Uninvited Guests

Post by JGB »

Hi Overmind.

overmind wrote:Interesting, do you know why you became angry at these beings? I don't think I could get mad at someone for just being present. It seems like negative emotions would just fuel the fire.
Don't know, just that it was'nt my choice. Have thought it could have been some sort of test?

Since then have had angels visit and the presence is much different. Can't see or hear them but can "feel" where they are in the room. Interestingly, when they appear, I aways find my eyes wide open even if I'm really tired.

On the test theory, I had another "visit" last night. I was aware of an intermittent tingling and pressure on my legs. I was bit bit peeved again but did'nt say or do anything for a bit but the presence remained so I tried "conversation". I asked it to go between my legs and a yes would be pressure on my right leg & no left. I seemed to get age 25-ish & a local but incredibly, it seemed he answered yes to be being from the 1800s!

As a complete reversal to the previous, I found myself feeling deeply sorry for the lad and was telling him to look for the light etc & sending him love. During this (he'd moved, it seemed, to cuddle into my left side) I had a intense, warm buzzing-type feeling between & above my legs (an angel) and then they were gone. Cue emotion.

Seems I'm being sucked into the "Most Haunted" scenatio after all.

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Re: Uninvited Guests

Post by veronicas »

Hi JGB - I've had many experiences similar to yours. When it comes to negative energies I am being compelled to say something my father told me as a child - "the dead ones can't hurt you - it's the live ones you've got to watch out for". I understand your irritation. If they don't leave once requested - I always ask my angels to deal with them. I also request protection for every entrance (including water pipes and electric cables) to the premises.

From my experience dark energies don't understand about going into the light. They haven't evolved to that vibration as yet.

I hope this has helped in some small way.

Love V :loves :oops:
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Re: Uninvited Guests

Post by JGB »

Hi Veronicas :hithere

I appreciate your reply - thanks.

Putting what I've said before into perspective, I've only been aware of the 1111 phenomenon since Oct '11 and since then have been gradually been experiencing more and more. However, prior to Oct, I was'nt even sure about ghosts etc but had these events happened last Sept, I'd have been ve-ery apprehensive and most likely pretty freaked-out. So, it seems I've come on a long way since then and it's taken this to help me see it.

Re negative energies, I'm not sure they were now, using the test theory 'cos I had asked for protection and had had indicated to me that it was in place yet the latest one "got through".

I'm being prompted (jolted) to reiterate the :

*Have only been aware of all this since Oct 11 but took an early decision (my own?) to out loud give my T/A permission to act on my behalf and since Xmas have been very aware of Him.

I think He wants more people to be aware of this and to act in a similar fashion. More jolts - seems a big YES

JGB :loves
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Re: Uninvited Guests

Post by Lightened717 »

Just found this post by searching "irritation" on the board because I'm feeling extra irritable right now despite having a pretty good day and not sure why...I feel compelled to say that I've been having the TA jolts as well. At first I doubted them and have often times abused them (asking the same question over and over again out of doubt...each time a question is repeated the intensity of the jolt decreases) but at one point got reminded by my TA to "trust in the communication method we've agreed upon" :lol:

I also feel Angel contact in the same way as you, it feels completely different than the jolts.

I love falling into these rabbit holes like this only to confirm that I'm not alone. Based on your suggestion I have given my TA permission out loud to act on my behalf as well :hithere
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Re: Uninvited Guests

Post by Sandy »

Hi Peggy,
Are you empathetic? I was noticing several years ago something very similar to what you described and I was feeling irritable and sad for no apparent reason...Wasn't depressed either just weirdly out of sorts. I discovered later that my daughter-in law was in a period where she felt out of sorts and I was in fact feeling her discontent from thousands of miles away. (We are very close)
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Re: Uninvited Guests

Post by Lightened717 »

I think I might be...I definitely feel emotions that I'm often not sure where they're coming from, and I have been drawn to quite a few articles online about empaths recently come to think of it.

How did you overcome the emotions that don't belong to you, especially when you don't know who they're coming from? I try to be vigilant about my state of mind throughout the day and this morning I even visualized protecting myself from errant energy, but I often find it slips in when I'm not paying attention. Cindy has given me remote solar plexus shields before as a temporary stop gap during stressful situations (work stuff :duh ), but I'm hoping that won't be necessary on a regular basis...
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Re: Uninvited Guests

Post by Sandy »

Hi Peggy,
I'm probably not the best person to answer your question but I'll give it a stab. Just keep in mind that I am by far not an expert here so am just speaking as to what works with me...

I think staying centered is our first line of defence as is being in the moment along with enjoying the moment for what it is...Does that make any sense? When we are aware and in the moment... yes, it opens ourselves up to our compassionate understanding of others which is great, but it can also exhaust and confuse us a bit, so we need to practice drawing some boundaries. The shield you spoke of is an excellent way to keep your boundaries.
I found this nice article on being empathetic and it too speaks of creating this shield which may help you to build your own if you so choose. http://healing.about.com/od/empathic/a/ ... ential.htm

Strengthening your energy centers will help too. I'm glad you brought this subject up because I think I may work on this tonight as I have been a bit of a "weakie" lately and haven't given this much thought in awhile. I have this lovely set of chakra stones that Michele (11Light11) gave me a couple years ago that I can place on the corresponding chakras and work through any blocks. These stones represent Love for me... love between sisters, and in a funny kind of way love amplifies everything, even these crystals respond to the Love. I know... ;) for a lot of people that would sound strange but it makes sense when you experience the reality of it...until then, I don't mind if people think I am one sandwich short of a picnic. :lol:

Anyway, I use Light in my healing work so my shield is rather simplistic and involves Light, visualizing Divine Love surrounding me. And then I send love to whoever is ailing even if I do not know exactly the source of the "discomfort". This sort of naturally opens up communication of a sort with the "Beauty within"...so it is hard not to feel pretty darn good afterwards. :)

Well I hope this helps a wee bit. Perhaps someone with more experience in this area can speak a little more on this subject.
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Re: Uninvited Guests

Post by Lightened717 »

Thanks for the response Sandy, it does help immensely :)

Last night I have a really strange dream that I think supports what you're saying (and what I'm still feeling)...after looking it up in my Dream Book it basically told me that my Root Chakra is leaking energy and I need to rest and rejuvenate! 8) :lol: Perhaps I'll listen to a grounding meditation later today.
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Re: Uninvited Guests

Post by Sandy »

My root chakra probably looks like a colander. ;) :lol: I've been a bit neglectful in the upkeep and I too find that I could do with a bit of grounding. Here's to patching the "leaks" where we find them! :cheers:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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