Help- time prompts and life crisis.

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Help- time prompts and life crisis.

Post by faerierae »

I am seeking help and information from anyone who cares enough to share. I am at a desperate juncture in my life. At the beginning of this juncture, I began receiving signs- premonitory words from license plates, words from printed media, etc. all seemed perfectly aligned to give me glimpses into my near future/ I began seeing similar times on the clock appear every time I looked: 1:11, 2:11, 3:11, 4:11, 6:11 and so on.
The signs I saw told me I was pregnant, to "say yes" to what's next... long story short I found out I was indeed pregnant, and the father of the baby left me. I am already raising one child, a very bright boy, by myself, and my worst fear on the earth was bringing another fatherless child into existence. So I schedule an appointment at the clinic- twice. Each time, the father would talk me out of having an abortion, saying we could be a family, only to retract his statement a week later. Now I am 10 weeks along and have grown too attached to the baby, but feel hopeless and sad, fearing the extreme difficulty of raising two children on my own and not having a partner. I have come to terms with it now, but still am fearful and sad. Yet, the universe keeps sending me these :11 signals. I'm not sure what they mean, what to believe, or what to do next. I am truly alone in this world, my friends and sibling have socially abandoned me, my son and i lead a very lonely life. And now I have another child to add to it soon. Can someone help me sort this out? I want to believe everything will be ok, but I don't want to delude myself.
Thank you, your time is appreciated.
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Re: Help- time prompts and life crisis.

Post by Sandy »

Dearest Rae,
Well, this may not seem like much comfort sweetie, but you aren't alone... you have us now and an awesome assortment of Celestial friends who are prompting you with the 11:11 signals. These prompts are a warm hello, an introduction from a group of beings similar to angels and in fact do much of the physical works in this world that are attributed to angels. They are a great comfort and joy and a huge source of encouragement as we get to know them. And so, I wonder as they prompt you with the 11:11 if it is a sign of encouragement for you. Please take heart and take it one day at a time, okay? Think about it, if you look into the future... let's say a year, perhaps, it seems hard because so much is going to happen over this greater expanse of time. But is one hour manageable?... and then how about another? ... and another? This is how we get through the good and hard stuff in our lives... one little bit at a time and it somehow makes the burden easier to bear.

You also have an amazing source of help and guidance within you as well...a wisdom far greater then any human, angel, midwayer, or other celestials On High. This is a gift of the Creator of the Universe often referred to as your Higher Self, or God within. if you think about it, how awesome is that? ... We are blessed with a guidance within us that has been a part of the creation of the fabric of the universe and knows us better then we can ever know ourselves!

I wish I had the answers you seek that would make it all right. But I'm afraid I don't have that kind of skill. But with all my heart, I will pray for you and your precious little family and I will gladly be your friend if it is alright with you... and maybe the loneliness won't continue to feel so overwhelming. One day, one prayer, one problem at a time... we'll find the solutions somehow and hopefully your world will be peaceful and beautiful again. I have discovered over the years from my own journey that with Divine Love all things are possible... and that is not delusional. ;)
Hang in there, Rae. You are loved! :kiss:
Always with Love,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Help- time prompts and life crisis.

Post by KurtSchluter »

God is giving you more to love and to be loved. Parental skills are the highest skill set a human can have. You are truly blessed. Every person you meet is a potential new friend if you are friendly towards them. Welcome to the forum!

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Re: Help- time prompts and life crisis.

Post by faerierae »

Thank you much, Sandy. Your offer of friendship is appreciated and accepted. I feel so disconnected from Source. I know source is reaching out to me, but I find myself unable to connect lately. Are there any good meditations you know of for working with the midwayers? I need a guide- I think I'm scared God will turn his back on me as well. The :11 prompts are encouraging...I haven't seen 11:11 in a long time, but I'm thinking the 'lesser' :11 prompts may mean I'm getting there. I just need to get back to feeling like myself again. Big sigh. Thank you again.

And thank you, Kurt, for your kind words. The universe is indeed giving me plenty to love... I guess I'm feeling bitter because I myself feel I am unloved.. a "why me?" type of program. Truly, I can't believe this is happening to me again (single parenthood). I know someone who is a spiritual intuitive and says this a a karmic issue, that both the father and I have a soul contract with the baby and that the baby needs to be born for both of us, whether we are together or not.

I'm confused about why life has to be this way- we are victims of this karma form past lives, even when we have the absolute best intentions. I try to live a good life, I am a hospice nurse, a good citizen, treat others with respect... I just don't know. I feel like giving up.
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Re: Help- time prompts and life crisis.

Post by 11light11 »

Dear faerierae,

I'm so sorry to hear about how stressed and lonesome you feel -- and can I ever relate to your fears about the future. I have noticed so often that when we're depressed, we're living in the past. When we're anxious, we're living in the future. ;) I guess that's why the Buddhists talk about living in the here/now. It's a tall order and I'm not sure how many of us ever get there . . . but it's like Sandy said, we get upset to think about all we have to do that is coming up over the course of a long span of time . . but can we do this hour? This hour is never that bad. It's when we think we have to get everything done at once -- or deal with all of life's challenges all at once. I try to remind myself of this every day. For instance we'll be moving in a month's time, and I keep feeling like I have to pack up my whole entire house this exact minute. :lol: But how do we pack up a house?! We pick up one object, place it in a box, pick up the next object and the next and then we tape up the box. ;) That's how we move. It's always one thing at a time and when I remember that, I calm down some. If I'm trying to sleep and I can't sleep 'cause I'm thinking about packing up a whole house I remind myself of this and think about how stupid it is to try to pack a house in my mind when I'm supposed to be sleeping. ;) I might as well get out of bed and literally pack all night if that's what I'm going to do!!!

My good girlfriend is new to a strange city and has just given birth to her second child, and her husband is away on business nearly all the time, so for all intents and purposes she's a single mom. And she went online and found some mom meet-up groups, play groups and so on, and has been slowly making friends in this way. Lots of the women are either single moms, or their husband is in the military and lives a world away, or what have you . . they need other women in the same boat, people who also get how hard it is to raise kids on their own, and they just bond so much around those worries, and knowing they all have each other's backs. I am picturing you finding some kindred souls like that who you can relate to! And it helps a lot to laugh. ;) That's what I try to do when I catch my mind running away with me -- realize I am taking life a bit seriously and just . . .laugh. It's never as serious as we think. ;)

You do have us too now, and I hope you enjoy getting to know our little group. We're just like you -- we have worries too, we have stresses too. Life is hard. But life is also as hard as we make it. For instance I'm thinking of your situation and the silver lining I see is that you don't really want the father of your baby to be in your life if he feels this way, do you? He doesn't want this life, and it's really ugly to have to always be dragging someone along and they're feeling obligated. You are a strong woman and you will find a partner in this world . . when the time is right. ;) But I see it as a blessing that you will be free of him. He's not a good match for your team at all.

Also, if you're a hospice nurse . . .have you seen some unexplained things in your life at work? For instance have you ever heard or seen a patient speaking to someone . . who is not in the room?! Hospice workers I know have dozens of stories about these patients communicating with invisible people, even the ones who are completely lucid, no dementia, no pain killers, just slowly slipping into the next realm. Does that provide some comfort, while you feel disconnected from Source, to think about those unexplained things you've witnessed?!

I'm thinking of you and my heart just goes out to you so much. I have faith your life is going to take a turn you never dreamed of, and slowly you'll remember how to relax and enjoy yourself again. ;)

With love, Michele :loves :sunflower:
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Re: Help- time prompts and life crisis.

Post by faerierae »

That's beautiful Michelle. Thank you so much. I'll go into depth more about what I've seen in my work soon... I decided to take my son kayaking at the local lake today, something we've always wanted to do. I'm not going to let him take my enjoyment and love of life from us. My corporate yoga business, which I started only a few months ago, is really picking up steam. There will be challenges, but, so... the less I talk to him the better I feel. I can't imagine dragging his dead spiritual weight around. But you know how it is...for some of us, we only see people's perfection and spirit, not all the dirt and grime in their field that weighs them down and holds them back. I'll find someone better one, day...I hope.

I am so happy I've found this board. What a blessing. One day at a time!
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Re: Help- time prompts and life crisis.

Post by 11light11 »

Rae, I'm so super happy to hear you're seeing your yoga business take off! You do have a beautiful life and in time it'll become more second-nature, and even a blessing, not having your ex in the picture. You'll catch yourself smiling one day with your son and your new baby and realize how awful it would be to see his scowl while you're feeling so content. ;) Between your yoga and your hospice work, your son and the new baby, and the new friends you have made in us and that you are bound to make as you reach out to other moms, you have a life, and you have a life that you have built, through hard work and dedication, and love. ;) I hope you two have a wonderful time kayaking today . . . . .thank you so much for sharing, and lots and lots of love to you!

:loves Michele xoxoxox

p.s. we're both Central time, so did you notice? . . .You posted at 11:11 ;) LOL :lol:
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Re: Help- time prompts and life crisis.

Post by Sandy »

((((((((((Michele))))))))) You are treasured my friend! :kiss: are you ((((((((((Rae))))))) and you too (((((((Kurt)))))))
I hope you and your son had a lovely day, Rae... kayaking and communing with doesn't get much better then that. And I am thrilled to hear about your growing Yoga business! You are giving in so many ways that which makes hearts lighter... I am not at all surprised the midwayers love you and wish to connect with you! :sunflower:

You wrote:
Are there any good meditations you know of for working with the midwayers? I need a guide- I think I'm scared God will turn his back on me as well. The :11 prompts are encouraging...I haven't seen 11:11 in a long time, but I'm thinking the 'lesser' :11 prompts may mean I'm getting there. I just need to get back to feeling like myself again. Big sigh. Thank you again.

I got a chuckle that before the night was over you received an 11:11 prompt in the posting of your reply to Michele. :D I have an idea and will send you a pm explaining it... :)
Love to you and your son,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Help- time prompts and life crisis.

Post by faerierae »

Got your PM Sandy, thank you! I sent a reply, hopefully it went through :) Haha, I didn't even realize I had an :11 prompt in my reply to Michelle- boy those angels really are working hard trying to get through here! I'm on Eastern time, but the :11s remain the same! :sunflower: :sunflower: Please, angels, there has got to be reason for all of this! :finger:
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