its through meditation you can understand 11:11 meaning?

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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its through meditation you can understand 11:11 meaning?

Post by kolos »

I am Carlos 31 from Tanzania , I have been experiencing this awakening for the last nine month, I see 11:11,12:12, 05:55, 6:66,3:33,17:17 15:15 etc, some times it happens in the middle of the night I wakeup and see 2:22 or 3:33 on the phone . I started looking searching for the meaning and until now I just have a clue , from reading different articles on the net I just realized that it could be my late father trying to communicate , and from different experiences of different people it seems the only way to establish a connection is through meditation. Sometimes it happens I can't avoid seeing them numbers , its like my brain is controlled to look at where the numbers are . I also have a feeling for someone to establish a connection with the passed souls or gain some spiritual power he/she have to be of certain age and of certain level of maturity. At the moment all I see is numbers from morning to evening on number plates , microwave etc and especially on my phone its like the numbers say am here look at me and its so deliberate I can't avoid .I wish the messages where more clear , am trying to meditate but I feel like am praying and not meditating (catholic) and no one seem to understand me most of the people think am loosing it . I also ask my self why me ? Then what follows? And what can I do right now ?.
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Re: its through meditation you can understand 11:11 meaning?

Post by Sandy »

Hello Carlos,
It is a pleasure to welcome you to our forum!
First, please know how sorry I am that you have experienced the sad loss of your Father. It comforts me to know that we will some day see our passed on loved ones and that the veil between our material world and the next realm of spirit is ever thinning as we lighten our minds and hearts that are often filled with stresses and worries. Inner peace cultivates this communication as does a sense of well being, joy and a belief that all things good are possible. That Love from the highest of all Divine Sources to the lowest human is the currency that fuels a beautiful Universe of Wonders we can scarcely imagine.

I can only speak from what I have learned about these beings who prompt us with the 11:11 wake up call. They are sort of like lower angels who occupy our world and serve the Creator of all in the capacity of assisting humans to ever greater understanding of Spirit and our home within the greater spirit communities occupying the far flung galaxies. We are so very much loved and long path to fully understanding this great Unconditional Love will occupy eons of time as we journey through the stars getting ever closer to the Divine Parent of us all.

It begins here and now and you/all of us have unwittingly been fostering this growth all our lives as deep within each of us is a need to find answers. Sometimes this desire seems dormant as the ways and means of physical existence zaps all our energy. But then at other times it is an undeniable urge that causes us to look ever deeper for the meaning of our lives and the realities of the realms beyond.

The 11:11 is a wonderful hello, inviting you to participate in lightening our world, making it better for those near and far with opportunities provided every day large or small. For instance, there are moments when lending a person you pass in the streets a kindly smile will make all the difference and change their momentary outlook which will then be passed on to others. And of course, there are countless small ways we can share inner joy and love. And you, Carlos, will place your own unique signature on the caring, love and compassion that you share with others. It is by this manner, one person at a time, that the world can and will slowly change, and every single person will be a part of it and contribute in a mighty way. :sunflower:

Of course, it first begins with each of us...and finding our own peace within, something undeniably life changing, enabling a wealth of attributes and innate spirit abilities to rise to the surface.

You wrote:
I also have a feeling for someone to establish a connection with the passed souls or gain some spiritual power he/she have to be of certain age and of certain level of maturity.
Well, this is not really true for all people as there are many examples of spiritual understanding and communication at very young ages. For instance, George, my husband, has communicated with Midwayers from a very early age and I have known many people who have also seen felt and communicated with beings of spirit for as long as they can remember. However for many of us, it seems to happen when we are a bit more settled in life and a little older. But regardless of age, we can promote spiritual understanding and various innate abilities and gifts by participating in regular stillness meditation of some sort.
The important part of any meditation practice lies in the ability to quieten the mind, to listen, to listen, most importantly, for God who often speaks to us from this peaceful state in a language without words. At these blissful times, ones heart is filled with an indescribable sensation, a joy and a longing to be ever closer to our Parent God. It may take a little time but with daily spiritual exercise, just as daily physical exercise is needed to the development of a strong and healthier body, we can develop a strong and flexible spiritual body.

Remember this does not mean we all have to think, believe and pray and meditate in the same way. Thankfully, the Creator of us all rejoices in diversity and accepts our love from whatever platform helps our heart to sing and lifts us closer to our home in the stars.

I hope this helps... but please know that your heartfelt prayers are heard and are beautiful and right as they come from the heart and soul. But what we sometimes forget is to then remain quiet afterwards as if God were sitting across from you and listen...just listen. You may hear all that goes on in the environment around you... That is good and okay. Try to listen then for things even closer...things you may not have noticed before. Then listen to your body...The sounds of your breath flowing in and out of your lungs, the rhythmic beat of your heart or also as in my case the sounds of your stomach rumbling in complaint. ;) :) Concentrate and focus on these things and then if possible listen a little closer what lies beyond your body? You may here nothing and that is fine. But as you repeatedly do this simple exercise you may begin to feel and know when you have reached the place of stillness where physical and spiritual balance is found. You will feel a deep peace and restfulness as you observe what comes to you. At this point for me I often see spirit energy and signatures of the beings close by, usually midwayers who are assisting me and joining me in prayer. They too love to rest, meditate and worship with great is their love for us and for the Great Universe Being who creates the fabric of the stars! :happy

The important thing is to give yourself time. We are all different and progress at different rates. One does not expect to break any track records the first day of physical exercise. And so, with patience and persistence, keep in your soul's eye your "lofty goal." Set your intentions with Love and surround yourself with beautiful white light, knowing you are so very much loved and protected. Then with confidence allow God to direct your spiritual growth, allowing what is needed to come to you. You may find little clues to your personal journey in things of spirit, as well as things rooted in the physical... books, articles, people around you. But ultimately your path will be yours and unlike anybody else's and it is always rooted in that very special "alone time" with God. So begin your prayers and meditations in joy and gratitude and before you know it you will see them manifesting in your outlook and possibly even in those around you. Divine Love cannot be contained or hidden and so is unconsciously shared without the need of thought or purpose...It just happens. :D

I hope what I have written makes some sense to you, Carlos, and I hope that you will feel free to ask any questions on this vast subject as well as contribute your own experiences and joys with the other members of this message board.

We are so happy that you have joined us! :sunflower:
With love,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: its through meditation you can understand 11:11 meaning?

Post by kolos »

Thanks sandy ! I have understood all that you have written, I feel so special and so thankful to my creator God, I will start to practice meditation as soon as possible. To be honest I have tried before , but what happens I start to be afraid because I feel something is going to happen and I might loose my consciousness and come back a different person , I do feel some presents in my room some times soon after i have done my prayers , and am usually afraid so I rush to turn the TV on or the radio . when ever i do my prayers i usually light a candle and incense stick I feel so so comfortable and relax and I believe that's when the spirits and the celestial come close , I can't prove it but thats how I feel . I also feel I can do a lot in the world of spirit but i dont know how to start , I also feel limited or blocked sometimes , like something is stopping me or guarding me and I am sure if it for positive or negative and that makes me feel afraid to go deeper spiritually (meditate ) , I usually fear of what will happen when go beyond and meditate . I wish I had someone to take me there (the spiritual world ) and back alone am very afraid and no one around here understands this friends think I am strange , so now I tell no one.
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Re: its through meditation you can understand 11:11 meaning?

Post by Sandy »

Hello Carlos,
There is never a rush to meditate, especially if you are fearful. Better to take your spiritual path slowly and move along only as you are ready. The type of meditation I suggested above is an extension of prayer and actually an important part of our prayer life that sadly has not been stressed over the many years by Church leaders, not for the congregations at large perhaps at any rate, but I suspect there are pure lights who give their entire life and way of being into the hands of their Heavenly Father from these self same institutions and that these examples spend and did spend much time in this type of communion. For instance, think of some of the most beautiful of Catholic Saints... Saint Francis of Assisi for instance. No doubt he spent much time communing with God. And of course, the best example ever can be found in our beautiful Jesus (who you will hear being called Christ Michael in these forums as well.) Jesus spent much time communing with "The Father". Communing involves talking...laying out your love, worship, and troubles as well as listening for the answers that often can be felt within after these loving periods of sharing.

So It isn't about past human spirits this meditation we many ways that can be a very slippery slope. It isn't about going to the so called "spirit world" and back again with tidbits of information or revelation. This is not what we are talking about. The Midwayers are not spirits. The angels are not spirits. As I recently wrote on another forum...

"The Midwayers have never died nor will they ever. They are born into a celestial job and belong to one of the many different groups of beings who are created with a specific and clear purpose to aid in some way the running of the God’s universes and spheres. All the same, regardless of job or rank, they are loved equally and just as much as humans as we are all children of our same God. They are very, very loving Beings and are tasked with advancing God’s work and will throughout the planets of their origin in the universes.
They are our friends, our brothers and sisters, all working to not only help us find our God Within and to experience Divine Love but also to progress this world. And so, to that effort they work tirelessly in assisting us mortals in the lives we have been given. For instance, they often go to areas of disasters ... where they work with the Creator in healing. But perhaps even more importantly, they assist higher beings in the ongoing work of spritzing our world and they do this regardless of race, culture, or spiritual and religious preference. They are a blessing to have in our lives and I pray as I move on through the mansion worlds or spheres that I will always have their love and friendship."

We are not encouraging speaking with recently past humans nor do we think it is all together wise to search for this on a regular basis. This area is best left for those under the tutelage of Celestial beings greatly experienced in such matters. No what we are describing is in fact getting closer to your Higher Self, your gift of the God within.

So find confidence in allowing God to guide you in all ways. Pray and ask for Divine Love, wisdom and guidance and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that your prayer is heard. Know it is your birthright to be close to the Creator of all and no relationship you will ever foster will be of greater importance and provide such bountiful rewards of spiritual joy.

To this end, perhaps, place all your love and energies into this life giving endeavour of getting closer to God and you will not be disappointed. You will grow gently and patiently as you surround yourself with God's brilliant white Light and Divine Love. It is this Divine Love that gives you confidence and protection from all the worries that can chafe you.

So pray Carlos. Pray with confidence for God to clear these blocks you feel within, to protect you from anything that is detrimental to your spiritual well being and so eliminate your fears one by one. Do not worry. The Infinite being who directs the movements of the galaxies knows you and loves you as if you were His/Her only child. So do not meditate perse... just pray with your whole heart and what you desire, what is closest to your eternal soul will manifest in wondrous proportions.
God bless you always dear Carlos!
With love,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: its through meditation you can understand 11:11 meaning?

Post by kolos »

Hello sandy !
Thanks for the guidance, I feel so young in the spiritual world , young as a baby .I am so curious , I think I should let the universe take control and take it step by step as it comes .

Thanks Sandy, god bless you.
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Re: its through meditation you can understand 11:11 meaning?

Post by Sandy »

Hello Carlos,
I am young too...we all are and I have a little trouble handing over my life's steering wheel to God. I keep trying and forget at times and wrench it back... ;) :lol: Well, as long as we keep learning... keep trying. It's easy to forget that living within us is a part of an Infinite Being that has always existed. Wow! Sort of mind boggling when you think of it... talk about guidance and wisdom. :shock: I guess learning to discern that peace giving wisdom is the challenge of the ages.
Yep I am a beginner just like you and we are in great company, eh? It's a pleasure to share at least a little of the journey with you. :D
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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