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Re: The Secret

Post by Petra Wilson »

Hey Sandy, the last time I was here I couldn't access page 149 of this thread. LOL Way too long I think
and I couldn't wait as Manny had just put the new series of Downton Abbey on. Sorry 8) But I just love
that series and an earthquake would probably not make me budge off the couch, even if half the village
was falling into the Med and this ancient building started get the jist?
Anyway, I did see the full moon, all shiney and golden, I took pictures and shoved them on Facebook too :D
I'm a bit peeved about my apartment and happened on a Feng Shui site, now I have been motivated to clear
all the clutter tout suite: I've gotten around moving the dresser under the window. As the midday sun poured
in I thought: "dash it! this is an heirloom of Granny's, and the top veneer will crack!!" so I'm giving it a rest to
plan the room to its full potential Feng Shui-wise. Apparently the door to the bedroom must be diagonally
to the left or right of the bed. The thought of decluttering doesn't feel daunting at all. I'm looking forward to
it....just mentally preparing myself, oh! and I'll have to buy 100 litre binbags (recyclable ones of course). There's
our old PC's (all kaput) a spaghetti junctions worth of cables (all useless) text books and paper galore, not to
mention 6 years worth of the kid's clothes (charity shop). Oh yeahhh, really looking forward to it. I want you
to nag me every day till I've done it! Just shout at me on FB: "HAVE YOU FINISHED DECLUTTERING YET??" :lol: :lol: :lol:

Love you all have a great day everybody xx
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »


Hope you don't mind..I was just practicing. :lol:
But Petra you should see our place!!! It was quite sparse before I moved in. George was dead set against owning lots of things...But I think I have ruined him. And I don't mean we are hoarders or anything...Its just I see a use for nearly everything. But you are right...I need to de clutter. But the last time I did this I walked away from some things I dearly miss now. George says, "They are just things....and you cannot take them with you." But sometimes these things.. well, I guess they serve to remind one of a happy moment in time... (something to that effect.)

I too should take a good look at all we've hung onto over the past few years. Thankfully our place is small so there is only so much room for us and "them." We do have a flat inspection on June 5th. So this would actually be a great time to get organized. :D

I have a question? Where do all those wires and cables come from? George and I have them too, a whole box full of bits that we don't have a clue how they are to be used and even where they come from. :shock: I think they are multiplying while we sleep! I wonder if these things can be recycled or reused by someone who services computers....

I did get out yesterday and replant the Jerusalem artichokes. In the process I found another bucket full that had been missed. The information you read does say that they will often grow back year after year from the "chokes" you missed. But I didn't want to rely on that just in case I dug them up better then expected.
They sure were gorgeous when blooming... very cheerful!
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Re: The Secret

Post by Petra Wilson »

Hi Sandy, Well, I did declutter our room and most of the apartment. The whole apartment now
feels much more calmer and positive. I even took the advice of a feng shui expert and got a water
feature for the north side. A 210cm - 90cm poster of a pretty waterfall somewhere in Thailand.
It's so huge I'll need help putting it up. It can be wall-papered up or simply pinned.
Phil got some Jerusalem artichokes the other day. I don't particularly like them but they're
amazingly nutritious and as you know, we're getting notorious with what we consume. I say, we,
the kids seem not to be bothered, but will usually eat what I cook.
I'm going to cut on white sugar, all wheat and dairy, with only meat from trusted farms. I know
something is simply not right with the supermarket meat. It's nothing like the meat of my childhood
or the wild meat our vegetarian neighbour used to give us.
Oh, we visited our nearest bee keeper and bought his miel du châtaigne, chestnut honey I think it is.
3 kilo's of the stuff. It's quite strong but boy! you know you're not eating synthetic cra p! It was lovely
seeing bees all busy and the man asked Phil to strim the grass 'round the hives, only, he'll have to do it
at a certain time and with all the gear on. I must tag along with him and take photies, hahahaha!
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hey Pet,
George and I are giving up dairy too. In fact, George already has after the serious heartburn the other night. He suspected the cheese as he had a rather over large chunk of it. I will soon be right there with him.. But will finish off the rest of what is left in the fridge. I don't like to waste food) On a healthier note, I've lately been contemplating a green juice fast but need to research it first. Just for a week or so perhaps. I am hoping it will get rid of some built up toxins and kick start some pretty good juicing habits.

Yum... your honey sounds delicious! A man down the street from us used to have bees and the honey was lovely. Sadly, (for us anyway, but good for him) he has retired now and doesn't do much of it anymore, giving most of his equipment to another bee keeper in the area.
He has the most wonderful dog. He reminds me of your Patch and is the best "listener" I have ever seen. The man barely has to say anything to him and he does whatever is asked of him, almost as if the dog reads his mind. Anya was recently telling me of a neighbour's dog who is much the same. (I just got one of Mathew's 33's just now when I looked at the clock. :D )

Funny thing I had never heard of Jerusalem artichokes until last year. I believe Flint was talking about them. George and I rather like them and they seem to be rather versatile. I hope they will grow again come spring. :finger: We didn't do very well with the other items we tried to grow. I am always hopefully though that maybe next year the vegetables will do better. :finger:

Well I hope it all goes well with Phil and the bees. I bet they won't enjoy him cutting about their hives. :shock:

I'll say goodnight then. It has been a rather long and tiring day. :hithere
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Re: The Secret

Post by KurtSchluter »

Hi Sandy! Have you and George ever tried goats milk instead of cows milk? I switched and what a difference! I was having digestion issues after drinking milk but that stopped after the switch. I buy local non-pasteurized goat milk from a local creamery. It's much better tasting as well. It's becoming very popular here in Maine among people who are health conscious. Just some food for thought!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Thanks for that little bit of wisdom Kurt. I've never tried goat's milk before but I bet George has . I remember him telling me that his son couldn't drink cow's milk . So when they moved to their farm they boat a mamma goat and all that goes into milking her. We'll look into it...and maybe a little goats cheese would go down good too.

Have you ever tried almond milk? I've been making it for a few months now from time to time. It's not hard to make, you just have to remember to soak the seeds for 8 to 12 hours Then blend them with water and whatever else you wish to add to it.

I see you're from Maine. I have always wanted to visit Maine and New England, especially in the fall. I adore the fall season in the Eastern US. Of course, it's gorgeous here too, though. There are flowers everywhere even in winter there are many species blooming. For instance, right now we have the most gorgeous orange flowered vine covering the back fence. The next door neighbours who planted it have two different vines growing compatibly. One flowers white around Christmas time (summer) and the other orange six months later.

Thanks again for the good thought, Kurt. I'll mention it to George.
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Re: The Secret

Post by Petra Wilson »

Hey Sandy, hello Kurt, we're lucky living here really. Seriously, Phil made it a mission to know all of the
friendly farmers here, and even help them out when they're seasonally busy. Yesterday we went to a farm
run by two young brothers whom Phil befriended, he buys their sheep cheese, sometimes very fresh and
when available, nice and hard. It tastes better than supermarket bought cow"s cheese.
The brothers were so lovely, one taught himself English and Russian and tried his English out on me and we
had a right good connection. Phil told me later he's very shy. But I made him LOL a few times and his brother
looked surprised. Anyway, as always when Phil buys stuff from them, he gave us a bag full of beautiful lemons.
When available, we buy mutton, chicken, eggs and cheese from them.
I'm aiming for a 100% local and organic diet. Manny moaned about the lack of ham and bacon in the fridge these
days....oh well! maybe he'll thank me when he's a father? :lol:

Love to All
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Re: The Secret

Post by KurtSchluter »

Sounds like you're living the Good Life* over there in France, Petra! If you bought a pig you'd have some wonderful bacon and ham and pork. We buy ours down the street where we can see our meat growing up. And we have 10 chickens for eggs.
Our organic gardens grow larger every year as well. Just planted 80 onions from seed yesterday. My potatoes are half planted and I am coveting buying a new wheel hoe for weeding.

*Excellent book which was the origins for the organic way of life. I highly recommend reading it by Scott and Helen Nearing.
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Kurt! I love hearing about your gardens and your life over there. I hope you don't mind if I pick your brain from time to time for help in growing organic vegetables. George and I are trying and I did quite well back in the US but boy oh boy my oganic ship has run aground over here and we have come up against some nasty pests that have destroyed our confidence. Right now our small gardens are quiet with nothing being produced. But hopefully within the next couple months activity will bloom again.

Petra, your life over there does sound idyllic. :D You have always had a better then average amount of knowledge and intuition when it comes to eating and buying food for the family that is healthy and good for growing minds body and spirit. I know living there was at first very difficult for you guys and it warms my heart to hear you speak so happily now about your life now. :sunflower:

I am feeling pretty good myself with my rabbit, Stuart, sitting by my feet as I type. He is my little bundle of love... my little blessing.

This morning I am very aware of love and all its many ways of manifesting in our lives. I am very grateful for the all important Love that flows from the Creator of all and from all of you as we each follow our own path to the stars... life is pretty good...chilly today but good and I am on top of the world. :bana:

Love you guys!
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Re: The Secret

Post by KurtSchluter »

Anytime, Sandy! For bugs I use lightweight fabric row covers or Neem oil. I also plant companion plants that attract bugs that eat other bugs like ladybugs and spiders. Tomorrow I'm putting crushed eggshells around our cabbage to keep the cabbage worms out. Some folks put cut plastic buckets around tomatoes to keep out hornworms but my chickens LOVE big juicy hornworms so I leave them be.
Seeded cukes and more potatoes and lettuce today and tomorrow we start planting tomatoes, squashes and peppers. I have to start building some new cold frames out of cedar for this coming winter. Maybe a hoophouse too. Out goal is 100% self sustaining food supply right through the winter. We are at the same latitude as southern France so the length of daylight is the same. I just have to protect against the cold.
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Wow! Kurt I am impressed! Gee if George and I had to live off of what we grew we would starve within the month...But you have already helped me because I think it might be cabbage worms that are eating my broccoli and Kale, which should be growing nicely about now. :(

I think we are going to have to do something about the ants too as the aphids are not helping the situation. I just love ants though and hate to destroy colonies. I've considered just letting the raised bed gardens sit fallow for a year or so and then try again. I have an unusual liking for spiders too even over here where some are so dangerous, so they run around everywhere unhindered as do the lady bugs...well truly just about any insect even the worms and snails. Although I do hand pick them from the plants and toss over them over the fence into the neighbour's yard. Sounds mean eh? :mrgreen: But truly they don't grow anything but grass and it is a huge yard with much of it, including the area sitting beside our gardens being left unused. George says they probably crawl back over the fence and into the garden every night anyway...So in reality we may be creating really "bulked up" worms. :lol:

Please let us know how your garden is growing as I am sure we can pick up pointers from you as you describe what you are doing. There are a couple of other gents on the board who are deeply into raising plants and veggies. One Robert (I-Am) is a master at growing and getting a great yield out of containers on his patio and Flint is a master at growing anything, as well as creating things such as greenhouses etc. from stuff he can salvage.

It is a gorgeous day over here...a good day to clean up one of the gardens if my back is up to it... You all enjoy your week end...That goes for you too Petra, and anybody else reading this thread. I'm off to sit in the sun for a bit. :hithere
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello again,
I was just thinking this morning that this thread needed a bump so that it doesn't run the risk of being lost for good. So I thought I'd post a short note about an interesting experience I had yesterday morning.

Only just recently we discovered a large wasp nest hanging under our outside sitting area. In reality this space is supposed to be used as our car port but now it is our rabbit, Stuart's, domain and of course, we too spend some time out there as it is a good breezy place to cool off when the weather is hot as it is today. Anyway, we were not hassled by their presence because from the size of their nest it was obvious they had been there for some time and were not troubled in sharing the cover with us. But unfortunately, yesterday morning the poor dears found themselves, along with oversized nest, on the cool concrete floor. (Must have fallen off in the night) It is a million wonders I did not step on it with my bare feet as that is where I needed to work on Stew's hutch.

So, I found myself in a predicament... The easy thing would have been to squash the docile little beings :( ...but that did not seem right as all they have been trying to do was raise children and honestly have been nothing but good neighbours. So how does one move a large Wasp nest complete with it's own army of overprotective parents and siblings? I wandered into our "magick" garage (long story there) and thought the answer must be sitting around in here somewhere...and sure enough...I spied the large rectangular clear plastic containers and lids that once housed a week's worth of mixed salad greens. (I am a bit of a pack rat and saved every one thinking there must be a good use for them down the road. :roll: ..and there was... :D ) I slowly lowered the bowl part of the container over the nest and still the bees were unconcerned. I proceeded to slide the lid under the container and the nest. This was much more tricky and I did shockingly flip the nest over causing a wee bit of angst from the little group. However when I righted the thing all seemed forgiven and they went back to their calm demeanour. I walked them a short distance to the miniscule forest between us and the lake and found a protective place for them among the trees. And this was where I assumed, if I were to be stung, that it would happen, but happily, they did not seem to care when I lifted the top off. (The lid which by the way is still there...out there...for me to collect at a much later date! I didn't feel like pushing my good fortune.)

As I walked back to the flat, I pondered why these bees had been so placid...totally out of character for the wasps in this country. Did they understand that I meant them no harm? ( I have been practicing kindness towards nature's babies, including insects and spiders for at least 2 years now) Did I get some Midwayer help? ... Or were they still knocked senseless from their apparent fall hours before? I may never know, but it sure felt good to do a kind service to some of natures small creatures. Maybe they will tell their stinger supplied friends! :finger: :mrgreen: ... but wait! Isn't kindness supposed to be a reward all of itself?

So now I find myself saying prayers for their survival and welfare... :lol:
"What next?" I wonder? I must say, life is never in short supply of surprises. :sunflower:
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

HA!!!! I shudaknown....sorry,butmy computer isnoting to me keystrokes,,,ah that was,,,not responding!!

I will have to delay a story for a better connection...and time to remember one lol :shock:

waiting for my spaces and letters tofall in the right places is....hmmmmm :x

meanwhile,,,I'm sure yourMidwayers kept a protective shield around you while you displayed your growing compassion and love for allcreatures..small

oh,,,shuda known.....refers to yu appearing here....I've been thinking of you 2...

awhile ago,George wrote about 'Felix" ??
and my computer was uresponsive that day also,,,but it really touched my heart,,,,I went to the thread and read it,,,typed a reply and lost it...
really po'd me at the time...

and I may be pushing I'll just say...

enjoying the desert abut 3 hrs south of Vegas...s 80's this week....that's what n south for (I came down south for)
getting a tan and keeping cool by the Colorado River...that rushes rather swiftly by..

love youall xoxoxoxo pp :bike:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Geoff »

Sandy wrote:Only just recently we discovered a large wasp nest hanging under our outside sitting area. ..........

As I walked back to the flat, I pondered why these bees had been so placid...totally out of character for the wasps in this country.
Dear Sandy,

Bees and wasps are VERY different. Not sure why you switched one to another here, because it certainly would have been wasps. Now there are some foreign wasps here in Aus, and I suspect, but am not sure that the very nest you describe, and which we have found several of in the gardens here in the last week, are the same. And they are quite aggressive. I don't have too much compunction, I use bug spray. Wasps can sting numerous times, and they do defend the nest. Jeremy, the gardener was stung twice on Monday.

Aah well I may have learned something. This is the European wasp:


But our wasps have also invaded other countries, like South Africa. And its possible the wasp i am fed up with might be a local. i will have to look closer next time.

Here is the local guy:


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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

:happy Blessed is Sandy is Blessed:happy

and obsly well protected..

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

I was thinking about you too!!!! Wondering how you were and where you were. I am so glad to see you! :bounce:
I must admit I got a chuckle from your post and your poor dear computer trying to keep up. Michele (11Light11) is having a similar trouble. If I were a computer angel I would make them both right as rain...but shoot can barely keep my own functioning. LOL

Sitting beside the cool waters of the Colorado River sounds lovely about now as it was warm...down right HOT here yesterday. Not the best of times to do much needed yard maintenance but what can I say... that's what happens when one procrastinates.

Thank you for going to the trouble to post the photos of the wasps. Definitely it was the Australian variety. I know the relatives of the European wasps and they are a real force to be reckoned with. We call them Yellow Jackets in the US and I certainly hope they never make it to these shores. (From the photo you posted you can tell they mean business! yellow and black...reminds me of Pittsburgh Steeler fans all dressed up and ready to rub our Clevelan Brown noses in it. ;) LOL. )
I am so bad to interchange the names bees and wasps. (Do the same thing with the word Lizard... everything's a lizard to me if it's lizard-like :roll: ) As a kid I called anything with a stinger a bee and my goodness did we have lots of different kinds of bees. One that most annoying was the tiny Sweat bee. It is only a quarter of an inch long on a good day but it packed an eye opening wallop. Thankfully the poison isn't severe and the pain dissipates in minutes because it is very easy to be stung by this little bee. They are attracted to the moisture of your sweat, (hence the name.) so they liked landing in the crook of your arm or leg. Then as soon as you bent the limb. Zap! They got you! Still I don't think they would sting if they didn't feel threatened.
Here's a photo ... B652%3B503

:lol: As you can see I can jabber on about insects all day long. :mrgreen: Okay, I can jabber on about anything and everything all day long. :roll:
love you guys,
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

:lol: :lol: :lol: (it took over15 sec to type those)

sorry,,p that was I give's taking about 5 to 7 sec to type one keystroke...if I want the whole word to appear!

sending love..

pp :bike:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

sorry,,p that was I give's taking about 5 to 7 sec to type one keystroke...if I want the whole word to appear!
:shock: That's sort of like a lifetime, eh, PP? I understand. I'm like that with videos every month when we use up our allotted bandwidth. Watch a couple seconds of video and wait God only knows how long for another couple seconds of video. It's impossible! :(
Remember we're thinking of you and please do post again when you are able to do so without computer hassles.
Love you sis and happy Valentines day! :loves
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

TY and HV 2 U 2 2
xo pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Morning guys,
I had a realization earlier...
It's funny how what sometimes seems "a pain" can turn out to have hidden benefits when you suddenly realize it is an answered prayer. That happened to me this morning when I realized all this clean up work I was doing for our dear landlord (and feeling a tad grumpy about) at the flat was actually helping me get into shape. Something I prayed about a couple weeks ago. I am beginning to realize this is my answer. A belated thank you to the Creator.
A cool comfortable breeze is wafting in the window and I'm thinking this will be a good day to mow the grass. Hopefully with a much improved attitude. ;)
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Hi Sandy,
I tried to post to this last night, but obviously it didn't work....

all I said was,,,perhaps it depends onwhat kind of 'pain' it was...

anyway,,,of importance this morning is...

please send prayers of healing (I just did) for Laura

She is undergoing surgery on her right knee....right now,,,as I type...

I best go put it in the prayer list,,,but thot I'd let you know here,,,


(this seemed to work so far,,,maybe early am is the trick?)

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi PP,
Thanks for letting me know about Laura's Knee surgery. I just took a look at your post there and I am excited to know that with this surgery her long ordeal may be behind her. I pray that is the case. How are you feeling these days. It sounds like the warm weather is agreeing with you. :) when are you heading back to Vancouver Island? I am full of questions but will let them sit for awhile till your reception is better.

We are off soon for G's blood test and a few errands so I can't write much now. But wishing you a lovely evening as you sit beside the water taking in some ME. (That comes from Roxie's thread in 11:11 forum. :lol: He uses it in this way... ME= Mother Earth)
Love to you,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi, All!
It was surprised seeing that this thread is still alive! Lynn I was thinking of you yesterday and wondering when I'd heard from you last. Saw an eagle last week and thought of you. Don't you love those lessons in frustration(referring to the computer)? Wow, I could meditate to this music from Pandora it's called Liquid Mind on Ambience Minimus. I always marvel at your compassion for animals Sandy. That reminder and this music may have just saved my cat's life! Why when I'm really stressed out does it seem like he's stalking me with that Siamese whine? :bomb I am grateful our computers are working fine. If they weren't you may have seen a high flying Sparkles(cat's name) over the bay! :evil: Isn't interesting the evil emoticon looks like a cat?

I'm going out to clean now. Those dust bunnies don't have a chance...I'm going to imagine they're my cat!


PS I will send healing prayers to Laura
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

:lol: I've had those same moments with Stuart who is such a sweetheart but in his bunny loneliness he has determined that I am his girlfriend. :roll: :shock: :? When he is really feeling his "oats" he follows me around like a love sick puppy, ticking my feet and nipping at my heels. But most days he is content just being close to me watching me work in the kitchen.

LOL I am glad Sparkles life was saved... it sounds like he was living on the edge for awhile there. You know I was just thinking... about Sparkles and his stalking you when you are stressed... I wonder if in a strange kind of way that he is concerned about you. They say cats are very in tuned to their "person's" moods and needs." Little does he know that he is adding to that stress. ey yi yi :shock: Just a thought and I could just as easily be wrong as right. :lol: But maybe he is your "emotional barometer". LOL Just what we all need, a Siamese kitty emotional barometer... :roll: :mrgreen:

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

:bana: :bana: :bana: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:
:bike: whooohooo MISSION ACCOMPLI!!!
I did it,,,I found it,,,and here I what...I AM going to bed.
Tomorrow my sis,,,
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I am free to live and to enjoy life.
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