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Been So Long

Post by I-man78 »

It has been over a year since I have been on here. Recently the numbers have been confusing over the last few months. I was told not too long ago that when you see the numbers you should be aware of what were you thinking at that moment. So, I have been working on being more consciences of what is going through my mind. I notice when I am getting nervous about something & I see the numbers I feel it is telling me to it will work out, don't worry. Today, I have had a really upsetting thought & I got 10:10 then changed to 10:11 at that moment. Here is the question. If you have a negative thought & see the numbers (whatever number 1:23 3:33 4:56 etc) do you feel it will work out or maybe take that as it actually might happen so take warning now.
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Re: Been So Long

Post by happyrain »

I-man, you might not remember me but I remember those pyramids in your avatar and the post you'd share with us. This is really interesting, the timing of some of the older members returning to the forum.

Glad to see you posting again, Welcome Back :hithere
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Re: Been So Long

Post by Sandy »

Hello I-Man...Welcpme back!!!! :D

You asked a couple questions about the prompts. Well both are sort of hard to answer definitively so I can tell you from my own thoughts and experience.. In other words take it with a grain of truth... and don't forget that the midwayers work with us in what ever way we will accept and prosper spiritually.

Okay, I am going to split up that last sentence for the sake of addressing both thoughts separately.
Today, I have had a really upsetting thought & I got 10:10 then changed to 10:11 at that moment. Here is the question. If you have a negative thought & see the numbers (whatever number 1:23 3:33 4:56 etc) do you feel it will work out
Well, I think everything works out in some fashion, although it may not be what we expect or even think we desire because a lot of "things" goes into this life we live and what swirls around us. For instance, as you addressed in the above question, our own thoughts help to determine an outcome. Other determiners might be, the thoughts and desires of others, our expectations, our dedication and aspirations, our faith, trust, hopes and dreams just to name a few. LOL Oh my, it is enough to make my head spin... :shock: Thankfully, in my opinion, at least these things can all be addressed and served using one awesome thing/action. LOVE When we look for Love and use Love as a determiner as far as your own thoughts, decisions actions etc., it helps to make the very best of any outcome. I know that sounds a bit..."flighty". But I strongly believe that Love is a thing, a noun every bit as much as anything physical we can touch. And since it encompasses every aspect of Life in the grand universe, in practicing and allowing Love to become second nature, all these other things can gradually fall into place.

But with all this said, life can feel very difficult at times despite all we know or think we know. :roll: ;) Living in the present helps but also so does making allowances for our errors of action, opinion or judgement. Being gentle with ourselves, especially when we don't live up to our own expectations, creates an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding with ourselves and this grows also to better understand of others and their own inner trials. You see, that critical voice within us can do great damage to others and when turned rabidly inward it can cause great harm.

so to answer your question above...
Yes, I have great hope that whatever confronts me at the time I see a prompt will work out...but that is not simply because I see a prompt as I explained above. The prompts do serve to remind me that the midwayers and my own angels are there for best friends... always reminding me of the Source of all wisdom, My gift of God within. What a comfort that is when you really give it a good think. We have a part of the Creator of Universes dwelling within us sharing all that life brings us... understanding us and supporting us helping to lift us ever closer to those heavens we will traverse some day.

Now the second part of your question...
If you have a negative thought & see the numbers (whatever number 1:23 3:33 4:56 etc) do you feel it will work out or maybe take that as it actually might happen so take warning now.
I have heard some people's account that they have received 11:11 as a warning... so I can't discount this. But as for this warning from the Midwayers that your thoughts might manifest... I just don't know. First, you have to take into account that "they" do not liberally read your thoughts unless you have given them permission. At times your God within and Angel/s might give them a heads up or they might be instructed to help and intervene in a particular way to serve your best interests and those, who knows, generations into the future...Gosh when I think how our thoughts and actions create ripples that touch others it really makes you wish to be a bit more mindful, eh? :)

So as I see it, I-Man, in many tangible ways it is you that is in charge of what you receive and what you accept. Our celestial friends work with us and along side us always respecting our free will. As we learn to stay in the present moment, still our busy lives and minds in regular stillness meditations of some sort...and most importantly allow Love to tint every part of our existence, we will begin to feel not only more accomplished at managing our lives, but also better able to create an ever stronger foundation for what lies to come in the spiritual realms beyond.

So let's throw our hearts into what resonates with us daily... let's smile at those around us and most importantly save a smile for ourselves as well, remembering that we are all works in progress. For as we all walk hand in hand, despite the differences in our earthly beliefs and chosen paths, (those "things that resonate with each of us as truth"), we are all walking hand in hand towards awesome eternal trails.

So ask yourself..."What lights my inner fame?"... "What do I feel is the meaning of these prompts in my life?"...and then listen, really listen and take note as to what comes to the surface. In this you will find the best answers for you. :)

I'm sorry this is long and a bit" rambly" but I just want to say that I am so glad to see your pyramids on the pages of these forums again. :D I hope you have been well. :finger:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Been So Long

Post by I-man78 »


After reading your response I had to literally walk away to take in what I read. So many things resonated. one of the biggest things was this.
Thankfully, in my opinion, at least these things can all be addressed and served using one awesome thing/action. LOVE When we look for Love and use Love as a determiner as far as your own thoughts, decisions actions etc., it helps to make the very best of any outcome.
Trust me when I tell makes prefect sense. I had to really think about it: What do I love? Sometimes, I don't know anymore. The world is to screwed up & so are the people in it. In the same breath, I'll say this. How you think & feel is the world you are going to attract.

Another thing I found interesting you said was this
But with all this said, life can feel very difficult at times despite all we know or think we know. :roll: ;) Living in the present helps but also so does making allowances for our errors of action, opinion or judgement. Being gentle with ourselves, especially when we don't live up to our own expectations, creates an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding with ourselves.
It is very difficult to be easy on myself because I am very hard on myself. If it doesn't happen in a few tries, I just want to give up. I do read a lot & always looking into the future of how I can improve myself. Me being in the present is not an easy task.

I do get comfort in seeing the numbers. I just hate thinking of something negative at the moment that I see it. I just have to believe it will work out.

Now that I am thinking about it. If we do create our reality & it is all in our hands then do angels exist? This is were I am torn. If I create the world around me & channel my inner God then why am I going to ask an external source to help me? Aren't I just giving up my power to create? I know it goes against the message with 1111 & angels but I have to ask. Thank's again for your help Sandy! :)
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Re: Been So Long

Post by Sandy »

Hey I-man. You asked a very interesting question and I am sitting here thinking about it as I swivel my little desk chair.
I guess with all things I tend to simplify and break it down into a form that I can identify with and one that makes complete sense...
So let’s see here is what you wrote...
Now that I am thinking about it. If we do create our reality & it is all in our hands then do angels exist? This is were I am torn. If I create the world around me & channel my inner God then why am I going to ask an external source to help me? Aren't I just giving up my power to create? I know it goes against the message with 1111 & angels but I have to ask.

Well, first of all, angels have their own ascension hopes and dreams. They too wish to find themselves “home” in Paradise some far off day.

But let's look at the angels and our administering celestials at this stage of our existence. These “guys” are all in every way children of the same God. Our forms, abilities, gifts, jobs, etc... may differ but we are all siblings. In comparison with the human family and for me my own family... No, I suppose I did not absolutely need my two sisters and brother. I could have grown, matured, made some mistakes, reached some goals, obtained my dreams without them...but they added so much joy to my road on this mortal planet. I believe in many ways we can regard our celestial kin in the same light... The Creator of the universe, God, could have very easily changed his creations... left out a few here and there... yet, would we be richer because of that? Would we have the opportunity to learn more about our "oh so very different kin" and about ourselves had He/She done so? No, in all ways we are richer for them as they act in our lives much like human siblings but maybe with more restraint...definitely not sticking their nose into areas where they don’t belong and always respecting our free will rights. Remember they do not ever do the “work” for us. We learn nothing if they do... These hard lessons when they are understood and filed within us are ours... but it is the unmistakable love they transfer to us, the encouragement... even the nudges and gentle hints as they point us into helpful directions that makes me shout their praises from the highest mountain. A world without our friends, our celestial siblings, is a world slightly diminished. I’m so glad they are a part of my life. :D
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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