11:11 Prompts, Living Blessing, and Dream Message

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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11:11 Prompts, Living Blessing, and Dream Message

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hi Everyone,

It has been quite a long time since I have posted here on the board and I hope all of you are well. All of my previous interactions here have been confined to one thread which I created back in January. I need to update that thread as much has happened in my life since my last post and I would like to share it all with everyone. I have learned a lot and I think I may be able to help some here on the board with my story.

Today though, I have been preoccupied with the last several hours of my life and I am really lost as to how to interpret a message I recieved in a dream last night. And so I thought I would post it here and see if anyone has any thoughts that could help me out. As ashort background:

After 2 or 3 months of not having any 11:11 time prompts present themselves to me, I am now beginning to see them again this week, in a number of ways, not just by looking at the time on clocks. I know this is a good sign for me, and I acknowledge that everytime I see 11:11. I feel good about this because I have been doing so much inner work on myself that maybe I am heading for a major breakthrough, I do not know.

This week has also been interesting because yesterday morning, there was a living blessing for me performed at a local catholic church. Eseentially, I set this up about a month ago and you can schedule church blessings for the living and the dead.

Now I don't know if this weeks 11:11 prompts and the lving blessing are related to a message I recieved in a dream last night but this was my dream...

A woman I was once involved with, let's call her Susan, was standing in front of me in my dream. And this is eactly what she said to me:

"I was looking at old pictures of my soul and I think it may be time for me to...let go".

Now I realize that when people appear in your dream, it may not be the person who it seems to be, but rather "spirit" in disguise in order for us to recieve a message.

However, I have greamed many times of Susan in the past and so I wonder if it is "she" who is trying to convey a message to me?

In total, I found this to be a very deep message and I can't help but think that it is related to the journey I am on, and my recent experience with the 11:11. My intial reaction to the dream was that Susan was letting go of "me" but I do not know how to decode the dream.

Any help?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. I have so much to write about my experiences this year but I will have to post that maybe in a new thread or my old one, I am not sure yet. Thank everyone,

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Re: 11:11 Prompts, Living Blessing, and Dream Message

Post by happyrain »

hi john
what's your current relationship with susan ? are you guys still talking to each other ? it's hard to determine what it might mean without knowing the history and where you two are currently in your life. how do you feel now that you are no longer in a relationship with her ? questions you should ask yourself, whether you wish to share or not is ok with me. if you guys are on good terms and communicate every now and then maybe you can share your dream with her ? meditate on it and ask for understanding.

welcome back to the forum :hithere
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Re: 11:11 Prompts, Living Blessing, and Dream Message

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hello happyrain and thank you for the warm welcome back. I hope you are well.

I want to begin by writing that although the question I posed was about Susan and what she said to me in my dream, I feel that it ties back to my understanding and experience with 11:11 throughout this year. I analyze things a lot and I do believe that some of the wonderful advice I recieved here earlier in the year was spot on and has helped me understand what I am going through with regard to my experience with Susan and how 11:11 ties into that.

Over the summer my relationship with Susan deteriorated to the point that we are now not communicating. Our history goes back 12 years to the spring of 2001. But this past summer we spoke a lot about our relationship, potentially trying again, but we started to disagree on the circumstances surrounding events in our past and our discussions quickly deteriorated to a point where there is now no trust or friendship remaining. The few femaie friends I confided in about this have told me that she never had intentions of trying again for a variety of reasons and that I should have let go years ago.

Today, I am going through a career change in my home city with no plans to relocate as I assist my sister with the caregiving of my wheelchair ridden mother. Susan moved across the country 3 years ago to move to a city she always wanted to move to and she has her eye on her long term future.

On the one hand, I wish we would have had one more chance to make the relationship work (beyond what was our friendship) but on the other hand, we had tried before when we lived in the same city and it never did work. So I have been trying hard to "let go" forr years but there is still a strong emotional attachment to her, I cannot shake it, and I felt really bad hearing her say "let go" in the dream. I cannot contact her abot the dream, things are that bad between us. My guess is that we are both trying to let go at the same time.

Interestingly, throughout the years that I have known her, I always dreamed of her. I knew that we would be in a relationship before we ever were becaused I dreamed it, I knew what kind of hardships she was going through in her life before she ever told me because I had dreamed them, and I have protected her from dagerous situations because I dreamed of the situations and the people involved before those situations had a chance to happen. I warned her and I was right. Wierd!

So maybe I just answered my own question. Maybe we are both trying to let go but struggling to do so. Or maybe just me.

I think you are correct in that I should meditate more on this to understand this further.

I also thought that the living blessing may have triggered this message coming to me in my dream.

How does this all tie in with 11:11? Well that's a very long post and over the next while I will start working on that. What I have come up with makes sense to me so I look forward to sharing that with everyone. Thanks,

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Re: 11:11 Prompts, Living Blessing, and Dream Message

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Hi there John :hithere

Your thoughts and experiences are intriguing and important to me. I thank you a lot for sharing and I agree with you: you may be able to help someone with your story. So thank you.

First off, let's talk about dreams, blessings, and numbers. You wonder, are these connected? Well, at the end of the day, I think the "connection" is not between the objects and events themselves, but between your thoughts and what they mean to you. It is obvious that you have been doing a lot of thinking and soul searching at this time in your life, and you are seeing how many things in life and the Universe seem "connected", and so it is. I think, in your mind and heart, all of the things are connected because *YOU* connect them, and find some sort of truth, beauty, and goodness in the messages, signs, and opportunities that come your way.. even if it isn't always clear at first.

I am no dream expert, but I would really like to talk to you about what you told us about everything with Susan. There are some things I would really like to share and discuss with you. I have to run at the moment so I will leave this post as it is for now, but I will be back very soon to post the rest of what I want to share!

In the meantime, thanks again for everything you've been willing to share with us, and I hope you will continue to do so in the future. You will always be welcomed and valued here in our loving web family.

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Re: 11:11 Prompts, Living Blessing, and Dream Message

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hi LurkerAbyss,

Thank you for your reply. To me though, it seems a quite strange how multiple areas of my life are in flux all at the same time. I am going through a career change, I have overcome a health scare, and I have been revisitng my relationship with Susan. Although the situations themselves may not be connected, I believe that the fact that I am having to deal with everything at the same time is a reflection of some larger purpose.

In all cases, I have learned important lessons that will serve me well. In addition, I have learned about myself in ways I could not have imagined a year ago. And I have also now identified patterns throughout my life that have led me to where I am today. And the interesting thing is that so much has yet to be determined so the path ahead is not at all clear to me.

I feel that constantly seeing 11:11 until a few months ago was a wake up call to me. A sign that these are intense and transformative times fo me. I think Susan's return for a short while was intended to help me get past certain issues with her, although I am struggling with that to an extent.

The astrologers say that what is happening to me is pretty common to many Scorpios this fall so I may not be alone here in my experience. And as I have written here on this board before, I was born on November 11 at 11:11pm so if I can ultimately come to a conclusion as to what this all means and what is happening to me, it may just be bigger than I ever thought possible.

So thank you for any insights you care to share. I look forward to your reply Thank you,

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Re: 11:11 Prompts, Living Blessing, and Dream Message

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Hey there John,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I fully agree with you, that the fact of dealing with all of these experiences at the same time seems to be part of a larger purpose. That is basically what I meant to say, but heaven knows how much trouble I have sticking with short, concise, and to the point messages! :roll :lol: I think that a lot of people who have come along here tend to associate things such as 11:11 with intense and transformative times in their lives, myself included.

I wanted to offer my thoughts on the ordeal with Susan. I think "letting go" is obviously a major theme in this case, perhaps for both of you. However, I don't think of letting go as just "ignoring it", turning your head and moving on and just trying not to think about it. In fact, just the opposite, I think some intense thinking, meditation, and soul-searching must be done and you must stare the entire thing right in the face.

Obviously I do not know very much about either of you and what you've been through, or what the situation was. However, the fact that your relationship got to a point of no longer communicating gives me the sense that the key to "letting go" has a lot to do with forgiveness. Think deeply about forgiveness for her, and anything that may have hurt you.. it doesn't mean everything was right, or that you're just going to forget it ever happened, but it means choosing not to look back on certain things and still feel the pain, perhaps anger, or sadness, or regret, or longing, etc. It means feeling compassion and love for her, wishing her the best along her own path, with no negative thoughts, worries, or unanswered questions about the past.

And equally as important.. think deeply about forgiveness for yourself. Us human folk tend to struggle with that one quite a bit. As said above, the same for yourself as for her: let go of any anger, sadness, worries, regrets, questions, etc. Know that the past is over, and attachment to it or her is only holding you back. No blame for anyone. Not only is it recommended to give yourself the love, compassion, and mercy to let go and move on and be happy.. but you DESERVE that love, and you deserve to be happy. They say you should never feel like you've lost or you're longing for a reason to be happy, such as a person or a thing... because that reason can always be taken away from you, so simply, *choose* to be happy for no reason. And again.. please don't forget to forgive yourself and remind yourself of the love you deserve.

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Re: 11:11 Prompts, Living Blessing, and Dream Message

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hi LurkerAbyss,

Thank you for your thoughtful message. This is really great to be able to have a forum where I can bounce my thoughts off others and see if I am making any sense in that space between my ears. So I thought I would spend this post writing a little bit about my relationship with Susan, my understanding of my 11:11 dream and subsequent 11:11 messages, and then my thoughts on the relationship between the two and more broadly this excruciating pressure cooker that I feel I am in this year.

To begin, I came here back in January about a dream I had, a dream which involved 11:11, Susan, and a sign that read “It is just beginning”. If interested, I detail the dream in another thread titled “11:11 Dream – Any Thoughts?” There are certainly other very interesting details in that dream, but there are a few things I have been concentrating on as I have been interpreting that dream.

Although it did not start at that point, I began to increasingly see 11:11 earlier this year. At the same time I began dealing with many changes in my life such as a career change, increasingly concerning health issues, and later the reappearance of Susan. Susan had been out of my life for some time when I had that dream as she had moved away to start a new life in another city. Thus, I never thought that I would have to revisit that relationship again, assuming it was over, despite the fact that I constantly thought about her.

I have reasoned to myself that maybe the appearance of 11:11 in that dream, and the message that “it is just beginning” was a message to me that Susan was moving on as I saw her with another man in that dream. I also reasoned that those were signs for me to move on also. So in hindsight, maybe the journey of moving on was just beginning for both of us at that time, although I did not realize it at the time, and maybe she did not either.

When Susan subsequently did reappear this past summer, things did not work out so well between us. My feeling was that the ultimate breakdown in our relationship provided me with the information that it was time for move on because it just was not going to work for us. I had written in my journal this past summer that my block was hanging on to her. And by “block” I refer to how since the time I met her, she had always consumed my thoughts.

However, I believe that seeing 11:11 this year, and seeing the message “its just beginning” was not just to alert me to the transformation I would have to go through with regards to getting past Susan, but the transformation I would have to go through to make a career change. In both cases, I believe a new life awaits me once I get through both worm holes and the transformation in both parts of my life appear to parallel each other. In addition, my health scares this year were no laughing matter and alerted me how to watch myself as I go through this transformation as some of those health issues were stress related.

Thus, I do agree with you Lurkerabyss, that “letting go” is a major theme with regards to Susan. I do believe that I have analysed this relationship intensely. But I know it is time to let go. I mean really, if it was going to work, it would have worked sometime in the 12 years since we met back in 2001. So yeah, I need to let go. I have also been working hard at forgiving myself for anger, sadness, worries, regrets, questions, etc. You are spot on with your assessment of what I should be doing because I have been trying to do those things. I am also working hard at forgiving her and wishing her well. It is getting easier to do this but some days are good and some are not so good.You wrote a passage that really resonates with me. That passage is: “Know that the past is over, and attachment to it or her is only holding you back”.

So my feeling is that once I put my relationship with Susan in its final resting place in my mind, then one of my blocks, which has been my preoccupation with her, will be gone. And maybe that was the message,or one of the messages, that I was intended to receive in that dream. That my “letting go” was just beginning and when I truly did let go, then the promise of the 11:11 would appear in my life. In which case, the sooner I let go and forgive, and wish her well, the better. Maybe when I do that fully, my transformation will progress.

Does this assessment of the connection between 11:11 and what is happening in my life (Susan, career) make sense to the world outside of my head? Or have I over analysed this?

Thank you everyone for reading. In part, I was concerned that some of my messages would be best placed on a relationship/dating site but I see this being as part of something bigger, that being the 11:11. Thanks,

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Re: 11:11 Prompts, Living Blessing, and Dream Message

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Hey John,

I don't think it is unreasonable at all for you to make that connection between 11:11 and what is happening in your life. I have noticed that I begin to see it and other numbers very, very much during the times in my life over the last 8 years where I was going through times of crisis, or uplifting, or just major transitional periods. I don't think that "what it means" is so much of an objective or universal thing, but instead a very individual and personal thing. I think that, like myself, you are probably finding that just the fact of noticing 11:11 during these times causes you to stop and realize it is all part of a bigger picture. I think that it helps you to think twice about things, to look for deeper connections and meanings in things, to remind you of things that are relevant to improving your life and following your path. That is just what I think. I think you are very well on your way for a long, eternal journey of discovery, enlightenment, and fulfillment.

John, I would like to share something personal with you. Although on a much smaller time scale, over the last year I have had a very difficult roller coaster with my best friend. Long story short, things got complicated with seeing each other and moving into a romantic zone, but where my feelings were much stronger and deeper, and she could not give me the same reassurance or sense of commitment. It got to the point where we were having arguments all the time, and we still talked everyday but I hadn't seen her in person for a month. Well recently, we decided to meet up and hang out, and it went great for awhile but then we ended up having the biggest fight we ever have, and pretty nearly hit the point of complete non-communication, although as of today we are facing the true issues together to at least not end with resentment or unspoken feelings and unanswered questions. It's funny.. we had that fight Saturday night, and once I was able to reflect upon it afterwards, I realized that every single thing I had said to you in my post about needing to let go and move on from things could be applied *exactly* to myself and my own situation.

I realized that I had tried to convince her, and myself, that I was okay with our relationship not working out and had totally moved on from feelings, when in fact there were actually underlying things all along that I had not been honest with myself. I realized everything I had just preached to you about letting go and forgiveness and reconciling everything in my heart, was now something I actually had to immediately put into practice. I wrote a message publicly on Facebook that I will share below. Normally, I do not post anything about my personal life at all and usually just stick to sharing funny or inspirational quotes and links, but I put this out there because I felt that it could potentially help or inspire somebody else going through similar things or needing to learn similar lessons. On that note, I would like to say that *you* have helped and inspired *me*, simply by sharing yourself and your story with us and allowing this conversation to happen instead of keeping your thoughts to yourself. Don't ever feel like you're over-analyzing and sound excessive, or that you're over-sharing and we don't really care.. we do, and your thoughts, your connections, your life, and your story will serve to help and inspire others, such as myself.

When you love someone, and I mean really love them, you realize there is a lot more to it than just enjoying the parts of them you like and the cute or sweet or funny times you share. There are challenges you have to face, and there is pain you have to feel, taking the good with the bad.

Sometimes though, as hard as you try to face those challenges together and try to learn to understand each other, the dips in that roller coaster only get harder and you only grow further apart. Sometimes, you need to learn and grow on your own before you are able to do it together. Giving up the struggle together doesn't always mean you don't want to do it anymore.. sometimes it just means that it isn't worth it anymore.

It hurts when you realize someone you love is not quite the person that you thought they were, and that the connection you thought you had is not all you thought it was. But, you also have to realize that it only hurts because of your own expectations: who you expected them to be, and what you expected from them. Instead of wanting them to change or give something more, you need to let them be who they are, and let your connection be whatever it is.

So today's lesson is about letting go. I have been trying to hold on to something that hurts me. I have been wanting someone to be who they are not. And I have not been honest with myself about what I want versus what I really need. Letting go doesn't mean you just forget or turn your head or try to set your feelings aside. Letting go means accepting that something is not meant to be no matter how much you wish it was. Letting go is accepting that no one is to blame, and neither of you was right or wrong, neither of you was better or worse, but that you were simply different people with different thoughts and feelings. Letting go is being able to shut up your own ego, silence the anger or sadness, and still be able to wish them well and hope they become a better person while accepting you need to go on your own to become a better person yourself.

I have to let go, and say goodbye to my best friend. I still love you, and I always will. I still believe in you, and all that you'll become, just as I have to believe in myself and all that I can become. Somewhere there is a peace and understanding for us where we can share and show each other all we've learned and all we've grown.. but we can not do it together. As you told me before, we both know that we were both right, and both wrong. I have thought a lot about why things happened the way they happened, and why we became what we are.

I've been trying to get down to the heart of the matter, and I think it's about: *forgiveness*.

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Re: 11:11 Prompts, Living Blessing, and Dream Message

Post by happyrain »

lucky, john
after reading and seeing the similarity of your situations, i'm glad for your life experience.

can you remember how some of the best things in life came to you by surprise- how, when you've stopped looking for something then whatever it was you thought were looking for presented itself in an unexpected way ?
maybe by focusing less on what was will free up some space and help you see opportunities you might not have given much thought before.

john maybe you've had a past life connection with susan.
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Re: 11:11 Prompts, Living Blessing, and Dream Message

Post by JohnInCanada »


Hello and thank you for your message. The message you wrote a few days ago, about "forgiveness" and "letting go" was quite profound for me. I thought a lot about what you wrote and I think your words are going to help me get to where I need to go in a very big way as they were just what I needed to read. Some days are better than others, and as you know, I have been struggling with this relationship or a long time and trying to work towards letting go, even though I had great hopes when Susan and I began communicating again back in June. Nevertheless, I know I am making great progress towards letting go and I am sure that Susan is also out on her end. Your Facebook entry was really great, I hope a lot of people get to read that. I have a feeling that you will do just fine dealing with your relationship, your words are wise.

Thank you LurkerAbyss for engaging in this thread. It just goes to show that the human experience is a "shared" experience and we are never alone in that experience. We are all connected. After all these years it feels strange to be dealing with my relationship with Susan in this way, but it is what it is. And I think this is one of the things I was meant to deal with in 2013.

And this week, I am slowly getting the 11:11 signs back so that is good.


And thank you for your entry in this thread. I had to google the topic "past life connection" and found some sites that give you criteria to determine if you are, or have been involved in such a relationship. One one of those sites I did meet their 5 point criteria so maybe if I read up on that further I can understand this relationship better over time. Thank for pointing this possibility out to me. I can say in all honesty that my relationship with Susan is nothing like I have never experienced before and it is not just a guy infatuated with a woman. This was different and although the relationship was problematic from the beginning, I am still dealing with this 12 years later.

You wrote "maybe by focusing less on what was will free up some space and help you see opportunities you might not have given much thought before". Interesting, just a few days ago I posted a quote on my facbook timeline that reads:

"What you embrace you can release, and what you release, with loving gratitute, creates space for greater blessings in your life".

I think this quote resonates with what you wrote, and points to a great lesson for me, not just with regards to my relationship with Susan, but by also dealing with my career change. So thank you for your words.

And to add to what I just wrote, let me write that I sometimes keep passages that I have read in different places that resonate with me because I think there is a good lesson in what the passage conveys. For example, in early September I saved a passage that read:

"Its important to let it all go, because if it's falling away it isn't resonating with your frequency anymore. something much more harmonious and aligned with your evolutionary path will appear, just as soon as you are completely detatched from whatever is leaving your life".

So once again, I think this another useful take on this discussion and maybe someone wil find this useful.

I am going to relax and try not to focus so much for a while, and just accept what is. I think I deserve that, I feel very tired.

Thank you everyone for listening...

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Re: 11:11 Prompts, Living Blessing, and Dream Message

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Eric and John,

Your words and suggestions have truly moved me and given me something to think about. I have been making progress in the steps towards letting go, but what I did not really think about was something you both touched on: not just letting go and detaching from something, but considering that it will make room for something better, and when I'm not expecting it.

You are right John, we are not alone, and I find great comfort in this. Discussions like this remind me why this place is like a sanctuary of love and empathy to me.

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