11:11 returns!

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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11:11 returns!

Post by 11light11 »

Hi everyone! :kiss:

I very seldom post in this forum anymore, because we 11:11ers can get a bit 'used to' seeing these time-prompts after a while, you know what I mean? :lol: But this was so special I wanted to share it, especially because our group's recent supportive prayers have helped me so much in finding some peace during a rough stretch.

I hardly ever see 11:11 anymore, since joining this board I more often see 2:22 and 3:33, and so on. So 11:11 is always very special to me.

A few nights ago, I had an awful panic attack, which I shared in the healing-requests thread about Grandpa Jack. My sadness spiraled into panic. The night was rough. The following morning I went to make coffee, and as I squinted at the coffee pot, it said 11:11. It is not even set to the right time! :lol: It filled me with such hope, and I knew it was an offering of support and companionship due to the rough evening I'd had. It went a very long way.

Then last night, I was feeling hopeful about healing, and asked for meaningful dreams and healing energies while I slept. I awoke refreshed, and when I went to make coffee it said 11:11. Once again -- not set to the right time -- and it was hours earlier than the last time it had said 11:11. ;)

These things help so much, don't they? Sometimes I read all of your messages along these lines, and it fills me with a hope that lasts all day, so in that spirit I wanted to share. :love :kiss:

With love, Michele :loves
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Re: 11:11 returns!

Post by happyrain »

thanks for sharing michele
i feel similar
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Re: 11:11 returns!

Post by sammy »

That is such a wonderful story!

It's funny how we go through stretches where we get either no prompts or different ones. But there sure is something special feeling about 11:11!

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Re: 11:11 returns!

Post by inlikeflint »

See what you miss when you go away for a bit!

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Re: 11:11 returns!

Post by 11light11 »

:sunflower: You guys are awesome! :loves

Oh and p.s., when I said I hardly ever post in this forum anymore, I didn't mean the entire Progress Group as a whole, I just meant the 11:11 phenomena forum (thread?) -- I don't know what the separate headings are called. But I try to keep up with what everyone's saying, and keep track of the Healing Requests, in any case!!! :lol:
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Re: 11:11 returns!

Post by Sandy »

Hi Michele,
Something similar happened to me quite a few years ago with a clock that was not set to the correct time at my sister's house. It often showed me a prompt and never at the same time as it showed me the day before. I loved it and felt so encouraged...especially at a time in my life when I needed all the help I could get! :D

We've missed you around here dear Flint! It is good to see your little cat face again! ((((((( :cat: )))))))

Love all you guys!
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Re: 11:11 returns!

Post by Featherbed »

Hi Michelle, I do hope your sleeping better and more settled, thats a lovely story and thank you it touched my heart x, sending love to you and grandpar Jack...Robynx
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Re: 11:11 returns!

Post by 11light11 »

Sandy isn't that just the coolest thing, about those clocks that aren't even set to the right time? :bana: I get such a kick out of them!! I get more prompts there than on 'right clocks.'

It reminds me of an old saying I love, "Even a broken clock is right twice a day." ;)

Does your sister get time-prompted, too? I'm curious since they're her clocks. ;) :lol:

Thanks Feather! I am sleeping much better, I appreciate you asking, and for sending your love. I am doing much better lately, and I found a great book that is helping lots. "Get out of your mind, and into your life," for any folks like me who have anxiety from time to time. It's basically a repackaging of Buddhists ideas, like mindfulness. It's very helpful to try to witness yourself, instead of getting into a thought loop! ;)

Love to everyone . .. hope you're having an awesome time in the good ole' USA Sandy!

Love, Michele :kiss: :loves
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Re: 11:11 returns!

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Hiiii Michele!

I can definitely relate to the "wrong clock" prompts. I have an alarm clock in my bedroom that, until recent times, was aaalways set at the wrong time. I never bothered to reset it because by then I had taken to using my cell phone as my standard alarm and watch, but I also noticed I would get a lot of prompts on that old alarm clock and I even started thinking of it as my "prompt clock" since those would really be the only times I'd actually look at it. As well, I know what you mean about how 11:11 seems special.. I still get plenty of time prompts and, even though they never get old despite how "normal" they may feel, 11:11 almost seems to stand out as a return to the basic but very special number that started it all. Funny how these numbers seem to just "show up" in a noticeable way during times where they feel particularly comforting or needed!

I am really happy that you seem to be getting back on your feet and that your light is still shining.. I was not around when things were going down in your life and you called for support and prayer here, but I just want you to know that *your* support, prayers, and healing energies have helped me very much in the past when I was in a dark place and you have my sweetest wishes and blessings. I will never forget that, you really helped me a lot and I love you, I'm here, returning the same love and light you have given me.

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Re: 11:11 returns!

Post by 11light11 »

Dear Lucky,

What a beautiful message!! Thank you so much for what you said, that really means so much to me. I'm so appreciative of you sending out those good vibes my way. I've remained on the case sending you out healing energies, and I'll keep on, and from your recent posts, you seem so calm and even. That's incredible! It sure is something the way our little family here at 11:11 can make such a difference. We're all located all around the world, and yet we feel close despite our physical distance. :love We're a lucky bunch. ;)

There is something neat about plain 'ole 11:11, ya know? It's neat hearing about your wrong-set-alarm clock. :) I think the only 'right' clock in my house is my cell phone, so I can sure relate! :roll

Love to you Lucky and to everyone else here! :kiss: :sunflower: Peace, Michele
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Re: 11:11 returns!

Post by Swedishblue »

hello Michelle :hithere Yes I have to agree, although we're global it does sure feel like everyone's a family here. :sunflower:

Thank you for the book suggestion 'Get out of your mind' - I've just read on Amazon a couple of index pages, and yes it sounds an interesting read. Good on you for thinking to mention this book to us!

I'll be back to suggest another to you! :loves
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Re: 11:11 returns!

Post by Krystalshard »

Hi Michele,
I'm sorry I was unaware you had some tough stuff going on... I know that NOW is the only time we have to do what we do, and so NOW is when I pray for you for your THEN problems...
God always answers his children's prayers. So now, you are here sharing this wonderful feeling and message of Love and we can feel it world wide. See? How cool is this???

And I know I'm "preaching to the choir" again, when I say the 11:11 prompt is so special... and in a way I think the Midwayers enjoy having the "wrong" clocks tell us when it's the "right" time!!!
:D :roll

Here's to connecting on the Love Level with all of you, my brothers and sisters.


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Re: 11:11 returns!

Post by 11light11 »

Hi Anya! Thanks for your message! It's always good to see a little note from you, and hope you and your daughter are doing well! Yes that book has been helpful to me. One little mental exercise that it suggested was great . . . it said, close your eyes and imagine an infinite chess board, extending out to infinity in all directions. There are white pieces clustered together, representing all your "positive" thoughts, feelings, ideas about yourself, memories, etc. . . and there are black pieces clustered together as well, representing all your 'negative' thoughts, feelings, ideas about yourself, memories and so on. Now you are watching them and you notice they are at war. The white pieces are trying to beat the black pieces and the black pieces are trying to beat the white pieces . . . where are you? Are you the pieces? Are you the one manipulating the pieces, engaging in the war? Or are you the chess board?

The chess board does not engage in the war, the chess board witnesses the war, but does not get engaged. The chess board just contains all the pieces. So the exercise helps you to witness that you already contain all these pieces inside of you -- you have room inside of yourself for all the pieces -- they are already there. So instead of trying to get one set of pieces to beat the other set of pieces, disengage from the war, and take up a position of neutrality, where you witness the emotions, but you do not feel "I am angry," instead "I witness a feeling of anger." You do not say "I " am anger, instead I witness it. And it's interesting but it helps somewhat to get that distance. If you get up and go somewhere, as the chess board, you bring all the white pieces and all the black pieces with you! It's like in Forest Gump, "Wherever you go, there you are." ;) I thought it was a neat mindfulness technique. It takes a while to get in the habit of witnessing, instead of identifying.

Jean, I loved what you said:
And I know I'm "preaching to the choir" again, when I say the 11:11 prompt is so special... and in a way I think the Midwayers enjoy having the "wrong" clocks tell us when it's the "right" time!!!
That is so poetic and so cool ! ! !

It's really true, Anya and Jean, the way we are able to rely on each other for support and kindness during tough times. I feel all that love and concern shining out from you all and it's helped me a lot!!

I'm on the case sending healing out to all of you too. With love, MIchele :loves :love :kiss: :sunflower:
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