11:11 need answers

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11:11 need answers

Post by pamela »

Hi I am new to your site and so glad I have found it. I am in need of an answer and after numerous attempts of sites, books, etc I cannot seem to find anyone with the same experience. I realize every experience is different however, there has to be someone who has experienced something of the same nature. I am a very spiritual person. I have been since a very young age. I believe I have a gift of being able to tune in to things I cannot see. I have for years experienced 11:11 it is not a surprise when I see it, however, in the last 6months I have noticed a pattern to seeing this, maybe I have just "woke up" to it. It is 3 days long. On the first day I will see 11 11 am, probably 1 11 pm......the second day I will see 11 11 appear more on the clocks or the time on a receipt etc. The third day will be every 11 11 or 1 11 of the day the very last thing I will see is 11 11 pm as I am heading to be or look at my clock. I can pretty much guarantee the next day I will hear of a death whether it be family friend or a known person on the media, world disaster, a hurricane, plane crash, tornado, mass murder. So you can see my 11 11's are not of a positive nature. My question is why to the negative that I see and not the positive, I cannot change the situation, yes I become very aware. I take these to heart and feel the pain of these people to the point I wake up thinking of them and there loss and go to bed thinking of them. Even if you cannot give me an answer to the "why" I would be happy to know I am not the only one out there. I believe I have been directed to this site, so any help would be so appreciated. Thank you so much. Love and Peace to all.
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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by overmind »

Hi Pamela, welcome to the board! :hithere

The only thing I can think of at the moment would be that it was probably easier getting you to notice time prompts if they notified you of specific events. People tend to focus more on the negative than the positive, so odd coincidences may become more noticeable. Just a guess though. If you want the prompts to be changed a certain way, the midwayers can do that for you. I was not personally prompted (that I know of) until I started reading the Urantia Book and found this website. Right now I rarely get them because I have not attached any specific meaning or value to them, but I do get visited now and then in different ways. For instance, electronics are rather easy to manipulate. Just twenty minutes ago, when I was meditating, they started messing with my air purifier to say hi. One of the most important things is to have an agreed upon method of communication. For instance, it's hard to get meaningful dreams if you don't know what imagery would be meaningful.

Let me know if you have any questions (although you may want to visit the FAQs section first http://board.1111angels.com/viewforum.php?f=9).
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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by Sandy »

Hello Pamela,
You wrote:
My question is why to the negative that I see and not the positive, I cannot change the situation, yes I become very aware. I take these to heart and feel the pain of these people to the point I wake up thinking of them and there loss and go to bed thinking of them.
I've been sitting here thinking about your post for while now. To be honest, in the past we have had other people come here with similar experience with the number prompts... in that 11:11 seems to be a harbinger of something negative in their life. And it would seem wrong to dispute it because this is the way they feel... and the situation seems to support that very thing. So I am wondering, especially after getting to know some of these lovely 11:11 prompt providers, if there could multiple reasons for your prompting. You sound like someone who is very caring of others, desiring them to be healthy and cared for, even empathetic. So by prompting you and with you now being expectant of bad news on the fourth day, could it possibly be a way they are providing for you an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those affected through prayer and healing intentions? Often times from these sad and negative happenings we make and feel a strong connection with people and events, making our prayers for their welfare ever more potent. Often times too these activities for others bless our lives as well since Love has a way of coming back to us like a boomerang lifting our own lives in the process. And through it all, the 11:11 is a comfort. We can take comfort in the knowledge that we are surrounded by loving beings, universe siblings, who desire for us to be at peace and support us in this life we live as we too reach out to others. I guess that is why I was thinking that for you there are multiple meanings all woven into one prompt sighting.

Over the years as I have experienced some rough times and fears have tried to get the upper hand and through it all, I have been touched by the 11:11, much as a hug from a family member or dear friend. These wonderful Midwayers and angels are there for me and for all of us in good times and in those hard to understand bad happenings. They dearly want the earth and it's vast array of creatures and human siblings to be at peace and recognize their spiritual value and the awesome road that lies before them. And I can truly say, that throughout all the activities we share together, these beings never once fail to place my hand into the Divine.

But a person can only speak from their own experiences and their own beliefs and so in reality it is you who will decide how the11:11 prompt and these wonderful angelic friends fit into your earth life... and this is good. They reach out to each of us as individuals because in all the universe we are unique.

But while you search for your answers and what resonates with your soul...please make yourself at home here. This place exists for you and for everybody else who is seeking answers. Please feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with us. You often help another person in this way, with words that someone may have very much needed to hear.

Welcome to the board, Pamela. It's nice to meet you!
xx Sandy
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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by pamela »

I want to thank you for both your warm welcome and some great insight. It has got me thinking in a different direction....I had recently got to the point when seeing 11:11 what now? However, maybe I need to embrace the warning /sign and feel blessed of the warning to prepare myself and forward positive energy to others. I must say Sandy I did do an out loud laugh when I read your quote from Gandhi.....I myself, used that Quote not long ago. I do not believe in coincidences, so when I saw the quote I new this was the site for me......Thank you again.
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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by Sandy »

Hey Pamela,
I must say Sandy I did do an out loud laugh when I read your quote from Gandhi.....I myself, used that Quote not long ago. I do not believe in coincidences, so when I saw the quote I new this was the site for me......Thank you again.
You know what's funny, is I just changed my signature to the Ghandi quote just a couple weeks ago. It's interesting because I had been using a quote from one of Overmind's (Arthur) poems which I dearly loved as it gave me hope and patience in my "oh so slow" spiritual progress. (You can view some of his lovely work in the poetry section.) But for some reason, I felt compelled to put this one up when I read it. :D
I do have great faith in humanity's ability to eventually cherish each other and overcome everything we find ourselves facing... and Ghandi gives great encouragement through his powerful words. :sunflower:
My dream is for everyone to some day say, as they look at their life and those around them, "Life is good." :bana:
XX Sandy
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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by George »

Welcome dear Pamela,.

The 11:11 (the 1,111 Secondary Midwayers or Lower Angels) are all of good standing.

To me they are the truest Friends I ever had. :sunflower:


God bless...
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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by Krystalshard »

Hi Pamela,
Welcome, and thanks for sharing your story. :hithere
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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by murlin99 »

Welcome pamela,
I have been hanging around here for a couple years now and have to say that you have found the most compassionate and understanding group of people that you will ever meet. I found this place when I felt I was going to go insane because I saw 11:11 everywhere I looked. With the guidance from this group I quickly came to understand what the prompts were all about. After I had a good grasp on what I was experiencing the prompts slowed down a lot. I still normally see one or two per day, but they get a lot more frequent if Im under a lot of stress. Lately it has been 2 - 5 times per day. Just throwing my example out there to show that the prompting has no set reason, it just is, and can be different for different people.

Another great thing taught/learned here is meditation. I had tried to meditate many times in the past and never could get past 5minutes. Using the techniques taught here and listening to the guided meditation CD when needed has helped all aspects of my life. I fall off the wagon sometimes and will not meditate for days or even a couple weeks, and I can defiantly tell it when I have not been meditating.

Again welcome to the group, we deeply care about each other and will support you in any way we can as you forge your path of enlightenment.

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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by pamela »

Thank you Bryan, I have never tried meditation, tho, it has interested me, may give it a try real soon. When you mentioned about being stressed I noticed myself at times it was more frequent for me a times in those moments, then when I would hear of some tragedy my thoughts would be focused on others as opposed to my self.....kind of took it a lesson for myself to remember my blessings and realize there is far worse suffering than why I am stressing about. I guess I just find it hard as I am a person who wants a clear cut answer lol..I have been seeing 11:11 for so long....I have had so many questions as to why me, why is happening, who/what is making it happen. I can't tell you how much research I have done but never found solid information. I am looking forward to having time to read more from the boards here to get some good insight. I seem to go from 11:11 to electronics going on and off, to the newest thing is feeling the need to research Native Indian history ,midwayers and lightworkers, angels, which I have a collection since I was young but every time I turn there is an angel symbol, a picture, a book, at work today I found a white feather out front of the back door, little things , I borrowed a book from my daughter just to have something to read, yes based on an angel had no idea what I grabbed ....so I seem to be going in every direction lately with all of this.....all I can do is enjoy the ride and see what awaits.... :D
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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by Sandy »

Its always good when you stop in. Like chatting with an old friend over a cup of coffee... that is the way your posts make me feel. :)

Hey Pamela...
you wrote:
So I seem to be going in every direction lately with all of this.....all I can do is enjoy the ride and see what awaits.... :D
That's what I love about all this... everybody's ride is so unique. It often begins with the prompts and where it leads is anybody's guess. All good stuff! :sunflower:
XX Sandy
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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by KurtSchluter »

Thank you Sandy for the Ghandi quote as I have not seen that before. I'm "borrowing" it for my daily usage. :)
Recently my wife of 33 years has been getting time prompts daily. It has certainly made our lives more meaningful and we are becoming more aware. Yesterday we discussed that we felt that people we were interacting with in our daily lives were much nicer than in the past. Salespeople and cashiers and other random people were more cordial and happier and more smiles. The question is are these people actually happier or is it us finally seeing these people in a nicer light or are we perhaps even causing this change in our perceptions of people because we are happier? All the lessons here and in other Urantia related literature and the Teaching Mission archives say that we are changing the world one person at a time. Perhaps this is all because of these lessons from above?
I just finished reading " The Center Within" and " The Adventures of Being Human" which contain some of the greatest teachings which we are attempting to adhere to. I also read the Serara Forum along with this one for more input into our fascinating world!
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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by Welles »

KurtSchluter wrote:The question is are these people actually happier or is it us finally seeing these people in a nicer light or are we perhaps even causing this change in our perceptions of people because we are happier?

I would say you are creating the circumstance because of the opening of your hearts. Other people respond to that energy and reciprocate in kind. From my point of view each of us has the creative capacity to access Love and 'encircuit' it with others in in our everyday lives. When you can walk through the world with your heart open you are able to respond relatively perfectly to any event. Love is a field of energy from God but it becomes dynamic when it flows among Beings. A rising tide of Love lifts all souls.

KurtSchluter wrote:All the lessons here and in other Urantia related literature and the Teaching Mission archives say that we are changing the world one person at a time. Perhaps this is all because of these lessons from above?

The lessons are concepts reflected to us from beings of comparatively greater divinity than we. Those ideas are transmitted through the field of Love. They come from within. When you reach for that inner Stillness, to the degree you are successful your heart opens (practice makes perfect :lol: ). You get the lessons you need which may be thoughts or simply a feeling of spiritual uplift. To make the 'lessons' completely part of your Being requires practicing them until they are second nature. Our first nature is animal. Our second nature is spiritual.

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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by KurtSchluter »

Thanks for your thoughts! Today we went to the local agricultural fair and watched the ox pulling and the cow judging. The young people and their animals were a joy to watch! The friendly crowd of neighbors really struck me as this is how it should be everywhere not just out in the country. It really felt wonderful. Sustainable lifestyles are making a comeback as needed according to the TM.
Ps- it was the Acton,Maine fair.
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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by Sandy »

I enjoyed browsing through the URL for the fair you have just attended, Kurt. It has been years since I was able to enjoy one of these events and it looked like this would be so much fun. I do remember a great feeling surrounding the agricultural events and at these fairs as a whole. It is almost like one big reunion with the community coming to together to socialize and catch up with others over the past year.

In a way, it could even be emulating that "open heartedness" that stems from deep within us... an acceptance and love. Imagine how transformed our lives will be when we evolve towards sustaining this loving energy moment by moment.
Love is very powerful and it does the work nearly effortlessly as we gradually become this Love in stillness and in our daily awareness of the workings of our Higher Self within. Today's Progress group lesson sort of speaks of these things... http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=22402

I enjoyed every word you said just now, Welles, and this would make a wonderful quote for a signature...
A rising tide of Love lifts all souls.
It certainly does! :sunflower:

Have a fabulous Sunday everybody! I'm enjoying a sunny late winter day here... :sunny:
xx Sandy
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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by pamela »

I had a wonderful experience with 11:11 a few weeks ago thought I would share. As said before, 11:11, 1:11, 9:11 are always around. I have learned to be attentive to my life, world events etc when I see this pattern with works for me in a 3 day cycle. The second day is the strongest and by the third I hear of a death, illness, world crisis etc.. I had recently experienced a 3 day cycle, very strong on the second day on the third day my youngest daughter had got a text that her best friends Grandfather had passed. I like many other times, concluded that this was the meaning of the 11:11. As we were making arrangements for her to attend the visitation, which I may add was her first, I stepped back trying to think of what the "warning" was.I thought maybe I needed to discuss with her what she could expect, she is 17, however, can be sensitive, so I took the opportunity to have this conversation. The service was on a Monday, our week proceeded as usual. On Friday, the 11:11 was there again, this time the first day, which has never happened in all the years, was very strong, to the point I felt something come over me which I never have before. Saturday I got up for work, my husband said he was not feeling well, upset stomach, just not feeling like himself, that evening he began to have flu symptoms, vomiting, fever etc. so he went to bed. 11's very strong that night. Sunday, I proceeded to work, mid morning I texted my daughter to see how my husband was and she said still feeling awful, not making much sense, very pale, seems confused etc. I am thinking results of the fever? As I drove home after work, there was a panic I felt unlike ever before. I was thinking maybe am I over reacting, it was the day of the death of my Dad 29 years ago, maybe was it subconsciously that? I got home and immediately took my husband to the emerg at the hospital, he ended up having a life threatening complication to diabeties, with a 10 day hospital stay. He was admitted on the Sunday at 9 pm. Each day was a series of tests, he was hooked up to a heart monitor as his blood pressure was sky high...The Thurs. afternoon as I sat in his room as he slept I took the time to sit and read, I was going to begin reading the The 5 people you meet in heaven. I don't know what prompted me to think this, maybe the content of the book, a sentence I don't know, but I do remember very clearly asking....If someone is here with me right know,,,please give me a sign.....a few seconds later my husband rolled over, the magazine he was reading fell to the ground, I took my eyes from my book looked to the ground, went to get up and as I did looked at his heart monitor.........it read 111 over 11......I sat back down with my eyes on the monitor the bottom 11 disappeared and all that remained was the top 111.......I may add no monitor alarms went off, nothing, it then returned to his heart rate numbers......at that moment the only thing I could think to do was say, Thankyou.......as soon as the word came out of my mouth, it happened again,after the second time, I never saw it again.....the following Wednesday my husband was released and is now on a fast track to health. I might also add, Nov 10 1984 my Dad passed at 9 am on Nov 10, 2013 my husband was at emerg, at 9pm the Doctor admitted him......
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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by 11light11 »

Hi Pamela,

I just have the chills after reading your message. I will do its beauty a disservice if I even try to put my thoughts into words . . . truly, what a magical series of events you mention here. And the synchronicities of your husband taking ill on the anniversary of your dad's passing. . . . in the past since your father has died, have you ever sensed his presence around you? Do you wonder at all if he tried to intervene to get your husband some medical care when he was in need? So glad your husband received the treatment he needed and I'll be keeping him and you (and your family) in my prayers.

The 111 over 11, that is just incredible, and then when the bottom number disappeared and then it repeated!!! :shock: Truly I am speechless.

I love that you visited us again to share these stories with us. . . please keep in touch and share more of what you're experiencing with your signs, as you have the time and feel like it. ;) I wonder if you have a special gift to share. I know today I feel touched by your gifts! Thank you for the lift and for sharing!

:sunflower: :loves :love Lots of love to you, Michele xoxoxoxox
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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by Sandy »

Dear Pamela,
Great to see you again!!! I'm with Michele... it would be hard to describe how moving your post is. That moment of realization when you asked. "If someone is here with me right know,,,please give me a sign" and...
at that moment the only thing I could think to do was say, Thankyou.......as soon as the word came out of my mouth, it happened again,after the second time, I never saw it again.....
So beautiful!!! :happy

It's good to know your husband is recovering nicely from his diabetes complications and ten day stay in the hospital.
Thank you for sharing this awe inspiring experience with us! :sunflower:
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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by pamela »

Thank you Michele for you kind words it means a lot to me. I do believe my Dad had a great deal to do with the recent events. I must say, in the 29 years since his passing, I could count on the my one hand the times I have only dreamt of him, however in October I had a dream of him. I cannot put into words how real it was the details I remember, the words that were said. I especially remember the look on his face, it was his eyes and when I think of it I can in my mind see the seriousness in his face. When I look back to the dream it was events in the hospital in the first few hours of the emergency room but in a different way. I never have dreams, if I do, I never remember them. In my dream it started out my standing with my Dad, I remember we were inches away from each other, I can remember ever detail how he stood with his leg up on a bench, how he did not smile, it was not because of anger or anything it was like I said "serious" I remember the day after the dream telling my one daughter and my husband the first words he said to me "You are a lot thinner than I thought you would be" I laughed as I told the dream, I am not sure how I should take that :D . I remember the room being white, all white walls and after he said that to me I said to him, wait here, I will go find Sarah and Laura so you can meet them. I walked down a long hall and came upon two woman selling tickets, it was for a raffle, it was my cousins on my Mom's side. One of there daughters had just had a baby and they were raising money? I walked from them to another room and my cousin's son, (on my Dad's side) was standing beside me, I remember seeing my Dad in the adjacent room, watching, as I turned again to speak to my cousin, but now he was not standing beside me, I looked down and he was on the floor in a sleeping bag? The details of the dream did not make much sense, I dismissed him, however, even as I think back to the dream I can only focus on the feeling of the first meeting with my Dad, it was the detail of his face, so precise, I cannot even put into words how real. It was not until the other week, the room we met in was the same colour, shape as the emerg room, my dad standing with his leg resting on a bench, the Doctor rested his leg on the footstool beside my husband's bed. The corridor, leading to my cousins selling tickets was the same room and placement as triage.......I cannot understand my cousin in the sleeping bag, still a mystery, however, the first day after visiting my husband, I walked to go through the main entrance, I have to pass the gift shop in the area. That day there was about 10 people standing there, I remember as I walked seeing two men putting up the Christmas tree, and hearing two woman talking, the one woman was a volunteer for the auxillary, and said if you buy a" raffle ticket" the funds go to the hospital. Of all the people chatting in that area, I zoned in on them as I walked by. I thought at first am I just maybe seeing what I want to see trying to find an explanation or reason for the dream, but recalling the dream and my actual events it is very similar, the feeling I got in the dream was like I was at a family event like a party, lots of people, talking, mingling, this was an everyday happening each day when I went in or out of the hospital. Since the hospital stay I have gone from 11:11 which is still there, however, it's on a different level, it's a peace, a feeling of confirmation, like I am to move onto the next level( I can't think of any other way to describe this) for example last night I went to bed. I went to make and set my coffee for the next day, the clock read 11:11.........as I poured the water in, out of the blue, I thought of my Dad saying....." Send 'er down Gabriel" when I was young if it was a thunderstorm he would always say that.......I actually laughed, I live in Canada, it's December it's snowing, no thunderstorm. I remembered as I came to bed to shut the computer off, but for some reason, and honestly don't know how I stumbled upon a story of accounts of angels appearing as humans, as I read the stories, I saved it to read today. I scrolled to the bottom curious to see how much reading I had left I saw jump out of the page, Vincent meets a man named Gabriel....my heart sank, as I read the story I scrolled down further to the conclusion, it read, "May the special presence and peace of the Holy Spirit rest upon each person who reads this article, and may God's angels be with you and watch over you at all times according to Psalms 34.7 and what caught my eye 91:11........I never understood why when I have the 3 days of seeing 11:11 I ALWAYS see 9:11 on the second day I just thought another 11 never thought of the 9......so my journey continues with each day a little more understanding and a little guidance on which way to direct my attention .
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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by pamela »

I neglected to mention, when my Dad said the words to me lol about being thin......the day my husband was released from the hospital, I said those exact words to him....."You are a lot thinner than I thought you were" He normally weighed 165 to 170 lbs, when in the hospital he was 135lbs........

and thank you as well Sandy for your kind words! :hithere
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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by happyrain »

good morning,
wow pamela. thank you for sharing your story with us. and, a bit late, welcome to the forums
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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Hey Pamela. Sorry I am late but I am here now to say hi and welcome you to the family.

Your stories are really captivating. I think the whole number experience is so unique and special for each individual person, even though we can all find things to share in common. Even though there may be negative twists to your history with the 11, I feel like there is some sort of lesson or opportunity hidden within that. I feel like you have something positive to discover in life or give to the world and maybe that is related to the bad things you seem to notice around you.

I would love to hear how your past week has been and if you have any more stories for us!

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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by 11light11 »


I found the dream you had with your dad just incredible! The way some of it was mirrored in the events when your husband wound up in the hospital . . . from the doctor putting his foot up on the stool, to the walls or corridors. It's especially powerful remembering you don't dream all that often, or don't recall your dreams when you do. Those little visit-dreams mean so much to us when we go on missing someone . . . . Every so often I dream of my grandma and it feels so real, like a real visit. Sometimes she'll say something I don't understand, and then within a day or two it becomes clear. ;)

Basically your story fills me with hope, that we are always connected to something bigger than ourselves even though it's hard to see that, day to day. It's incredible about 11:11 is always followed by 9:11 for instance, and I'm still marveling about the day your husband entering the hospital being the anniversary of your dad . . . There is comfort after all!

Lots of love to you, please keep sharing when you find the time!!! :kiss: Michele :sunflower:
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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Oh yeah!

Michele's post just reminded me. It was not that long ago that I had a dream featuring my own passed grandmother, or Nan. That was super vivid. I remember staying at her place, just hanging out with her, and telling her how we would make best of friends. Then later in the dream, she disappeared, and my mother was there. I remember telling her how I was hanging out with Nan earlier and how wonderful of a time it was, and my mother said to me (in the dream still) "that's impossible dear, I hate to tell you but Nan's gone, she passed away two years ago remember?". And I remember being like "oh yeah.. I guess the mind is powerful enough that I forgot so I was able to make her real". Then in real life, after waking up, I had truly felt visited by her. It meant a lot because that was the first dream I had about her since she had passed away two years ago.

Funny, that reminds me of another dream I had three years ago in which a departed loved one appeared, and in that dream I also had an awareness of that death. About a week after my family's long-time dog got put down, she appeared in my dream and in the dream I remember saying to my family "Guys! Comet is here!!! We gotta see her and enjoy her before she disappears for good again!"

It seems like something that people share in common who dream about passed loved ones is that the dreams are SO intense and the details so vivid. I mean, there's dreaming about people in your life past or present, but then there's dreaming about that loved one and it's different than just dreaming about anyone, it's like they were *really* there!

Lots of love to you Pamela.

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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by 11light11 »

Lucky those two dreams are just beautiful. I liked how you even had your mom reminding you in the dream that Nan was gone. It makes it seem even more real. And with Comet too! Both times there was the awareness of the death, it seems to add another layer to the dream, like what does death really mean anyway?

It's a funny synchronicity, you talking about Comet. My friend was just saying yesterday that when her dog Mabel died, that night they heard her nails clicking on the floors downstairs, when they were going to bed. :shock:

Love you guys, Michele :kiss: :loves
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Re: 11:11 need answers

Post by LurkerAbyss »

WOW! So get this.. I had a dream last night about my kitty Clyde who also was really old and unwell and was put down several weeks ago. I love him and miss him very much, we had a special bond compared to the rest of the family. In the dream, my family had moved to a new place but my kitty stayed at the old place where new people had moved in, and I would sneak out at night and go to the old place while the new owners were sleeping so that I could keep visiting my kitty. My sister said to me after awhile "you can't be doing that! New people live there now, and you're sneaking into their house!". So I was very sad at first because I knew it was wrong and I had to leave my kitty behind at the old place… then it dawned on me, in the dream.. "oh wait… I don't have to worry anymore… he is gone and peaceful now!"

How crazy is that? Especially a day after posting about those dreams of loved ones, and the feeling of missing them and being with them followed by a sudden realization and awareness of their passing. I agree Michele.. what is death really?

Love to you all. Hope to hear from you soon Pamela :)

"There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness." - Dalai Lama

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