Fear of the Abyss

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Fear of the Abyss

Post by 11light11 »

Hello gang! :hithere

I've been thinking about sharing with our group about this book for some time, and I decided it does count as a "spiritual book," rather than merely a psychological one. This book is called "Fear of the Abyss: Healing the Wounds of Shame & Perfectionism." It is only available for download, as an ebook. For those like me, who don't use a Kindle or an iPad, you can just read it on your computer screen as a pdf file.

The reason I find this book to be spiritual, is because it assists the reader in engaging in a personally-uplifting healing process. There are many books on the market that help people to 'cope' with upset feelings. For instance: If you compulsively over-eat, you might learn strategies to 'eat less.' If you suffer with panic attacks, you might learn methods that 'distract you' while you are going through those horrible feelings.

Instead, this book assists the reader in coming to find the deep roots of the painful feelings, and, through working through those feelings, acknowledging them, and learning more deeply about the self -- those feelings begin to heal, permanently. Then there is no need to 'cope,' for the individual has worked through, and past, the upsetting feelings.

The book is written for a specific personality type, rather than for a psychiatric diagnosis. So many conscientious, well-meaning, kind people -- who are so good to other people, beat up on themselves. They might leave a conversation and replay it in their mind, and worry they might have said something wrong. They struggle to feel in control, in their lives. They strive to be perfect, so that they won't disappoint the people who love them. They also ignore their own disappointed feelings, when those they love behave in a hurtful manner; they try to 'protect' their loved ones by not noticing they've been disappointed by them. They might also feel ashamed of themselves for having some upset feelings, or for 'wanting things,' because that means they're selfish, right?

I recommend this book to clients all the time, and I have seen many people find lasting healing, peace, and change in their lives, as they unearth the 'real person' under the layers of pain. Most of the time, folks who stand to benefit from this book 'do very well' in their lives, they are very high-functioning, often even very successful, but they have sad feelings, or anxious feelings, that they hide beneath the surface. They don't want to 'burden others' by sharing about the painful feelings of 'not being good enough.'

I find this book deeply spiritual because it tries to assist people in finding their 'Authentic Self.' It would be an excellent companion piece for a person who endeavors to heal through meditation, and connecting to the Great Beyond. We sometimes take on the idea of 'Who we are' based on the idea of who others think we are. This book tries to help us find our true, authentic self, and live the Truth of our own innate potential.

Just wanted to share that! If anyone thinks they might benefit, or knows another person who might benefit. :roll

Peace to all of you and thank you for reading! :kiss: With love & gratitude,
Michele :sunflower:
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Re: Fear of the Abyss

Post by Sandy »

Thanks Michele for recommending this book and giving us such an in depth review on its content and potential usage. It sounds very beneficial and I would like to read it for myself. Bless you for your healing work. :kiss:
XX Sandy
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Re: Fear of the Abyss

Post by 11light11 »

Hi Everyone!!!

Lately several people have come to me saying "I feel ashamed" or "I am struggling with perfectionist feelings," all in a row! It is so weird when things like that happen, and you start to wonder if everyone is riding the same feeling-wave, you know what I mean?

It reminded me of this wonderful book, and so I recommended it to these friends of mine who were talking about these upset feelings of theirs. Each downloaded it and read it in about a day and told me "She wrote that book about me! But how could she do that, she never met me before!" :lol:

Anyway I remembered I'd posted about this book, and thought I'd refresh the suggestion in case this synchronicity I've been having, where people were struggling with these feelings, extends out to our lovely 11:11 family as well. You never know when the right time is for someone else, but just in case!!!! I thought I'd refresh this little post.

Sending healing out to our family members here at 11:11 . . . we are all more alike than we are different, that's for sure!

Lots of love to you all! Michele :love :kiss: :loves :sunflower: :roll
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Re: Fear of the Abyss

Post by Swedishblue »

Michele...You're a saviour! Thanks so much for bumping this up again - it looks like a perfect read for me!
:kiss: Anya
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Re: Fear of the Abyss

Post by 11light11 »

Anya you gave me the chills, it's so weird when that happens and you bump a post for a good reason! :bana: :hithere :kiss: Enjoy it! Drop me a line if you want to chat about it! I've read it four times. :lol: :roll

Love to you,
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Re: Fear of the Abyss

Post by Swedishblue »

Michele, I love this book and so far I've identified with nearly every trait, as well as recognised so many people from the past and present. It's a winner! :sunflower: & yes, I would love to discuss with you once I'm more in to it.

:kiss: :loves Anya
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Re: Fear of the Abyss

Post by 11light11 »

That's just awesome Anya! :kiss: It's funny when you read that book how you think to yourself, "That's weird, this story is about me, only how did she know?" :lol:

Love to you and peace on your healing journey!

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Re: Fear of the Abyss

Post by 11light11 »

Hey Gang! :hithere :sunflower:

I just thought I'd let you all know that Aleta is giving an interview to discuss "Fear of the Abyss" on a website tomorrow. For those who enjoyed Aleta's book or were curious about it, you can catch the broadcast at the SOTT website, or Sign of the Times website, on Sunday, October 20, 11am-1pm PST, 1-3pm CST, 2-4pm EST, 8-10pm CET. If you miss the live broadcast I'm hoping that they do have a podcast afterwards; I think they do keep logged interviews available on the site, but this whole thing is new to me so I can't say for sure. I've never heard of a radio-internet broadcast before, but I'm always behind when it comes to technology!! The SOTT site has a discussion forum called Casseopaeia, and on that forum they've been discussing her book as they read it. The people who do this radio show finally decided it was high time to call up the author for a live broadcast, to allow readers' questions to be answered, and people can also call in with their questions. It's exciting! :roll

Their forum inspired me and I thought I would ask if any of our family here did read this book and wished to open up a discussion about it? I read this book again every once in a while, and it goes on helping me. And I continue to recommend it to clients as well.

Thanks everyone -- peace to all of you! Michele xoxoxoxox :loves :kiss: :sunflower:
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