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Post by Sandy »

Dear Suzette,
I am holding you close in prayer. I know this is a very difficult time for you. But if you can close your eyes and try to let go of your troubles for just a few minutes...consider this a tiny vacation from the waking world, okay? Close your eyes and take three gentle but deep breaths. Breath in slowly and allow the air to escape your lungs slowly. Feel your body relax from your head to your toe. concentrate on your breath flowing in and out. when you are relaxed focus your attention towards a spot in the dark horizon of your closed eyes. As you watch, a small light forms and grow and grows, moving ever closer until you can feel the rays of energy that it emits. This energy is Love and it is very nourishing...very satisfying. Sit in peace in this light allowing what ever thoughts to rise to the surface and to pass one after the other. You may reach a spot where the thoughts are no more... they may continue for some time... it doesn't matter just allow and be at peace with whatever happens whatever comes up. Be at peace and know that you are just doing the best you can in the moment, the people involved in your thoughts too are just doing the best they can. Allow understanding, forgiveness and peace to heal those whose hearts ache...whether they be your own or someone else’s...Know that you do not have to do this alone...ask for help from your angels and guides, from the Infinite Divine Spirit that forms the universes of space with a single thought, the One who provides this Light--this Love for all the children of time/space. Know that this light is always with you whether you see or feel it or not. I just looked up and see 444. A clear sign from your own angels that their love is always there for you...that the Creator's love is unconditional and not in the least dependent on your knowledge or love for Him/Her. You are cherished whether you reside in Florida or New York, Australia or Sweden or Switzerland. We are all very much loved and it is this all pervading Love that makes us all family. We are all part of this...we are all one...through this living Love. As long as you can learn to Love... love yourself, love others, love God are abundantly blessed. We are all in the long process of learning this very thing... all of us. Our lives are filled with problems and filled with joys. On some days the problems seem to shadow the happiness. But it isn't always like that. Tomorrow, next week, next month...who knows what wonders will come your way...what will delight you, inspire you, what opportunities will come along and help you to see that one disappointment will not be the end of you. You are so much bigger than this...worth 100 times more and then some then any degree from one school says you are worth. It isn't important what others see as your worth...they cannot know you. Only God can do that and He/Her sees the most amazing things in all of us...all our potential now and in the future boils down to the Love we have in our hearts.

I know you have recently suffered a blow to what you see as your plans and your dreams. But this isn't the end. Please rise above and find another way to make your dreams come true sweetie. It may very well be hard. It may take some doing. It may even take more time then you planned but only you can live your life...only you can take a deep breath and say...I'm not giving up on my life. I will find my niche and my happiness some how and some way. We would gladly carry you past this if we could. How I wish we could and make this problem go away for you. But something greater is at work and even though it is hard to see now how this will benefit you in some way...I pray some day you can see that very thing.

In the mean time, sweetie, we are your friends and we love and care about you and your welfare. Please talk to us anytime you are feeling sad and lonely, worried and confused, happy and elated. We most likely won't have your life answers because that is something you will find as you heal from this hurt within. But in the letting out the inner aches sometimes we can find a little solace and a little courage to step out in faith one more time. Please talk to your Divine Spirit even write letters to Him/Her as often as you can, spilling all that is within. You will be amazed how this little act can help solidify this all so important relationship and provide the peace you/we all so long for.

Hang in there...your angels want you to know that they are beside are not alone. :kiss:
With Love,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Post by suzette2020 »

Thanks soo much Sandy..
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Post by 11light11 »

Sandy is just wonderful! What a beautiful message. :kiss: :love :roll :loves We are on the case, Suzette. Sending white light and love your way, every single day!!! :loves :sunflower: You will prevail!

With love, Michele :kiss:
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Post by Swedishblue »

Hey Suzette, I hope that you might be feeling a little brighter today. I know how awfully low you are feeling. I guess you're still awaiting the decision of the Appeal, and playing the waiting game is almost soul destroying. Please try your hardest to detach from this - the exercise Sandy suggests sounds wonderfully therapeutic. You have to seek a light, a positivity, strength and balance from anywhere right now. Please don't spirall in to anymore despair, because I know you have strength to rise above this. and what has happened is not going to diminish you but strengthen you in the long run. From past experience when life events have been devastating, I pray for strenght, grace and courage in acceptance. I've also listened to Eckhart Tolle on YouTube, and read the Dalai Lama. I say these two because immediately you hear their words, it's like a comforting blanket to the soul and calms the spirit.

Of course, you have been in my thoughts and prayers, 'every day' since I read your first post. I pray you remain calm and in control, and that you receive positive news. Please take good care of yourself!! :kiss:

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Post by suzette2020 »

Thanks Swedishblue. Yes I am still waiting to see if they will accept me back to the school. They should have gotten back to me already however like you said it's a waiting game. I am trying to stay positive. Thanks again for keeping me in prayers.
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Post by 11light11 »

You've touched so many of us with your story . . .Please do take comfort in realizing that many are on your side!!! In the meantime we'll keep ourselves focusing on this all turning out for the best for you . . .

with love, Michele :loves
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Post by suzette2020 »

Hello everyone,

First thanks soo much for the support and prayers. I am humbled in soo many ways. The lastest update is I called the school to get an update however I was advised that they have yet to make a decision on my re- admission.
I know that everyone is optimistic however I still can't understand why this would ever happen to me. I was absolutely sure the truth would prevail. In anycase, It may sound ridiculous, but I still believe that somehow they will reverse their decision on a failing grade.. I try to focus on the good in people and I know that somehow some good has to come from all this.. To everyone thanks again..

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Post by Swedishblue »

I am really hopeful too. I think it would be a really good move if you could work as a Healthcare Assistant (not sure what you call them over there) within the hospital to show them you are committed to continue. Although I too wonder why their decision process is taking so long. Have they said? I still think they're in the wrong with respect to the tutor's conduct and behaviour. All you can do is stay on the case, be resolute, calm and respectful and hopefully they'll see sense. Just never give up!!

You're still in my thoughts and prayers. :kiss:
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Post by suzette2020 »

@ Swedishblue, no they did not say why they are taking soo long, as a matter 2 other students who failed a course in the past did say it took less than a month to get their re admission letter. I am afraid that because I appealed the case they might have taken offense. On the other hand an optimistic thought is that they are properly reviewing the evidence and will see what really happened.. Oh I am trying to volunteer at a Mt Saini hospital in NY, and I will try a few more places..
@ Sandy.. Your words are so powerful, I read it whenever I feel like I'm off.. Words can not explain how low and alone I felt in that moment, however your message took hold of my thoughts and heart.. Thanks...
@ Michele, Cassandra, Sammy & algel91124, I am so greatful .. Thanks a whole bunch..

Love Suzette .. Ps still praying for that miracle..
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Suzette,
We're thinking of you too and praying right along side you. Mount is a rather famous hospital isn't it? Is that the one the US Presidents are often taken to when they need care? I hope you hear something soon. I have my fingers and toes ...even my eyes crossed for you. And I think you are doing very well...trying to remain patient as the days wear on even moving on a bit and looking for a way you can contribute and still learn in this field of work that means so much to you.
I will try to follow your example and remain steadfast in my own pursuits. It's not easy sometimes is it?
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Post by suzette2020 »

@ Sandy: I have no option but to try and move forward.. I've dealt with tough situations before and was able to get through it, so I am hoping for the best.... I sincerely hopes this all works out ..

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Post by 11light11 »

I have faith and confidence that whatever is the very best thing for you, is what will happen Suzette. We're all on the case sending loving thoughts and prayers! :love
:loves Love, Michele
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Post by suzette2020 »

Hello everyone, I wanted to run a thought that came to mind earlier today. I was thinking to see a lawyer and explain the situation and have the law firm write a formal letter to the CEO (Jack Frost)of the college. What do you think?

Someone suggested I should leave it alone because I've already ruffled enough feathers and maybe that's the reason the school have not gotten back to me with a response because ' they want to teach me a lesson'.

Please advise thanks
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Post by Swedishblue »

"Let sleeping dogs lie" is my immediate response. You haven't ruffled any feathers as far as I can tell. It was your friend who submitted the letter. It could be they're investigating the conduct of the clinical tutor and these things take a while to get to the bottom of. The other two students who were accepted straight back didnt have the complications you have. Now in your case, the school has received a complaint about a member of its staff, so legally are beholden to take this allegation seriously. Don't rush in yet, keep patient, drop the school a line again maybe next week to ask for clarification or an update on progress. Ask when they propose to let you know by. If after a while longer (say another month) nothing's forthcoming, then go down the legal route. Meantime throw your heart and soul in to volunteering at the hospital. But I just have a strong feeling, that result will be forthcoming any day now!

You're in my thoughts and prayers :loves
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Post by suzette2020 »

Hi Swedishblue, the person who wrote the letter was actually are regular student in my clinical group who Also had a run in with the same professor. The school I would say is not investigating the matter any further, the professor is actually still working for the college. I also don't think they think it is a legal matter, they have yet to interview any of the students in my clinical group to verify if what I said and what another student witnessed.. They however do know of her tardiness as that was the original complaint made by other students that were apart of my clinical group.. I will sit tight but the school is not thinking of the legal issues.. I went to another hospital today, and have an appointment for tomorrow.. I am dying to write an update with the good news..
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Post by Swedishblue »

Hi Suzette! How are you feeling? You have been in my thoughts and prayers. Is there any news?

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Hi Swedishblue, thanks much for checking in. No answer, still waiting..

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Post by Swedishblue »

Dear Sue,

I hope you can stand the suspenseful this isn't good for your nerves! :roll They should write within the month of your leaving, so that brings it up to next week, thursday to be exact. If you haven't heard from them by then, I would write an understanding letter, stating also, that you wish for this matter to be resolved as quickly as possible now! Don't mention the Law, but if this continues to drag beyond another week or so, you should take legal advice.

I hope and pray you hear some good news...quickly! :finger: :loves
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It's been more than a month, I think it's a month and 2 weeks. This is what I'm up against..
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Post by suzette2020 »

Hello everyone, First I want to say thanks for all your prayers and well wishes.. I have not heard back from the school. I am however taking things to the next level.

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Post by Sandy »

Hi Sue,
We're still with you...and I'm praying for the best of all possible resolutions for you. :kiss:
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Post by 11light11 »

Suzette, I was thinking so much of your story today and wondering whatever happened? How are you doing? I go on sending you healing energies and praying for the best thing for you . . let us know how things have worked out when you have the chance!

Love to you and hoping you're feeling well! :) Love and peace to you, Michele :loves :sunflower:
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Post by suzette2020 »

Hi everyone,

I was denied an opportunity to return to the school. I have been in a daze wondering why and how. Thanks much for all the help and strength at the time I needed most.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Love Suzette.
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Post by Sandy »

Dear Suzette,
Thank you for coming back to us and letting us know what has happened. I'm sorry it was not what you wished and as I write this note I say a prayer that you are guided in life to an "occupational outlet" that will benefit you in every way. It is my hope that as the years past you will see the wisdom of the way things transpired and maybe even for your benefit. But I know that is little comfort now is it? :( I am not patient myself where these life situations occur. Although, after 13 years finally now I can see why something rather despairing happened to me those long years ago and the difference in my life because of it... I wouldn't be where I am today or even the same person, perse, had this not happened. Yet, with that said, even those little decisions we make can impact our lives in far reaching ways. Isn't there a poem that sort of speaks of this... trying to remember it from way back. :scratch:

Here it is.... by Robert Frost. I always loved this poem! :D

Merry Christmas Suzette!!! Image
with love,

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Post by Cassandra551 »

I'm sorry to hear of the news Suzette. I want to echo Sandy's words though. You can have faith that this is for your highest good, even if you can't see it now. Every disappointment in my life has been this way (and I am 55 years old so that is a lot of experience). I will be praying for you and sending you hope and light and clarity.

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