Seeing Angels

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Seeing Angels

Post by Okie_Pilot »

Hello All!!

What a wonderful website and group of people I have stumbled upon! I would like to share my experiences and ask some questions if you guys don't mind!

A little background on me: I'm in my early 20's as a white male in the Midwest. For those familiar with the singer Merle Haggard, I bet you could probably guess the city and state I'm from! ;) I don't currently attend church and haven't attended regularly in about 14 years.

I've had a couple of experiences with Angels as a young boy. Forgive me as this post may turn into a looooong post, but I've yet to have a friend or acquaintance who has experienced the same thing as I have, and to find this forum where people not only believe in Angels but have interactions with them is quite exciting!

As a young boy around the age of 6 or so, we attended Church every Sunday. I would pray every night and my mother also had (and to this day) an obsession with Angels. Angel wallpaper, books, dolls, pictures, paintings, you name it....

We were remodeling on our house and had to take our showers outside. We live on 25 acres so privacy wasn't much of a concern... My father had rigged up a homemade shower out of PVC pipe and had a 50 gallon plastic drum that was on top of the old well house building. We would fill it with water and it would get hot during the day on top of that metal roof and be just the right temp to take showers in the evening. One evening my mother and I walked down to the building to take a shower, which was about 25 yards from our house. It was already dark by that time. As we were walking back to the house I looked up and saw an Angel that was floating across the yard. It was a beautiful blonde female Angel with big beautiful white wings and she had long hair and she was wearing a flowing white dress. She was floating across the yard from left to right about 2 feet off the ground. As you remember, it was dark by this time of night but the Angel was glowing a beautiful white light. I was ahead of my mother by about 15 feet or so and I turned around and yelled at my mom "Mom! Look! An Angel! Do you see it??" My mother responded with a "Yes!!". As the Angel continued across the yard it went behind one of our Pine trees and disappeared out of sight.

That was my first experience with an Angel!

I use to write to my Angels and God and ask for protection, and prayer, and as every little kid wishes for, "magical powers".... Lol! Unfortunately, I haven't discovered any of my magical powers yet. I am pretty dang good at flying small airplanes though, but nothing real "magical" about that, :).

Anyways, the Angels use to respond back and write back to me. Unfortunately, I don't really remember what they use to say and even more so, I don't ever know what happened to those letters. :(. I certainly don't believe it was my parents either, because there was no telling on what day or time I would leave a letter. One time I wrote a letter and when I went back to see what they said, I found a pure white feather that was about 4-5 inches long laying on the letter!! :)

Now we had chickens, and guineas, and other farm type animals at our house, but nothing that would have a white feather that was as perfect as this!

I'm so happy to hear that others here receive white feathers too! That is so exciting! I was also very disappointed in myself as I don't know what happened to that feather either. But as I have read more and more threads here over the past couple of hours, it appears that the Angels will take back these feathers..? So they most likely took the feather back as much as I thought I lost it!

Another Angel "experience" as I whole-heartedly believe it was, was when I was about the same age and was about to fall asleep on my top bunk in my room. I'm an only child and didn't have any friends over that night. I was about to sleep on the top bunk when the covers that was covering me slid down to my waist and stopped. I pulled the covers back up and they slid back down and stopped once again at my waist. This makes no sense physics wise as I was on the top bunk and the other half of the covers were hanging off the bed. Physics wise, to me, once the covers started sliding off and got to the point where they were already half off, you would think they would just gain momentum and continue to slide ALL the way off. Not so, they stopped. I pulled the covers back up again and held on to them for a minute or so and let go. They never slid like that again. I truely believe an Angel was playing with me.

My last Angel experience I'm aware of happened at my Grandmothers house. I wrote another letter to my Guardian Angels and put it on the desk that was in the corner of my Grandmothers room. This desk was to my left and behind me. I was sitting on the end of the bed playing video games when I caught something out of the corner of my eye to the right. In the corner of the room to the right and in front of me was what I call a "Trinket Cabinet". It is a glass case about 5 feet tall that you put trinkets and such in and has a mirror as a backing. Reflecting off the mirror in the trinket cabinet was a young man that looked to be in his 20's with black hair that was standing in front of the desk behind me reading my letter I wrote. As I remember, he was wearing white clothing but no wings, but one could definitely tell he was a heavenly being. I immediately threw my Nintendo controller and bolted out of the room as it scared the poo out of me! I was so scared! But I got to actually witness an Angel reading my letters!

Unfortunately, that was the last sighting of an Angel that I know of. These sightings and experiences are the only reason I have kept my faith thoughout all these years. As easy as it would seem to be an Atheist and just "live life" as a non-believer would do, these experiences are the only thing that has kept me believing there is something more beyond this life. I guess I am more than blessed to experience SOMETHING that proves to me that there is more than this life.

So as the New Year came and went, I've decided my New Years resolution is to read the Bible front to back as I've never done it. If not that, I'd definitely like to re-connect with my Guardian Angels. Unfortunately, I've drifted a ways from my religion and I haven't exactly been the best example as a Christian over the past handful of years. I want to change that. I got to thinking how amazing life would be if one was able to constantly interact and communicate with their Angels throughout this adventure we call "life".

So how many of you have physically seen an Angel? Or had some type of experience like I have?

Please tell me what you think or share your stories! Please! None of my friends or my fiancé have ever experienced anything close to this, so it's quite nice to find a gathering of people who have or who do believe in such things!

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Re: Seeing Angels

Post by Sandy »

What a delightful post, Okie_pilot! I throughly enjoyed reading about some of your angel experiences. I have a friend in North Carolina who has experienced seeing angels as well and has some wonderful stories...Maybe I can coax her into coming on and telling us a few of them too. lets face it you can't have too many angel stories.

Well I can't stay on long tonight but I'll be back. Just popped on a few minutes ago and it is now past dinner time here in Australia and I'm afraid I haven't even thought of anything to feed my husband. :oops:

Welcome to the is great to have you here!
P.S. I'm a Tennessee girl, so as TN is the heart of country music...Are you too a fellow Tennessean? :)
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Re: Seeing Angels

Post by Swedishblue »

Hello Okie-Pilot,
I love the style of your writing and your post rang true for me also, or at least my daughter. When she was five years old my father, who she shared an extremely close bond with, suddenly passed away on holiday in Australia. Around a month later I used to get visited by orbs in the early hours of the morning, whilst she would see small angels smiling down at her from her bedroom ceiling, crying out "mummy the angels are in my room". This continued on for quite a while, until I could stand the orb and angel visits no more. I called the Church in to say prayers as I really believed the place was haunted. I didn't understand what they were about and they were unbalancing my state of mind. Now that I do, I would welcome them in to my life, as I believe they were only there to provide comfort.

It's interesting to hear that you're intending to re-read the Bible, as I'm thinking the same this year.
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Re: Seeing Angels

Post by Sandy »

Hello again Okie_pilot,
It is a new day and I am fell after having just eaten a late breakfast/lunch and ready to enjoy you angel stories once again and to share a little one of my own.

My experience has not been as profound as what you experienced as a young boy. You know, children, are much more open to the great possibilities that are out there so talking and seeing angels fits right in to their view of the world. They don't know they can't do it till well meaning adults sadly pass on to us that the world is indeed full of strict and sterile rules in regards to beliefs and happenings.

But what a joy when you suddenly realize there is so much more than we can possibly imagine and angels are just one of infinite numbers of "things"...and a very wonderful one at that!

The reason I brought that up is because I was a very happy and imaginative child believing in all kinds of wonders until one day in Sunday school I was told in answer to my question, that God doesn't do miracles anymore... that the world was more a what you see is what you get kind of thing. :(
In reality the teacher meant well, hoping to turn me into a solid, strong adult, but her words did sour my outlook on the world for a time.

Happily that all changed about 9 or 10 years ago when I came across a book on the shelf of a woman I worked for. It was called, 'Ask Your Angels' Every week as I tidied I'd look at that book with longing, wishing I could peak inside the pages. Till one day I flat out asked her if I could borrow the book. She was a lovely lady and immediately consented. So from the pages of this book, chalk full of meditations to help me to let go of lots of hurts, grumps and worries that I had been harboring for years I began a process of let's call it "lightening up." I must admit I felt wonderful too.. light and clear thinking and above all brimming with happiness. It was a long year of sporadic meditation for me with gradual progress that led me (long story) to this place where I then began to meditate daily using the Akashic Construct and my original meditations in turn. It was the daily part that I believe really jump started my insides. (for lack of a better term) as I discovered another part of me, a deeply spiritual side. I also discovered a larger world around us that is invisible to us most the time but there all the same. All of my senses seemed heightened but most especially my ability to feel when one of these wonderful beings was close by. I learned to listen as much as to speak in prayer and it was with all these discoveries that one afternoon as I was sitting on my deck looking up at the puffy white clouds passing through, that I heard my angel speak to me the first time. It wasn't a long communication by any length of the imagination but it was so loving, permeating all my senses to the point tears came to my eyes. I will never forget that moment and the joy it held for me.
But with human nature..."the grass is always greener in someone else's experience" so how I would love to see my dear angelic friend with my eyes as you have been able to do. I hope as you look back on those moments they will always fill you with joy and hope that no matter where we are in this world or even the next, we will always have a "special friend" at our side.
Regardless of the darkness of our days there is always love, hope and beauty close by. We are not alone. And that what I think Angels often do for us as they remind us we are not alone and left without Divine help.

Well, I have rattled on and on...sorry :oops: I just wanted to pop in and say a proper "howdy-do" as last nights was a bit brief due to time constraints.

Hope you continue to enjoy this site and the lovely people who post here.

:hithere Swedishblue,
As I read you post, I was just thinking that I too would have probably reacted in much the same way upon seeing the orbs and hearing one of my sons speak of seeing tiny angels smiling down at him from the ceiling at one point in my life. How nice now, though, that with your own wisdom and experience in hand you can still look back in wonder at this little miracle you were gifted. You will always have that and maybe even more as "wonders never cease." I am repeating bits and pieces of my own grandmother's favorite sayings it seems today. She has been on my mind much this morning for some reason. It is so good to remember her. :D

Peace and Love to you both.
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Re: Seeing Angels

Post by Okie_Pilot »

Sandy!! How I must say I love reading your posts! They feel so full of love and insightful! :)

I've been stuck to this forum for the past day and a half and can't get enough! I love hearing about everybodys experiences! Reading about the Akashic Construct has me deeply interested and I haven't done much more than just read threads about it all day today. I even had dreams and slight trouble sleeping last night because I couldn't get it off my mind! I certainly believe that a CD order will be coming my way very soon. :)

I felt more relieved and happy today than I have in a LONG time. It's such a relief to know that this life isn't "just it" and there's a WHOLE lot more for us after we're done with this life.

"The Big Blue Book" app just got done downloading on my iPad so I suspect I'll probably start some reading on it tomorrow too!

I'd love to hear some more Angel stories!

Swedishblue, I am sorry to hear about your loss. Like Sandy said, I believe little ones are blessed and are able to see Angels. Oh how I wish I could still see them today. But reading about the Akashic Construct has my hopes up that I'll be able to get back into contact with them. (Fingers crossed)

You guys and gals take care,

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Re: Seeing Angels

Post by Sandy »

Hey Okie_pilot,
I'm glad I didn't turn you away or even put you to sleep with my lengthy posts. You may have noticed I have a hard time writing "short." :lol:

You wrote:
I've been stuck to this forum for the past day and a half and can't get enough! I love hearing about everybody’s experiences! Reading about the Akashic Construct has me deeply interested and I haven't done much more than just read threads about it all day today. I even had dreams and slight trouble sleeping last night because I couldn't get it off my mind! I certainly believe that a CD order will be coming my way very soon
You sound much like me when I first discovered this place. I couldn't get the Akashic Construct off my mind and the same thing happened earlier, too, with the Urantia Book...which completely blew me away! It seemed that was often the way it was with information that would be valuable for me to ingest...I might simply glance at something, even a title of a book, but then can't get it out of my mind. That has done me in good stead over the years.
:D I felt for a moment just now that thrill of discovery all over again. :sunflower:

We are absolutely melting here in New South Wales Australia today. The winds are out of the North which means HOT! We're into the forties C and with the wind feels like we're in a convection oven... Our poor little garden which we have been nurturing so carefully is wilting all over the place. Hopefully it will recover as the evening falls. :finger:
(complain complain complain... :lol: )
Hot or cold, take care my friends...
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Re: Seeing Angels

Post by 11light11 »


Just incredible! I loved reading about your experiences with angels -- to think you were writing letters to them as a child, and that they'd respond! And that you even got the chance to see one reading over your shoulder! And the feather! It's all just so wonderful to hear about.

I'm really glad you found our little family here, since you said you don't know any people who've had similar experiences (except for your mom, who saw that angel in your yard too!). You can definitely get lost for hours here on this forum! It's excellent.

I've had a few occasions where I felt that a stranger, a regular-looking person, was an angel. Once was when I was a teenager; my parents were very strict and it was a rare occasion when they'd let me out with the car. I was lost on my way home, and if I didn't get back on track and find the correct route, I would be grounded, big time, plus a lot of yelling would have likely ensued. I was petrified! I pulled into a gas station in essentially no-where's-ville, and a nice man saw my panic and told me he was headed the same way that I needed to go. He said he'd get into his car, and go slow to make sure not to lose me, and just stick right behind him. He said when he came to the exit I needed he'd point so to watch him closely if I could. I followed his lead and made it home with 1 minute to spare before my parents would've gone berserk! Well this was years ago and I remember thinking "Was he an angel? He couldn't've been a human being."

About a month ago I got lost driving from here down to Southern Illinois. I pulled into a gas station and the very same type of exchange took place between me, and another very kind gentleman. I thought about that time when I was a teenager and I thought, "Maybe this guy is also an angel? Maybe this is my second angel to offer me directions while I'm panicking?" As he got into his car for me to follow him, I noticed his license plate . . . 11 11 444. So then I felt certain that both were angels! It was like an answer to a question. ;)

I really enjoyed your story . . .hope you stick around and share more and more!

Peace to you and with love! Michele :loves
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Re: Seeing Angels

Post by sammy »

Ooooo!!! Good one! Chills all over!!!!!

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Re: Seeing Angels

Post by Sandy »

Ooooo!!! Good one! Chills all over!!!!!
Me too, Sammy! I got them good! :D (Sorry about the poor grammar Mrs. Davis. LUV2 )
Wow!... wonderful story, Michele! :sunflower:
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Re: Seeing Angels

Post by 11light11 »

Oh Sandy I just love when you apologize to Mrs. Davis!!!! She must crack up!!! :kiss: I always remember my favorite teachers too! . . . . Love to you all! Michele :loves
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Re: Seeing Angels

Post by cupidsrose »

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Re: Seeing Angels

Post by 11light11 »

I found your orb post, Anya! Beautiful!!!! :kiss: :loves Love to you, Michele xoxoxox p.s. somehow it was even more moving reading it the second time, LOL! :roll
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