Who has a Thought Adjuster and Destiny Guardians?

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Who has a Thought Adjuster and Destiny Guardians?

Post by 11light11 »

Hello everyone! :kiss: Hope this message finds you all well!

I have a question about Thought Adjusters and Destiny Guardians - the ones who signal :44. Elsewhere on this site and others like it, I've read that one is given their own individual Thought Adjuster and Destiny Guardians to be with them through every waking moment . . .once they make it their intention to live a Godlike life.

What about folks who - through fear, upbringing, culture or what have you? - have no 'belief' in anything beyond the visible, the physical? Who can't conceive of a God? But who, perhaps, you might witness having little "wake up calls" - like, powerful dreams, or powerful intuitions . . 'brushes with the unknown' for lack of a better term, and who then, slowly, a bit at a time, starts an internal questioning period, where they start wondering if there's more to life than empirical science has to offer by way of explanation? . . .but who, at one in the same time, would say "I am an atheist" if asked directly and who doesn't believe there is more - at least not yet?

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? . . .Must one be openly aware of the spirit world and have a belief in it, in order to be granted their own Thought Adjuster/Destiny Guardian entourage?! Or is it only one's behaviors and kindness, etc. that matters, not their beliefs?

I know this sounds like a funny question - especially because I've never believed we're punished for beliefs and doubts. But when I saw that term "intention to live a Godlike life" it made me wonder about the folks who deny the possibility of a "God," so who therefore must never have made such a intention.

Michele :loves
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Re: Who has a Thought Adjuster and Destiny Guardians?

Post by Sandy »

Hey Michele,
In thinking about your question, lets take the TA first... Lots of reading here...hope you don't mind... ;)
Paper 107 The Origin and nature of Thought Adjusters http://www.urantia.org/urantia-book-sta ... -adjusters
ALTHOUGH the Universal Father is personally resident on Paradise, at the very center of the universes, he is also actually present on the worlds of space in the minds of his countless children of time, for he indwells them as the Mystery Monitors. The eternal Father is at one and the same time farthest removed from, and most intimately associated with, his planetary mortal sons.

(1176.2) 107:0.2 The Adjusters are the actuality of the Father’s love incarnate in the souls of men; they are the veritable promise of man’s eternal career imprisoned within the mortal mind; they are the essence of man’s perfected finaliter personality, which he can foretaste in time as he progressively masters the divine technique of achieving the living of the Father’s will, step by step, through the ascension of universe upon universe until he actually attains the divine presence of his Paradise Father.
paper 108 Mission and Ministry of Thought Adjusters http://www.urantia.org/urantia-book-sta ... -adjusters
THE mission of the Thought Adjusters to the human races is to represent, to be, the Universal Father to the mortal creatures of time and space; that is the fundamental work of the divine gifts. Their mission is also that of elevating the mortal minds and of translating the immortal souls of men up to the divine heights and spiritual levels of Paradise perfection. And in the experience of thus transforming the human nature of the temporal creature into the divine nature of the eternal finaliter, the Adjusters bring into existence a unique type of being, a being consisting in the eternal union of the perfect Adjuster and the perfected creature which it would be impossible to duplicate by any other universe technique.
2. Prerequisites of Adjuster Indwelling

(1186.8) 108:2.1 Though the Adjusters volunteer for service as soon as the personality forecasts have been relayed to Divinington, they are not actually assigned until the human subjects make their first moral personality decision. The first moral choice of the human child is automatically indicated in the seventh mind-adjutant and registers instantly, by way of the local universe Creative Spirit, over the universal mind-gravity circuit of the Conjoint Actor in the presence of the Master Spirit of superuniverse jurisdiction, who forthwith dispatches this intelligence to Divinington. Adjusters reach their human subjects on Urantia, on the average, just prior to the sixth birthday. In the present generation it is running five years, ten months, and four days; that is, on the 2,134th day of terrestrial life.

(1187.1) 108:2.2 The Adjusters cannot invade the mortal mind until it has been duly prepared by the indwelling ministry of the adjutant mind-spirits and encircuited in the Holy Spirit. And it requires the co-ordinate function of all seven adjutants to thus qualify the human mind for the reception of an Adjuster. Creature mind must exhibit the worship outreach and indicate wisdom function by exhibiting the ability to choose between the emerging values of good and evil — moral choice.

(1187.2) 108:2.3 Thus is the stage of the human mind set for the reception of Adjusters, but as a general rule they do not immediately appear to indwell such minds except on those worlds where the Spirit of Truth is functioning as a spiritual co-ordinator of these different spirit ministries. If this spirit of the bestowal Sons is present, the Adjusters unfailingly come the instant the seventh adjutant mind-spirit begins to function and signalizes to the Universe Mother Spirit that it has achieved in potential the co-ordination of the associated six adjutants of prior ministry to such a mortal intellect. Therefore have the divine Adjusters been universally bestowed upon all normal minds of moral status on Urantia ever since the day of Pentecost.

(1187.3) 108:2.4 Even with a Spirit of Truth endowed mind, the Adjusters cannot arbitrarily invade the mortal intellect prior to the appearance of moral decision. But when such a moral decision has been made, this spirit helper assumes jurisdiction direct from Divinington. There are no intermediaries or other intervening authorities or powers functioning between the divine Adjusters and their human subjects; God and man are directly related.

(1187.4) 108:2.5 Before the times of the pouring out of the Spirit of Truth upon the inhabitants of an evolutionary world, the Adjusters’ bestowal appears to be determined by many spirit influences and personality attitudes. We do not fully comprehend the laws governing such bestowals; we do not understand just what determines the release of the Adjusters who have volunteered to indwell such evolving minds. But we do observe numerous influences and conditions which appear to be associated with the arrival of the Adjusters in such minds prior to the bestowal of the Spirit of Truth, and they are:

(1187.5) 108:2.6 1. The assignment of personal seraphic guardians. If a mortal has not been previously indwelt by an Adjuster, the assignment of a personal guardian brings the Adjuster forthwith. There exists some very definite but unknown relation between the ministry of Adjusters and the ministry of personal seraphic guardians.

(1187.6) 108:2.7 2. The attainment of the third circle of intellectual achievement and spiritual attainment. I have observed Adjusters arrive in mortal minds upon the conquest of the third circle even before such an accomplishment could be signalized to the local universe personalities concerned with such matters.

(1187.7) 108:2.8 3. Upon the making of a supreme decision of unusual spiritual import. Such human behavior in a personal planetary crisis usually is attended by the immediate arrival of the waiting Adjuster.

(1187.8) 108:2.9 4. The spirit of brotherhood. Regardless of the attainment of the psychic circles and the assignment of personal guardians — in the absence of anything resembling a crisis decision — when an evolving mortal becomes dominated by the love of his fellows and consecrated to unselfish ministry to his brethren in the flesh, the waiting Adjuster unvaryingly descends to indwell the mind of such a mortal minister.

(1188.1) 108:2.10 5. Declaration of intention to do the will of God. We observe that many mortals on the worlds of space may be apparently in readiness to receive Adjusters, and yet the Monitors do not appear. We go on watching such creatures as they live from day to day, and presently they quietly, almost unconsciously, arrive at the decision to begin the pursuit of the doing of the will of the Father in heaven. And then we observe the immediate dispatch of the Thought Adjusters.

(1188.2) 108:2.11 6. Influence of the Supreme Being. On worlds where the Adjusters do not fuse with the evolving souls of the mortal inhabitants, we observe Adjusters sometimes bestowed in response to influences which are wholly beyond our comprehension. We conjecture that such bestowals are determined by some cosmic reflex action originating in the Supreme Being. As to why these Adjusters can not or do not fuse with these certain types of evolving mortal minds we do not know. Such transactions have never been revealed to us.

Let's see the Destiny Guardians... Lets go again to the Urantia book..I think this part explains it better than I could...
Paper 113 Seraphic Guardians of Destiny
http://www.urantia.org/urantia-book-sta ... ns-destiny
In the ministry to so-called normal beings, seraphic assignments are made in accordance with the human attainment of the circles of intellectuality and spirituality. You start out in your mind of mortal investment in the seventh circle and journey inward in the task of self-understanding, self-conquest, and self-mastery; and circle by circle you advance until (if natural death does not terminate your career and transfer your struggles to the mansion worlds) you reach the first or inner circle of relative contact and communion with the indwelling Adjuster.

(1242.2) 113:1.7 Human beings in the initial or seventh circle have one guardian angel with one company of assisting cherubim assigned to the watchcare and custody of one thousand mortals. In the sixth circle, a seraphic pair with one company of cherubim is assigned to guide these ascending mortals in groups of five hundred. When the fifth circle is attained, human beings are grouped in companies of approximately one hundred, and a pair of guardian seraphim with a group of cherubim is placed in charge. Upon attainment of the fourth circle, mortal beings are assembled in groups of ten, and again charge is given to a pair of seraphim, assisted by one company of cherubim.

(1242.3) 113:1.8 When a mortal mind breaks through the inertia of animal legacy and attains the third circle of human intellectuality and acquired spirituality, a personal angel (in reality two) will henceforth be wholly and exclusively devoted to this ascending mortal. And thus these human souls, in addition to the ever-present and increasingly efficient indwelling Thought Adjusters, receive the undivided assistance of these personal guardians of destiny in all their efforts to finish the third circle, traverse the second, and attain the first.

2. The Destiny Guardians

(1242.4) 113:2.1 Seraphim are not known as guardians of destiny until such time as they are assigned to the association of a human soul who has realized one or more of three achievements: has made a supreme decision to become Godlike, has entered the third circle, or has been mustered into one of the reserve corps of destiny.

(1242.5) 113:2.2 In the evolution of races a guardian of destiny is assigned to the very first being who attains the requisite circle of conquest. On Urantia the first mortal to secure a personal guardian was Rantowoc, a wise man of the red race of long ago.

All angelic assignments are made from a group of volunteering seraphim, and these appointments are always in accordance with human needs and with regard to the status of the angelic pair — in the light of seraphic experience, skill, and wisdom. Only seraphim of long service, the more experienced and tested types, are assigned as destiny guards. Many guardians have gained much valuable experience on those worlds which are of the non-Adjuster fusion series. Like the Adjusters, the seraphim attend these beings for a single lifetime and then are liberated for new assignment. Many guardians on Urantia have had this previous practical experience on other worlds.
I hope that helps a little. In all ways it seems that Love really is the currency of the universe and we have help on every front as we grow and mature into eternity. Thank goodness for that, eh? :kiss:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.

Re: Who has a Thought Adjuster and Destiny Guardians?

Post by JohnR »

Hi Michele,

You asked for thoughts and I'm compelled to give you mine. From the over 80 books I've read since last November when I joined this board it has occurred to me that our spiritual brethren first went public sometime in the mid 1800's when seances and talking to ghosts was in vogue. The next major disclosure, starting around a hundred years ago was the Urantia Book. The U Book is a valuable resource, it has its place, and it seems like the first serious attempt by our spiritual brethren to contact the masses in order to wake us up to the facts of life and existence! But most of it is way over my head! I need more, I need something I can really get my teeth into! Hey spirits! Hey, have you done anything recently that I can get into?!

Their answer: channeled material. I have read and am continuing to read all the channeled material I can get my hands on, because in an hour, say, I can learn more by reading channeled and other material than I can learn by reading the U Book. It seems to me that channeling has become and will continue for some time to be the most effective way for non-physical entities to communicate with the physical. Therefor, many of the opinions I have, have come from reading and combining many sources of channeled material.
...I've read that one is given their own individual Thought Adjuster and Destiny Guardians to be with them through every waking moment . . .once they make it their intention to live a Godlike life.
According to the information from the U Book that Sandy so kindly provided us with above, you needn't worry about that question because the statement "...once they make it their intention to live a Godlike life" is false. The U Book states above that currently the TA's are arriving in the human child around the age of 5 or 6. I think this has to do with the age the child is able to differentiate between good and not good. The U Book does in no way state or infer that one has to "make it their intention to live a Godlike life".

The Father does not punish anyone for anything. The only hell that exists is in the mind. With no exceptions, every Spirit communication I have ever read confirms this. What an astounding creation we live in! We all have FREE WILL to believe what we like, and FREE WILL to do what we like at all times. Free will is of paramount importance and in my opinion is the greatest gift that has been bestowed upon mankind, and all other intelligent soul possessing species as well. The Father hopes we will love Him, aspire to better ourselves, and adhere to a righteous moral code. (If in doubt about moral code just remember The Golden Rule, or as Sammie used to say, "Take the way with the most love in it"). To me, what is most amazing is that our Father has given us Eternity in which to accomplish this...... :bana:
Elsewhere on this site and others like it, I've read that ...
If you have indeed read that somewhere that person was mistaken.

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Re: Who has a Thought Adjuster and Destiny Guardians?

Post by 11light11 »

Dear Sandy and John,

Thank you so much for those powerful responses! I am very grateful to the both of you for taking the time to explore this in such depth with me. I did feel troubled to think that belief factored in here; my question arose due to knowing so many kind, well-meaning, ethical and moral folks, who positively do not believe in God. I felt it sad to think they wouldn't be granted Divine Helpers only based on their lack of belief - I know too well how hard it can be, at times, 'to believe,' and like I said earlier I always related to Doubting Thomas. ;) We're raised in an empirically-based world, where numbers and graphs and charts become God. To many folks who grow used to this mentality, 'the invisible' worlds seems like a silly fairy tale--they find they simply 'can't go there' and suspend disbelief. Who can blame them? I see their dilemma. Yet, if they are ethical and kind, shouldn't that matter most? That was the basis to my question.

From the quotes you posted, Sandy, to what you shared, from your own experiences reading channeled messages, John, I see my suspicion is essentially true. If we can differentiate between right and wrong, and we care about how our behaviors impact other people - that is what matters most, not our beliefs. This is where I felt sad growing up in a religion, because we were always being taught that we were sinners if we did not believe. I feel we don't have much control over our beliefs - inspiration might in time influence and positively change those beliefs - but we do have control over our behavior. Folks who are kind and who love others, and who care about spreading kindness instead of making others feel more poorly than they already do! - to me, this is enough.

John, I loved what you said about hell being more a state of mind than a place. I have had a lot of clients worrying "I will go to hell someday." I always tell them: "What kind of a God would let you live through hell twice?! This place is hell, this hell you live inside within the halls of your own mind. Your anxiety - your panic - that is hell. A God who'd let you enter a new, worse hell upon death? That is not my God." They loved it, and it was the opposite of what they had been taught by their preachers, who always seem to inspire a profound fear of hell with every sermon.

It's uplifting to recognize that rather than beliefs mattering most, intention and action does. I loved the messages you both shared - and I can't thank you enough for taking the time to share them. :kiss:

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Re: Who has a Thought Adjuster and Destiny Guardians?

Post by Krystalshard »

If I may chime in.... I'm not as well read as Sandy and John, but my gut reaction to your general posit is: Just that, a gut reaction. If aware enough to choose right instead of wrong, good instead of bad.... on and on... the gentle prodding of the then "activated" TA will continually guide one to the Love God intends. You know the sensation of vibration? Like when tuning an instrument to a pitch resonating on a tuning fork? The pitch is drawn together... magnetized to become one. Think of this Love and it's vibration. We are all coming together on the path.

Hope this helps, it's just my truth.
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Re: Who has a Thought Adjuster and Destiny Guardians?

Post by fmspirit39 »

Hi Michele,

I come from a long line of Atheists. In fact, I was one for much of my life. Thinking about all of the differences between those lives I can say that there is one thing that cannot be regained if one lives a life dedicated to Atheism: all of the good will matter very much, but one will have truly missed out on the most wonderous and miraculous part of being a human being. There is just no compensation for missing out on such a relationship while in the flesh. To actually know God while being a doubting mortal is among the greatest accomplishments in our universe. I am very close to my family, and instead of trying to get them to read or wonder about such an abstract notion, I just enjoy life with them. And they are aware that their loved one loves God. That is enough. Spirit will do the rest, that much I am sure of. In truth, Atheists are like a little island of disbelief in the wake of an ocean of knowing. It is only a matter of time. Love to you.
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Re: Who has a Thought Adjuster and Destiny Guardians?

Post by 11light11 »

Thanks Jean, and fmspirit! I really enjoyed what you both shared. :kiss: Thanks for adding your thoughts here.


Michele :sunflower:
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Re: Who has a Thought Adjuster and Destiny Guardians?

Post by PaulC »

Hi Michele,

The Eternal Father loves us unconditionally. We have never been less than, unworthy, not good enough. We have always been a perfect child or daughter of the Infinite Father; because everything that He ever touches with the thoughts of His love are always perfect, holy, pure and good.

So what has happened on our world? We have been gifted a free will from that same Father. There are times when, through the use of our free will we find ourselves in a predicament. We have separated ourselves from the Father through the use of that free will. For what is hell really; it is a separation from the perfect, holy will and pure love of the Eternal One. The One that has lived forever knows what we need; knows what is best for us. We are just children starting out; but He will still not interfere with our free will.

Does that same One love those that have chosen not to believe? He loves them unconditionally. Every day He sends them the love that is in His heart. He awaits for that day when they awaken to remembrance. He says; Ok, I will wait. The irony is that atheists want proof of God through what they can see with their eyes. Yet, the Paradise Father is unseen by our eyes. We discover that One through faith. The fact that you are here shows that you have that faith that has led you here.

For how can you see what can only be felt within your heart? When you tell someone that you love them can you prove it? Isn't it something that you feel in your heart? Can you touch the love that you feel for that one that you love? You may touch that one physically, but still that does not, nor could ever describe the love that you have for that one. Love is unseen, even by atheists, yet they would declare that love is real. They are already believing in something that they cannot see. Even though human love does not approach the unconditional love of the Holy One that is where we get our start; for all love has its origins in the Eternal One.

What is the key for the awakening of all? You are. As you awaken to the love that you are, you nudge those awake that are still sleeping; even those that are atheists. The Eternal Father NEVER, EVER, abandons His children. He loves each of us like we were the only child in all of creation; the only child that is dearly loved, dearly cherished and tenderly cared for. One day as former atheists awaken to the reality of the Eternal Father they may say; forgive me Father. Yet, the Father will greet them with the open arms of His love. He will say that he does not know what they are talking about. He never saw any of those things while they were separated from Him. That Eternal Love, which we cannot see with our own eyes, found a home in their hearts, that love unseen, but forever living within them.

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Re: Who has a Thought Adjuster and Destiny Guardians?

Post by 11light11 »

Dear Paul,

I loved what you wrote. This is also the God I believe in: a loving God. It is sad how many traditions encourage a jealous God, a rageful God, a God who is constantly furious with us or who withholds His love. I really enjoyed what you wrote and found it very moving and uplifting! Thank you for this kind message of hope and peace.

With love,
Michele :loves
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Re: Who has a Thought Adjuster and Destiny Guardians?

Post by PaulC »

Dear Michele,

I would just to add Michele that our Eternal Father has no judgment or anger in His consciousness. He is, and has always been the epitome of love. Where then does judgment come from? It comes from us. The irony is that all judgment is self-judgment. We see something that we don't like in ourselves and that is reflected outwardly and then we make a judgment about that. We are simply replacing the love that we are with our own self-judgments.

When we realize that we are loved and cherished as if we were the only child in creation is when we begin to discover the love of God. We see that we put judgments, self-judgments, in the place of the love that we are. We are true reflections of the Eternal Father whose echoes have rippled across time and space to find a home in our hearts. A sacred place; a holy place for Him to rest His feet. Father and child one in the love that they have for one another.

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Re: Who has a Thought Adjuster and Destiny Guardians?

Post by 11light11 »

Dear Paul,

I have thought a lot about what you just said. I believe when we talk about a "Jealous God," or an "Angry God," we are doing something incredible -- we are demoting Him down to a human being's level! We are saying He is capable of no better than we are; that He is just a person, too, just like us!

I really agree with you that all judgment is, essentially, self-judgment. I even came to see this lesson in my own life, back when I was in therapy, many moons ago. I often felt uncomfortable in social situations, feeling as if others were judging me. I remember that I would share this with my therapist, who wisely nodded and gave a little smile, without interpreting. She understood that in order for the insight to really 'stick,' I needed to come to it on my own. She wisely guessed that in time, I would come to this on my own, and it would have greater meaning than if she just handed it to me on a silver platter. One day I was sharing with her a typical type of story for me -- I had been on the bus and felt that others were listening in on my conversation with a colleague, and were judging us as being too loud -- when suddenly I heard myself talking, and I stopped in mid-sentence. I looked at her, my facing lighting up, and I said, "Oh, wow . . .It's not that the other people are judging me! I'm judging me!" She was so happy for me, and it was a break-through. I never looked back. Once you see that you are doing that to yourself. . it simply drops off.

Because I had that experience, I know God would never do that to me. It hurt when I used to do that to myself . . .why would He heap another giant dose of that judgment on top of my head? I know He too celebrated that day alongside of me, glad that at last I could be free of criticizing myself when I had done nothing wrong. :kiss:

Thank you Paul. I've really been enjoying your messages the last few days. I hope you keep sharing your insights and your ideas! Peace and love going out to you. :sunflower:

With love & gratitude,
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Re: Who has a Thought Adjuster and Destiny Guardians?

Post by Krystalshard »

Thank you for this Thread Michelle, and for all who have contributed. I just love this place.

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Re: Who has a Thought Adjuster and Destiny Guardians?

Post by 11light11 »

Thanks to you, Jean! :kiss: Everyone here is so sweet! It's great when you're wondering about something, and everyone jumps in to answer your question!

Take care and peace to you! :love Love, Michele :loves
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Re: Who has a Thought Adjuster and Destiny Guardians?

Post by PaulC »

Dear Michele,

Before there there were ever any stars or galaxies or planets there was One at The Center of all things. In reality this One was never alone because He has existed forever along with the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit. But, for the sake of what I will tell you let us suppose that the Eternal Father was alive, alone, before light as we know it existed. From eternity to eternity this One existed. No one knows the endless depths of infinity save for this One.

One day, in the eternal past, this Father noticed that there was a thought. That thought was separate from Him and One with Him at the same time. He noticed that this separate thought was the most precious, the most beloved, the first, the Original Son, The Eternal Son. When the Paradise Father beheld this beautiful Son He was overcome with so much joy and so much love that He decided to do something magnificent for that one. He decided to give that Son ALL that He is. Forever and ever the One at the beginning of all things, The Great Uncaused Cause gave EVERYTHING THAT HE IS TO THE SON.

Why does this beautiful story effect us Michele? Do you, my dear Michele, think you are loved any less than the Original Son, The Eternal Son? Let me explain what happened at that moment and continues to happen in every moment. When that expression of love found itself lodged in the Eternal Son, that same expression of love, that thought, rippled out, echoing out across the realms of time and space. Those ripples, those thoughts, those echoes, have reached us here on this tiny little planet at the very edges of the Milky Way.

One day those thoughts, those ripples, those echoes from the Eternal One found another heart. That heart seemed to be vastly separated from the heart of the Eternal one, but still, the ripples of those thoughts found their home in this person's heart. A ripple, an echo, a thought of love started so long ago, even at the dawn of eternity, found another heart to give everything to.

You see Michele, the Eternal Father knew you were coming. He knew that one day you would receive those echoes, those thoughts, those ripples of love in your own heart. The same way that He gave everything to the Original Son, The Eternal Son, He wants to give everything that He is to you. Forever and ever hearts just like yours will eventually open to those ripples of love that have crossed the vastness of space just to find you. Just to find you. Little did you know that your heart was the universe grand. Little did you know that the Eternal Father went looking for a home; somewhere to rest His feet. When those ripples of love, those echoes of eternity found your heart, they decided to stay there for all time. YOU Michele, you are the heart that the Eternal One found. A thought went looking for a home and it found a home in your heart. And the Father at the Center of all things, the Uncaused Cause says Amen. He says Amen.

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Re: Who has a Thought Adjuster and Destiny Guardians?

Post by 11light11 »

Dear Paul,

I'm a bit speechless after reading your post, and can only say thank you for sharing that incredible recounting! :kiss: Talk about the chills! You shared something I have been pondering for some time.

Thank you very much for that friend, and peace shining out to you today. :loves
With love, Michele
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Re: Who has a Thought Adjuster and Destiny Guardians?

Post by nasra1996 »

Paul writes beautiful poetry too :) good to see you again Paul..

much love

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Re: Who has a Thought Adjuster and Destiny Guardians?

Post by PaulC »

Thank you Sarah and it is really good to see you again also. I raise your much love and I am all in. :)
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