Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by HeartInTexas »

Hello all!! :hithere :hithere I have been seeing 11 11 for close to two years now. At first, I really didn't think much of it. Now, I am starting to see 11 11 at LEAST 2 to 3 times per day. I decided I was going to google it and was shocked to see that so many people also see it. I came across this message board tonight, and HAD to post. I have a question for all of you that read this, but first, I want to back track and give a little info about myself....

I had a pretty rough childhood. Abusive dad, mom that was just a kid herself. I basically raised my younger siblings. We moved alot, and I wasn't much on making friends or school for that matter. In highschool I was always asked, "what do you want to do with your life?" I always, always changed my mind. I wanted to do everything. I am the type of person that won't do something unless I am 100% about it. I was raised Catholic and thay religion never felt right to me. I am also the type of person that believes we all have the right to our own beliefs and should not judge others for theirs. ((I apologize, this IS going My religious belief is that I do believe in a higher power, that we are all put on this Earth as a learning experience. I don't follow the mainstream beliefs. God loves all and forgives all. He is perfect, so why would he not forgive and love? So....One day just thinking of this concept, I see 11:11. Ok...No biggie. I see it more frequently now. But now, I have this OVERWHELMING feeling that I am here for a reason. I have a PURPOSE to be HERE at THIS time. I can't shake this feeling. I feel like me seeing this 11 11 must mean something. A help me remember what my purpose is?

I have been told to meditate. I have been told to pray. I have attempted a form of meditation that did not help. Pray? Well, I DO talk to God, but my belief is that we are created in God's image. We are ALL Gods in a way. We have all the answers inside us, we just have to find them. Soooooo....this 11 11 has been bringing up alot of new feelings. I hear gloom and doom for Dec 2012. I believe something will happen, but I am NOT afraid. Not one bit. I feel so protected. Again, that purpose comes into play. I feel protected because I have a PURPOSE in this time. Its just a drawn out cycle of this. This feeling of KNOWING yet NOT knowing. Tonight, one of my feelings that I swept under that mat came back up. Had me in tears cause I don't believe..yet I do. I feel my purpose is to help others. To heal. I have always been drawn to healthcare and a strong desire to work with Hospice patients. But this healing does not have me being a Nurse or even a Nurses Assistant. I feel my purpose is in my hands. What I thought was crazy mumbo-jumbo in the past. Laying of hands. Healing touch. Whatever you want to call it. I never before believed in it. I feel like it is my calling. And 11 11 has to do something with it.

I know I am rambeling on...maybe I just needed to vent. I feel like the people who see 11 11 are here for a purpose. That we share a not so normal background. My question for you is if you see 11 11: DO YOU FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE A PURPOSE IN THIS LIFE??
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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by Sandy »

Hello Heart,

I enjoyed your lovely introduction post so much. Sometimes it isn't easy to speak of these deep inner things but I hope you feel a sense of comfort and peace here as that is what we try to retain as we all speak about our lives hopes and experiences.

You asked an interesting question. One that is probably different for each and every person on this planet..maybe even the universe...
My question for you is if you see 11 11: DO YOU FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE A PURPOSE IN THIS LIFE??
Yes..a purpose but I also believe we all do... every single person born has infinite purpose and potential. Each life is precious and special and the purpose of life perhaps is in the living each day to the fullest, sharing that light and talents you possess for the betterment of those around you...your human brothers and sisters and the world at large. By following those nudges of intuition and our desires we are lead, perhaps as you yourself are discovering with the desire to help others heal, to those things that nurture others and help grow our own soul's experience. I suppose I would say my life purpose would be to daily lay down the foundations of love in everything I do. (I fail miserably at this often times..but well..I keep trying)

It is nice to meet you, Heart. Welcome to our board. :hithere
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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by HeartInTexas »

Thank you for your response, Sandy. All night I was worried about what others would think about my views. I don't mind that others don't agree....but I don't like to be criticized. I have been criticized all my life. I do believe eveyone has a purpose, each one different. But, not everyone believes, FEELS they have one. That was my question I guess, do the people that see 11 11 FEEL that they have a purpose?

Love and Light. :loves
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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by Sandy »

Dear Heart,
It is never easy to listen to critism is it? I'm sorry you were exposed to so much of it while you were growing up. I find a lot of common ground with your views and it is obvious you have given them much thought.. But even should our views differ I would hope that we could find some common ground. In reality, sometimes this is harder to do then the words make it sound especially when views are polar opposites. It has always saddened me when our beliefs divide us, especially those close to my heart, our board family. Still I feel in the eternal future all these conflicting views and beliefs will be resolved. "Hope springs eternal." :D
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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by happyrain »

hi heart
welcome to the forums
you know
it is special
something i think i'm learning
if we want to live. . . happily. freely
don't be afraid to speak from your heart
be kind

i'm from houston texas
eric :loves take care friend
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by HeartInTexas »

Sandy & Eric- Thank you for your kind words. I have gotten alot better about speaking with my heart. Its not always the easiest thing, but it sure does make me feel better. ;)

Eric- I lived in Texas as a child for a few years and fell in love with the state and all the kind people. I moved to the East Coast in middle school, and back to Texas 3 years ago, only to end up back on the East Coast due to family issues. I am trying so desperatly to move my family out west again. Texas is a whole other world. I love it there. :)
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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by Sandy »

Hey Heart and Eric,
I have never been in Texas other than lay overs at the Dallas Fort Worth airport but I must say it is the best and friendliest airport I have ever been in and if all Texas and Texans are like it... you guys have a lot to be proud of! :sunflower:
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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by jack6251 »

Hello Heart welcome :hithere

I'll try and answer your question about purpose as best I can from my own perspective on things. Years ago when I first started seeing 11:11, I gradually felt more special for doing so in some weird way and more in touch with a lot of spiritual things. I'm in my mid 30's now, but in my early 20's I had this overwhelming sense to do what I term, "doing a Jesus", giving up what I know and go off to help in some way on a voluntary basis through some organisation or other around the world to help the poor and needy. Life didn't quite work out for me to do that at that time and I ended up doing a lot of different things instead, but the thought of doing this has never left me in all these years. I can't really attribute the feeling of needing to do this with 11:11 either, but it may be part of the spiritual awakening package that I opened all those years ago.

These days after years of analysing and mulling over this strange feeling of needing to do that and factoring the purpose of my being here etc, I gradually came to settle on my being alive is special enough and that's enough purpose within itself to say this is the purpose of my life, as I'm still living and breathing, gathering information and allowing my body to stay healthy, devloping myself to try and be a better human and as a byproduct, then in a better position to help others to move a little along to better things in their lives.

A lot of my employment has been involved in education in schools and colleges in some capacity or other here in the UK over the years and this has satisfied a lot of my sense of having something special to do since it's been my role in a job to help others, but I've never taken my eye off the voluntary projects oversea's that I first looked into in my early 20's. There's one or two qualifications I'm aiming to achieve over the next year or three, then whatever occurs, I'll make the leap into a new life. I haven't just worked in education though and even now, it's not a rosey way to live. I've had many negative challenges to overcome (as we all do) but have felt that this is something that should be experienced in order to give a true insight into who I am and where I'm going. :study:

I think there's a danger of sorts to this feeling special thing that budhism highlights quite often, which involves ego. It's all very easy to do a thing purely from the point of view of ones self, selfishly, driving on to achieve a thing only to have it be sign as a "badge of honour" of sorts to use in discussion and brag about. This dawned on me in my 20's as my head was opening up to a more spiritual way of looking at things. I feel now I'm a little older, whatever I would do down the path of having something special to do, it would absultley be from the stand point of doing it because it's the right thing to do, because the opportunity is there to do and there's no ego or bragging rights involved in the event. Over the past 15 - 20 years, I've got a lot out of my system in regard to various achievments and feel I've ticked a lot of boxes and am now satisfied that I've done everything I set out to from a materialistic point of view, I don't mean possessions etc, more so with qualifications and jobs. Now I feel that if I were to go oversea's in some capacity or other, it wouldn't be "to be seen" to be doing a thing in the eyes of my family, friends or peers, it would be because I can do it, and it needs to be done.

I also think there's another danger of a sort through the media in a Hollywood style way, in where the movies and tv shows almost promote that people should aim to be a hero of some sort, or there's something magical or mystical awaiting some of us, I find it gives a false hope of fantasy sometimes in impressionable people. I think if anyone does think and feel there truely is something special for them to do, they have be prepared in the longer term to jump through hoops to get there, to explore what that might be and whatever it is, it won't mean becoming a Jedi, it'll be a nuts and bolts, blood and flesh, feet on the ground opportunity seizing/forging path stuff. :batman:

We may find, the more "spiritual" you become, the more challenges life throws at you.

I've heard a lot of stories about people doing these voluntary projects and many a time it involves people who're doing it to be seen in the eyes of others to be in a particular light, their motivation for helping people isn't primarily to help the needy, it's to only be seen to help them in the eyes of others, maybe people they feel they need to prove something to. Although what they do may bring some good, I think it's doing the right thing for the wrong reasons at times.

So to wrap up, do I feel anything special afoot for me? Yes I guess I do, but I've tried to grow within myself after first having these feelings over 15 years ago in order to better narrow down what it may be and it's not particularly special, it's just different choices and experiences. If we want an immediate resolve to this feeling, it may not come as fast as we like, for me, this has got to be approached on a long term stand point with the event and date unknown, but pursued over time.

All what I've said there is from my perspective of how I've had the sense of something intended for me, I guess it's the only point of view we can all really come from at the end of the day.

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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by sammy »

I think it is very normal to feel that we are here to do something special.

Here is a little story that my son ran across on and shared on facebook. It made me remember that we each have the ability to have an impact :
Well, I guess one person knows about this story. It was Mother's Day probably 2006 or 2007....
I went to the grocery store to pick a few items before I went to my childhood home (about 100 miles away)....I also picked up a card and a rose to give to my mother.
As I went to checkout, a middle-aged woman was working the register. I heard her take a big sigh as I placed my items on the counter, and she asked if the flower and card were for my mother, and I replied yes. I noticed she got a little teary-eyed, and she went on to explain how she wished she still had a son to get her something for Mothers Day. He had died a few years earlier in a car crash. She said I really reminded her of him, in my mannerisms and physical features. We finished the transaction and I walked out.
On my way to the car, I just couldn't get over this interaction. I put my stuff away and then walked back in. I grabbed another rose and went back to the same checkout line.
She smiled as I came around again, and laughed as she asked if I had forgotten one for Grandma or something. I said no, this is yours, Happy Mother's Day. She completely broke down, so did I. I gave her a hug and said your son would love to do this himself, but I'll do it for him. I walked out, crying like a child.
Whether the impact is on a large or small basis makes no matter. God simply wants us to share what he has bestowed in all of us...Love.

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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by jack6251 »

sammy wrote:I think it is very normal to feel that we are here to do something special.

Here is a little story that my son ran across on and shared on facebook. It made me remember that we each have the ability to have an impact :
Well, I guess one person knows about this story. It was Mother's Day probably 2006 or 2007....
I went to the grocery store to pick a few items before I went to my childhood home (about 100 miles away)....I also picked up a card and a rose to give to my mother.
As I went to checkout, a middle-aged woman was working the register. I heard her take a big sigh as I placed my items on the counter, and she asked if the flower and card were for my mother, and I replied yes. I noticed she got a little teary-eyed, and she went on to explain how she wished she still had a son to get her something for Mothers Day. He had died a few years earlier in a car crash. She said I really reminded her of him, in my mannerisms and physical features. We finished the transaction and I walked out.
On my way to the car, I just couldn't get over this interaction. I put my stuff away and then walked back in. I grabbed another rose and went back to the same checkout line.
She smiled as I came around again, and laughed as she asked if I had forgotten one for Grandma or something. I said no, this is yours, Happy Mother's Day. She completely broke down, so did I. I gave her a hug and said your son would love to do this himself, but I'll do it for him. I walked out, crying like a child.
Whether the impact is on a large or small basis makes no matter. God simply wants us to share what he has bestowed in all of us...Love.

Well put Sammy! :hithere

I loved that story you quoted, very touching!

I just want to add to all my waffle I gave there, despite my trying to stear into a particular direction, I don't know what the future is going to bring, who know's what'll be in store from one day to the next. Sammy is right, love's gotta be the way to go and I think step one has got to be love yourself, whatever situation you're in, as a result of that it'll spread to others in many ways, sometimes without you even knowing :)

Jack :pig:
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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by sammy »

Jack wrote:
I think step one has got to be love yourself
Boy o boy...and isn't that the toughest one of all...seems SO much easier to love others!

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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by jack6251 »

sammy wrote:Jack wrote:
I think step one has got to be love yourself
Boy o boy...and isn't that the toughest one of all...seems SO much easier to love others!

Hulloo :)

Yeah this is sooo true!

Same goes for food, it always tastes nicer when someone else makes it :P (a bit off topic but still :) )

Jack :sunny: :pig:
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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by Sandy »

What wonderful posts, you guys... I was just sitting here thinking about my daughter-in-law kara who lost her mother in January. She was just telling me how hard this upcoming Mother's day is for her. It doesn't take much to bring on the tears these days and knowing the pain she has been through, well ole empathetic me has shed a few myself here on this side of the world. The best Mom's present I could get this year would be for her to feel a closeness again with her beautiful mother who is is truly happy now and smiling down at her precious girls and the grandson she didn't get to meet while living.

I have a problem with the self love thing fact, this is the third reminder given to me in the past 24 hours on that very subject. hmmmm WHIST
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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by sammy »

Aw (((((Sandy)))))....I'm praying that Kara has a visit from her mom, so she KNOWS that her mom is still around and in a wonderful place.

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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by Shredder »

Hi everyone :hithere

This is soooo fundamentally important ( and don't we know it guys 8) ....

The "biggie" commandments are "burnt/DNA'd" into us and can be summed up as Jack has written and without this gift humanity would cease to exist and grow) ........and about four or so of the 10 can be summed by "Love thyself as thy neighbour"
sammy wrote:Jack wrote: I think step one has got to be love yourselfBoy o boy...and isn't that the toughest one of all...seems SO much easier to love

Hmmmm, I would suggest we all "self loath" to some degree around here especially. Yeah Sammy ( I'm the same , so much easier to love others) , the journey inward often finds us at more peace and loving
with "others" but at the same time gives us lessons about ourselves that sometimes we werent especially prepared for, the nature of things is quite
efficient in that way ( everything a so called double edge sword or killing two birds with one stone ..... efficiency ).I do not want to
be "proud" of any achievements yet I drive myself so hard to perfection in everything I attempt that it's almost insane. Jack would attest to the
some of the "insanity" that it takes to become a true "shredder" - and the shredding thing is yet only one small part of the other things I "do"
but i'm happy to self loath which drives me further to perfection but also at the same time I do love myself for how could I not because there is a piece
God in me and in everyone else too and in this way we are all one togetherness in just a tiny spec of Gods infiniteness but no less or more but His and
because he made
us in his image (of perfection) we must also emulate perfection in everything we do to glorify him in any way no matter how small. I just want the rest
of me to catch up with that fragment of
perfection that we have all been given... so in everything I strive for
perfection and understanding in the name of love and guidance from my "piers".
I don't know if you guys have a "soul room" in the
AC but I have "my space" where I can sit in a transparent room in space and view my soul. to look at its infiniteness, strengths, weaknessesss and imperfections but to so also reflect and host "visitors" there. I know I'm far from perfect and expose my soul to those "visitors and friends" so as to learn from
their love and guidance how to love myself for how can we really love others without loving ourselfvelves first and also realizing
that we are in ourselves loved individually not only by our maker but many other beings ...we are all equipped with some self loathing
( also known by many other names ) in order to help us strive for perfection - which is what God is - Perfection as well a "failsafe" for those who don''t hear/acknoweledge that fragment they have ... sorry rambles on again and should just paraphrase or something and not try to get "picky" because I'm not that good at being very concise, or at least as what I would like to be .... oh how I wait for telepathy to be the norm ;)

Bottom line is what Jack said :)


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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by 3721 »

HeartInTexas wrote:Hello all!! :hithere :hithere I have been seeing 11 11 for close to two years now. At first, I really didn't think much of it. Now, I am starting to see 11 11 at LEAST 2 to 3 times per day. I decided I was going to google it and was shocked to see that so many people also see it. I came across this message board tonight, and HAD to post. I have a question for all of you that read this, but first, I want to back track and give a little info about myself....

I had a pretty rough childhood. Abusive dad, mom that was just a kid herself. I basically raised my younger siblings. We moved alot, and I wasn't much on making friends or school for that matter. In highschool I was always asked, "what do you want to do with your life?" I always, always changed my mind. I wanted to do everything. I am the type of person that won't do something unless I am 100% about it. I was raised Catholic and thay religion never felt right to me. I am also the type of person that believes we all have the right to our own beliefs and should not judge others for theirs. ((I apologize, this IS going My religious belief is that I do believe in a higher power, that we are all put on this Earth as a learning experience. I don't follow the mainstream beliefs. God loves all and forgives all. He is perfect, so why would he not forgive and love? So....One day just thinking of this concept, I see 11:11. Ok...No biggie. I see it more frequently now. But now, I have this OVERWHELMING feeling that I am here for a reason. I have a PURPOSE to be HERE at THIS time. I can't shake this feeling. I feel like me seeing this 11 11 must mean something. A help me remember what my purpose is?

I have been told to meditate. I have been told to pray. I have attempted a form of meditation that did not help. Pray? Well, I DO talk to God, but my belief is that we are created in God's image. We are ALL Gods in a way. We have all the answers inside us, we just have to find them. Soooooo....this 11 11 has been bringing up alot of new feelings. I hear gloom and doom for Dec 2012. I believe something will happen, but I am NOT afraid. Not one bit. I feel so protected. Again, that purpose comes into play. I feel protected because I have a PURPOSE in this time. Its just a drawn out cycle of this. This feeling of KNOWING yet NOT knowing. Tonight, one of my feelings that I swept under that mat came back up. Had me in tears cause I don't believe..yet I do. I feel my purpose is to help others. To heal. I have always been drawn to healthcare and a strong desire to work with Hospice patients. But this healing does not have me being a Nurse or even a Nurses Assistant. I feel my purpose is in my hands. What I thought was crazy mumbo-jumbo in the past. Laying of hands. Healing touch. Whatever you want to call it. I never before believed in it. I feel like it is my calling. And 11 11 has to do something with it.

I know I am rambeling on...maybe I just needed to vent. I feel like the people who see 11 11 are here for a purpose. That we share a not so normal background. My question for you is if you see 11 11: DO YOU FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE A PURPOSE IN THIS LIFE??
Hey :hithere
I see you have gone trough alot in your life and have felt much pain. But it is pain that teaches us most, even though it may leave some scars.
About your questions, yes I do feel like I have a purpose in this life. I havent just found out what it is. It doesnt matter if it is great purpose or not, as long as it feels right. Sometimes most simple persons are most inspirational through their infinite love and sicerity. I have found that if you want to do good, you have to start from the little things.
If you want to have a higher purpose, then you have to be different, beliving that you are different is enough. Walk the path you feel is right and if there isnt one, then make it. Do not let anyone tell you what is possible or what is not, you make everything possible. You will have all the tools and resources to do that if you belive in yourself and work hard to make a difference.
I hope everything works out for you. ;)
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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by AJ »

When all this awakening started for me during a very tough and painful time for me, after a bit I too couldn't help but feel this sense of purpose and then a bit of pride that I was so special to be awakening, to becoming closer to my true initial self, to have this greater job to do....then it dawned on me. I wasn't any more special than anyone else. It was almost sad in a way. I was and am still sad for so many still asleep. I am saddened that so few are awake but excited and humble to know so many are awakening every day. My purpose now is to help others by trying to be kind and loving to all...lofty goals but it can all start with eye contact and a smile to a stranger. My prayer every night with my daughter is for those who do not know God and know his love, that they will stop one day, smell the roses and finally feel that call, that love that is waiting for us all! It starts with you and every day. Jesus was so right when he greeted people with a simple, "peace be with you," and then said to love one another as he loves us. Our purpose is to love each other and all of us can do that. It really isn't that hard to love and be love. It is so much harder to be wicked, hateful and full of fear. Be love my friends and what a great place this will be.

Welcome heartintx and I say go out there and lay your loving hands people and do what feels right in your soul.
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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by Sandy »

Dearest AJ,
I felt the truth to your beautiful words just this morning when I went on my, as of late, morning walk. I awoke gloomier than usual, my thoughts for some reason matching the rain clouds that threatened a sudden shower. As I walked and feeling a bit like a thundercloud myself, I passed a man on bicycle with his two children. Surprisingly, he made eye contact with me and in that brief smile that lite up his whole face and the hearty "Good morning to you!" he conveyed so much more. My soul felt relieved. :D
Thank you for your reminder of the simplicity and the importance of this "little thing called Love."
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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by jack6251 »

Sandy wrote:Dearest AJ,
I felt the truth to your beautiful words just this morning when I went on my, as of late, morning walk. I awoke gloomier than usual, my thoughts for some reason matching the rain clouds that threatened a sudden shower. As I walked and feeling a bit like a thundercloud myself, I passed a man on bicycle with his two children. Surprisingly, he made eye contact with me and in that brief smile that lite up his whole face and the hearty "Good morning to you!" he conveyed so much more. My soul felt relieved. :D
Thank you for your reminder of the simplicity and the importance of this "little thing called Love."
That's a nice tale Sandy! :sunflower:

I have a gloomy skies and old man tale too. :bana:

The other day I was in my local hardware store looking for some meat forks for the rotisary spin gizmo in my oven, I have a spindle but no forks, so all the meat does is just sit there not spinning :( Anyway, this old guy came up to me, he must've been in his 80's, asking if I knew anything about glue. I thought hmm, I wonder if he thinks I work here or something. I steadily made my way with him to the glue section where he explained he was making something using clear plastic perspex and wanted the right glue. I did my best to advise him since I knew some glues would be useless and others may melt his plastic. He was very thankful anyway after my advice and said something very strange, he said, keep taking your medication and so will I. I thought, hmm what a cheeky beggar. He smiled and walked off. The thing of it is, I have asthma and have been neglecting taking my inhaler for weeks since I'm trying to go without taking it, bad idea. I'd been sooo run down in my chest, feeling full of cold etc, and due to this old guy, I remembered something my doctor once told me about how the medication in the inhaler could also help fight off this and that, so I had a blast of it once home. Over the next day I started to feel much better in myself.

The thing of it is, that old fella seemed to kinda "vanish" after we spoke. We should've both been in the queue at the same time, him in front of me, but I couldnt' spot him anywhere in the store at all. It's true he could've just left the store altogether, but I dunno, I just feel there's more to the encounter than meets the eye... :?:

Anyway my gloomy sky story is much shorter. My fist waving at the sky through all the rain has finally paid off and made the blue sky appear. It's taken me since March and must say, I am quite achey, but it's done the job! I know eventually the blue sky would've appeared, but I'd like to think instead it was my special ritual that did the trick. :sunny:

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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by Sandy »

Hey Jack, :pig:
I am sure all those people would thank you for your months of effort to clear those gloomy skies if they only knew it was you... ;)
I got all tingly when I read about your hardware experience. What a fabulous (dare I say) angel story. :D I wonder if that nice old man was more than what or who he seemed. 8) At any rate he delivered an inspired message, eh? And I am relieved you are feeling better after following this seemingly "knowing one's" advice.
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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by jack6251 »

Sandy wrote:Hey Jack, :pig:
I am sure all those people would thank you for your months of effort to clear those gloomy skies if they only knew it was you... ;)
I got all tingly when I read about your hardware experience. What a fabulous (dare I say) angel story. :D I wonder if that nice old man was more than what or who he seemed. 8) At any rate he delivered an inspired message, eh? And I am relieved you are feeling better after following this seemingly "knowing one's" advice.
Hulloo Sandy, :hithere

Yeah whatever the circumstances of that old fella, it did push me along to do the right thing with my inhaler. When I was a kid I was told I'd grow out of it and have to say it has got better over the past few years since I've taken a healthy view in life and go to the gym etc, I guess I still need it from time to time. Whoever he was, I thank him and hope whatever he built didn't fall to bits.

As for the rain, yeah I'm giving myself a pat on the back today for a job well done, it's lovely and warm with blue skies :D

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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by Sandy »

Okay, this may be a little off topic so please forgive me, but since you are such an expert now in types of glue...I have a glue question for you, Jack :pig: . I have a beloved old pair of nike shoes that just recently began to show their age. The front part of the sole which comes up to the tips of the toes is working its way loose. I discovered this the hard way as I almost found myself nose first in the grass on one of my walks. I wound up having to march sort of one legged home as I tried not to make it worse thus stepping a little higher than is normal. :roll: The sole is typically some type of tennis shoe rubber. Do you have any suggestions on the best glue for this type of job? :scratch:
Thanks :finger:
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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by jack6251 »

Sandy wrote:Okay, this may be a little off topic so please forgive me, but since you are such an expert now in types of glue...I have a glue question for you, Jack :pig: . I have a beloved old pair of nike shoes that just recently began to show their age. The front part of the sole which comes up to the tips of the toes is working its way loose. I discovered this the hard way as I almost found myself nose first in the grass on one of my walks. I wound up having to march sort of one legged home as I tried not to make it worse thus stepping a little higher than is normal. :roll: The sole is typically some type of tennis shoe rubber. Do you have any suggestions on the best glue for this type of job? :scratch:
Thanks :finger:
Hiya Sandy :hithere

I remember when I was a kid, we used to use a glue for just the job you're after. It was brilliant! I'll look it up and post back. It was rubbery and spot on ;)

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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by AJ »

The amazing thing about Nike is, they continue to make more, new, better shoes Sandy...ha ha ha.

:tongue: :mrgreen:
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Re: Newbie rambeling on- but a question for all.

Post by jack6251 »

hehe :hithere

I couldnt' find it I'm afraid, but I did find this interesting wiki page about rubber cement.

The stuff we used, you could make rubber bogeys/boogers from, which were great for flicking at big sisters and pretending they came from your nose :alien: :D :alien:

Jack :pig:
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