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Ok, you should be able to post here

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if you are "approved by me, as being in the Ubook Group.

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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

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testing :mrgreen:
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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

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Now, let's find John to post that wonderful topic he had suggested!!!!

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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

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Good to see you here, and Paul has also been added to our group.

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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

Post by sammy »

well then, it's ALMOST a pah-tay!

I know virtually nothing about the UB, so I am hoping john will post soon something he sent me to get us started...unless of course you have another idea?

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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

Post by LolaandLight »

Hi! I figured it out after all. Where do we start?
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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

Post by Geoff »

Paul has posted his question, either have a go there, or create your own question.

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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

Post by Rhonda »

Hello Everyone,

I have been reading the Uantia Book for days now. I started with the teaching and life of Jesus. I"m still going through it. Then I started reading the origins of Urantia, which I found fascinating. They did a great job explaining the beginning of our world and the solar system. What a sight that would have been to behold.

As I was scrolling back to the top of the book and close down for the evening. I came to the rebellion of Lucifer, and of course I had to read that. So much to learn.

I was reading this book until late in the evening and didn't get my own writing done. Oh well. I really don't want to put it down.

Over the past week of reading about Jesus and his life, I have come to realize that I'm more than just my body. I don't know how to explain it. All my life I wondered why I was here? What was the reason I was going through what I was. Was it some kind of experiment? After reading the Origins of Urantia, we are indeed an experiment, but its much more. I also learned something of a personal nature. That my soul encased in this body is more important than anything on a material nature of this world. Yes we have to live in it, but we are more.
I have a feeling I will be asking questions until my time to leave this world has arrived.

Hugs and love, Rhonda
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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

Post by Rhonda »

HI Everyone, :hithere

I have a question. I've been reading about Adam and Eve, and how their children and the children of other races, including the first human race by the Siemens, Andon and Fonta. I've read over and over how brother and sister engaged in procreation. My question is, is that type of procreating counter productive in the blood line for that time period. I've read that it actually better the races but today if we were to engage in that type of activity, devastating results would happen. :|

How can this be? Every time I read about brother and sister procreating I cringe.

Just curious. Why so different in today's time.

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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

Post by George »

You meant Simeons (spelling?), Rhonda.

I just asked, and was told that the Life Carriers modifying evolutionary progress were still fully active for a long time.

It was after their leaving that things "fell back" to the kinds of problems inbreading caused, for instance in Egypt, Europe and Russia with the ruling classes and small island populations.

We still have lower animals, I add, where inbreading matters not at all.
Pigeon pairs come to mind.

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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

Post by Rhonda »

Hi George, :hithere

:oops: Sorry about the spelling. I was posting this in a hurry and didn't get a chance to check.
I can see why that would have to happen, the life carriers were trying to perpetuate the species.
It's understandable. Thanks so much for asking for me. :)

My other question is should the UBook be read from the beginning or can a person start anywhere? I started with the teaching of Jesus Christ but as I moved into other areas, I found references, to people, being, and things I didn't understand. So I started at the beginning. Does it really matter. It there any kind of study group on the site? :?:

By the way I did read about the midway creatures last night. Very interesting.

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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

Post by Sandy »

Hello Rhonda,
I too felt a little weird when reading the Ubook and contemplating those things you spoke of earlier. Although growing up with a Christian belief it bothered me too as I figured the same thing had to happen there as the Bible roles out Creation and our beginnings in that manner. Maybe the social mores have changed so drastically and for the better, that we will no longer view this as aviable option...

I know a lot of people who have read the Ubook just as you are doing enjoying what appeals to them as they flip through the book. I do not think there is a right or wrong way to read the book. yet I could see how starting at the beginning and moving forward from there much would be explored and explained that would come up later, for instance, the reasoning behind Christ Michael's bestowal as Jesus... and exactly what his position as Michael, our Creator son, entails. I must admit, I splurged and bought a Urantia Book Concordex years ago and that has been a blessing in cross referancing things that come up as I read one section or paper.
By the way I did read about the midway creatures last night. Very interesting.
Can you imagine being the mother of disappearing children? :lol: I suppose being not all that far removed from Adam and Eve and the knowledge of things beyond Urantia at that time, perhaps, this was "mildly acceptable and even understandable." Still...I think I would have reacted using the favorite phrase of my own mother when viewing something shockingly surprising! "Lord Help Us!" :lol:
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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

Post by Rhonda »

Hi Sandy, :hithere

Thank you for making me feel not so weird about the brother, sister procreating thing. But I do have some other questions. Why did the Life Carriers leave? Did they do it after the default of Adam and Eve or was it maybe something to do with the rebellion. Isn't that in a way abandoning us humans to fend for ourselves? Is that why we turned out so animalistic. Because we didn't have anyone to guide us at that point.

Regarding the Midwayers. What exactly is their mission? I was prompted by the numbers and have come on board, because I was asked to serve. I am indeed doing healings now but mostly spending time with the Celestial and fusing with the thought adjuster. Is the mission to help with the healing of humans or it it some other thing or both?

and Lastly, I was reading about the mansion worlds last night, before it discussed the different mansion worlds it talked about the finaliter world. After reading this part:

(532.5) 47:2.7 When material life has run its course, if no choice has been made for the ascendant life, or if these children of time definitely decide against the Havona adventure, death automatically terminates their probationary careers. There is no adjudication of such cases; there is no resurrection from such a second death. They simply become as though they had not been.

It's the last line. "They simply become as though they had not been."

This part struck me like a bolt of lighting. I was taught that not one soul will be lost. That God will always work to salvage even the most evil. Now I am hearing that if the person chooses not to join in the adventure they just don't exist anymore. That this is the true death. I am shocked by this. :shock: Maybe I'm wrong.

I don't mean to be so annoying but I have all these questions. I have more, I just don't know how to form them, and I don't want to overwhelm you. :)

Rhonda :loves
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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

Post by George »

Dear Rhonda,

http://www.1111angels.com/archives.html#A has more than 2000 transmits.

The search engine covers among other things Lucifer who preferred to be as if he never was.

He was given some 250 000 years to make up his mind. :shock:

Consider. Good thing he's gone IMO.

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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

Post by Sandy »

Hi Rhonda,
In your first question you mirror something I discussed with George about a month ago, when I read the Urantia book section about Adam and Eve once again. Remember that human beings evolved from animalistic beings, so these barbaric tendencies are a part of us... part of our evolutionary make up. Adam and Eve's job was to eventually upstep the human race so it would be easier for us to progress and they did not completely fail in this task. But it struck me hard when I read that section this time... the heartache that couple must have gone through. To tell you the truth, I was more than just a little mad in this discussion. :) But just to be clear, I do not believe the Life Carriers ever left Urantia. Please correct me if I am wrong, Beaver or George? It was the Melchizedek receivers who left just after Adam and Eve arrived on our planet so full of hope. I asked why? Why did they leave them knowing how hard it would be, cut off from communications with the rest of the Universe the way they were. Even though they were super human, it was a daunting and lonely task....Perhaps Beaver can help a little with this. Do you have any insight, sis?

...and then to take the under age children from Adam and Eve...Oh it broke my mother's heart. :( Yet they were super human as well and too young to make this decision to remain on earth and be demoted to mortal status. Would that have been fair to them, to deny them of their birthright as citizens of Jeruseum?
But I do not think we humans were ever abandoned when Adam and Eve defaulted. Make no mistake... Eve was wrong in this decision...to go against the will of God, to try to speed up a process that is tried and true. It was this decision along with the earlier one...the choosing of our Planetary Prince and a good portion of the staff to side with rebellion against God which contributed to the slow growth in all areas of human evolution.
The Melchizedek receivers returned immediately upon Adam and Eve's default and we were once again nurtured by these able and capable elder Celestials who are so reliable that not one ever in all the history of the Local Universes have ever defaulted and turned against their sacred trust.

We must understand and remember that one thing is guaranteed and valued above all Universe rights, that is an individual's right to free will. God loves us unconditionally and in a way that we are unable to comprehend fully at this time...and the one gift we can give Him is our love in return. Yet he does not coerse this love from us. In all matters we have the right to choose and so this right to choose extinction and to not continue is ours as well. I cannot comprehend why a person would desire this above eternal life but I am a mere baby and much is unrevealed to me, as to all humans, at this stage of our existance. I am much encouraged, though, by our very act of compassion in this area because it is said that Christ Michael, Himself, wept when he heard that his beloved child/brother Lucifer chose termination rather than rehabilitation and life eternal. Was it his pride that prevented this? How does a most beautiful son of the Local Universe deceive himself when he can see so much more than our mortal eyes could see? Yet, we, with our tiny baby brains, have more love, more compassion, more understanding than those once great rebel leaders. This is something that I feel Lucifer lost sight of... the faith in things yet unseen. We are Agondonters! No one will ever be able to remove that awesome title from those of us growing up on this harsh world who have learned to "believe with out seeing." In this area we animalistic humans excel! :D And despite the troubles our world has endured, the lessons we have learned and are learning now far outweigh the damage that Lucifer and the rebellion have caused us. Make no mistake, we humans will overcome and we will see this world into the age of Light and Life. And that, dear lady, is our charge as "eleveners." Along side our Midwayer friends and a host of other Celestials, we are setting the groundwork, the scaffolding for this great era.
So in reality, we are not alone...loyal Midwayers, both Primary and Secondary, along with the angels, Melchizedek receivers and the life Carriers are with us. But our greatest guide and Teacher resides within each of us...Our Fragment of God. Can we really ask for anything more? :D
We simply, Day by day, do what comes before us... it may be healing, receiving messages, experiencing ever more enlightening information or it may be as simple as sharing a meal with someone in need, tying the shoe of a child, or rescuing a lost dog. The ways we can help our world are as endless as the Love that flows around us and within us from Paradise. All we have to do...is follow Love and we will change avoiding the hazards of our animalistic tendencies and with that... the world will change as well. Hope abounds! :happy

With Love,
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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

Post by Judy11 »

Hi Rhonda,

This is the beaver coming on board to see what else can be added to the most thorough answers from George and Sunny.

Your questions are quite valid, and I am sure many struggle with the same thing, why the Gods in their wisdom left Adam and Eve alone with the 'wily ones' still running rampant on the planet. It must have been such a terribly dark time, with hardly any progress. Caligastia all the while scheming how to prevent progress, so sad to say. All I can think how I would have felt in the same situation. But surely Adam and Eve's children were safe once tye got back to Jerusem, with many aunts and uncles waiting for them to embrace them with open arms so to speak. It is what it is, and we (and the celestials) are still mopping up from all the causes set in motion over 200.000 years ago.

You say, is that why we are so animalistic? The answer truly is that all what was gained prior to the rebellion with the advance with human behavior, all was progress was speedily lost again to pre-rebellion time, so Adam and Eve had to litterally start from scratch, only the loyal citizens staying with Van and Amadon, stayd the course whereas the tribes surrounding the Garden, were not so advaced due to the personal liberty Caligastia gave all the people as they did not have to seek for the Father's will anymore and could pretty well do what they wished. So no personal discipline and restraints. (You can even notice that today)

Regarding the Midwayers, they were confused too and many of the Primary Midwayers were lost before the Secondary Midwayers were born. They only knew quite clearly what their function was when Jesus came to the planet and left as the Son of Man and the Son of God. He most likely taught them too, although to Book does not speak about this, but they banded together at Pentecost and became the United Midwayers of Urantia. Especially the secondary loyal 1.111 Midwayers are in the process of waking people up with their prompts among other things like helping people when there is a need.

Then you speak about the Finaliter world and their care for children and no doubt other beings.

Surely these children receive a thorough education before they make up their minds, like Sunny said, Lucifer had oodles of time, but his mind was so warped by sin and evil, that he could not even think rational anymore, same with Satan and Caligastia.
Remember that we live in a most wonderful and mercy oriented universe with the gift of free will which gives us lots of leeway to study all sorts of things before we have to make up our minds. It is entirely up to each person to chose eternal life or not.

Hoping that this little treatice shed a little more light again.

Be blessed always in all ways.
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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

Post by Rhonda »

Hi Sandy and George, and a hello to Beaver, it is nice to meet you. :hithere

Thank you so much for the helpful answers to my inquiries. And thanks for the link to the message boards regarding the Midwayers. (I have more studying to do.) :roll:

About the default of Adam and Eve. Under the circumstances I don't blame them at all. I cried throughout the reading of the default and the children being taken away. It broke my heart as much as it did yours Sandy. :x

Sandy on your explanation of the Midwayers and how they are helping, you said something about a "Elevengers" Please explain this, and where can I read about it in the UBook?
*wiping forehead* (More studying to do.) ;)

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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

Post by Judy11 »

Hi Rhonda,

Thank you for your welcome to me.

About the eleveners: To enlighten yourself, perhaps you might you like to read the Paper on Adamson, eldest Son of Adam and Even, who stayed behind with his parents, to help them through a very difficult time. After the second Garden was more or less settled, he went out on his own to explore and met Ratta, one of the last pure Nodites line still alive. They married and had children. Actualy, the whole Paper 77 (page 748) in the Urantia Book is quite fascinating. It starts with the Primary Midwayers and in section 5, the story starts about Adamson and Ratta, and the Secondary Midwayers.

Any other questions? Please tell us, we are happy to help to point the way.

Blessings from
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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

Post by Sandy »

You know I was just thinking of something last night concerning what we have been discussing...the separation of Adam and Eve from their younger children who were too young to make that kind of choice. As sad as it was, it must have cheered Adam and Eve at least a little to remember from where they came and the beauty and love that exists in that realm ever closer to Christ Michael and to our long term goal of obtaining more understanding of our Paradise roots. They have something we do not, real life experience and first hand knowledge from this lofty place of origin and so they know without a shadow of a doubt that their earthly bodies will not separate them forever from those they love. I once, in tears over the thought of leaving our Midwayer friends and the joint work on this planet, asked him how the Midwayers could bear to work with someone, a human being for a time, grow to love them, then only to say good bye and start over again with someone else after they died. Over thousands of years since their birth, that to me sounds like a lot of grief. He said death does not mean the connection is broken. There is no goodbye. Even after we pass on they will have most likely even better contact with us then before. I hope so. I will miss my friends if it is otherwise.

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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

Post by Judy11 »

Dear Sis Sandy (and friends),

Thanks so much for your thoughts about perhaps having to miss your friends after they pass on. I would like to relate a short story to proof that we indeed do not have to say goodbye to our loved ones at their passing. Funerals on the whole are greatly over-rated and have become extremely costly. This does not have to be. the money spend could be put to far greater use. Just a wondefrul celebration of life can be far more meaningful and a loving picture held and brought forth in people's minds would help with the grieving. To get to the meat of your thoughts, I have once experienced after the passing of a dear friend with whom I shared a wonderful friendship (as she was the one who had introduce me to the Urantia Book in 1973). After her passing in 1982 she 'came to me' in a very vivid dream, there was a fast gulf between us, she was wearing a lovely floor-lenght white gown with a very interesting boder on the bottem, (don't remember the design clearly clear though). She said: " Please tell my daughters that I am fine". So I called her daughter, who was furious with me, she said: "Why should Mamma come to you and not to me?"

The reason was that my friend had confided in me, that I was more of a daughter to her, than her own girls.
The interesting thing to me was, that they did not want her to die, even though she was suffereing and no more then about 80 pounds. She called and requested that I come to the hospital when one of her daughters came, so I did, and my friend 'wanted a little rest' so we went out to talk, the daughter expressed that she could not miss her Mama, So I told her "how she would feel, laying there, wanting to go 'home'". She took a deep breath and called me later and said that she had told her mom that it was Ok to go. So my friend passed away that very night.

Life definetly is very interesting and I still have warm loving memories and look forward to the time when we ashall meet again.

God is good, always in all ways. We have an awesome God.

With love from
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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

Post by Sandy »

Thank you, Beaver, for sharing that story about your friend communicating via a dream the fact that she was okay. Sammy, that reminds me of a couple of your dreams a while back too. :D :sunflower: I wonder too if some people, are more open to this and other types of communication from beyond as I received a similar message from a dear woman I worked for who had passed on from Cancer while I was in Australia. It came via a good friend who has been gifted in this area all her life. (Thank you Gypsy girl where ever you are tonight! :kiss: ) It gave me so much peace. :happy You did a good thing passing on the info and her daughters, I am hoping, much appreciated it once the realization and import of the words struck "home."
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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

Post by Rhonda »

Hi Everyone, :hithere

Thank you Sandy and Beaver for those lovely sharing of stories. :)

I have another question. When I was reading about the mansion worlds a few days ago, I read that each person who has not had a chance to do the parenting thing on the physical world will be required to do it on the mansion worlds. It said there was no exceptions.

What if your children were taken away from you, even though you fought to keep them? And what if you took care of other children for a period of time, then took care of a elderly women for a few years, and finally I have taken care of my cats for over eight years and will probably need to take care of my mother soon. Does any of that count? :?:

By the way the more I read of the UBook the more I am in awe. It never occurred to me the vastness of it all. Yesterday I read about God and the Eternal Sons. The enormousness of the project that he/they are doing. That is another questions, in most of the stuff that I read there are references to Males or He in it. Are there any females who are in charge? Just curious. ;)

One last question. Over the past week or so I have been waking up around the same time, earlier than usual, with the same time prompt of 5:44. Does that mean anything to you?

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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

Post by Sandy »

Hello Rhonda,
Well, I am no expert but can give you my own opinions as far as the questions you posed of things to come in that realm.

Yes, I remember that part in the book, where it suggests that the raising of three children is required to pass as experience and George have discussed this between ourselves several different times. He feels and to be honest, I do not know if this is impute given to him or his feelings on the subject now...that because I was a preschool teacher for roughly 700 total 3, 4 and 5 year olds, raised two boys and nurtured the young lady who was to some day become my daughter-in-law in my home for four years, treating her like one of my own which she very quickly became...that possibly, I might be excused. But very wise and intuitive beings will look over our mortal life experience and make this call when the time comes. If you think about i,t though, in reality, should we be asked to take on this added experience, I think our attitudes will be those of positive acceptance as at that point as it will be even clearer there the value of every scrap of experience we can obtain... and those additional child rearing years would be a mere blink in Eternity but with the benefits of the learned lessons being ours forever.
It can be exhausting and even a little overwhelming at this point in our mortal comprehension to think in terms of how we will handle those times and enormous lessons of mind and spirit. But the Divine One always provides a way and plenty of help is our for the asking whether we are raising earth's children or nurturing those of Mansion world origins.
Yesterday I read about God and the Eternal Sons. The enormousness of the project that he/they are doing. That is another questions, in most of the stuff that I read there are references to Males or He in it. Are there any females who are in charge? Just curious.
This may be a good question for Beaver...as she shares such a positively brilliant relationship with Nebadonia, the Mother Spirit of our universe and partner with our Creator Son, Michael. Together They lovingly are building Their Local Universe of Nebadon. I believe our Infinite Divine Ones are genderless... yet we as humans may tend to portray Them and view them by our own personal and human perceptions as being "male ish” or “female sh”. But in reality all these aspects of personality are all still contained in the Infinite Father, The First Source and Center, who is the giver of personality. We often even assign the Divinity human emotions as we evolve from our early human roots in the effort to understand Them better. Yet the effort to know and understand Them is what eternity is made of, at the core. Just think what we will know 5 million years for now as we journey towards Paradise. Yet it will be a mere drop in the “bucket of knowledge of God.” It truly blows your mind when you try to comprehend this?

You may find as you continue you read in Part 1 of the Urantia book, The Central and Super Universes that you will find the inner answers to this one as the difficult foreword and later chapters give much more detailed information about the Father, Eternal Son and Infinite Spirit... I remember sensing with awe the greatness of God and his brilliant planning as incontestable even unfathomable, if that made any sense "atall." :lol: After Christmas and while visiting my kinfolk I think it is a good time for me to read that entire first Part again...
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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

Post by Judy11 »

Dear Sandra and Rhonda
You ladies may not believe this but I had posted shortly after Sandy's answer to you Rhonda and for some mysterious reason It must have 'flown' with the wind, because when I checked today if there had been any further action, there was none, including my answer, mystery of mysteries, perhaps I needed the exercise to write anew, so we will see.

Sandra you gave already an excellent answer Rhonda, and I would like to add, even though I have raised two daughters to adulthood and (my granddaughter for a few years), I would not mind spending some time with the Adams and the Eves in their homes just to experience what normal family life ought to be. Even my own childhood was far from normal having an extremely mentally handicapped sister in our midst of five children. So I would think (personal opinion) that it would be quite refreshing to spend some time with such wonderful families and inhale an admosphere of love and harmony. I agree with Sandra, a thousand years or more would make no difference in our ascent to Paradise. I intend (hopefully) to gain all the experience I can get to become a more balanced person. We live on a very disordered planet and can have simply no idea what normal even looks like.

Yes, it is so true that the more I read in the first part of the Urantia Book, the deeper it sinks in and am ever so humbled and privileged to read this epochal revelation, we can simply have no idea how blessed we are to have the U.B in our possession. And about your question that the Book seems very much male oriented, I believe that it is explained somewhere that because God is above gender, it really does not matter to God, whether we are male or female, as long as we complement each other, as we are created equal. It used to bother me no end, all that sonship talk, but once I read that my mind was more at ease about this male and female thing. I am happy to be a woman and never wanted to be anything else. Besides, creation is all about balance, and besides, all the angels are the spirit daughters from our beloved Mother Nebadonia, there legions of them so we shall have plenty of of elder sisters to talk with, which is quite lovely to look forward to.
Also, Mother Spirit is via the Infinite Spirit, the one, who is the creator of our minds, so yes, she is definitely in charge, She is our Spiritual Mother and reigns equal with Michael. I find their partnership fascinating. It's the Love Story of all love stories and I try to imagine what that stupendous moment was like when they saw each other for the first time, each having been educated seperately. (Must have been a WOW experience, meeting your soulmate for the first time.)

This whole ascension adventure is just so grandiose, it is hard to comprehend that we are so incrdibly blessed with this advanced knowledge, (which is only the first note of a vast Symphony to be played out in creation) which also brings more responsibility with it, because we can now already 'indulge' in self-discipline to overcome some of the more animalistic behaviour which runs rampant on the planet due to selfishness and greed.

Oh yes, your last question had to do with the time prompt of 5:44. Number 44 came up for me a lot too, and George explained to me that this is the signature of our guardian angels. How lovely this is, so we can greet them too, whenever the nuber 44 appears anywhere. It feels like being connected somehow, so we are never alone anymore and this is just a visible reminder, another prompt to get going on something. Just like the numbers 11, 22, 33, etcetera.

Hoping that this little spiel has answered a few more questions you had.

Wishing you both and everyone, a Blessed New Year with much spiritual growth,
the beaver
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Re: Ok, you should be able to post here

Post by Sandy »

Awhhh Beaver,

You have such a peace-filled way of writing....balm for the heart for sure. Thank you for this glimpse into beyond...sort of what it felt like for me as I contemplated the Infinite Spirite, Nebadonia and Michael and envisaged the moment of their meeting. It sort of brings tears to my often overly emotional mind.

I hope you too are very much blessed in the new year,
P.S. I just wanted to add that I too have lost posts before. In some cases it was a simple thing of hitting submit and it going into a preview of the post instead. If I don't notice this I click away and go somewhere else and the post is lost. When you submit a post there should be a screen that comes up letting you know that your post has been submitted successfully.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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