The Anatomy of the halfway realm

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The Anatomy of the halfway realm

Post by Judy »

Hi Everyone,
There surely must already be a thread on this book but I cannot fine it. I just finished reading George's new book "The Anatomy of the Halfway realm" and I am thrilled with it. I do not want to give away the contents so all I am going to say is that anyone who really wants to better understand the workings of our wonderful midwayers should read this book. It gives us more insight on them, George, and our concepts of time versus the begining of understanding the reality of how time REALLY works. This book hit home for me in many areas, not to mention the fact that it alleviated the guilt that I have felt for waiting so many years after being introduced to the Urantia book before actually reading it! That was shown to me near the end of this book. I really enjoyed this read and now am waiting for the next one to come out. :lol:
Loveya all.....Judy.....M.
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Dear All,
I also have just finished this book,' The Anatomy of the Halfway Realm'.
It was a great read from front to back and I enjoyed it very much.
I especially got a real kick out of the last very last sentence of this book.
If you've read 'In the Service of 11:11' and 'The Search for 11:11' you will definately love this new addition of George's adventures, accounts, and dealings with the 1,111 Spirit Platoon of Progress.

They fight, they win, they all ways win ! ! !

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Post by George »

Thank you both, Judy and Greg for your wonderful comments.

“The Anatomy of the Halfway Realm”
A Spirit Guardian’s Student’s Handbook
is an 11:11 Document by George Mathieu Barnard

Important lessons for those who 'dare to work with' Celestial Teachers.

It can be found here for purchase: The Anatomy of the Halfway Realm

Three sample chapters are placed here:Sample The Anatomy

Your purchase of this important publication will assist the
11:11 Progress Group with its many endeavors.
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Post by lilly »

Hi George,
Can you pm the postal address to me for the money order....I'd like to get a copy of your new book. Thankyou for being you.
Love lilly xoxox :kiss:
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Post by AustinRuth »

Dear George,
I am sneaking reading your book inbetween doing homework assignments. It is wonderful. I am only about half-way through my read of the "The Anatomy of the Halfway Realm"!! It is giving me pause to think about my own path.

This is one of those books you do not want to zip through. You want to read a chapter or two and think about it. (At least, that seems to work best for me).

Judy, thanks for starting this thread! You San Francisco people are so laid back and cool! Love the vibes!

Gregorious, you are so cool to put the links in, love your enthusiasm, as always, all ways?

George, thanks so much for writing and publishing it!!!

And, thanks to the midwayers for being hugely what it is about and helping with the whole getting it down on paper! I don't want to spill any beans here either regarding the contents of the book, but it is really cool! -- Ruth
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Post by George »

Hi All,

Glad you guys like "The Anatomy . . . " It pays to remember that the Midwayers had a LOT of input into the work, and boy can they work long hours.

Sigh! So did I.

Mathew and I started to work on "By the Grace of 11:11," my fourth book, but actually it's the third of the 11:11 trilogy.

"The Anatomy . . ." covers some of the 'stuff' that did not fit into the trilogy. It kinda stands alone.

It will have to wait now, I think. Not enough time. We are committed to start on Lytske's 400 page book -- "The Guiding Light Within." -- which is already there in PDF.

After that, back to "By the Grace . . ."

God bless you kind supporters.....

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Post by AustinRuth »


I just read a funny e-mail about the daily diary of a dog and then the diary of a cat.

The dog is happy about everything. Everything is his favorite. (except for bathtime). The cat is disdainful and waits for her chance to "escape" her captors. Both are hilarious, of course.

I have to say I feel like that happy dog when you mention your books! They are all my favorites.

I will happily wait for your "Grace of the 11:11" and for Lytske's book, also!

And this is Monday!!! :hithere :bounce: :bana: :cheers: --Ruth
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Post by Margaret »

Hi George, Just a note to let you know that I sent for my CD today and I hope it doesn't take too long to receive it in the USA. I am the one you suggested to send a money order for payment. It worked very well , so thank you. Being new here I am having trouble getting around the board...but I hope that this will soon get easier. I have had many, many experiences with my angels and I look forward to receiving the Akashic Construct Instructions and hopefully meeting the Midwayers!

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Re: The Anatomy of the halfway realm

Post by Mamo »

Hi George :hithere
We have some copies left, and for anyone wanting one, it will be signed for you by the author. 8)
Would you? Could you? Please do! :bounce: I just ordered a copy :sunflower:

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Re: The Anatomy of the halfway realm

Post by Mamo »

Oh shoot.. are there no copies left? :( Any plans for a second edition?? Hmm...

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Re: The Anatomy of the halfway realm

Post by George »


Dear Mahsa,

Signed and all coming your way. :bike:

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Re: The Anatomy of the halfway realm

Post by Mamo »

Thank You George! :cheers:
It arrived with the mail today :bana: The little yellow note from you and Sandy is so sweet and much appreciated.. Love you guys :kiss: Now-> :study:

Mahsa :loves
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Re: The Anatomy of the halfway realm

Post by George »

Hello dear Mahsa,

Enjoy the :study:

There was a concern that I would find the Urantia Book BEFORE my writing was done. They kept me away from it, time and again . . . until all of the chapters were typed out.


The center of the town’s shopping mall had been entirely cleared. Many tables had been set up, and they were loaded with books. The local library was cleaning out its surplus stock. As they entered the mall, still more boxes of books were being brought in on a forklift truck. They all stopped in front of the tables, as a man carrying a large box of books walked towards them. The box was placed right in front of their faces.

“C’est pour toi, Georges,” said one of the young students.

“This one is for me,” said Barnard.

Both he and the young lady had placed their right hand on the largest of the books, and at the very same time. Both he and the girl had also spoken at the same time, yet neither of them knew the book. It was one of those strange occurrences that make people look at each other and laugh in embarrassment, since they don’t know what else to do. Barnard scooped up the big book and paid just a single dollar for it. He carried it all the way through the town, and back to the college. Not until he got to his room, did he look in the book, and leaf through a few pages.

“Oh . . . My . . . God!” he cried. “All my work is done, and now I find this!”

There it was, on page 865: ‘The 1,111 loyal secondary midwayers . . .’

“They’re my Guys!”


A Celestial Conspiracy!

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Re: The Anatomy of the halfway realm

Post by LolaandLight »

"The rise of that ‘event-wave’ should have been
noticeable for days, weeks even.
Perhaps all things that happened in the past, those things that were happening in
‘now time,’ and those that were to happen in the future, were like countless colored beads
on a string that stretched into infinity. The people that were dreamers could watch ‘eventbeads’
of the future slide into view, experience the event as it came fully into focus in
‘now time,’ but still watch it until it slid out of sight, and into the distant past."

I know this thread hasn't seen much action lately. But, George, if you happen to happen by my post, could you answer for me if it is possible that the above explains how people are able to "know" some things prior to their happening and if that is why I am sometimes receiving "mind videos" of things that will happen. I get them now and I did receive them as a child. I was told, also as a child, that there was no such thing as time. This quote from the sample chapter, appears to me to explain how this has occured. Am I right about this? Oh, and I get "waves" of feeling as if something of emotions that are to come in the near future come to me from the future. Does this make sense? For instance, on Monday morning, I woke up feeling scared and very threatened by some future event to come. I related this to my life situation. However, I discovered the next day that, while I was knocked over by these feelings, a home one house down, was being broken into. There is one teenage young man that is living in the house that is running with a dangerous crowd. He is not from this area and is only staying in the home while he attends a local college. He has brought this element into our normally quiet and peaceful neighborhood. The next day, his cohorts, who he believes broke into the home, showed up outside of his home with bats, bricks, and chains, and proceeded to knock out the windows of his truck all while the neighbors and his mother watched. Could my "wave" on Monday morning been a visit of what was to come my street?

If so, how do I grab ahold of this type of "visit" and use it for good? Especially given I cannot enter into a very deep meditative state? I am using DJKenz's recording to help and it did help a great deal to give me a sense of peace. But, what about grabbing ahold of this other stuff? I have asked and those folks are not being cooperative.
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Re: The Anatomy of the halfway realm

Post by Geoff »

LolaandLight wrote:I know this thread hasn't seen much action lately. But, George, if you happen to happen by my post, could you answer for me if it is possible that the above explains how people are able to "know" some things prior to their happening and if that is why I am sometimes receiving "mind videos" of things that will happen. I get them now and I did receive them as a child. I was told, also as a child, that there was no such thing as time. .
Dear Lola,

There are two sources of predictions. One from your Indwelling Spirit, which being God actually can access the future, and will be 100% right. Now your IS may share that with you, or with other spirit beings. However celestials are aware of all that is going on in the minds of anyone who is impacting you, and so they can "guess" outcomes. This source is not 100% accurate.

And yes, time is not real. Useful for learning, but not real.

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Re: The Anatomy of the halfway realm

Post by LolaandLight »

See, I am trying really hard to connect all the dots so to speak of what I remember and what happens to me now. I want to be able to put it all to use in my life and in the world. I don't see how I can do that if I don't have this one line of understanding of what it all means in terms of living my life now and in the future. You know how the Bible says that "God uses people"? Well, I am trying to figure out what His use for me is taking into consideration all of these things that are considered "oddities" to the "natural" mind. "Natural" mind as in mind of the physical world.
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Re: The Anatomy of the halfway realm

Post by George »

Dear Lola,

There are few leftbrain answers to your future. Meditation will show the way and you are to make the moves, not with your TA spelling it out.

In May of 2000 I was told by the Chief to get my passport in order. Logically, I figured they wanted me to go to Western Europe -- the Netherlands, France.

The information I had to travel to the US came from a patient. It instantly "rang a bell."

She said it . . . You'll be going to the States, George . . . in the next moment she claimed she never said it. :shock:

The Midwayers used someone else (my patient), because I had already made up my mind to go to Europe.

They had a job for me in the States -- teaching the Akashic Construct.

Simply ask, and they'll get the info to you . . . somehow.

God bless...
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Re: The Anatomy of the halfway realm

Post by LolaandLight »

I have asked and nothing is coming. The last thing I heard regarding my purpose was that I being sequestered. I probably spelled that wrong. I have made progress in being able to feel a very strong connection. I have to seek it and put some time into it using DJKenz's MP3 and a meditation tape on contacting God I found the web. But, I do get "lifted". Most of what I am getting now are just impressions of movement being made regarding me.
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Re: The Anatomy of the halfway realm

Post by sammy »

Hi George - I don't know if you can answer this or not, but thought I'd throw it out there.

In "Anatomy of the Halfway Realm", you mention that (I think it was) "Roslyn" who had been prompted for over a week; the way you wrote about it made me think that a week of constant prompts prior to (having trouble wording this.....)...prior to "something happening" is a long period of time to go made me think about how long I had been receiving prompts before even thinking about finding out what it meant.....

1997 - 1999 is the closet I can pin my first experience to. I was at a Burger King and placed an order for the entire family. When the young man handed me my receipt I noticed the time was 2:22, the date was Feb. 22nd (don't know what year), the cashier number was 222 and my total was $22.22. I remember showing the receipt to everyone in the car. After that, I saw 222's EVERYWHERE for years. I always thought it was odd that I would see these 2's everywhere, thought it MUST mean something...I even waited for dates that were 222 to play the lottery :lol: (no, I didn't win anything :grrr :lol: )

About 5 or 6 years ago I developed a health issue which forced me to slow WAY down, which in turn allowed me a LOT more time to think. At that same point in time my numbers changed more 2's, but lots of 1111's and a few other combinations (so at this point I had been seeing 2's for 8 or 9 years with no thought given or received that it was something spiritual) ....also at that point in time, I started running into people who would share different ideas on spirituality with me even though I barely knew them. I FINALLY looked up 1111 and ended up questions are:

Why did it take SO long for me to find out there was way more to this than winning the lottery?

Why do the Midwayers bother with those of us who are SO slow on the uptake, so stubborn in our own ways, so difficult to convince? (I think about my religious upbringing and the doubts/fears it causes me to have...the digging around my brain I do to try to make myself fully believe that meditating and trying to contact someone other than God is ok..... )

Why don't they stick to choosing people who can easily fall into meditation as you do?

As I re-read this I see that I am questioning why they chose me, I know you can't answer that (although there is a part of me that wishes you would! ;) ), frankly, I feel like they are wasting their time on me. I truly lack the "stick-to-itiveness" that is required to have a deep relationship with these guys...I DO have the desire, unfortunately I am sorely lacking in motivation. (That "too hard" bin you talk about...if I don't get answers quickly I tend to give up altogether :oops: ) quote a well informed individual "impatience is the enemy", and I have impatience in abundance! :lol:

Sorry I rambled so long...hope I didn't lose my question in all that babble! :lol:

PS...fair warning, I am going back to your books for round 3, that may mean a LOT more questions (I'll TRY to keep them shorter next time! :mrgreen: )
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Re: The Anatomy of the halfway realm

Post by George »

Hi dear Sammy,
Why did it take SO long for me to find out there was way more to this than winning the lottery?
Had you been an editor, looking at my book "22:22 Spirit Guardians" it would not have taken so long. 8)
Why don't they stick to choosing people who can easily fall into meditation as you do?
Uh, uh! I'll have you know that I had to work VERY HARD to get to this stage ... AND I just had six weeks of no contact !!! :shock:

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Re: The Anatomy of the halfway realm

Post by sammy »

Hi George!

Thank you for replying - I recall reading that typing is a bit of a labor these days for your answer is much appreciated.

George wrote:
Uh, uh! I'll have you know that I had to work VERY HARD to get to this stage ... AND I just had six weeks of no contact !!! :shock:
I know from your books that you have done TONS of work with the Platoon, but it sounded like contact with them ( early as childhood) came very natural to you. Perhaps they pick thick ones like myself so others who feel they are unable to have contact can get inspired....part of the correcting time????

I recall reading after the awful mugging you went without the ability to have contact for quite some time (how frustrating for you!!!) I read the transmit that you were on your way to healing (and had gone without contact) - I guess I was thinking it was an older transmit post mugging, I didn't realize this was a recent event (perhaps they want you writing again!!! ;) I know I'm ready for another book!)....VERY glad to hear they want you around for a few more millenia! :mrgreen:

OH!!!! Who IS JKL? I can't find anything except one brief post...something to do with a different group? Not 11'ers? (I just asked those gossipy Seraphs to spread the word that I would like JUST 1 more 4:37 prompt if it is JKL).

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Re: The Anatomy of the halfway realm

Post by Sandy »

HI Sammy,

I smiled when I read this...
I know from your books that you have done TONS of work with the Platoon, but it sounded like contact with them ( early as childhood) came very natural to you. Perhaps they pick thick ones like myself so others who feel they are unable to have contact can get inspired....part of the correcting time????
I often said something similar about myself...Man they must be patient to sit around patiently with me as I am squirming trying to get comfortable..and then I second guess every thing they do. :roll: If you think about it though, despite the fact that we are all unique personalities, in their 37,000 years and Andrea's 500,000 years, I doubt there is much we could ever do that would surprise them. Hmmm... I sense a challenge here. ;) :lol:
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Re: The Anatomy of the halfway realm

Post by sammy »

I doubt there is much we could ever do that would surprise them. Hmmm... I sense a challenge here. ;) :lol:
SANDY!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I double dog dare you! :lol:

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Re: The Anatomy of the halfway realm

Post by Judy »

Hey Sammy,
I can say that our midwayers have been exceedingly patient with me as well. I do not know when the celestials began time prompts, although I am sure I have read it on here somewhere, but I started getting 111's same time every morning and afternoon a very long time ago. My 45 year old son was still small and my oldest daughters (36 & 37) were toddlers. I think somewhere it was said that what I am claiming as time prompts was before there was such a thing, but it happened anyway. I thought it was to tell me to pray, so I did, usually, sometimes. It was not until around 2004 that I came here and learned about them but I came here for another reason. Some mention by Ron Besser years ago on a now non existant site led me here and the rest is history for me and my growth. Hah, to have the patience of our midwayers! They are all so incredible.
If the faith of the Most High has entered your heart, then shall you abide free from fear throughout all the days of your life. (The Urantia Book, p. 1443, par. 5)
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