Waking from Deep Sleep

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Waking from Deep Sleep

Post by Jhartsock123 »

I've awoken from deep sleep on occasion to find myself directed towards my clock and the time is always a prompt. Just a few days ago, I was sleeping, and suddenly woke up and my eyes were fixated on my clock, and it was 3:33. As soon as it went to 3:34, I put my head down, and went back to sleep. A day before this occurred I had a significant dream that I remember vividly. It was about me being a healer in the physical world. In my dream I was going up to random people and healing them of their ailments One man was in a wheel chair, and I said I can help you, and touched his legs, and he was healed, he had mobility again. Throughout my dream I was saying 'I cannot die', I don't know what this meant, if it's symbolic. In my dream I was also in a church with about a dozen or so people sitting in the church pew's, and I told them to grab each others hands, as If we were all connected, and I attempted to heal them all at once, but failed, then moved on to heal one at a time, after healing a Hispanic man who cheered in joy, I woke up.

I remember 85% of my dreams, and I have about 5-6 dreams each night. Some make no sense, and I am always in a parallel universe, similar to my hometown, but things are always different in some way, its an eerie atmosphere. Most of my dreams are always in a dark, and hazy environment, but it doesn't have an impact on what I dream about. Just last night, I dreamed about being in some kind of video game store, sitting next to some 15 year old kid, playing a video game with him, then out of randomness my dream changed to me being in the video game, which was a violent one, guns and warfare. I was a rebel hiding in a 2 story building shooting rockets down at Russian soldiers, and their armored vehicles. Then I woke up out the blue.

Do you get prompted while awaking from deep sleep?

Do you remember your dreams?
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Re: Waking from Deep Sleep

Post by touchedbyanangel »

I've awoken from deep sleep on occasion to find myself directed towards my clock and the time is always a prompt. Just a few days ago, I was sleeping, and suddenly woke up and my eyes were fixated on my clock, and it was 3:33.
I can't count the times that has happened to me.

I've had so many dreams, where, I felt as if I was on some other planet. I never know where I'm going when I fall asleep. I guess it's normal to have such things happen to you once you start seeing the prompts. I've come to expect anything.

Sweet Dreams! :bana:

Touched... :bike:
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Re: Waking from Deep Sleep

Post by Sandy »

Hi Jhartsocks,
Wow you have some fascinating dreams...
I believe that sometimes we are able to travel and attend a group lesson provided by a Celestial Teacher as well as busily go about our healing work as we sleep. There have been times I have attended meetings and seen other healers and student I know at these meetings. What exactly they signify I do not know. but I think while we are in a relaxed state many things are possible as long as it does not interfere with our free will perogatives. I long ago gave permission to those On High to use my resources for what is needed while I sleep.

So with this in mind it seems like you very well could have been a healing whirlwind the night before. Keep up the good work. :D The earth needs you brother! :sunflower:
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Re: Waking from Deep Sleep

Post by Jhartsock123 »

I keep returning to my high school in my dreams, its the most common environment of my dreams. I don't know why. I guess It is because I had such life changing times there. I suffered from depression during my early years of high school, I didn't care anymore about anything, and gave up on work, and almost my life. Then my outlook on life changed significantly and I turned to Faith, all this happened within a four year span of school. Just a few hours ago from waking, I was in my high school again roaming the halls and sitting in my class doing some nonsense school work, and I decided to walk out, because I remembered I already graduated. It's like part of me is still living in that stage of life, but my true self remembers that I already moved on.

I truly believe that our memories are energy that we left behind in certain stages of life. I released alot of energy during my years in high school, and it's still there, and will always be there. If I return one day to that building, all my memories will light up like a fire, and I'll remember them all.
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