Realised on 11/11/10

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Realised on 11/11/10

Post by metronome »

A friend and I bumped into each other at the bus stop. We were both a bit late for college. While we were on the bus I mentioned that I kept looking at the clock at 11:11 and it was starting to drive me mad. Instead of her just brushing it off she actually admitted to the same thing as well as seeing 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 and so on constantly and it had been going on for a month after her sister had mentioned the same thing happening to her. We wondered if it meant anything, so i googled '11:11 everywhere' via my phone internet. Something about angels came up, we laughed it off, still a bit confused, I'd never heard of this phenomenon before that internet search. When we parted ways I continued to research the '11:11 phenomenon' on via the internet on my mobile as i made the rest of my journey to college.
I met up with her later on that night to do homework at the local library and hang out. It started to get late and we both went home. When I got to my house I sat down for 10 minutes, looked up at the clock and it was 11:11pm. I started yelling to my mum about how I kept looking at the time at 11:11 twice a day for about a week and a half and it was making me feel insane. She laughed at me and said, 'Oh by the way today's the 11th day of the 11th month.' (My friend and I hadn't even noticed that! So we'd essentially both admitted to seeing too many 11:11s on the 11/11/10!) I proceeded to yell about how crazy this all was and mentioned some of the theories I'd found about the meaning. She was about to see her friend out the door, but they came back in to listen to these theories. Usually they don't listen to the ridiculous amount conspiracy theories that i'll babble on about, but they genuinely wanted to hear about the '11:11 phenomenon, and they took it completely seriously. I also happen to live at number 11. Weirdest day of my life.

I'd been catching the clock at 11:11 in the am and pm. At first sporadically. At first I felt lucky and kept remembering a friend that used to always get excited when she caught the clock at 11:11 and would exclaim '11:11 make a wish!'. So I kept making wishes, then I started to feel crazy when it became twice a day for over a week, how many wishes can I make! Then i started seeing all variations eg. 1:11, 10:01, 10:10 etc and felt like I was going nuts. I've researched this for a few weeks and understand the important bits. Now I'm investigating stillness meditation so I can further communicate and see what's going on. I haven't made enough of an effort, I practised meditating a few times, stopped and the 11s died down to once a day, but have recently started becoming overly regular again so I think it's time to make a proper effort.
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Re: Realised on 11/11/10

Post by Paul »

Dear Metronome,

You are being prompted by the secondary midwayers. Thaey have been alive for thirty-seven thousand years and have often been confused with the angels. They share the same space with us right here on the earth, but they live in another time frame that is invisible to us. Simply put, they are drawing your attention to 11:11 to get you started on your spiritual journey. They want you to know that inside of your mind is a fragment of the Eternal One. He walks the mortal walk with you and teaches you to become like the Paradise Father.

I won't get into every one of your time prompts, but I will talk about the 4:44 time prompt. You may be familiar with the term guardian angels. Most people have a personal guardian angel. But, in actuality, some of the angels are created in pairs. The guardian angels are seraphim. These seraphim are created in pairs and they help us to become more spiritual, more like the Father. Now, these angels are not always with us 24/7. They too have other assignments and other business to attend to. When our seraphic guardian pairs are absent from us another angelic pair takes over. This is the angelic pair of one cherubim and one sanobim. Again, these angels are created in pairs. One angel is more aggressive and the other angel is more passive. So Metronome, when you see the clock and it is 4:44 you are being prompted by your seraphic pair of guardian angels. And since you sometimes have a cherubim, sanobim pair that fills in when your seraphims are absent, that means you have a total of four angels that watches out for you and guides you. Thus the reason that you are prompted with 4:44 because you actually have four angels watching out for you in this life.

Here is some more explanation about the prompts and what they mean. Welcome to the board.

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Re: Realised on 11/11/10

Post by Sandy »

Hi Metronome,
I enjoyed your first post and am encouraged by the way your mother and friend stopped and openly listened without scoffing to what you are experiencing and what you are reading in regards to the number prompts. It reinforces my great hope on this warm aussie day that indeed the world is opening to new ways of being and a gentle change is in the air despite the difficulties confronting all peoples of the world.
It is good, too, to hear you are practicing stillness meditation daily. Sometimes the positive results are hard to recognize at first, but wonderful things are happening every time we meditate and open ourselves to the peace and wisdom. :D

This thread may help with some of the number sequences you have been seeing.
11:11 More questions about number sequences.

It is good to have you join us, Metronome. Welcome!
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Realised on 11/11/10

Post by happyrain »

hi metronome
lovely name
any effort is proper effort, nothing wasted
your post is beautiful, welcome to the forums
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Re: Realised on 11/11/10

Post by luvinlife »

Welcome from me, too! I loved your story. Becoming aware is one of the first steps......good luck on your journey!

Love, Clare
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Re: Realised on 11/11/10

Post by Ang »

Paul wrote:Dear Metronome,

You are being prompted by the secondary midwayers. Thaey have been alive for thirty-seven thousand years and have often been confused with the angels. They share the same space with us right here on the earth, but they live in another time frame that is invisible to us. Simply put, they are drawing your attention to 11:11 to get you started on your spiritual journey. They want you to know that inside of your mind is a fragment of the Eternal One. He walks the mortal walk with you and teaches you to become like the Paradise Father.

I won't get into every one of your time prompts, but I will talk about the 4:44 time prompt. You may be familiar with the term guardian angels. Most people have a personal guardian angel. But, in actuality, some of the angels are created in pairs. The guardian angels are seraphim. These seraphim are created in pairs and they help us to become more spiritual, more like the Father. Now, these angels are not always with us 24/7. They too have other assignments and other business to attend to. When our seraphic guardian pairs are absent from us another angelic pair takes over. This is the angelic pair of one cherubim and one sanobim. Again, these angels are created in pairs. One angel is more aggressive and the other angel is more passive. So Metronome, when you see the clock and it is 4:44 you are being prompted by your seraphic pair of guardian angels. And since you sometimes have a cherubim, sanobim pair that fills in when your seraphims are absent, that means you have a total of four angels that watches out for you and guides you. Thus the reason that you are prompted with 4:44 because you actually have four angels watching out for you in this life.

Thanks Paul, that has got to be the best translation of 11:11 I've ever read. Thank you! :roll

Here is some more explanation about the prompts and what they mean. Welcome to the board.

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Re: Realised on 11/11/10

Post by 1111:1111 »

amazing. the answers are within you, do braod research. Some people will tell you the angels this, the devil that, but truth is we are awakening to something bigger. We should start recognizing our commonalities as a start.

What does the word LOVE play in the lives of you all?

Or what about PAIN.
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Re: Realised on 11/11/10

Post by Sandy »

Dear 1111:1111,
I agree with the basics underneath your post...we who see the number prompts do have much in common. Yet, we are all vastly different too as are all people on this planet of ours. All humans are extremely gifted and special and we who call ourselves eleveners are not lacking in inner gifts and fantastic possibilitties. As we begin to understand our position as children of Love...Children of God ...the Universe...the First Source and Center, we see that we inherit vast abilities to manifest good into our world. I believe we can can change the face of this planet with one simple thing...Love... But how do we tell people who have nothing... no home... no food...people whose very existance seems sketchy from day to day... how do we convince them that simple love will heal their wounds? Well I suppose that is it ... we don't just tell them... we put physical aspects of Divine Love into practice and put our words into action in whatever way is presented. But we do not have to do this on our own. We are fortunate to have the assistance of those whose business it has been for thousands of years to nurture the human race, gradually directing us towards arenas that might uplift and encourage this ragtag bunch of beings towards more enlightened and peaceful ways of living. On some days it feels like people have turned a deaf ear to the call of the Midwayers and associated seraphim...yet in fact, people on a whole are beginning to search for a deeper understanding of things spiritual.

Despite the fact that individuals see different things when looking within to those "violet skies", I believe we are all heading down very similar and important paths... Does it matter who we give the credit to?...whmmm probably not... Yet, I can say this, that the Midwayers behind the prompts are no strangers to many of us who work along side them in our own quest as Light workers. We are also no strangers to pain or love and we learn lessons and progress as best we can as individuals...Each day holds a new challenge, a new joy... a new discovery... But should the need arise we can shift and work in ways necessary to heal, direct, encourage, and hold a world seemingly falling apart at the seams as the pains of change stretches to the limit the delicate threads of sanity. We will survive what ever happens because we are strong just as our ancestors have been for thousands of years of upheavels and misdirections. Our job is desperately simple and beautiful in its fullfillment. We follow Love within and without and try as best we can to look for similarities and commanalities between us... to see each world member as a beloved brother and sister, regardless of the different views and ways of being. Someday we will understand how all we perceive fits together...but it doesn't change today and the job before us...
To simply Love...
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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