
Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Post by addison96 »

Hi everyone, i just singed up today because for the past few years i have had some weird experiences with the figures 1111. First of all i am 18 years old and im from England. Ever since i was 16 i have been having these signs. I Have spent a while lookig it up and i still cant think of what to make of it all. Is there someone who can give me more information on it. I also would like to share to experiences with you all and see if you can help me explain them. When i was 16 nealry 17 i was walking to my friends house at night with a few of my friends and as i walked under the street light it went off and i stopped after a while turned around and looked at it and it tured back on, and the same with the next one, it went off as i walked under it and came on when i went past it. Could anyone tell me what this means please? And also since i turned 18 all ive been seening is the 11:11 sightings and the most recent one that freaked me out was me and my girlfriend was at a wedding and we had our picture took as you do and it wasnt untill we put the pictures on the computer that we saw in the back ground above my girlfriends head was the number 11 in the shadow. I will upload a picture for you all to see this and also i neally twice a day sometimes more get the 11:11 on digital electronics eg VCR.MOBLIE PHONE.MICROWAVE and would like to know more about what it all means. Thanks Addison
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Re: 11:11

Post by Paul »

Dear Addison,

You are being prompted by the secondary midwayers. They are electrolyzed beings so they can manipulate electrical appliances. Thus the reason for the lights flashing on and off. Also these beings use the 11:11 time prompt to get our attention. Here is some more information about that Addison: http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=345

You are very young, my friend, but you are discovering something about our eternal purpose. Inside each of our minds the Eternal Father has sent a precious gift. This precious gift is a fragment of the Eternal Father. These secondary midwayers, the ones that are giving you these prompts, wants you to discover this Father within. The world will change as each one discovers the Father within and then decides to reflect that love in their daily lives. Here is an excerpt from the Urantia book about that:

"ALTHOUGH THE Universal Father is personally resident on Paradise, at the very center of the universes, he is also actually present on the worlds of space in the minds of his countless children of time, for he indwells them as the Mystery Monitors. The eternal Father is at one and the same time farthest removed from, and most intimately associated with, his planetary mortal sons.

107:0.2 The Adjusters are the actuality of the Father's love incarnate in the souls of men; they are the veritable promise of man's eternal career imprisoned within the mortal mind; they are the essence of man's perfected finaliter personality, which he can foretaste in time as he progressively masters the divine technique of achieving the living of the Father's will, step by step, through the ascension of universe upon universe until he actually attains the divine presence of his Paradise Father.

107:0.3 God, having commanded man to be perfect, even as he is perfect, has descended as the Adjuster to become man's experiential partner in the achievement of the supernal destiny which has been thus ordained. The fragment of God which indwells the mind of man is the absolute and unqualified assurance that man can find the Universal Father in association with this divine Adjuster, which came forth from God to find man and sonship him even in the days of the flesh.

Welcome to the board, my friend. There is nothing to fear. Take your time and you will find the answers that you seek.

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Re: 11:11

Post by addison96 »

Thanks Paul. I am not worried about it, it just sometimes freaks me out. Also How would i upload that picture? i am glad i have found a forum that understands what this means and can help me with any questions i have :P

Thanks Addison
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Re: 11:11

Post by Sandy »

Hi Addison,

It's nice to meet you. Welcome to the message board! :hithere

You asked:
Also How would i upload that picture?
Well, I am not the best person to answer this question as I am a tad tech challenged but I saved some posts when other people were helping with this problem.

Sarah writes...
.... gooday Twinstars.....

If you have registered with Imageshack, http://imageshack.us/ie.php
you should have received a toolbar at the top of your computer screen. It says "upload" click on this and it will automatically take you to a window pane on your PC, from there you can select what file you want to load a picture from, for example your picture album with saved photos in. You can then select a picture from your album by double clicking it and a new window pane will appear from Imageshack with some codes on, click on number 1 for forums and it will appear in blue, right click it and select "copy" from the list (also un-tick that box next to it, otherwise everyone gets access to any private photos) after clicking copy, go back to your post you are preparing on this forum and right click on the page and select "paste" the code will be displayed on the post, (go to preview to see if it fits or has worked) the picture should be displayed.

If you have a very large pic that is too big for the forum page or a selection of pics you can choose the code at the top called "direct link to photo".

If you want to post a picture or animated image that is not stored in your pc for example, on the net, you can simply go to that image, right click it and a box will appear with Imageshack and various other pc functions. Select "Upload to Imageshack" the codes will appear again for you to copy and that image can be pasted the same way as above, or if you see an animation that you like right click on it and select "transload image" same rule applies as above, copy the code number one and paste onto your post....

wow that was long.. hope you understood...

Lots of love

I am not totally sure if you can upload pics right from your computer to here, but you can go to sites like http://photobucket.com/ and upload pics there or http://www.imageshack.net/

They have codes that you can copy and paste. In your message window there is Img . Paste your code for the picture and highlight it and click on IMG and it will upload the image after you reply. It won't show while you are still typing message.

Heather xo

If you register with Imageshack that Heather provided you can upload any photo and copy and paste the codes that are given to you... just paste them straight onto the thread, no need to type anything else... If all else fails request one of the admins or mod's email and we can post them for you..

Once you upload them on Photobucket or ImageShack or one of those places, as others have already said, they'll give you codes you can cut and paste.

I just wanted to add that one of the different codes they give you will probably specify that its "IMG code for on-line forums and bulletin boards," or something like that, which is the one you'd cut and paste into your post here. (Basically, if you didn't just cut and paste, you'd just need to type in the full URL of the photo ["http://...", which it'll give you after you upload it on Photobucket, ImageShack, etc.,], enclosed in between the opening of the image code line, [img]and%20the%20closing%20of%20the%20image%20code%20line[/img], if that makes any sense. [That is, like this: [img]insert%20photo's%20URL%20here[/img].] But regardless, you'll probably see this on Photobucket or wherever you upload the photos to, and if it contains [img], that's how you'll be able to tell it's the right one to use for here.)

Aqua Deb

now for the avi's,,,,,hmmmmm

well, I started a folder called AVATARS,,,,and transfered pictures that I wanted to make avi's from....

then when I go to the resize site and you have to ' browse' for your picture I go to the Avatar folder,,,,

find the picture,,,,,resize it,,,,,and file it again only I change the name from the crazy description they give you and add avi to the end of it...

then you go to your profile,,,,and at the bottom where it has your current avi,,,,,just go down to where it says browse,,,,click on it.....find your Avatar folder,,,,,then pic out the picture that you've resized and click on it....

then all you have to do is go down to where it says submit....

hope I haven't missed a step......I don't think so....

I just read the post you quoted AquaDebs instructions for posting photos',
it still looked like greek to me....(no offense to any Grecians out there!)

I'll stick to changing my avi
anging Avi pictures...

Hey guys, there are 4 addresses once you've uploaded a photo. Ensure it's of a suitable size before you upload it. Copy the IMG code address. It's the only one that works. Failing that, you can click on the URL there and paste the Direct link address instead.

Love, Pet XXX

It took me about a year!!!
Hope to see that photo soon...
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: 11:11

Post by addison96 »

Thanks Sandy :) I Have done it now..

here is the picture..i hope you like it

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Re: 11:11

Post by addison96 »

i also forgot to say in my first post that me and my wondeful girlfriend got together on 11/1/10 and on the 11th on this month been togeher 6 months. Her name is kim and K is the 11th letter in th alphabet..Could This be a sign telling me that we are ment to be or is it a coincidence?
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Re: 11:11

Post by Sandy »

Hi Addison,

I missed this somehow and just now saw your latest post! :oops: Oh I am so glad you were able to post the photo! It is wonderful to see both your faces as well as the interesting phenomenon with the 11's. Kim is a lovely girl and as much as I wish the Midwayers would give us a "heads up" in the romance department, I'm afraid that falls under those decisions we must make for ourselves. They will support us when a relationship is successful as well as those times we feel we've hit rock bottom when a relationship goes sour. They are friends for all seasons of our life.

Once again I am so sorry for missing your photo. Congratulations on your upcoming 6 month anniversary! :sunflower: (It won't be long now! ;) )
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: 11:11

Post by Petra Wilson »

Hi addy! This is the site I use, it's pretty straight forward, that coming from a computer-Thicky
like me, hahahaha! Read the instructions, because I didn't at first...typical! After you choose the
picture you want, put mouse on it, right click and click copy to your computer file (dunno what it
says in English, my pooter's in French)...


Love, Petra
ॐ LOVE Petra
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