Still no closer to understanding 11:11 after 10 years

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Still no closer to understanding 11:11 after 10 years

Post by Wulff »

Hello all, I am new on here and will mention a little about myself.
I am a born-again Christian as is all my family and about 10 years ago I started seeing 11:11 in all kinds of places. About that time my sister that lives across the country from me (I am in the United States) called one day and in the course of the conversation said "for some reason I keep seeing the number....." I interrupted her and said "11:11?" needless to say we were both surprised.
At that time there was hardly no information anywhere on the internet and later on I started to find websites that addressed it as 'spirit guides', etc. I seem to find only 'new-agers' involved in this phenomena.
In discussing this with my family I found nearly all of us see this. My sister sent me a message one day about how she was seeing it more and more and I noticed it came through at 11:11!
About a year ago I was going to the store and my daughter gave me her bank card and asked me to see if she had any money in her checking account as she had no idea. I checked the balance and it was $111.11!
For me this is not coincidence, it happens too much. But I read in so many websites WHY we are seeing this phenomena. Like they know for sure.
In all the research I have come up with is NOBODY knows why we see it, oh sure we have ideas but so many 'experts' tell people who is doing it and why, what I want to know is how they seem to have this special 'inside' knowledge that allows them to tell people their interpretations as fact and not speculation.
Way before it became well known, I found that December 21.2012 Mayan calendar ended at 11:11 UST and immediately felt there is some correlation.
I don't even hardly search 11:11 anymore as I keep reading the same old stuff! I don't mean to sound negative but I see 11:11 at all aspects of my life not only during change, stress, etc. therefore I am left to think it's a reminder but I don't for what, I do believe it it is from God and don't know why.
I get so tired of people trying to 'tell' me why I am seeing this when they have no more insight into the phenomena than me.
Am I the only one that feels this way?
God bless all,
Mesa, Arizona U.S.A.
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Re: Still no closer to understanding 11:11 after 10 years

Post by Geoff »

Dear Phil,


I am sorry you feel the way you do - frustrated. As we actually converse with the very guys (spirits) who are bringing these "prompts" into our minds, I don't have any sense of frustration. However I suspect it is possible that the notion of us talking to God's Angels may not sit well with you? If however you are open to it, try reading this thread of conversations:

If you are not happy with that approach, then I can't see that we can help you much.

By the way, the winter solstice for 20.12 no longer falls at 11:11. It falls at 11:12. It has been recalculated. Would not surprise me to find our friends had something to do with that, as I am sure it was seen as a very unfortunate distraction. ... ice%202012

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Re: Still no closer to understanding 11:11 after 10 years

Post by Wulff »

Dear Geoff,
Thanks for the quick reply, I have no problems with anyone that communicates with angels but as the Bible says "test the spirits" and I grew up knowing that there are evil beings and familiar spirits that fool even the very best people.
How do you know the spirit's you are communicating with are the ones directing you to look for the 11:11? Many evil spirits (so I am told) will do anything to make contact with a person; look at Ouija boards, I have heard of people using them and communicating with a friendly spirit that suddenly turns dangerous and evil.
I haven't had a chance to read the links you placed there for me (as it is after midnight) and promise to read them open mindfully.
One thing I am very convinced of is we are in the end-of-days and I believe life as we humans have known it is about to change, the evil in the world is getting worse all the time and I don't feel we are heading into a world of happiness and bliss at this time. I think the Antichrist will soon be upon us and there will be much suffering and death.
People are so used to the horrible things in the news these days their hearts have become hardened and some people have even told me they don't think the world is getting worse that is only in the minds of "Jesus freaks" like myself that believe in Revelations in the New Testament.
Are the angels you speak with good or evil and do you feel completely confident they are truthful and is of God?
I don't wish to sound jaded or hurt any feelings I am just searching for the truth.
God Bless, and thanks again,
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Re: Still no closer to understanding 11:11 after 10 years

Post by Geoff »

Dear Phil,

I can talk for days about the issue of spirit communication. And yes they can be "tested" and they are never found wanting. As Jesus himself said: "By their fruits will you know them" However, the REAL issue that orthodox Christianity has with spirits, is WHAT they tell us. And because of that, orthodoxy is not prepared to engage and listen. To their personal loss.
Wulff wrote:Are the angels you speak with good or evil and do you feel completely confident they are truthful and is of God?
ABSOLUTELY. We have over 1000 on this site:

All full of love.

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Re: Still no closer to understanding 11:11 after 10 years

Post by MichelleP »

Hi Phil,

Please take some time to read through the posts Geoff directed you to, especially the posts in the Messages section. You will see that they all come from love. This is how we know we can trust. You can always sense when any spirit, alive or otherwise, is working from a negative place or positive place. There is just a gut feeling of unease or calm that can't be hidden. So though I know there are those out there that wish ill will on others we all have a radar system that can sense them ahead of time and we can take corrective action by walking away from the negative ones. And so you will see, regardless of who you believe may be sending the messages posted on the board here, it will be plain to see to you that they are put forth to inspire us to be better people. Because when we, individually, become better people the world becomes better. And that is what I truly believe the 11:11 prompts are about. A wake up call for us to truly remember who we are. Spiritual beings on a human journey. And so take some time to look around and decide for yourself if this site suits you. It may not, and we understand that, but just know you are always welcome here.

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Re: Still no closer to understanding 11:11 after 10 years

Post by Daddy - O »

Hi Phil,

Welcome to the message board :D

I can understand your frustrations with trying to find the meaning of the 11:11 phenomena. Especially with all the information on the Web, and like you said, many who say they have got it all figured out and attempt to force their beliefs on others. I personally don't share these frustrations because I know that I've found the meaning...for me anyway. I did however, experience these frustrations at the beginning of my spiritual awakening. So much information to sort through, and trying to figure out what was what. I truly believe that we all possess a 'spirit of truth' within our being who guides us towards what is true. Some refer to this as a feeling, a knowing, intuition, or hearing something that makes their "truth bells-ring". It certainly isn't anyone's place to force their truth upon you; they may tell you what they think, know and believe, but in the end--we all have our own free-will and must find our own Truth. I believe that we can all increase our ability to discern what is true, by going within (meditation, communing with God, etc.) and by living a life filled with empathy, compassion and love. These are just some of my own personal thoughts/beliefs, and I would never suggest that anyone think or believe the same as I do.

Again, welcome to the board. You will find some wonderful people here willing to discuss just about anything, and share their knowledge and experience.

Daddy - O
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Re: Still no closer to understanding 11:11 after 10 years

Post by Wulff »

Hello All,
I want to thank all of you that responded to my questions. I will say I have not had a chance to really look over this site just yet it does seem to have people (like yourselves) that take the 11:11 phenomena away from (scare them away!) the people that are searching for the truth.
Also, I (as I am sure most of you have) has talked to people that has never seen the 11:11phenomena.... so this makes me wonder if those of "us" who do see the 11:11 are 'chosen' for some special purpose? I don't mean 'better' than those who don't see it but for some reason we are all tied together through this bond.
I will look around the site more and perhaps will discover what I am searching for.
Thank you for welcoming me to the site.
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Re: Still no closer to understanding 11:11 after 10 years

Post by Geoff »

Wulff wrote: yet it does seem to have people (like yourselves) that take the 11:11 phenomena away from (scare them away!) the people that are searching for the truth.
Dear Phil,

I am unsure what you meant there. I would be very disappointed if you have the view we chase folks away. We have few restrictions, we certainly do not attack others beliefs, and ask the same in return. We have all manner of folks here, from countries across the globe.

On the issue of being "special" we are probably a tiny bit genetically different - that which makes it possible or easier for spirits to put thoughts in our minds. We do know that ALL eleveneleveners are capable of hearing their angelic teachers and guides. But we have no idea exactly why most of us are in the pack. Some are there because it is important that they bring up their children in an open minded way - because their children are gifted. We tried to answer this issue here:

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Re: Still no closer to understanding 11:11 after 10 years

Post by Wulff »

Dear Geoff,
Does this make sense: I don't remember writing that sentence ("yet it does seem to have people (like yourselves) that take the 11:11 phenomena away from (scare them away!) the people that are searching for the truth").
I don't know what I was trying to convey there, I certainly didn't mean you scare people away from the truth, somehow I meant the opposite and don't even remember writing that statement (now that is weird, rather I guess I am weird!! LOL). I think I was trying to say that there are people that are searching for a simple explanation and you are showing them that it is a lot more complicated and does exist, but it sure didn't come out that way.
sorry for any confusion.
For me it seems like the frequency of 11:11, 1:11, 11:22, etc, is increasing lately for some reason.
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Re: Still no closer to understanding 11:11 after 10 years

Post by Paul »

Dear Phil,

What you are receiving is no mystery. The 11:11 time prompts are being used to awaken humanity to their spiritual heritage. Each planet has a particular number of secondary midwayers. These beings were planned from the beginning to appear on a planet when that planet had reached a certain level of evolutionary progress. On our planet there were 1,984 secondary midwayers produced. You will recall that the Lucifer rebellion was instigated by a high ranking celestial. This rebellion found its way to our shores. Our planetary prince, Caligastia, sometimes referred to as the devil, is the one that propagated the rebellious rantings of Lucifer on our world. Of these 1,984 secondary midwayers that were produced about 37 thousand years ago, 1,111 remained faithful to the sovereignty of our Master Son, Christ Michael. During the twentieth century they were given the permission to use the 11:11 time prompt to awaken their mortal cousins to the realities of their existence.

There are millions of persons around the globe that are receiving these prompts. Some come to discover what is the origin of these prompts and others remain in confusion. You have received these prompts as has your sister. The main reason that you and your sister have received these prompts is that you must have desired at one time, a better world. Well, the secondary midwayers know that a better world will only come about as each one chooses, through their will and through their intention to create a better world.

But how can we create a better world? Well, inside each one of us is a piece of the Eternal Father. These fragments are called Mystery Monitors, Thought Adjusters, Spark of God and so forth. When we make our first moral decision about the age of five or six these Father fragments come to live in our minds. It is their task to urge us to become like the Father. They typically work in obscurity. Most persons on our planet are unaware about the Father within. But you and I are now aware of their existence. The more persons that become aware of their existence the more persons that will desire to become like the Father. The more persons that become like the Father the more likelihood that this planet will be transformed to be a jewel on Father's crown.

My dear friend, you have a piece of the Eternal Father living in your mind. The fact that you are now aware of this may compel you to get closer to your Paradise Father. Remember, a divine edict went forth from the Father eons ago: "Be perfect as I am perfect." The Father does not expect perfection from His mortal children. But if it is our will, if it is our intention, then we can become perfect as the Father is perfect. Since Spirit is not encumbered by time as we are, if we have this desire, the Father sees us standing before Him in perfection already.

The Father wants us all to learn the lesson of unconditional love Phil. If we learn that lesson, we can pass on that love to any persons that we see in our sphere of influence. The world will not change as if by magic, my friend. The world will change step-by-step, decision-by-decision, one act of love by another act of love. The Eternal Father is calling you to reflect that unconditional love to your mortal brethren. For by this will we see a change come to our beloved home planet. Your Eternal Father is saying, in effect, "will you reflect my love to your mortal brothers and sisters?" If it is something that you feel deeply in your heart, your confusion will vanish and you will know what it is that the Father wills for you.

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