Celestial Engineer, Isaac -- Circuitry of All Kinds -- 2

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Celestial Engineer, Isaac -- Circuitry of All Kinds -- 2

Post by Redshift »

Illawarra District, Australia, May 15, 2010.
Celestial Engineer, Isaac.
Subject: “Circuitry of All Kinds.”
“Mind to Mind Communication.” (part two)

Received by George Barnard.

Isaac: “As I said, we Celestial Engineers are not involved with universe reflectivity, mind-to-mind communication, or to be sure, any kind of intelligent morontia tool or machine, other than what we need to complete our specified tasks, circuits. And these are circuits that carry just energy, coded instructions, sound, or pictures, or some or all of these. As well, we produce and connect circuits along which one may travel, and these reach into the stratosphere and far beyond. To the vision now . . .”

(An Akashic Construct student writes: In January of this year I was sitting in an office discussing the plight of a young relative -- he is struggling to find his way in this life -- with his counselor. From the corner of my right peripheral vision, I saw what can only be described as ‘pixilation.’ At the time I was thinking: ‘How odd; maybe there is a computer over that way and I’m catching the screen out of the corner of my eye.’ When the counselor finished talking, I glanced over to find only a blank white wall, no computer or anything else for that matter! I was very perplexed at what I know I saw. The best way to describe the image is to use the old Star Trek saying, ‘Beam me up Scotty,’ because that’s exactly what it compares to. Just like someone or something trying to materialize. Have you had this experience or heard something similar? It really blew me away … and I am still perplexed, but also get tingly when I think about it, so I try to re-live it for that feeling because I know it was not an everyday occurrence -- Pam.)

Isaac: “It is easy for an engineer like me, who has been around for millions of years, to grasp that the universe caters to all needs. When it is known that a student of guided meditation (Pam) will potentially be successful in doing healings, and channeling messages, word goes out. This student will be successful. And this is what occurred according to her Destiny Guardians, who requested for a Midwayer Teacher / Facilitator to be present. I will explain.

“One of the Midwayers working in union with the counselor, focused on the Akashic Construct student with the image of the student’s appointed Midway Helper in mind. The student, interested in learning of her relative’s struggles and way out of his dilemma, opened up, not only to what the counselor was saying, but also to the powerful emotions of the moment, and the powerful minds of the counselor’s Celestial Friends.

“Think back now to the many images you yourself (George) have received. If the Celestial looks like any of you, and the ‘picture’ tends to be smooth, you are allowed to see that Celestial by their personal consent and by their mind-to-mind effort, well, mostly so. Should you see their shape, or become aware of a presence in a scintillating, or pixel-like way, it is much more likely that you are being made aware of another presence – possibly standing behind you, or next to you – by the Celestial you are facing, consciously or quite unaware of, as in this case.

“Should you perceive the Celestial very much bigger or very much smaller than normal, think likely universe reflectivity, not an immediate presence. This is Isaac. Good to be with you. My love goes out to all.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.

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