How to be a receiver of Celestial Messages

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How to be a receiver of Celestial Messages

Post by Geoff »

These are the key issues:

1. Attitude. It's serious, not a joke. No harm can befall you provided your intention is serious, but don't think it's a joke or a game. Those who receive the most detailed messages are the most persistent, yet humble of receivers.

2. Motivation. It is important to do this from the right motive. If you seek Truth, to grow yourself, and or share with others, this is fine. If you think that you will be able to become famous, or make a good living with this stuff, that is likely to be a very poor motive.

3. Protection. If you feel better asking for protection, by all means do. It is generally sufficient to ask that only beings that have your highest good be allowed to come and talk through you. A real teacher will never ever "offer" anything, or "ask" for anything. Never give your consent to an entity that asks to "come in", or "join" or "share" you. These will not be real high level teachers. Also, always pay close attention to what is said. If there is ever a discordant note, criticism of you or of others, or coarse language, you are not talking to an appointed teacher. In fact, anything other than the very highest standard of behavior, should be immediately suspect. Humour is however a different matter, and celestials have a very good sense of humour.

4. Try to get into a routine. Time and time again we are told routine is important. Early morning is preferable to late at night, but pick something and stick with it. If you routinely fall asleep, you are too comfortable.

5. Fear. If you are fearful, don't start. Wait, even if it takes years, till you are ready. Fear is a spirit poison. Fear attracts that which you most fear.

6. Recording. Use a notebook, or a tape recorder. Depends if you are going to try hearing their thoughts and speaking them, or writing them. Either way, keep a record, even if you never intend to share these. Looking back will be valuable further down the road.

7. Bias. Be very aware, if you are unwilling to give up beliefs that you currently have, then you cannot be sure that what you get is accurate. Its always difficult to know if something was received accurately, but entrenched beliefs will alter what you receive, and you will not even realise this. It is good to ask for help to be a clear channel. Not much point in having a teacher lined up, and not being prepared to take what they say accurately. They don't start from any view that they need to correct your false ideas, they go with the flow. So you have to ask to be put straight.

8. Effort. It will for the vast majority of us require significant effort to achieve this. Possibly a very great effort, perhaps even stretching over the years as you strive to be a good channel. This is not like turning on the TV. This effort will include training yourself in techniques to still the mind, such as using the Akashic Construct, or other deep mind meditation techniques.

9. Teacher. Ask for the highest level of teacher appropriate for your level/advancement. Probably you would get an angelic teacher in any event, as there are plenty.
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Becoming a Receiver of Celestial Messages.

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Illawarra District, Australia, May 26, 2009.
Midwayer Chief, Bzutu (ABC22).
Machiventa Melchizedek.
Subject: “Becoming a Receiver of Celestial Messages.”

Received by George Barnard.

Bzutu: “This is Midwayer Chief Bzutu. I have known this receiver of messages for sixty-four years, two months and a few days. That is a very long time in a human life to be in some way associated with us. I certainly expect and hope to know him for many more years to come, because he is a friend, and friendship is also important in keeping the connection open. Your closeness to your Celestial Teachers is a very big part of being a regular receiver, but that does not make this human a guru. He does not want to be a guru. He is also aware of the fact that perhaps ninety percent of our contact is achieved by us reaching down to him, and perhaps just ten percent or a little more is due to his reaching up to us. A famous joke is often retold and laughed about; that no new Friends can join the 11:11 Progress Group unless they are first of all introduced by a known Celestial member of the group. And so let me introduce your Teacher for tonight, Machiventa Melchizedek.” (The Midwayer is joking).

Machiventa: “I greet you, dear people here assembled. This is Machiventa. There are many of you who wish to speak to Celestial Teachers, Spirit Guardians, or Guides, and indeed, they are all under my tutelage. I am your Planetary Prince, appointed by Michael of Nebadon.

“The most important aspect of reaching your Celestial Teachers is your intent. Are you prepared to work on it on a regular basis? Are you prepared to take mornings instead of evenings as a preference for your meditation? Do you take all precautions to still your mind? And yet, in the end analysis, it is up to your Spirit within; your Thought Adjuster, not me, to foresee if you will stick with a regular meditation program to reach your Teachers in the end. For many it is difficult to take away the unexpected thoughts and veritable ‘shopping lists’ that go through the mind -- to still the mind completely, and focus on the very stillness that is required for you to hear the voices that use your very own thought (speech) centers to give you the messages, firstly to the capacity of your vocabulary, and secondly to the degree you accept what comes your way.

“Therefore, it is important for you to put aside your beliefs, to have no beliefs, as you listen to the voices within. Also important is for you to request kindly and politely of the Spirit Self within you that you may so serve others in their learning, in getting answers, in finding these things that are important to hear.

“As well, insure that your body is in good shape. Make sure that your mind is calm. Be certain that you do not have outstanding guilt feelings, or unreasoned fears. Solve these kinds of problems even before you begin your meditation, and then you will find that if you can stick to a ten or fifteen minute meditation regimen for ten or twenty days, whilst discarding anything that you may hear in the meantime, that a Teacher will make the effort to come through to you, almost always.

“Make your service to others the prime reason why you want to be a receiver of messages. This is Machiventa. I sincerely hope that I have herewith given you a fairly accurate rundown on the requirements of becoming a receiver of Celestial messages.

“I greet you and for one of the members here, I wish you well on your trip to many countries. I say goodbye for now.”

George: “Thank you Machiventa. Thank you Chief. Au revoir.”
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Stay True To Your Calling.

Post by Geoff »

Illawarra District Australia, October 21, 2010.
A Former Receiver Of Messages.
Subject: “Stay True To Your Calling.”
Received by George Barnard.

Unknown Receiver: “Good day my dear friend. We spoke before, just the one time, and since then I have been trying to get back to you, yet we found you to be busy each time. This short message to you has the single purpose of admonishing you to stay true to your calling. Terrestrial life represents just a split second of all your eternal future, but it is essential, yes, just as is the minimum of moisture for the acorn first planted to grow into a grand oak tree.

“Whilst in relation to your future lives on Mansonia’s worlds and beyond, it spans but a moment in time, still the way your life is led on your planet is of the utmost importance. There, in your task of providing the lessons and communications from higher realms – your spiritual friends of great progress – it is firstly essential to be endowed with a worthwhile capacity for imagination, but it alone will provide you no accuracy of information, and it can even be detrimental.

“One needs more. One needs the most important aspect of good receivership, and that is discernment in the recognition of, or feel of, one’s celestial friends, to know that appropriate contact has been established, yes, and that the flow of information arrives in a logical fashion, without one’s unrelated wishful thinking entering into the flow. Heed my words: The Celestial Hierarchy will advise you, hardly straighten out your world for you, for that is a purely human task.

“It is a lesson I learned in that I, during much of my earthly life, employed automatic writing, which became my regular means of noting and making known messages from above. Where at times I failed was in that my hand moved in a routine fashion, whilst I was ‘un-particular’ about the individual providing the details that I noted on copious supplies of paper, and thus incorrect information reached many, many readers of my extensive efforts.

“So here are my recommendations to you and to all who would bring celestial messages to the wider population: Be and remain in the appropriate state of mind, calm, passionate. Know without doubt from whom you are hearing, feel the love they have for you, and return this . . . express this love to your Teachers. Above all, never judge your work to be routine. Indeed, that is the most frequent trap I fell into, though you’ll find the ether more ‘sanitized’ than it was in my time.

“Complacency has no place in the receiving of messages, so stay with the mental preparation, always, and be true to your calling my dear friend. I send my love, and the love of many who know of 11:11 Progress and what it stands for. I beg you to hear from us more often. Carry on, and enjoy your day.”

Note: This long-ago departed channeler belongs to a group of former channelers who are studying the results of what they made known that was right, as well as the repercussions of that which was in error.
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Writing and Meditation.

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Alabama, USA, August 11, 2010.
Unknown Teacher.
Subject: “Writing and Meditation.”
Received by Oscar.

Teacher: “When you write in this fashion it could be considered meditation. If you pay attention, at that moment your mind is entirely focused on what you write and in finding answers for the questions within yourself. In your heart you have the desire of communicating with your Thought Adjuster and with Celestials. You are indeed receiving some information from us 'out there' so this is also a tool for celestial communication.

“However, the practice of Stillness has some extra benefits. You can learn to discern the more subtle forms of communication with your Thought Adjuster. You can relax your mind and have a moment of rest for your soul. You can also visualize some realities beyond the material realm easier when your eyes are closed.

“You can get abundant benefits from this kind of writing. It is equivalent to what others do when meditating while walking, practicing tai-chi or yoga, or when they do something with their minds totally focused. In your case it is writing when your mind focuses on 'listening'. This is what is important. Many spend long hours praying, repeating memorized prayers over and over again (walking or doing yoga) without ever achieving any spiritual growth, since their minds and their hearts are not focused on listening.

“The only 'deficiency' in your writing is that communication is not direct and it doesn't take place in 'real time'. We place thoughts and ideas in your mind that you interpret and attempt to explain with your words. In mind to mind communication, which happens during meditation, a concept can be better understood without the need of verbal interpretation as a real time conversation is then carried. For this type of conversations meditation is always the better alternative.

“Don't worry too much about the time of your meditation. We recommend the early morning because at that time your mind is more relaxed, not concerned yet about the activities of the new day. At night achieving stillness can be more difficult. The time has nothing to do with the availability of your Teachers or the Midwayers. If any Celestial has an opportunity to talk to you, he or she will. If some are busy during your meditation, others will make themselves available. It is your Thought Adjuster – always available -- and your Seraphim who announce your intent to communicate when you ask. It may take some time for someone to be available but someone will always answer.

“We understand the difficulties that humans face when attempting this kind of communication. Keep practicing so you can feel more confident in this process. Our patience is infinite with those who sincerely try to achieve a fruitful relationship with us and with the levels beyond the material world. Part of our 'job' is to be here for you. Call upon us any time.”
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Re: How to be a receiver of Celestial Messages

Post by Sandy »

Previously posted.

Michigan, US of A, February 7, 2009.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Teachers Await.”

Received by Chris.

Ophelius: “Yes, I am here, the Circle is here, and we are ready to begin. Good morning dear one, it is I, Ophelius, and this morning I would like to speak to those who would later read these messages, and especially to those who receive the prompts. Each and every one of you has the opportunity and the ability to ask for, and receive a Teacher. There are many Teachers available now to the people of Urantia in this Correcting Time, and we are all awaiting our call to duty. You, dear one, are no more special than any of your brothers and sisters, yet you have taken that leap of faith, have asked, and have received. All are capable, to some extent, according to their gifts, to receive our messages, if they would earnestly seek that spiritual connection, and fear not that they would fail. Even your first attempts at receiving were crude and unorganized, but still our signature was there even in its most rudimentary form – yet, you were not discouraged, and you persevered.

“We cannot ‘pull out of you’ more than what you are capable of understanding, and we can only speak at the vocabulary level that you have attained thus far in your short lives. The greater the vocabulary, the more eloquently we may speak. Those that are less educated may feel inadequate or intimidated by the works of others, but this should not discourage them, for even truth in its simplest form is more potent than any Shakespearean monologue.

“It is helpful for those who would receive, that a pattern of time be arranged so that all the needed resources can be consistently made available to you. We suggest early morning before the mind is fully active, or any time when the mind can be stilled where there is no interruption.

“Now, this I will make clear to those who ask for a teacher: That your intention is pure and your motive is clear, that you would receive truth and knowledge for the enlightenment of your soul and for the benefit of your brothers and sisters. Like attracts like, and when you ask for a teacher, a dispatch is sent out, and a suitable match is found. If your motives are only that of curiosity and sensationalism, that request will be denied. There is no shortage of teachers here, I can assure you, dear one, for we delight in being given the opportunity to reach out to you on the earth plane, and lift you up as far as your faith will allow. For we are bound by the law of free will, and can do nothing until it is asked for. Free will trumps all spirit prerogatives dear one, you must ask to receive, you must seek to find, and you must knock and the door will be opened unto you.

“Good day,
“The Circle of Seven.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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