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Question on visitors in my AC who they might be

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:20 pm
by memawlaura
:D Hello all,

I decided to commit myself to daily meditation with the AC and Stillness. Since coming to this site I have been regularly, but not consistently practicing my own stillness meditation. Since, I began meditation without the help of George's AC I had my own way of doing things and trying the AC was like taking steps backwards.

Thanks to Lynn, she knew I was having difficulty she suggested I do my exercises with the AC CD and continue my regime with my stillness meditation. I have a scheduled time I start and between the two I spend about 1 hour in meditation and I feel very balanced, so thanks for the advice Lynn.

I have 3 specific requests that I have been making:

1. Why do I find it hard to commit myself and to be healed of procrastination.

2. for my angels to reveal themselves to me.

3. Why I do not take care of my health.

I have noticed each day I meditate I hear a bird outside squawking, but I do not hear it any other time only at the beginning of my Stillness meditation.

I feel the presence of others in my AC workshop, but I cant see anyone, nor will they answer (or better yet I cant hear) when I request who they may be.

I have visualized two girls on different occassions they are just quick glimpses, one with long curly black hair about 9 yrs old and the other about 5 yrs old with long blonde hair. I'm not asking to do healing I'm requesting knowledge and receiving, so why would I be seeing young girls? I don't believe their angels? So does anyone have any ideas?

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:44 pm
by gypsie
Ok Laura I have just got out of hospital again so I will keep this short, I have been known to have the odd ramble. I am not on pain releif, only panadol and am burning Yalang Yalang in my room, your post caught my eye..

why do i find it hard to commit myself and to be healed of procrastination?

Laura my darling you have so much to deal with in your life, it's difficult to find time (that is being practical) coming from a home where children are forever running up and down the stairs. Procrastination is also one of my greatest challenges. I have to be brought to my knees, like the Doctor saying "if you contimue to smoke you will die" Laura I couldn't breath well for a few years

I don't know if we can be healed of procrastination it's sometimes useful as I don't dive in, if I am procrastinating and aware of it I say "what is it I need to really address before I move in any direction.

Q2 For your Angels to reveal themselves to you

i think this happens in Gods time and not ours, I know God may not always give me what I want but God gives me exactly what I need. Is the feeling of their love for you not enough? Well it wasn't for me and one day I said" I'm sick of hide and seek" BINGO A Angel so beautiful I felt like a spec of sand, this happened after reading 'Cherrie Sutherland's book In the Company of Angels' I'd had dinner in her home and as we were leaving she took me into her office and handed me a copy of her book, when the student is ready :roll: I was so blocked I had no idea for years this woman had published books on Angels :oops:

Q3 Why do I not take care of my health

Humans are strange we are a race of people who seem hell bent on self abuse and abuse of our planet. It's hard Laura to care for our health, to truly believe we are children inside and we can give that child the love she needs today. As you know I gave up smoking this year Laura I have gone totally mad!!!!! I had no idea how powerful the nicotine was and how it was holding all or loads of my baggage together. I cannot believe how angry I am because of giving up smoking. I picked it up early so I've been pushing those emotions down from about 14 years of age, I am now 47, thats alot of stuff to cary around. Self abuse is familur, nurturing myself on a daily basis is important as it is a new way of life. When I let go of some primary addictions 17 years ago I had no idea how powerful the nicotine was. It is the toughest thing I think I've done in m y recovery and spritual journey. I had no idea all this rage was kept down by having another cigerette.

you are such a sweet and caring lady imagine if you held a mirror in front of your face and supported yourself as you do so many here?

I love you Gypsie

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:19 pm
by memawlaura
:D Thank you Gypsie for your great advice. I do forget about me and I know that I'm constantly punishing myself for things I have no longer any control over and things I have absolutely no control over. I'm just finding it hard to handle a personality trait that has been mine for decades.

I believe I'm having visits by celestial friends but I'm just not able to hear them or get what is going on. I know my learning lesson's are patience and self love, so I just continue as though someone is present.

I have seen faces of people, but I'm not sure who or what it all means. The only thing I could gather from the two young girls is that perhaps its ages I need to reflect on and let go. I can't remember anything but perhaps there's a block consiously?

I'm sorry to hear you were back in the hospital, what were you in there this time for? I sure hope things get better and more settled down for you. I will continue to pray that you make this transition spiritually and with your health with as little complications as possible.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 10:36 am
by gypsie
Hi Laura

It's been a couple of months now I was just wondering how are you feeling now about these 3 issues? Sometimes space and time can give clarity, I hope things are better my love.

Love Gypsie

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 7:09 pm
by SheraX
Well I will be parroting Gypsie somewhat.but :)

As soon as I relaxed and put it all in God's hands,I put all my trust in him. When I am ready it will come ,all in steps and it is.

When I first started,I wanted it :oops: Like I lil kid in the candy store,wanting all the goodies.

I am in awe over what I have been experiencing.It is beautiful that we are not alone and there is many loving beings out there for us! I feel so honoured and humbled that they are here and want to talk to me. YAY!

Heather :)

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 7:17 pm
by SheraX
I also used to get fusterated if I didn't have a good meditation,having a hard time being still. I just told myself thats ok,take what you can get.

Sometimes I just sit on my bed and clear my head before I start the cd.For myself...I make sure I don't watch anything neg that will stick in there! heheh


Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 7:45 pm
by memawlaura
:D Hello Gypsie,

You were asking how I've progressed in my 3 areas:

I have 3 specific requests that I have been making:

1. Why do I find it hard to commit myself and to be healed of procrastination.

I have committed myself to meditation and only had a few days that I did not meditate. I specifically used George's guided meditation and now I feel very comfortable and its a pleasurable experience. When I just feel like being a "free bird" I do my stillness but use the AC techniques to reach deep alpha. The procrastination I'm currently addressing and I have acquired some ideas on how to address these acts, so I'm still working in this area.

2. for my angels to reveal themselves to me.

I still can not visualize anything or anyone. I was typing my written journal and I was quite surprised how often I have actually visualized some color, faces and the girls. I don't worry too much about hearing and seeing because I now know that I receive it subliminally to surface when I need it. So much has been revealed to me from my prayers through meditation.

I think visualization will occur when I'm not fearing the unknown and trusting I'm safe and loved. I have not had a lot of that in my life so much to work on in this area. However, this is one of those areas I've been procrastinating in, so you see why I need to rid myself of that bad habit.

3. Why I do not take care of my health.

This is one of the biggest areas and I have not made much progress. I'm currently trying to give up my soda's and cut my smoking down. I have not made a decision on food and exercise. However, I did find an exercising buddy, my sister Dana, but we have not begun anything yet. My daughter had a great Yoga DVD and I asked if she could burn me a copy, if not I will get the title and see if I can find it myself. It was truly for a beginner, but very effective.

Well, thats my progress and I believe I have progressed. I also registered for the webinar with Tolle and Oprah which will only progress my spiritual journey. So, I have grown more patient and accepting that for now I'm moving forward just at a pace our celestial friends feel is best for me.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 7:52 pm
by memawlaura
:D Hello Heather,

I know what you mean about wanting it all and right now. The one thing that I find myself doing is judging my progress with others, so I had to remember this is done on an individual bases and I have many areas that need to be cleaned up to fully accept these magnificent gifts.

When, I began reviewing my journal it truly revealed my progress and I know I'm more positive around family and friends. Whenever, I begin to get unbalanced they normally remark have I meditated or keep practicing what your doing because they noticed I'm more peaceful.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 8:03 pm
by SheraX

I have visualized two girls on different occassions they are just quick glimpses, one with long curly black hair about 9 yrs old and the other about 5 yrs old with long blonde hair. I'm not asking to do healing I'm requesting knowledge and receiving, so why would I be seeing young girls? I don't believe their angels? So does anyone have any ideas?
I don't have the answer for this,but I used to see 2 little girls,one with golden curly and the other with straight hair.They always had big cute smiles,very happy. :)

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 8:52 pm
by memawlaura
:D Well, at least I'm not alone seeing little girls. I have not seen them again, so perhaps I addressed this issue.