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Does anyone get really nervous just as the lift door opens?

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 2:35 pm
by gypsie
I have this little issue at the moment where I'm waiting for the lift to open and George says "you are on your own"

Now i have buzzed around in there but I have 2 left hands, there is always a very tall man with pierding blue eyes sitting in the corner, he also has a hood on his robe.

My confusion is am I not to expect anything? I know God will only give me what I can handle but I don't like the anxiety before the doors open.

Any tips?

Love Gypsie

Re: Does anyone get really nervous just as the lift door ope

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 7:47 pm
by Seamus
Hi Gypsie -

Have you attempted to reach out to the man you've seen? Also, before you start the AC, maybe say a short prayer for your protection and assistance to ease your mind, particularly at the point when the elevator reaches the top.

I don't know if this means anything or not, but George calls it a "3-sided elevator". I envision it without a door, just an opening where the door would be. As the elevator slowly rises, you can begin to see the person/celestial from the top of their head, their eyes, nose, etc. This might be done by design to "ease" you into it.

Hope this helps a little...


Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:41 pm
by blue nova
I don't like the anxiety before the doors open.
My first thought is to work on getting rid of the anxiety before moving on, to me it would seem hinder the progress. I would ask God to help you with the anxieties. I asked Him to help take away any fears that I had, it was an instantaneous response :wink:

Hugs sis,

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 2:17 pm
by George
hi Gypsie,

There are no more nasties around, but even in the 70's I used to get a little troubled if there was NO ONE in the elevator. 8)

Everyone else was welcome. It was in the Akashic Workshop where I first met Machiventa.

George: "What's your name then?" :lol:

MM: "Avatar."


Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:12 pm
by gypsie
Just a quick post as I am still really quite sick :meds:

George it's not nasties I worry about it's my fear of not knowing what to do, like the sick child i really didn't expect a limp child to be carried in.

It's all good I am just going to get well now...
Much love Gypsie :sorry: sorry to not be around for a bit but I must re -energise my body.

See Ya

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:20 pm
by George
Hi Gypsie,
George it's not nasties I worry about it's my fear of not knowing what to do, like the sick child i really didn't expect a limp child to be carried in.
I never knew, it just happens intuitively. One blind students touching her patients all over to find what needed healing -- what felt hot. 8)

Another sighted lass used to unceremoniously trip them all up, and clean them up with her mop and bucket :shock: yet both became really good healers. :thumleft:

Plan nothing, and let it happen. Throw away all pre-concieved ideas, but get better soon. That's an order.


Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:27 pm
by peacockplume
Hey Gypsie,

I'll second that 'order' from George too,,,,pulheeeze, get better, rest, rest, rest....

but on to the subject at hand....

ok, don't laugh too hard everybody, but I can't even get the 'elevator'
it's just a whispy thing, and nothing materializes in it either...

but one time, someone just walked in through the door,,,,and his wife appeard a few moments later.....and at the end they just faded away..

and another time, while I was working on someone on the table, I had the same nervousness,,,,,, what do I do????,,,,

so I just held my hands over the persons body, which was covered with a blanket,,,,and started moving my hands,,,,but there were celestials there, because I knew they were behind me, guiding my hands....

knowing they were there didn't make me nervous, just hoping I was moving my hands properly made me nervous, I could feel them putting my hands in the proper places...

it's kind of like when I do Reiki at home, it's a total intuitive movement,
at least there's a proper progress to follow, from head down to feet, then I get the intuitive pull, to move my hands elsewhere...

so perhaps that's why it's like that in the AC for me...

George said"
Throw away all pre-concieved ideas
which should be sent down the drain with all the limitations and fears (in the shower) before you/I go into the AC.

then by switching on the 'light', you are covering yourself in protection right there and then.....during that time is when I ask my angels and guides to be with me,,,,,so all 'fear' is gone....

after all, it's 'my' AC, and I've just called in the 'big guns' so to speak,

and I shouldn't have any problems, but there it elevator, and nobody in it..... no celestials visible, and and I can't figure out the block...

so I must still have a 'sneaky little fear' that in all my bravado I won't admit.....and it blocks my vision......

Anne/BlueNova, on another thread said, she used to say before a meditation...
"God let me see as I did when I was a child, please help me get back to that child again"...

so when I practise my AC this afternoon.....that's what I'm going to do...
and I'll see if I can imagine dear gypsie in there too

love pp

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 2:06 am
by memawlaura
:( No, because no one has been in my elevator yet :lol: :lol: , but when they come I'll be sure to let you know.

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 2:36 am
by peacockplume
That's ok memaw,,,,

I don't even get the elevator!!!!!

they just appear and disappear.... :roll:

love pp

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 2:45 am
by George

Celestials often note that the DO NOT come from below the ground. Patients are more often in the elevator.

One Midwayer: "A construct? George, do I wear a hard hat in there?"

Hehehe! Yeah, yeah, yeah!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Love you guys...........

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 2:59 am
by peacockplume
Ok George,,,,,

at least if they were wearing hardhats, I'd be able to tell who's who!!

all kidding aside, though,,

I've been aware of them there, but not able to see them....

I've read in several places in your books, how stubborn you had been at times....

Do you think if I just sat there, and said,,,,please show yourself, that I might get to 'see'


Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 3:30 am
by George
It's a progressive thing, PP.

I could always see them well, but I had a devil of a job hearing them properly. It took time to develop that aspect.

In the early days I would see them and only get my info subliminally, and it would surface as and when needed, or I would "do the job of" a medium -- not even knowing what info came from my mouth, my voice, their minds.

Now I don't always see them, I just hear them say about 60% of the time.

Whichever way it goes, not one of us is ignored, ever, and the problem is with folks giving up too quickly or practicing irregularly.

There's more to it. I (1) threw out all religion as human dogma at an early age, and was left with a supposedly more open mind, (2) I did a lot of art as a youngster and in my business, developing the creative side of the gray matter, and (3) they knew that if they did not make the effort to show up, I would ignore the lot of them.

As it was, I at first told them I wasn't at all interested in ghosts. :lol:

I felt different when one showed me how he could reach into our dimensions and shoot out a traffic light. :shock:


Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:04 am
by peacockplume
hi george,
I felt different when one showed me how he could reach into our dimensions and shoot out a traffic light.
now that's a scary thought.....
and the problem is with folks giving up too quickly or practicing irregularly.
ok, well, the irregularity is probably more my I'll just have to keep working on that,,,set a time and establish a pattern..
not even knowing what info came from my mouth, my voice, their minds.
hmmm I've wondered about this,,,,although before I even knew about Midwayers,,,,,when I'd do readings,,,,alot of times after being deep in conversation, I'd say, don't ask me to repeat what I just said, because I haven't a clue....

about the only other similarity is doing alot of art in youth and teens...

maybe if I start using my easel,,,,it might loosen up the grey matter...

thanks for the help...


Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:58 am
by memawlaura
:D Lynn,
You make contact but you just dont know exactly whats going on. The example is when I told you I had a visit with Christ Michael, Chief Bzutu and my mom. Truly the only one I felt I saw was my mom. It was like I know I saw them but I did not. I know I did not understand much but that what I'm wanting to do with my future they were in agreement on and liked my progress.

I often used to ask long before I found the 11:11 er's for whomever it was trying to contact me are you there and I'd ask for the streetlight to go on or off and it would almost on command. But now that does not happen anymore becasue I now know who it is. Now I just need to practice, practice and do more practice.

The only thing I dont understand is why they dont they and fix the gray matter on my right side, so I can see. Apparently, it would be major surgery at this point :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:28 am
by George
PP writes:
hmmm I've wondered about this,,,,although before I even knew about Midwayers,,,,,when I'd do readings,,,,alot of times after being deep in conversation, I'd say, don't ask me to repeat what I just said, because I haven't a clue....
Precisely. That's it! You're channeling. Often when someone has a block in channeling I tell them to start talking, and mostly it suddenly happens -- contact -- but more often in the Akashic Construct it is wise to ask questions, aqnd listen to what comes to the inner mind.

MeMawLaura writes:
I often used to ask long before I found the 11:11 er's for whomever it was trying to contact me are you there and I'd ask for the streetlight to go on or off and it would almost on command. But now that does not happen anymore becasue I now know who it is. Now I just need to practice, practice and do more practice.
Yes, you've moved on from the initial "hello" and now just let it happen, don't make it happen. It WILL come about. Meanwhile, you are already being instructed. No one is ignored. Not on this earth, not anymore.


Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:01 am
by peacockplume
Thanks George, and Memawlaura

:idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:

That makes me feel like I just took a step forward...

love and light to you
