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11:11 meditating in the Akashic Construct

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 9:35 pm
by tomix
Last night at 11:00pm (11/11/07) I slipped into my bed, and began diving deep within to prepare for the rare window that might open when the clock tick 11:11.

Following the routine of going to the construct I turned into a white feather drifting through the colors, landing in my place of nature- this time I had more animal interactions than normal (chimpmonks were letting me hold them, birds were lifting me up), after setting intentions and relaxing farther I started my journey toward the construct.

Once there (after taking a good long shower), I stepped into the AC. For the first time, the replaced the bright white light with dimmer colorful lights (the 7 lights of the rainbow), and decided that before my guests arrive, I shall meditate in a newly created meditation corner I manifested into the space.

While meditating my spirit traveled into space and across many many stars and to my surprise it arrived back at the construct and into my meditating body, but the body was different! It was still me, but a different version of me, one that seemed more evolved or something... I liked the new version of myself and conceived the experience as an AWAKENING.

Getting up from the meditation, I sat by my table and for the first time I prepared myself a quality drink from green tea, cacao beans, and some sort of Japanese health mushroom. Only a few concentrated drops were required from the strong elxicer to revive and energized me.

At this point I already knew that a friend will be arriving to receive healing, but before I invited her, I welcomed any celestial who wished to join.

For the second time I am honored with a visit from Bzutu, or at least that is the name that keep appearing when I ask for one. I get him in detail as a tall person with long black hair and a beard that doesn't have the human features but a more evolved being with a visible third eye and some other details.

Well we did some work on me using a device that balanced my energy fields and that was pretty powerful if I recall.

Then I invited the friend who received a powerful healing from Bzutu using some sort of a device that scanned the body and eliminate some blockage.

At this time my physical body was signaling me that I shall end the session soon, so I greeted my visitors good bye, had another sipped of my tea, took a shower on the way out, relaxed a few moments in the place of nature to go over these amazing experiences, and woke myself up by counting to 3 like George instructs in the cd... phew what an amazing 11:11 meditation that was, im surely glad that I was reminded of my intention to do it when I saw 22:22 on the digital clock of my TV clock...

Hope you enjoy my sharing of this experience and that it fires up your imagination.


Tom :wink:

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 9:03 pm
Dear Tomix,

What a Great And Amazing experience.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Thank You For Sharing,
Please Post More Of Your Happenings If And When Possible.

Thank You For The Good Read,

;+) +Greg+ (+;